CARINO, GILLE ANNE MAE P. (NSTP 102 - Preliminary Period - Narrative Report #3)

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Name: Gille Anne Mae P.

Course & Year: BSA 1
Subject: 15792 NSTP 102 (S & Su – 10:30 AM-12:00 PM)

Preliminary Period
Narrative Report #3

It was the third week since we started our face-to-face NSTP class. I came earlier
than usual since I am afraid that my consecutive late and excused attendance might affect
my performance unknowingly. When we finally entered our room, I just chose a random
seat when one of my subgroup groupmate told me that they already have a designated
seat plan. I immediately got seated on the vacant seat before the class formally started.
The Maka-Diyos group was the one assigned for the opening remarks. They led the
prayer, singing of the National Anthem, Panata sa Watawat ng Pilipinas, and the singing
of the UC Hymn. After the opening remarks, Mr. Ibis went on with the usual attendance
checking. It was my first time being present for that and I noticed that unlike the usual act
of saying “present”, he wanted us to stand up.

Mr. Ibis then started the discussion. He discussed the UC-Main NSTP Framework
and incorporated “The Art of Loving” by Chiara Lubich. Since we don’t have any idea
about that, he sent us a picture in our group chat and told us to immerse and familiarize
those. Afterwards, he asked us to share our experience or even mere realizations about
one of those six art of loving concepts. There were three volunteers and it was such a
lovely moment to be hearing different sides of love from people other than myself. We
didn’t linger much on that topic though since we still had a lot to cover. The next topic was
about Community. We had an interactive discussion regarding that topic. Mr. Ibis infused
his insights and at the same time he keep on asking about our insights too. The next topic
right after that was about Community Immersion. Aside from discussing that specific topic,
he told us a lot of things that we must remember about community immersion for NSTP
102’s main concentration is about that. As he was explaining some important matters, the
attendance sheet is being passed down for us to be able to affix our signatures.

Before our class finally ended, Mr. Ibis introduced the activities and/or reports that
we will be doing. We won’t be meeting for next week since it’s a holiday so we had a lot
of time to make those activities and/or reports. Of course, we had to submit our weekly
Narrative Report. Aside from that, we were given three other activities namely: (1) Art of
Loving Essay, (2) Common-Unity Infographics, and (3) NSTP 102 Book Activity. For the
Art of Loving Essay, we will be choosing one out of the six concepts and write an essay
regarding our experience and realizations about our chosen concept. The infographics
should be based on a community we have chosen. We were given the freedom to put
whatever necessary information we can for that specific area of concentration. As for the
group book activity, we were given the pages of the activities we must answer. We haven’t
purchased the book yet so we must discuss within our subgroups regarding that matter.
Mr. Ibis also reminded us that the next group who will be assigned for the opening remarks
is the Makatao group (the group where I am a member of) before finally ending the class.

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