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SOCIETY Society is a system of authority and mutual aid, groupings and divisions, similarities and differences. The elements of society are bound by varied roles, interdependence and mutual awareness. IRMA AS A SOCIETY Social relationships exist among different functional units which are dependent on each other in IRMA. Different social groups exists in IRMA, such as students community, faculty community, R&D community, administrative staff community, Non Teaching nonadministrative staff community, mess workers community, gardeners community and the security community. Social relationships exist among them, such as-the relations of students to faculties, faculties to R&D staff, administrative staff to no-administrative staff, students to mess workers community, etc. Also there are a lot of interdependencies in different functional units inside IRMA which are as follows: The monetary aids received from external sources plays a vital role in upkeep and improvement of the IRMA as whole. A recent example is of the Canadian grant. IRMA as a society hires visiting faculty IRMA alumni plays a pivotal role for placing the students The Administrative system in order to ensure the smooth running of the institution through proper coordination among the different functional units. The faculty community, students community and rest other communities depend on the Accounts section especially for their salaries and other accounts related matters like payment of Income tax, Income Tax returns etc The teaching staff render their best services to ensure the best performance of students, the students depend on the teachers to get their doubts clarified, getting suggestions and guidance regarding projects, assignments, etc. The Academic section takes care of the students assessment, performance and the results. Students depend on the Mess for their food requirements & accordingly pay their mess bills. The clean and green environment of the campus has been the result of the consistent efforts of the gardeners. For health related matters Dispensary serves the purpose. The cooperative store in the campus caters to the daily requirements of the residents & students. IRMA society depends on the external resources like banks, markets, religious places, hospitals, schools etc, to get its interests served. For example the students who need financial assistance or loans apply in SBI, Anand. Also SBI Anand is keenly interested to absorb the students community to expand its customer base. The children of staffs of IRMA go to schools and colleges outside the campus.

Social Network Analysis of Interdependencies: Security


Administration Staff


Board Of Governers, Director, Faculties

GESS Research Associates


There also exists a lot of likeness and differences in the campus. One will definitely find a group of like minded people having their interests, attitudes, behaviours and the way of living common but there are people who are different in these aspects. Consider a group of students which is committed to take up jobs in the grass root level as they want to work in cooperatives and NGOs. The reason being the resemblance in the thoughts and interests of these students. There is also another group which wants to work in corporate sector as they want to get highly

paid jobs and their likeness towards corporate culture. So this depicts the likeness inside the group and differences in between different groups. If people are exactly alike, merely alike with no differences then their social relationships get limited and there will be no interdependencies at all. So the contrary of differences to the likeness always maintain the balance in a society that can be realized in the above example about the two group of students who want to work in different sectors. IRMA as a society has different divisions of labor. The entire system is decentralized into various units to get the work done properly with a synchronization which makes all functional units interdependent. Cultural aspects:People in IRMA belong to different state domiciles across the length and breadth of the country. They have different cultural backgrounds, linguistic features, the way of life, the clothing habits, religious practices, different food habits. At the end IRMA always serve the common interests to realize the vision of IRMA. The diversity of interests of different social groups of IRMA finally integrates into the broader objective of IRMA. IRMA as a Class: In IRMA different social classes can be seen based not only on economic but also on cultural basis. The IRMA society can broadly be classified into two main classes; the students and the working staff. In these two, working staff are segregated into different sub classes as higher level authorities comprising of professors and research personnel and the lower level mainly constituting guards, mess workers, gardeners and the like. This classification depicts the difference in the economic level of the individuals and their living standards. IRMA as an association: IRMA as a whole is an association in itself but within IRMA many different kinds of associations can be found working primarily towards different goals but having a common goal in general that is to work towards a sustainable development of the IRMA. Different kinds of associations that can be found within IRMA are the mess, library, hostel, sports, students body, computer committee and different other associations that might be temporarily formed depending on the need of the hour. Mess association primarily caters to the interest of the student community as in providing food to them. Library is an association of people coming together for the purpose of gaining knowledge. Hostel is again a form of association of students

living together away from their homes for the purpose of studies. Sports complex provides recreational activities to the participants. Computer committee has been formed with the motive of providing technical and internet solutions to all the people within the campus. Media cell is an association aimed towards its job of advertising IRMA in the outer world. All these are associations in themselves within a broader association IRMA. IRMA as an institution: Since IRMA is an association, many different types of institutions exist within it. Being an educational institution, education is the primary institution. The lecture halls where the classes are being held are another form of institution wherein knowledge is being imparted. Hostel blocks are institutions, the cultural festivals UDAAN and MILAP are institutions in the way that they represent the cultural identity of the college and different classes come together to perform things for enjoyment and pleasure. The legal systems within IRMA that help in the systematic working of the college are an institution in themselves. Structure of IRMA Society is grouped into structurally related groups or sets of roles, with different functions, meanings or purposes. An organization's structure may determine its flexibility and capacity to change. Social and physical morphology of a society is a patterned social arrangement which forms the society as a whole, and which determines the actions of the individuals in that structure. The elements of the structure of IRMA can be classified with respect to two aspects as follows: A] living resources 1. Chairman 2. Director 3. Board of governors

4. Faculty 5. Visiting faculty 6. Visiting fellow 7. Officers & staff 8. Student 9. Alumini 10.Residents B ] non-living resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hostel complex Security Mess Co operative store Teaching departments Accounts Administration Chairman office Director office Faculty support Library Research projects Systems Progrmamme office 6. Sports complex 7. Residential complex

Social physiology Teaching and R&D: In IRMA, teaching is referred to as experiential learning and students as participants, the reason being mutual learning taking place among the participants and faculty. The faculty, who has loads of experience, impart quality training to participants. They enter into meaningful discussions and case studies, which involves sharing of knowledge and arriving into consensus

on ambiguous problems. IRMA provides exposure through MDPs (Management Development Programme) and OTS (Organisational Traineeship Programme). Some of the recent MDPs conducted by IRMA are IRMA Module of the 4th ICA-Japan Training Course on Enhancement of Farmers Income and Poverty Reduction through Co-operatives, Sustainable Natural Resource Development and Livelihood Enhancement etc.

Developmental project: IRMA, a pioneer in rural development studies and research, conducts a lot of developmental surveys to come to a better understanding of the contemporary issues in rural areas. This, in turn helps to formulate projects for development in the downtrodden areas or the problems which need attention. Consultancy: IRMA provides consultancy on various issues to Government agencies, donor agencies, designated organizations and a multitude of other organizations for nominal charges. Recently IRMA has conducted a survey on behalf of The government of India and submitted a report titled The progress of Panchayati Raj in India. The research conducted and survey reports are highly valued by the organizations. The reports help these organizations devise their future courses of actions.

Publication: IRMA publishes a quarterly newsletter called Network and a bi-annual journal called International Journal of Rural Management. The Institutes publications are managed by the Committee on Research Publications and Seminars (CORPAS).Apart from these there is a students mouthpiece called Terra Firma , which carries the views of students.

Social Pathology:

Social pathology is a social factor, as poverty, old age, or crime that tends to increase social disorganization and inhibit personal adjustment. In societies there are always deviations from normal behavior which are not accepted by the society. To counter these abnormalities societies generally relegate the individuals and frame strict hatred for the deviants. In IRMA too there are people deviating from normal behavior. Thus rules have been framed to deal with them so that the integrity of the society id maintained. For example, we can quote a case where a participant walking on the prohibited lawns is fined. This serves two purposes. First it penalizes the person for an unacceptable behavior and secondly it warms the others against any future deviations.

Higher deviations like substance abuse, attract penalties like termination of the program, repeating the course etc. For grievances related to violence and abuse there are respective committees which investigate into the depth of the offence and decide the penalties. The PRM Handbook serves as a guide for the students regarding the expected behavior of the participants.

IRMA A Knowledge Society

Knowledge Society refers to any society where knowledge is the primary resource. In a knowledge society, knowledge becomes a major creative force. IRMA is a Knowledge society that creates, shares and uses knowledge for the prosperity and well-being of its people. Economic, social, cultural, and all other human activities become dependent on a huge volume of knowledge and information. Knowledge is the most important capital in IRMA. Research and Consultancy services & Management Development Programmes (MDPs) at IRMA are a means of enriching the knowledge base and sharing of knowledge. IRMA as a knowledge society has the following infrastructure: 1.) Physical infrastructure: Common rooms Library Classroom complex Computer centre Notice boards

2.) IT infrastructure: Wi-Fi facilities Intranet Facilities Library information system

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.) IRMA prospectus (year 2010) 2.) 3.) Wikipedia

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