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Theseday , thrills of modern technology can’t be interfered in the time of smart

appliances boom . It is true that advances in technology have led scientists to
suggest that it won’t be long before computers will take the place of educator
in schooling. Many people react to this problem by thinking that replacement
might be a breakthrough. I tend to disagree with this opinion and in this essay I
ll support my view with examples
Firstly , robots can make a positive contribution to education of young people
but will never fully replace teachers. It s obvious that machines are able to do
many things better than humans can, especially in areas that require high levels
of accuracy or calculations using large amounts of data. However, teachers
understand how to develop sociability and empathy in young children not only
helping them learn to read and develop number sense. As a result, teachers
provide the emotional support and boundaries that will help children becoming
flourishing adults in a future world, something that robots couldn’t be
Secondly, the replacement by robot may somehow have a negative impact on
society. That is to say it is likely that we will see a rise in unemployment rate of
teachers. Those who try to convey knowledge ,however, have to discontinue
being a inspiration. Therefore, educated people end up doing jobs that are not
their specialized field
All in all , many people hold the view that the replacement of advanced
machines will be an innovative step forward, I am still in favor of the opinion
that teachers is actual inspiration and motivation of children

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