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Backup Mailbox via TDP for exchange 2010 / TSM - GUI

1. Connect to the exchange Maibox Server using the service account dedicated to TDP for
exchange (Summit: svc_pexbackup / Boudry: svc_pintlexbackup).
2. Go to Start – All Program –Tivoli Storage Manger – Dataprotection for Microsoft Exchange
Server and click on DP for exchange management Console, as shown below.

From there go and open the tap until you see”Protect and Recover Data”

Finally, Right Click on the Database from which you want to backup and chose:

Full backup or Incremental backup

As a reminder:

*FULL backup will back up the Database as well as the logs, and will just after purge the logs.

*Incremental backup will only backup the logs, and just after purge them (the database is not backed
Restore Items via TDP for exchange 2010 / TSM GUI

1. Connect to the exchange Maibox Server using the service account dedicated to TDP for
exchange (Summit: svc_pexbackup / Boudry: svc_pintlexbackup).
2. Go to Start – All Program –Tivoli Storage Manger – Dataprotection for Microsoft Exchange
Server and click on DP for exchange management Console, as shown below.

4. From there go and open the taps until you see ”Protect and Recover Data”
5. Finally click on the Recover Tab and chose the Mailbox Restore Browser
6. Wait until you are prompted to Insert a username or click to “Browse Mailbox to restore” in
the Action panel – here is what you get:

7. Let’s use the Username: hnavi

8. Keep in mind that by default the last backup is restored.
9. When you click ok, TDP for exchange will automaticity restore all the content into his own
Tivoli Recovery database in Exchange as show under Recovery= True.

10. Once the restoration is completed you will see the below screen and will be able to restore
specific items / folder or mailbox by clicking on it and restoring to its original emplacement,
or in another @smtp address (keep in mind that EV doesn’t allow a specific items be read by
another user if rights have not been given previously through EV console.)

Below the testing for a specific items.

If user has deleted the shortcut manually, the attachment will be as well.

So even with the restoration of Exchange, user will not be able to recover the attachment.

 Very important, once the restoration is completed, please “close Mailbox to restore”
Connection, this will ensure that the TSM_ Recovery Database is removed from Exchange
otherwise, no additional restoration will be possible.
Restore Mailbox via TDP for exchange 2010 / TSM

For any help use: tdpexcc ? or tdpexcc help

Mailbox Restoration:

1. Connect to the exchange Maibox Server using the service account dedicated to TDP for
exchange (Summit: svc_pexbackup / Boudry: svc_pintlexbackup).
2. Go to Start – All Program –Tivoli Storage Manger – Dataprotection for Microsoft Exchange
Server and click on DP for exchange management Console, as shown below.
3. Open Exchange Client - Command line

This below command will restore the last backup for the mailbox “exchange2010testintl” into exchange,
on the active Mailbox Database (live) in a tempfolder=tempfolder by filtering only the Inbox beginning
at the date of..and endind at the date of…

D:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPExchange>tdpexcc restoremailbox exchange2010testintl

/mailboxfilter=folder,"Inbox” /MAILBOXFILTER=STARTDATETIME,07/01/2008

Restore Exchange Database through RecoveryDB using TDP.

Create the Recovery database on exchange:

Do not create the .edb file at this point and do not mount the recovery database as well.

1. New-mailboxdatabase –recovery –name RDB –server CHBDYSPEXCMBX01 –edbfilepath

pathtodatabase –logfolderpath pathtologfiles

Restore the Database to the RDB in exchange using /intodb=RDB and use /recovery= applyrestoredlogs
(only replay logs which were restored from backup).

2. Tdpexcc restore INTL_DB_Tier1-1 full /intodb=RDB /recover=applyrestoredlogs

/backupmethod=vss (restore the last full backup)
If you want to restore the Database at a specific time, we need first to list all objects that TDP for
exchange has through TSM by using this command and select the one that we want to restore.

Be careful the Database name needs to be case-sensitive.

tdpexcc query tsm * /all

Then we need to execute:

tdpexcc restore INTL_DB_Tier1-1 full /object=20131116144637 /intodb=RDB /recover=applyrestoredlogs

Once the database is restored, we can inject the content to any active mailboxes using
powershell command as you already know 

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-MailboxRestoreRequest -SourceDatabase RDB

-SourceStoreMailbox "Exchange2010TestINTL" -TargetMailbox "Exchange2010TestINTL" -
IncludeFolders \”Inbox/*” -TargetRootFolder Temp_restore

New-MailboxRestoreRequest -SourceDatabase TSMRDB -

SourceStoreMailbox "Li Li1" -TargetMailbox lili1 -
IncludeFolders \"__3 Years (36 Months)/*”

New-MailboxRestoreRequest -SourceDatabase TSMRDB -

SourceStoreMailbox "Li Li1" -TargetMailbox lili1 -
IncludeFolders \"__3 Years (36 Months)/Apple”

To see the process in exchange, we can use this command line in order to see the progression of the

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxRestoreRequest | Get-MailboxRestoreRequestStatistics

Name Status TargetAlias PercentComplete

---- ------ ----------- ---------------

MailboxRestore Completed 100

MailboxRestore1 Completed 100

MailboxRestore3 Queued Exchange2010TestINTL 0

MailboxRestore2 Completed 100

Once completed, we will see:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxRestoreRequest | Get-MailboxRestoreRequestStatistics

Name Status TargetAlias PercentComplete

---- ------ ----------- ---------------

MailboxRestore Completed 100

MailboxRestore1 Completed 100

MailboxRestore3 Completed 100

MailboxRestore2 Completed 100

Haidar navi

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