Worksheet 7 52423

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Worksheet 7 in Mathematics: Probability of Simple and

Compound Events

Name:_______________________ Score: ______________

Grade & Section: ______________ Date:_______________

Answer what is asked.

1. Name the elements of the following sets:

a. A is the set of Southeast Asia nations.
b. B is the set of months of the year with exactly 30 days.
c. C is the set of positive odd integers less than 10.

2. Find the cardinality of the following sets:

a. D = {positive mulitiples of 3 less than 30}
b. E = {positive event prime number}
c. F = {distinct letters in the word PHILIPPINES}

3. If G = {x/x is a multiple of 3 between 10 and 28} and

H = {y/y is a multiple od 6 between 5 and 40}
a. G ∪ H
b. G ∩ H

4. Linda has 6 roses, 5 anthuriums, 9 daisies, and 10 dahlias in her flower vase.
If she picks one flower at random, what is the probability that she will pick a
a. rose? ____________________________________
b. daisy? ___________________________________

5. Grade 10- Prestige has 18 male and 24 female students. Suppose that the
officers are chosen at random, what is the probability of choosing a
a. female as the president of this class?
b. male as the vice-president of this class?

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