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What are 5 things you use everyday that you couldn’t live without

Alan Zhang Block D

"Di, di, di..." I gently open my eyes, slam the alarm, and go for the phone on the
nightstand, but only to find it missing. "Didn't I leave my phone charging there last night?" I
wondered, “Dad!” thought he took the phone away again. Then I get up, noticed that the shirt I
placed on the chair the night before has vanished. My father, strangely enough, was not
reacting, despite the fact that he is typically awake by this time. My jaw fell when I got out of
bed and opened the closet. Everything, including my car key, had vanished.

I got up and walked out the door. The scene was startling; the parked automobiles on
the street were gone, like completely gone, and there was no traffic, nor any human sight at all.
I began to panic, having never imagined that movies would one day become reality, and I sprint
to the elementary school. It is a Tuesday morning, and the school parking lot is completely
empty, despite the presence of a few garbage cans. When I got to the front door and saw that it
was still locked, I took a wood and smashed a nearby window.

I wandered along the hallway. The entire school was strangely silent. It was unusually
silent. The leaking sound of the washroom faucet could be heard. It was unusually silent.
Outside the window, I could hear birds. It was unusually silent. In this broad hallway, I could
hear the echo of my footsteps. Then casually opened door of the one of the classrooms.
Strangely, door was unlocked. I went in and it was dark. Turns on the light. The chairs were still
stacked. The pens and papers on the podium were orderly put aside. I went to the center of the
classroom and sat down on a table. I looked at the old-school electronic digital clock on the
door. It's 10:32 now. Why is there no one in the school? I gasped, realized that everyone is

I arrived at the gym shortly after. The massive empty stadium is very quiet. Why can't I
have some fun if no one else is here? I went into the storeroom and chose a decent basketball.
What are 5 things you use everyday that you couldn’t live without

Alan Zhang Block D

Standing on the three-point line, keeping my eyes on the hoop, adjusting my balance and
stance, flicking my wrist, and WHOOSH, the ball goes perfectly between the metal around the
hoop, a perfect 'swish.'
After about an hour and a half, my stomach began to growl. Behind the cafeteria, I
entered the kitchen. Finally, I breakdown. There was no food at all, other than water bottles, no
smoothies, no sandwiches, no chips whatsoever. I realised the importance of eating at this
point. How wonderful it was in the past to be able to eat good cuisine every day. I can only
stand like this right now. I'm starving, but I'm unable to do anything about it.

I walked out of the school and along the vacant huge road that seemed like it belonged
in one of those disaster movies. After two kilometres of walking, it's as if you've bypassed the
entire planet. Finally, arrived at the nearest “save on food” to the school. As expected the
parking lot was empty, only few shopping karts either left on the curbs or sidewalks. I stepped
into the store, and there was no one there. You could hear the air conditioning system running,
the refrigerators running, and the music radio playing from the PA system. Every food section is
devoid of items. So I decided head back to home.
On the way back, I reflected on myself how much I miss my family, friends, teachers,
food, transportation, and electronic products at this moment. Maybe today will be my last day,
maybe tomorrow will be the same as today. Ah, forget it. It's more annoying to think more. I
went back to my big bed and fell asleep. “Alan! Alan, what are you doing? It’s already 7:50,
you’re going to be late!” I opened my eyes, smiles.

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