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The two pie chart give information about the percentage of five
distinct types of energy productions in France in 1995 and 2005.
At the onset, it is lucid that the total amount of coal and gas
produced were the highest in both the years, while the production
of nuclear and other energy resources were the lowest.
Turning to the details of the circular graph in 1995,, it is quite
evident the amount of gas produced was at an approximately thirty
percent and in the next ten years, it rose slightly by less than 1% at
30.31. Same happened with the coal production in 1991, it increases
only by 1% at 30.93 in 2005.
Moving further, the amount of petrol being produced in th the
beginning of time, it is noted that there was a huge decline by
almost ten percent in the later year and ended up to one fifth of the
total production. On the contrary to what happened to others and
nuclear resources, their produced in 2005 increased at 9.10 and
10.10, respectively.

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