Lesson 3.

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a. What is the movie all about? (In three sentences, give your own description of
the movie)
- The movie "John Q" is about a desperate father named John Quincy
Archibald, whose little son named Mike Archibald is in urgent need of a
heart transplant. John takes things into his own hands and holds the
hospital's emergency room hostage, demanding that his kid be placed
on the transplant list because he cannot afford the heart transplant
price. The movie shows ethical dilemmas, societal problems, and the
extent to which a parent would go to save their child.

b. Who is the main character in the movie and how would you describe him as a
person? as a father?
- The main character in the movie is John Quincy Archibald. He is shown
as a passionate, dedicated, and loving father who will do anything to
ensure his son receives the necessary medical care he needs.

c. What becomes the dilemma of the main character in the movie? Explain in
details. What seems to be the options that has been made by the main
character to address the dilemma he is facing?
- The main dilemma faced by John is his inability to afford the heart
transplant that his son needs in order to survive. The hospital refuses
the surgery due to his lack of money and health insurance.

John initially seeks his insurance company's help, but they turn him
down. He also tries to obtain a loan but fails due to his financial
situation. He also attempts to solicit donations from the local
community but falls short of the required amount. As a last resort, John
takes extreme measures by holding the emergency room hostages to
get his son on the transplant list.

d. Based on the actions made by the main character in the movie, how do you
think that his emotion/feeling affects his decision?
- His intense emotions greatly influence his decisions, especially his love
for his son and the need to save him. This emotion drives him to take
extreme measures like holding the emergency room hostage. His
intense concern for his son's health overrides his rational thinking, and
his actions are driven by fear, helplessness, and irritation due to his
financial problem.

e. Is his action morally upright or immoral in your perspective? Why? What are
your considerations?
- John's love for his son and his determination to do anything to keep
him alive influence his behavior. He makes sure his son gets the proper
medical attention. And based on this, I can say that his actions are
morally upright, considering the circumstances involved.

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