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Joint Venture- Part of Strategic Alliance Increase Mutual Benefit of Company-
A Study Perspective of Bangladesh

Submitted To:-
Ms. Popy Podder
Lecturer of International Management
Management Department, BBA
Premier University

Submitted By:-
1.Altar Dias
2. Nakib Uddin Ahmed
3. Binoy Chowdhury
4.Robiul Hasan
5. Shakil Hossain Mazumder
6.MD Jabed Hossain
7. Arif Ali

Submitting Date: - 14 -06-2016

Table of Contents



Executive Summary 3
Introduction 3
Objective of the Report 3
Methodology 3
Limitations 3


Lecture Review 4
Joint Venture & Strategic Alliance 4
Joint Venture Climate In Bangladesh 4


Findings & Analysis 5

GrameenPhone 5
Unilever & PepsiCo 11
JMI 16


Conclusion 19

Bibliography 19

Chapter -1
Executive Summary

A joint venture involves two or more businesses pooling their resources and expertise to achieve a
particular goal. The risks and rewards of the enterprise are also shared. The reasons behind forming
a joint venture include business expansion, development of new products or moving into new
markets, particularly overseas.
The business may have strong potential for growth and you may have innovative ideas and products.
However, a joint venture has many facilities such as: more resources, greater capacity, increased
technical expertise, access to established markets and distribution channels.
This assignment provides information about some successful joint venture business organization in
Bangladesh .

Objectives Of The Report

The study has been undertaken with the following objectives:
1. To understand the meaning and nature joint venture.
2. To identify the success as a joint venture.

The study was mainly done through considering secondary sources. Secondary data were collected
for the study. The data were gathered from journals, annual reports, websites and etc.

There are some limitations of the study which are given below:
 All the data were collected from the secondary sources. If a field work was made for this
assignment it would have been much better.
 Lake of previous knowledge on joint ventures.

Lecture Review

Joint Venture: - A joint venture is a contractual business undertaking between two or more parties.
It is similar to a business partnership, with one key difference: a partnership generally involves an
ongoing, long-term business relationship, whereas a joint venture is based on a single business
transaction. Individuals or companies choose to enter joint ventures in order to share strengths,
minimize risks, and increase competitive advantages in the marketplace. Joint ventures can be
distinct business units (a new business entity may be created for the joint venture) or collaborations
between businesses.
Strategic Alliance:- A strategic alliance is an arrangement between two companies that have
decided to share resources to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project. A strategic alliance is
less involved and less permanent than a joint venture, in which two companies typically pool
resources to create a separate business entity.

Investment Climate for Joint Venture Business in Bangladesh

Bangladesh as a market is attractive to the firm interested in joint venture for the following reasons:
 Bangladesh has homogeneous society.
 Bangladesh has stable economic and political order.
 Government policies on foreign investment are liberal, supportive and focused.
 Cost of doing business in Bangladesh is competitive.
 Investment is protected by law.
 Bilateral agreements with several countries for avoidance of double taxation.
 Duty free import of capital machinery for export oriented industry
 Incentive package for the foreign investors is lucrative and transparent.
 There is easily trainable, enthusiastic, hardworking, disciplined, and highly motivated, low-cost
 There exists a global market access for both primary and manufactured products originated
from Bangladesh.
 Entry and Exit policies for foreign investors are simple, transparent and liberal.
 Bangladesh has significant market, especially with potential access to South Asia

Findings & Analysis

An Overview on the GrameenPhone in Bangladesh

GrameenPhone is the market leader of this industry. The major competitors of GP are Banglalink,
Robi, CityCell, Airtel and Teletalk. However, it is important to know about the telecom industry of
Bangladesh for knowing better about the GP, a successful joint venture in this industry.
Let’s take a snapshot on the telecom industry of Bangladesh from its birth till now. Bangladesh’s
gross domestic product (GDP) contributed almost $650 million by the cell phone industries and
created nearly 250,000 jobs in the country. A recent study by the international firm Ovum showed that
most of the jobs in telecom industries paid significantly higher than that of average job in the country.

History of Establishment

GrameenPhone Ltd., the largest telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh, received its
operating license in November 1996 and started its service from March 26, 1997. Now, after 19 years
of successful operations, GrameenPhone is the largest mobile phone service provider in Bangladesh,
with more than 35 million subscribers as of November 2015.
The idea of providing mobile phone facility to rural areas in Bangladesh was originally conceived by
Iqbal Quadir, who is currently the founder and director of the Legatum Center for Development and
Entrepreneurship at MIT . He was inspired by the Grameen Bank micro credit model and envisioned
a business model where a cell phone can serve as a source of income. After leaving his job as an
investment banker in the United States, Quadir traveled back to Bangladesh, after meeting and
successfully raising money from a New York based investor and philanthropist Joshua Mailman, and
worked for three years gaining support from various organizations including Nobel Peace Prize
laureate Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank and the Norwegian telephone company, Telenor. He
was finally successful in forming a consortium with Telenor and Grameen Bank to establish
GrameenPhone. Quadir remained a shareholder of GrameenPhone until 2004.
Basically GrameenPhone is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (62%), the largest
telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries,
and Grameen Telecom Corporation (38%), a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed

micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. Over the years, GrameenPhone has always been a pioneer in
introducing new products and services in the local market. GP was the first company to introduce
GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997.

Internal Situation:-
1. Firms products and services
GrameenPhone claims itself pioneer in providing world class telecommunication service in
Bangladesh with innovative product and services while providing superior customer experience.
GrameenPhone serves different types of products and services depending on the categorization of its
customer. There are special packages for B2C and B2B customer separately. For B2C customers its
services can be categorized into two type of subscription. Those are pre-paid subscription and
postpaid subscription. Again prepaid subscription can be subdivided into three plans.
Smile (mobile to mobile connectivity within Bangladesh): This is the primary package of
GrameenPhone targeting the economy class segment of the market. The package was designed to
suit middle and low income consumer in the market. For instance: Farmer, student, housewives etc.
This package features great start up offer to a new subscriber, low call rates, special discount offer
entitled as Thank you bonus, special call rate for three friend & family numbers and other facilities.
This is very easy to use by the lower education level customers because it has an easy recharge and
balance transfer quality.
Smile (nationwide and international mobile and land line connectivity): This package also
contains the same attributes of Smile but it also has some elaborated leverage of international calls
and land line connectivity.
Djuice (a youth based mobile to mobile connectivity within Bangladesh): GrameenPhone
launched the brand Djuice in 2005; first ever “Youth” brand in Bangladesh. The main objective of this
brand is to serve the youth segment of the market. The product has been specially designed to cater
the needs of youths of Bangladesh, both urban and rural. Djuice has various features designed for
youths, namely; special rate for Djuice community, Xtra Khatir, (discounts at different outlets).Djuice
also arranges different special programs for youth, like, Drockstar (music competition), Know
Bangladesh (awareness program).The djuice brand is positioned as the “Youth Brand”. The 3 main
features of this brand is Music, Messaging and friends. Recently the brand was refreshed with a new
brand message “Break Free”.
And there is only one package under postpaid plan.

Xplore (nationwide and international mobile and landline connectivity): Xplore is the only
postpaid package in the Grameenphone’s product line. It is generally designed to satisfy the needs of
a busy person’s life. The person can be an executive, a doctor or in any profession. The message of
the package is by gaining the access of unlimited information and entertainment. It sets a person free
from his/her busy life. The features of the package are attractive startup offer, low flat tariff, flexible
credit policy, thank you bonus, and other value added services.
Grameenphone Business Solution: This is a GP service directed to B2B customers of the
Grameenphone. Business Solutions is a complete, quality business communications service from
Grameenphone – designed especially for the business community in Bangladesh. Grameenphone
Business Solutions team is dedicated to provide help B2B customers with customized
telecommunications solutions through consultation with them.
Value added services: Grameenphone also offers different value-added services
including SMS, MMS, Welcome Tunes (Ring back Tones), Voice SMS, SMS Push-Pull Service, Voice
Mail Service (VMS), and Fax and Data among others. Grameenphone was the first mobile operator in
Bangladesh to offer EDGE services to its subscribers.

2. Capabilities of the firm

Financial: GrameenPhone celebrated the year 2007 as year of consolidation and growth and
reinforcing its position as a market leader. It gained robust revenue with a growth of 18.6 percent with
a staggering amount of BDT54.3 billion at the end of the year. In that year GrameenPhone made
BDT35.8 billion fresh investment in further increasing its network coverage capacity. The cumulative
investment reached BTD111.5 billion at the end of the year. GrameenPhone has been the largest
corporate tax payer of the country for three consecutive years. All this information proves that
GrameenPhone is a self-sufficient, financially strong corporation that is successfully running all its
businesses and generating fuel for further expansion.
Human Resource: GrameenPhone attributes its continuous success over past years largely on its
dedicated, professionally competent team people working for the company. GrameenPhone’s
philosophy is investing in human capital and empowerment in order to obtain greater productivity.
That is why it has always paid attention on continuous training and developing its employees’
competence and leadership quality. A performance driven corporate culture along with ample
opportunity for career growth has made GrameenPhone a popular employer in Bangladeshi job

Technological ability: GrameenPhone has the largest network with the widest coverage in the
country. The GP network now covers over 98 percent of the population and over 87 percent of the
land area with the remaining areas mostly falling under the Sundarbans and the Chittagong Hill Tract
areas where mobile phone coverage is not allowed. The company invested more than BDT 35.8
billion in 2007 primarily to further expand the coverage and increase the capacity of its network. A
record 4181 new base stations were put into operation around the country during the year, crossing
the 10,000 base station milestone in the process. In addition, the entire Grameenphone network is
EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing its customers to access high-speed Internet from anywhere within the
coverage area.

External Situation

External Situation of a firm relates to external factors like government, culture, demography, present
administration of the firm, customers, market segmentation, positioning strategies, competitor’s
information etc.
Government: Government plays a significant role in the telecommunication industry by putting
restriction on the network system the companies should use. In addition, every offer a company
makes to its customers is watched by the government. Previously government has banned the
companies from offering free calls especially after midnight. These facts play important role in
Djuice’s operation as well.
Culture: Recently, due to globalization and influence of western culture, our young generation is
becoming more funky and westernized in every aspect of their behavior. That’s why they are using
mobile phones more and more. They prefer products that resemble uniqueness, so they are getting
interested about SIM card services that are fully designed and created according to their need. Not
only the youth but other age people are also getting used to mobile phones. This cultural change is
playing a significant role in telecommunication business.
Demography: Demographic factors like age, sex, income etc. are very key issues in influencing
consumer behavior regarding mobile phone service. Usually, the younger generation people are more
prompt in using mobile phones than the elders, whereas male are more prone to have mobile phones
than females. In addition, Income has a big impact on mobile phone use as people with higher
income are more inclined to use phones rather than the lower income people.

Study of the GP’s past success and failure

The Village Phone initiative was given the "GSM in the Community" award at the global GSM
Congress held in Cannes, France in February 2000. GrameenPhone was also adjudged the Best
Joint Venture Enterprise of the Year at the Bangladesh Business Awards in 2002. GrameenPhone
was presented with the GSM Association's Global Mobile Award for ‘Best use of Mobile for Social and
Economic Development' at the 3GSM World Congress held in Singapore, in October 2006, for its
Community Information Center (CIC) project and for its Health Line Service project at the 3GSM
World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, in February 2007.

GrameenPhone didn’t face any substantial failure in Bangladesh. But to some extend it has
hampered its goodwill by involving itself in illegal VOIP operations.

Reason behind the Success

In our study we observe that the widespread perception that it is not economical to serve “marginal
customers” - the poor, is a myth. We found that a huge amount of the revenues of Bangladesh’s
Grameen Phone come from a group who are not the most affluent; they are village phone ladies. 

Some of the key factors behind the success of Grameen included:

 Access to nation-wide backbone infrastructure with the acquisition of a 1800 km long fiber
optic network from Bangladesh Railway;
 Seeing marginal customers as a source of profit, based on Grameen Bank’s years of
experience with microfinance;
 A business model that piggy-backed on Grameen Bank’s established
microfinance infrastructure and brand image, and was carefully structured to overcome
problems of creditworthiness and repayment and thereby ensure sustainability; and,

 The unconventional approach to microfinance adopted by Grameen – analogous to the ancient
Chinese proverb of giving a poor man a fishing rod instead of a fish – in this case, providing
entrepreneurial women with a means of generating a steady income by reselling telecom

Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, has said: “The quickest way to get out of poverty
right now is to have one mobile phone, and you will see how quickly she is changing her life. Come
back in two years and you will not recognize what she was before”.

The Village Phone program covers 45 per cent of the country’s population in around 50 per cent of
the villages in Bangladesh, as at June 2005. The advantage of this approach moreover, is that one
phone provides access to multiple users; Grameen Phone earns 16 per cent of its revenue from
these Village Phones, which make up only 4 per cent of the total connections.

Government Benefits from GrameenPhone

GrameenPhone’s services help everyone win. Businesses, government bodies and individuals are
better connected and consequently can do their jobs better. The national treasury’s gain is many
times more than the returns to the shareholders of the company. How does a private company enrich
the treasury so much? The answer lies in the nature of the telecommunication business and its
associated fees and taxes. During the first year and a half, when GrameenPhone lost a billion takas,
the Government received Taka 1.09 billion from various sources related to GrameenPhone’s
operation. This does not include the economic growth due to additional phones, whose impact on the
nation’s treasury could be even larger. The table illustrates how the national treasury is augmented.
This rich set of revenue streams for the Government from a private telephone company also means
that the Government can be deprived from even more potential revenues. The Government’s total
intake is, in the end, many times larger than that of the shareholders.
An increased number of phones speed up economic growth in general. In due course, quality
telecommunications facilities will serve as a direct invitation for increased international investments
help build the country’s export base, increase the GNP, and enable Bangladesh to compete in the
global marketplace. The nation’s treasury grows richer as the nation grows richer.


Unilever – Overview

 Multinational Consumer Goods Company started in year 1929 by

Antonius Johannes Jurgens,William Lever, 1st Viscount Lever Hulme, James Darcy Lever,
Samuel van den Bergh, Georg Schicht
 Its products include food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products.
 World’s third largest Consumer goods measured by 2012 revenue
 30+ percent global market share
 Products sold in more than 190 countries
 More than 400 brands which includes 14 brands sales over one billion euros.
 Axe/Lynx, Dove, Omo, Becel/Flora, Heartbrandicecreams, Hellmann's, Knorr, Lipton,
Lux, Magnum, Rama, Rexona, Sunsilk and Surf.
 Unilever is organised into four main divisions - Foods, Refreshment (beverages and ice
cream), Home Care, and Personal Care.


 PepsiCo was formed in 1965 with the merger of the Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito-Lay

 PepsiCo is an American multinational food and beverage corporation headquartered
in Purchase, New York, United States.
 acquisition of Tropicana in 1998 and a merger with Quaker Oats in 2001
 As of January 26, 2012, 22 of PepsiCo's brands generated retail sales of more than $1 billion
apiece, and the company's products were distributed across more than 200 countries, resulting
in annual net revenues of $43.3 billion.

  PepsiCo is the second largest food and beverage business in the world.
 Brands formerly owned by PepsiCo include: Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, Hot 'n Now, East Side
Mario's, D'Angelo Sandwich Shops, Chevys Fresh Mex, California Pizza
Kitchen, Stolichnaya (via licensed agreement)


 Established in 1893 as Thomas J Lipton Co

 The Lipton tea business was acquired by consumer goods
company Unilever in a number of separate transactions, starting with the purchase of the
United States and Canadian Lipton business in 1938 and completed in 1972
 In 1991, Unilever created a first joint venture with PepsiCo, the Pepsi Lipton Partnership, for
the marketing of ready to drink (bottled and canned) teas in North America.
 This was followed in 2003 by a second joint venture, Pepsi-Lipton International (PLI), covering
many non-United States markets.
 PLI was expanded in September 2007 to include a number of large European markets.
 In 2007 Unilever Renew agreement to add 11 new countries
 8 in Europe
 Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium , Portugal
 Korea, Taiwan, South Africa
 PepsiCo and Unilever each control 50% of the shares of these joint ventures
 Lipton is now the leading tea brand in the world


 Leverages complementary strengths of Unilever's Lipton brand and tea know-how with Pepsi
bottling and distribution network
 This new alliance will enable Lipton to strengthen its global position.
- Said by Peter Thompson, president and CEO of PepsiCo Beverages International
 The new JV will target "white space" markets where Lipton currently is unavailable yet
PepsiCo has a solid presence

Benefits by JV

 Unilever
 PepsiCo distributes and markets Lipton Ice Tea in more than 60 countries where
PepsiCo has established its corporate presence
 Pepsi Co will move Lipton brand into new markets and new distribution channels
 Pepsi has a strong Customer Relations network

 Pepsi Co.
 Half share of profits to Pepsi Co in selling an established brand
 Bottling of Iced Tea is done in Franchise bottling plants
 Unilever will bring the brand, knowledge of the tea industry and a substantial research
and development capability to the JV


 Market Leader: Lipton well established brand name – Claimed as 3 rd largest brand
 Strong Financial Backup from Both companies
 Unilever has a strong R&D department with extreme know-how of tea
 Pepsi’s Strong customer relations, large network and distribution channel
 PepsiCo is a major distributor in the United States and Canada
 Strong brand image and brand awareness.

 Products’ high pricing - Between US$0.99 and $1.59 per 20oz bottle
 Lesser focus on product orientation

 Further White-space markets
 Tea industry growing globally
› Asia Pacific region forecasted to grow at 3.6% through 2015 (
› India Consumption to $7.2bn 2016 (
 Pepsi/Lipton JV to other beverage markets
 Other beverages – Health issues
 Rising rate in Literacy
 Baby Boomers in Asian Markets
 More creative RTD Iced Teas in existing markets

 Consumers’ preference to RTD convenience

 Competition with Coca cola/Nestle
 Economic downturns in venturing new markets
 Health concerns with new research data on tea and coffee
 Fresh Fruit juices being substituted for Iced teas
 Currency fluctuations during Translations
 Inflation in different countries
 Political unrests and war situations in White Space markets

Lipton PEST Analysis


 Product
Lipton Sparkling green tea, a ready to drink blend of green tea with sparkling water and fruit
flavors. There are 12 flavors are available right now.
 Price

Lipton-Between US$0.99 and $1.59 per 20ounce bottle
Arizona-$ 2.00 range per 20 ounce
 Place
Through the joint venture agreement, PepsiCo would distribute Lipton
tea products in more than 60 countries.

 Promotion
Lipton tea and bike town promotion in 2006
Win a smart car promotion in 2009


Overview of JMI

JMI Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. is a public limited company established in April 1999 in
Bangladesh with joint collaboration of Republic of Korea. It is registered with Chittagong Stock

JMI strictly adheres to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). „JMI quality policy‟ complies better
health care assurance. JMI provides international standard products to ensure global acceptance.
JMI is the pioneer manufacturer of Auto Disable (AD) syringe in Bangladesh. The company is the first
time manufacturer of versatile forms of medical devices, i.e.:

IV cannula

Blood Transfusion set

Intra Uterine Device

The company has high degree of needle sharpness ensures patient compliance. JMI is the provider
of Auto Disable (AD) syringe for expanded program on Immunization (EPI) and in family planning of
Bangladesh for administrating injectable contraceptives. JMI is the major provider of medical/surgical
devices in leading diagnostic centers, clinics, reputed hospitals, govt./ non-govt. institutions and
pharmaceutical industries. JMI is the inducer of ribbon pack presentation in Bangladesh. Patient-
safety and user-satisfaction from quality perspective are the topmost priorities of JMI. In conformity
with recommendations of global health authorities, JMI initiated “Awareness Campaign” regarding
“importance of injection safety” since 2005 in relevant forums. JMI has the diversified technical
collaboration with Korea, England and Japan to ensure optimum level of quality standard for national
and global marketing

Objectives Of Joint Venture.
The objective of the venture was to manufacture and market versatile forms of medical devices &
syringes that conform to the highest level of safety and International quality standards in order to
serve mankind in the preventive & curative health care field. JMI was converted into a Public Limited
Company in the year 2002. Mr. Md. Abdur Razzaq is the founder and Managing Director of the
company who accomplished his Masters in Economics from Chittagong University, Bangladesh. He
acquired long seven years work experience, knowledge and expertise in the field of manufacturing
sterile medical devices during his time in Japan.

Mission and Vision of JMI:


Manufacture and supply of quality medical & surgical appliances promoting self-health
care & subsequently establishing family welfare among the people thought innovative


To be the leader of Medical & surgical appliance of

Health and family welfare sector

Core customer values:

Our shareholders: By ensuring fair return on their investment

thought generating stable profit.

Quality Policy

To keep abreast with new technological developments in order to ensure an updated quality standard
in the manufacturing health care sector. JMI Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. strictly adheres to Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and other internationally recognized quality standards such as ISO,
CE- marking, etc. JMI is committed to innovation and new ways to develop quality products that are
safe and competitive. We deliver on our promise in our quest for quality.

Financial situation of JMI Syringe & Medical Device:

The operational highlights for JMI are given below:

Operational and Financial Highlights

Income Statement – 2011 at a glance



Problems of Joint Venture in Bangladesh

 Bangladesh is currently confronted with an energy crisis, especially due to a shortage of gas
for electricity generation.
 The transport infrastructure of the country requires improvements in different areas.
 Corruption can sometimes be a barrier for doing business in Bangladesh





 Kotler, Armstrong. Principles of Marketing Pearson education, 2011.

 Malhotra, Dash. Marketing Research, Prentice Hall 2010.

 JMI Group Limited. 12 March, 2012. JMI Group Limited. 10 March. 2012 http://www.jmigroup-

 Opso saline Limited 12 March, 2012. Opso Saline Limited. 10 March. 2012
 .

 Directorate General of family Planning (Ministry of Health & Family Planning)

 JMI Annual Report-2011, 2010 & 2009



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