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Production Sales HR

78 95 43
79 73 88 Anova: Single Factor
67 76 86
72 83 82 SUMMARY
91 65 87 Groups Count Sum Average Variance
75 68 54 Production 13 1015 78.07692 199.2436
90 75 56 Sales 13 959 73.76923 132.1923
94 77 72 HR 13 815 62.69231 370.5641
53 83 73
56 53 42
73 55 48 ANOVA
89 75 49 Source of Variation SS df MS F
98 81 35 Between Groups 1637.744 2 818.8718 3.499452
Within Groups 8424 36 234

Total 10061.74 38
P-value F crit
0.040852 3.259446
Emp ID Employee Name Gender Qualification Department Proficiency in
technical task
1002 Seema Jafri 2 2 2 45
1004 Vinita Tiwari 2 2 2 32
1008 Nidhi Mishra 2 2 3 44
1010 Kasturi Singh 2 1 1 31
1015 Manjeet Kaur 2 1 1 20
1016 Jasleen Chhabra 2 3 1 28
1017 Jinal Patel 2 1 1 43
1020 Sreelatha Nair 2 2 3 39
Proficiency as Performance
Team Player Scores
42 95 2 Sales
36 73
38 88
37 75
28 56
38 73
40 89
42 86
Technical abilities Team performance
Male Female Male
35 45 37
38 32 36
25 44 35
28 31 39
16 20 19
39 28 45
42 43 42
46 39 40
19 65 27
30 70 38
46 75 45
37 73 41

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Male Female
Mean 33.4166666666667 47.0833333333333
Variance 98.2651515151515 361.537878787879
Observations 12 12
Pooled Variance 229.901515151515
Hypothesized Mean Differenc 0
df 22
t Stat -2.2078385417554
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0189915295515331
t Critical one-tail 1.71714437438024
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0379830591030661
t Critical two-tail 2.07387306790403
Team performance

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Mean 37
Variance 55.6363636363636
Observations 12
Pooled Variance 48.4053030303031
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 22
t Stat -1.37894125653208
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0908862823899956
t Critical one-tail 1.71714437438024
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.181772564779991
t Critical two-tail 2.07387306790403
Technical Adoption of
Knowledge ERP
3 6
2 2
6 7
4 4
2 1
6 6
7 5
5 7
6 2
3 3
2 1
5 5
1 2
4 4
4 6
4 3
3 4
3 3
3 4
2 2

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