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Student’s Name ID

1. YONAS BOGALE 4388/2012

2. DAWIT GUTA 4427/2012
3. NAHOM DINBERU 4372/2012
6. HAYAT MURAD 4359/2012

Submitted to:
Criminal record system


Definition, abbreviations and acronyms
ASP.Net Active Server Page dot Network
CRS Criminal Record System
CS6 Creative Suite 6
CD Compact Disk
C#.Net Csharp dot Network
CPC Criminal Procedure Court
EFP Ethiopian Federal Police
FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
FIR First Information Report
GB Giga Byte
GHZ Gigahertz
IDE Integrated development environment
IE Internet Explorer
MSSQL Microsoft Structure Query Language
MS-Visio Microsoft Visio
OO Object-oriented
OOP Object Oriented Paradigm
PC Personal Computer
RJ Register Jack
Ref Reference
SNNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region
UC ID Use Case Identification
UI User interface
UML Unified model language

Criminal record system

Firstly we would like to thank our almighty GOD to keep as full of health to accomplish and come up with
this research out come. Then we would like to thank object oriented software development instructor in
Select College for giving as this chance to do this research project.

At the last not the least, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to those people who support us
for successful completion of this work.


The main objective of this project is to develop a system that enables record and retrieve data related to
crime and criminals over a network. The implementation of our project is using C#and ASP.NET, in such
a way that a server respond for any connection request from clients and then sending back to a list of
recipients. The proposed system applies to all Police stations across the zone and specifically looks into
the subject of criminal Record. It is well understood that Crime Prevention, Detection and Conviction of
criminals depend on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the
police function and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it
can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it.

It is proposed to centralize Information Management in Crime for the purposefulness’s of fast and efficient
sharing of critical information across all Police Stations under Ethiopian federal police. Initially, the system
will be implemented across the station and later on, be interlinked so that a Police detective can access
information across all records in the state thus helping speedy and successful completion to cases. The
system would also be used to generate information for pro-active and preventive measures for fighting

Criminal record system

Table of Contents
Definition, abbreviations and acronyms..................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................9
1.1Background of the organization...........................................................................9
1.2 Statement of the problem..................................................................................10
1.3 Objective of the Project.....................................................................................11
1.3.1 General Objective............................................................................................11
1.3.2 Specific Objective............................................................................................11
1.4 Scope and limitation of the proposed system...................................................12
1.4.1 Scope of the project.........................................................................................12
1.5Methodology and Software Used.......................................................................12
1.5.2 Software Used..................................................................................................13
1.6Feasibility of the project.....................................................................................14
1.6.1Economic Feasibility........................................................................................14
1.6.2 Technical Feasibility.......................................................................................15
1.6.3 Operational Feasibility....................................................................................16
1.6.4 Schedule Feasibility.........................................................................................16
1.6.5Political feasibility............................................................................................16
1.6.6 Legal feasibility...............................................................................................16
1.7Significance and Beneficiary of the Project.......................................................16
1.7.1Significance of the study..................................................................................16
1.7.2Beneficiaries of the project..............................................................................17
1.8 Project plan activity...........................................................................................17
1.9 Project Schedule.................................................................................................18
1.10 Project Organization........................................................................................19
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................21
CURRENT SYSTEM..............................................................................................21
2.1 Description of current system...........................................................................21
2.2 Practices to be preserved from the existing system.........................................22
2.3 Players in the existing system...........................................................................22
2.4 Business rule.......................................................................................................23

2.4.1 Phase one- Complaint, Accusation, and Flagrant Offences.........................23
2.4.2 Phase two -Summons and Arrest...................................................................24
2.4.3 Phase three- Police Investigation....................................................................24
2.4.4Phase Four-post arrest procedures.................................................................25
2.4.5 Phase five-public prosecutor’s prosecution...................................................26
2.4.6 Phase six- framing the charge........................................................................27
2.5. Alternative Solutions.........................................................................................27
2.5.1Players in proposed system.............................................................................28
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................28
PROPOSED SYSTEM............................................................................................28
3.1 Overview of proposed system............................................................................28
3.2 Functional requirements...................................................................................29
3.2.1 User Requirement...........................................................................................29
3.4 Hardware/Software requirement......................................................................32
3.4.1 Hardware requirements..................................................................................32
3.4.2 Software requirements....................................................................................33
3.5 Security and Safety Procedure..........................................................................33
3.5.1 Security Procedure..........................................................................................33
3.5.2 Safety Procedures............................................................................................34
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................35
SYSTEM DESIGN..................................................................................................35
4. Introduction..........................................................................................................35
4.1 OO (Object Oriented) paradigm.......................................................................35
4.2 Scenarios.............................................................................................................36
4.3 Use case diagram................................................................................................36
4.3.2 Registration use case description...................................................................39
4.3.3 View data use case description.......................................................................40
4.3.4 Give complaints use case description.............................................................41
4.3.5 Delete data use case description.....................................................................42
4.3.6 Search data use case description....................................................................43
4.3.7 Generate reports use case description...........................................................44
4.3.8 Update data use case description...................................................................45
4.3.9Email send use case description......................................................................46
4.3.10 Create account use case description.............................................................47
4.4 Sequence diagram..............................................................................................48
4.4.1 Sequence diagram for login............................................................................48

Criminal record system

4.4.2 Sequence diagram for create account............................................................49

4.4.3 Sequence diagram for view.............................................................................50
4.4.4 Sequence diagram for registration.................................................................51
4.4.5 Sequence diagram for delete...........................................................................52
4.4.6 Sequence diagram for update.........................................................................53
4.4.7 Sequence diagram for report generate..........................................................54
4.4.8 Sequence diagram for search.........................................................................55
4.4.9 Sequence diagram for email send...................................................................56
4.5 Activity diagram.................................................................................................56
4.6 Class modeling....................................................................................................62
4.7 Deployment diagram..........................................................................................63
4.8 Relational persistence modeling........................................................................64
4.9 State Chart modeling.........................................................................................70
4.10.1 User Interface Description............................................................................71
CHAPTER FIVE.....................................................................................................73
Introduction 73
5.1 The process of coding.........................................................................................73
5.2 Testing and Installation.....................................................................................77
5.3 The Process of Documenting System stating Problems in the Existing System79
5.4 Training user and supporting users..................................................................80
5.5 Conclusion and Recommendation....................................................................80

Figure 1 Team Organization................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 2 Login Sequence diagram........................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 4 Sequence diagram information view...................................................................................................... 51
Figure 5 Registration............................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 6 Delete information.................................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 7 Update information sequence diagram.................................................................................................. 54
Figure 8 Report generation sequence................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 9 Insert Information.................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 10 Send email............................................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 11 Insert activity diagram......................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 12 Complain activity diagram................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 13 Activity diagram for login................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 14 Activity diagram for search.................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 15 Activity diagram for update data......................................................................................................... 61
Figure 16 Activity diagram for view data............................................................................................................. 61
Figure 17 Activity diagram for delate data........................................................................................................... 62
Figure 18 Class diagram....................................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 19 Deployment diagram............................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 20 ER diagram.......................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 21 State chart diagram.............................................................................................................................. 70

Criminal record system


Crime is an event that opposes the communities’ interest and well-being of the societies’. Being opposed of
the communities need, information of crime reach the police through different channel such as: complain,
accusing and even investigation of the police. The investigation may be made before the arrest of a suspect
or after the arrest. The police are supposed to hear witnesses and real evidence from the suspected and/or
from the victim person to prove or disprove the innocently of the accused person.

We see that when a group or society is formed, some rules and laws are made by to follow. The purpose of
these rules and laws are to give a peaceful life to all who are living in that society. Whenever any law is
violated by anyone we say that crime is committed and who break that law is called criminal. To have
peaceful life we need a well-organized law enforcement system. In our Ethiopia, we don’t have very good
facilities in law enforcement sector. But, due to less of facilities some works cannot be done in a very good
way. “The EFP“was created with the objective to maintain public security, ensure the observation of human
and democratic rights.

1.1Background of the organization

The project is aimed to develop a crime file for maintain a computerized records of all the fir against crime.
The institution we chose Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) to implement this system. The Ethiopian Federal
Police (EFP) is the law enforcement agency of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Established in
1995, the agency aims with objectives of maintaining or safeguarding the public security, human and
democratic rights, and respecting constitutional law. The existence of insufficient and weak enforcement
leadership, which is stated in Article 52 of the Federal Police Commission's Administration, has been
criticized and responded. Inadequate computer records and up-to-date software at police stations lead to loss
of information and inability to respond quickly. The system is a desktop application that can be accessed by
the entire police department. This system can be used as an application for the police department's criminal
file to manage the records of various activities related to the initial information report. All such activities
that save time and manpower, in the desktop criminal file system. This system will provide better
prospective for the enhancement of organization regarding to quality and transparency.

The police keep records victim on paper and this does not help their efficiency as it does not provide
accurate, reliable and comprehensive data round the clock. In recent times, with the economic hardship of
the country is going through it is common for the police to complain about lack of stationeries in cases
which they may wish to record. The CRS beats the method of paperwork adopted here in Ethiopian Federal
Police (EFP). On this platform, all records are computerized, thus eliminating loss of data through rough
handling by the Police Department, and this makes investigation of future crimes relatively easier. Police
officers now have the ability to immediately generate crime report directly relevant tithe situation at hand

rather than searching through numerous, dusty files. Automation is the utilization of technology to replace
human with a machine that can perform more quickly and more continuously.

The CRS will enable the police to have accurate and sufficient statistics on information of a case; the year
crime was committed, who investigated it and other related criminal information. The same information
provides a powerful decision making tool for policemen, investigators, database administrators, judges and
fellow law enforcement agencies and this only emphasizes more on the need for an efficient, accurate,
comprehensive and reliable CRS.

1.2 Statement of the problem

As we observed and gathered information from Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations their
information management system is manual based. Due to this, the record of victim may not save as required.
The problems can have a serious effect on the outcome of an investigation. Investigations sometimes require
long hours of manual labor to investigate a crime. The long hours of manual labor eventually will cause
investigators to become fatigue. The use of manual process using paper files in the documentation of
criminal information by Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations police force has had a negative
impact on the Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations population such as; a drawback in
policing, increased level of insecurity problem in the economy as a whole, delayed access to information,
unavailability of information from former years resulting from loss of criminal data, stolen or misplaced
criminal case files, and damaged case files are some of the major problem that are faced by the current
manual system.

Manual investigative techniques consist of investigators having to compile many documents by hand, or
manually, if you will. The documents are then sorted, based on the relationship to the case, and placed into
individual files. The file will contain the hand written documents of, victim and witness statements, an
evidence list of property collected from scene investigations, scene documentation and photographs, a list of
suspect(s), and miscellaneous information that may later prove to be pertinent to an investigation.

This cause a major problem:-

 The system produces inconsistent and inaccurate result
 The management exposes the customer to wastage of resource because it is manual based system.
Due to this it consumes a large space to store all documents; it needs a huge budget to paper, pen,
shelf and other materials.
 Requires huge amount of fund for manual tools
 Resource such as paper extremely consumed
 Complicated to share data within the stations
Hence this proposed system will overcome the problem of the current system. The new system supports
storing, retrieving, proper tracking and enhanced security of criminal records and information. The CRS also

Criminal record system

supports easy and protected interchange of information between the involved parties using the specified
level of privileges. Moreover this proposed system will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the
nation’s challenge.

1.3 Objective of the Project

1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of this Project is to develop a computerized Criminal Record System for Ethiopian
Federal Police (EFP) under police stations.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The aim of this project is to design and implement a CRS to assist the Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under
police stations in storage and retrieval of information. The same information provides a powerful decision
making tool for policemen, investigators, system administrators, judges and fellow law enforcement

The software will improve the way records are maintained by the Police Force. It will

 To save loss of document of victims and employees

 To have a database of every criminal information such as crime committed, record of evidence and
detectives in charge

 Enhance proper and efficient management of criminal records by the Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP)
under police stations

 To build security and monitoring control to ensure only authorized personnel have access to the
criminal information

 Such user name and password as security

 To minimize the work load of the employees

 To save resource

 Help background screening companies make recommendations easily of an applicant without the
stress of going to the police station and searching through files.

 To make easy in search victims data

 To make easy in search criminal or accused person data

 To minimize accessible time

 Send E-mail for Employees

 Generate Report for Higher court and other different stations

1.4 Scope and limitation of the proposed system
1.4.1 Scope of the project
This project focuses on the development and implementation of software based on CRS for the Ethiopian
Federal Police (EFP) under police stations. The aim of this project is to develop automated CRS for
Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations which solve the existing problems of the station.

1.4.2Limitation of the project

The main limitation of the project is the time and resource to develop it. By considering the remaining time
of the year we limit the scope of the project i.e. we concentrate more on crime Record management. of the system

The application such us Voice recognition, face recognition, fingerprint and online crime control held as
limitation of our system.

1.5Methodology and Software Used

For the successful completion of this project, data will be gathered from primary and secondary sources.
Moreover, a number of data gathering, analysis, and Programming tools and techniques are put into use. The
data collected focuses on issues like, what is expected from the system? What are the inputs of the system?
What are the outputs of the system? What are the rules of processing input data? How are they processed?
Who requires which data in what form?

Problem identification and specification: The problems associated with the criminal record system are
first identified. This will be done by critically analyzing the existing system and the intended system.

In order to collect user requirement three methods are used. Namely:

 Interview
 Document analysis and
 Observation
 E-mail

Criminal record system

Interview: We used interview to gather information about the organization and to elicit
requirements. We asked some question such as what type of problem they face, how they do, and we got
some information about statics of their manual system. We also get some data how they save their data of
crime as well criminal info.

Document Analysis: manually collected files for collecting information. Internet and some research papers
were used as sources to collect information related to this project. The advantage of this document is to refer
previously developed system to fill the gap not done. The system developed may not overcome all suggested
problem for the nation, so the new developer must close this area.

Observation: we observed from manual system that it face the user on problem such as loss of data, time
consuming and their statics of data may be kept on unsafe place and even may be stolen. The other problem
we observed is they send the crime or criminal data from one station to another station manually which may
expose them to vulnerable that means this data may be lost. We also observed the currently working system
and the way how to provide information for the society.

E-mail: we collect a data through electronic mail from different employers of police stations.

1.5.2 Software Used

The crime and criminal record system is to be a web based, because in order to increase sharing of
information between stations, therefore we intends to use visual as it is the most advanced
programming environment support the full object oriented approach and we will use MSSQL for developing
the backend.

The software used within our project such as:

 C#(Visual studio 2022)

 MS-SQL Server 2022
 Microsoft office 2013
 Adobe Photoshop CS6
 Browsers(Firefox, IE,Chrome)

Hardware Used: We used the following hard ware to transfer data from one computer to another, to write
documentation and implementation of the project, to print the documentation, and to save the project as a

 PC computer
 Flash Disk 16 GB
 Printer

1.6Feasibility of the project
1.6.1Economic Feasibility
This system is economically feasible because the existing system pay large amount of money for papers and
cards. It pays more than 14,000,000 birr per year to operate the current system. We offer the following
choice which is more feasible economically compared to the existing system.
To show economic feasibility of the project we categorized the economic feasibility into two categories.
They are: -

 Tangible and intangible benefits of the project

Benefit of the project

From our project point of view, Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations has got the following
tangible and intangible benefits.

Tangible benefits

A benefit from using the CRS software that can easily measure in terms of money. We have identified the
following tangible benefits

 Error reduction
 Cost reduction and unnecessary file avoidance
 Availability of better information
 Increased speed of activities
Intangible benefits

This refers to items that are difficult to measure in terms of money. And it is also a benefit derived from
using the CRS software that cannot be easily measured in terms of money.

 Enhancing accuracy
 Increasing clients (users) motivation and job satisfaction
 It Saves Time
 Resource consumption

Criminal record system

Table 1 Cost of the project

Cost Break Down

Items Description Unit Price Amount Total Price

Software MS-Visio To draw UML Diagram 120.00 1 136.00 C# To make the system web 136.00 1 136.00

MSSQL To save Data on Data Base 118.00 1 118.00
Server 2012
Microsoft To write Documentation 100.00 1 100.00
Office 2013

Adobe To edit Photos 164.00 1 164.00

Hardware PC- To Design, implement and 25,000.00 2 50,000.00
Computer develop proposed system
Internet To access Network 1 5 280.00
cable meter=50.00
RJ-45 To Connect with Cable 1 RJ=3.00 4 21.00
Flash Disk To retransfer Data from one 1Flash 2 400.00
computer to another 8GB=200.0
Total Cost 51,355

These costs are difficult to estimate and may not be known this includes:

 Operational efficiency
 Time
 Knowledge
Thus the CRS is economically feasible. Tangible benefits are benefits derived from the creation of an
information system that can be measured in birr and consistency.

1.6.2 Technical Feasibility

The technology products, which will be used in the proposed system, are mainly computers, cables, and
different programming software as stated above. Technology is currently available in the market and it is
easily accessible. The development of new products, technologies, processes or the improvement/redesign or
development of existing products services or processes. The viability of extending or expanding

organization facilities to meet increased operational capacity needs. Investigating the potential or application
of new technologies. We believe that the proposed system is technically feasible.

1.6.3 Operational Feasibility

This project is worth full by giving best performance to the accused, criminal and victim
registration, enough throughput as well as good response time to users. This system ensures to
provide safe and secure storage mechanisms for the confidentiality of information. The new system
which supports the major activity of the circulation diction will take advantage to solve the problem outlined
in the statement of the problem section. Moreover, the user can operate the system with little training. Thus
it can be said that it is operationally feasible.

1.6.4 Schedule Feasibility

Schedule feasibility is process of assessing the degree to which the potential time, Frame and completion
dates for all major activates with in a project meet. Organizational deedless constraint for affecting change
by the developing team deduction and the institute’s co-operation, the schedule activates produced during
project initiation, business areas analysis, design implementation demonstrating prototype and testing will be
held on time.

This project schedule feasible according to the time it has scheduled the documentation and the time to time
activities will be done on time.

1.6.5Political feasibility
Politically the project is free from political risks, since it doesn’t have any political interaction. The
stakeholders have good will to the new system.

1.6.6 Legal feasibility

The proposed system is free from disobeying of copyright, disclosure of violation and other private resource.
Therefore it is legally feasible.
So the developing team thinks that the proposed solution is feasible economically, technically, operationally,
politically, legally and in the schedule.

1.7Significance and Beneficiary of the Project

1.7.1 Significance of the study
 Provide current information to the user
 Provide centralized and secured crime record
 Provide timely and automated communication
 Easily access the data
 Send or receive many report of over network

Criminal record system

1.7.2Beneficiaries of the project

To the system developing team members

 An opportunity to exercise how real life problem are solved. Going back and forth through each and
every system development phase and acquire skill in developing web-based system
 Enriching theoretical knowledge.

To the police departments

 Solves problems that are associated with the manual system

 It can use the document as a reference material for related projects in the future.
 Time saving application
 Organized and reliable criminal record
 Gating current information about status

To training coordinator and employees

 Increasing job satisfaction by eliminating tedious tasks

 Fast and error free activities
 Send or receive packet of data
 Evidence based data is saved permanently
 Fault and redundant data is extremely removed

1.8 Project plan activity

Planning is initial and key activity of project management. To develop the system the team will follows
project plan time in order to make it easy and usable project.

Communication Plan
The team will interviews the police station officer and contacts some user

Managing Task
Every task of this project is done by all member of the project.

The Resource Plan

Computers’ laboratory of select collage is used mainly to develop the proposed system.
Assessing Risk
Different system of advising and checking of how the system is going to prevent from failure is the concern
of the team.

1.9 Project Schedule
Before planning the project it is expected to divide project into sub tasks and identifying time needed in day
or week or month for each tasks to be performed.

To show the project schedule of our project we use the following Gantt chart.

Table 2project schedule

Gantt Chart Project Schedule

No_ Phases 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 5th quarter 6th quarter

15th May-
30th May

15th May
13nd Mar

17th Jan-

13rd Feb


1 Project Proposal

2 Requirement Analysis

3 Design

4 Implementation

s5 Installation & Testing

6 Project Closure

Key: Start End

Criminal record system

1.10 Project Organization

Figure 1 Team Organization

Includes how project content organized and group member organized to develop the project

The project contents are:

The project contains generally two phases: Phase І and Phase ІІ.
 Phase І contains four chapters, introduction, current system, proposed system, system design using
object oriented paradigm (OOP)
 Phase II contains the implementation and testing of the system.

Group Organization.
We choose decentralized control group organization to develop this project because all group members have
the same experience for developing project. No need of chief programmer and other coordinator.

No Name Responsibility Description

1 YONAS Programmer Write a programming Code for designed project.


2 NAHOM Manager Responsible for the overall project planning and

progress toward the implementation.

3 ABDULALZIZ Designer Design the project in provide business expertise

regarding processes and system design

4 HAYAT System Analyst Investigate and Participate in analysis, requirement


5 SELAMAWIT Tester Check the overall functionality of the project.

Criminal record system


This chapter covers description of the existing system, players of the existing system, major
functions/activities, business rules, and other documents of the existing system. This chapter also covers
bottlenecks, practices to be preserved from the existing system, proposed solution for the new system that
address problems of the existing system and finally players of the proposed system.

2.1 Description of current system

In Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations the current crime management system, most of the
operations are done manually like send complaints, taking actions against crimes, view status etc. So with
the current system if anybody wants to complaint against crimes he must do it through the police.

If they are doing the system manually, so many minor errors will occur. Error detection in the previous
entries made and data cross verification is another important function. These are done manually, and it
would take time.

The operation of criminal procedure begins with the reception of information about the commission of a
crime. The information could reach the police through different channels. These are complaint, accusation
and the occurrence of flagrant offences. They serve as condition precedents to set criminal justice in motion.
Once the criminal justice is triggered, it is often followed by investigation to substantiate the case with
evidence to prove guilt. Arresting the suspect could also be made whenever the law requires or
circumstances justify.

The investigation may be made before the arrest of a suspect or after the arrest. The police are supposed to
hear witnesses and gather other real evidences like exhibit, finger print, blood test, etc. The information
source could be either from the suspect or out of the suspect. The process of undertaking the criminal
investigation raises the constitutional issues of the right to life, liberty, privacy, against self-incrimination,

2.2 Practices to be preserved from the existing system
Obviously the existing system has the aim to keep record of the accused, innocent or victims’ information.
Following this, even if the manual based system changed to computerized, the objective of the two systems
is saving or keeping the data. The hierarchy of the existing system is the mirror for the proposed system to
show gathering of information will be done based on this hierarchy. In other case whether the existing or the
proposed system the two system are undertaken to fulfill or eradicate the communities’ problem .The aim of
the project is to bring about improvement to the organization’s contributions; this report necessarily
concentrates on overcoming weakness and raising standards. To avoid conducting and unfair evaluation
efforts which are made to put this contribution into this context. It believes that partnership work is highly
beneficial to the organization and that partnership work is the way forward to reduce crime and disorder.
The following task will be taking into account with proposed system.

 Keep record for victim

 Hierarchy of data gathering
 Fulfill communities’ need
 Fair evaluation effort
 Evidence evaluation for witness action

2.3Players in the existing system

The following actors are player of the existing system:


The police perform two essential functions:  maintain the peace, and investigate possible criminal wrong
doing. When a crime is committed, the police must determine who committed it so that the criminal can be
prosecuted and brought to justice.


The first thing a victim of crime (called a complainant by the legal system) needs to do if a crime has been
committed against them is to contact the police. This can be done in one of two ways, either by the
complainant going to the police station or meeting the police at the scene of crime.

Every accused person in a criminal case is innocent until proven guilty. An accused person will either be
brought before a criminal court after being arrested by the police or by being issued with a summons to
appear by the Clerk of Court.

Criminal Record System


The person who saw the crime or a criminal act being committed, or who can provide other evidence to
prove the crime. The complainant may also be a witness. If you are called as a witness the first thing that
will happen is that you will receive a subpoena which will give you the date and time of the trial and the
where about of the trial. During the trial the witness will be called into court to testify and this may happen
over several different trial dates. The witness should listen carefully to all questions asked of him in court
and answer all to the best of his ability. He should at all times try to remain calm and respectful. Once the
witness has finished testifying he will be excused and may leave the court. Once all the evidence has been
heard and the evidence is completed the magistrate or judge will make a finding as to whether the accused is
guilty or not of the charges laid against him by the prosecutor. If the accused is found guilty then the court
will pass sentence on him

2.4 Business rule

2.4.1 Phase one- Complaint, Accusation, and Flagrant Offences
These are the mechanisms by which how the police can get the information about the commission of the

The criminal justices process has a beginning and end. The condition precedents for setting the criminal
justice in motion are complaint, accusation and flagrant offences. These intake mechanisms are related to the
nature of crimes. Under the Ethiopian criminal justice system, in principle, every crime concerns the public
and is the responsibility of law enforcement organs to investigate and prosecute whenever they received
information indicating the commission of offenses(this is called accusation). However, exceptionally, some
crimes are investigated or prosecuted only when the injured person requests criminal proceeding to start
(these are called crimes upon compliant). In addition, providing information concerning the commission of a
crime is a right. But, in exceptional cases provided in the law, it is a duty to inform the commission of such
kind of offenses to the authorities.

Complaint refers to the information presented to law enforcement organs by the injured persons or their
legal representatives to set criminal justice in motion. Unless this condition precedent is satisfied, a criminal
proceeding cannot ensue. As a result, withdrawal of the complaint is also reserved to the victims or their
legal representatives. This mechanism is applied if the criminal code in its special part expressly says so.

The criminal justice is also set in motion whenever there is a flagrant offense (ejekefenj), Normally, an
offence is said to be flagrant when the perpetrator is red handed while committing the crime. It is easy to
apprehend the offender in such cases.

Thus, the beginning of the criminal justice process demands complaint, accusation, or flagrant offense. But
the law has also mechanisms to prevent false accusation and complaint against innocent persons.

2.4.2 Phase two -Summons and Arrest
The setting in motion of the criminal justice may result in the summons or the arrest of the suspect.
However, this does not mean that whenever the police receive information about the commission of a crime,
they should summon or arrest the suspect. The responsibility for the protection of innocent persons begins
from the police. Before proceeding to summons or arrest, the police have to make sure that there is a prima
facie case against the suspect i.e. the police must have reasonable grounds to resort to summons or as the
case may be to arrest.

Once the police are convinced that the process should continue, then the police have to contemplate the
mode of bringing the suspect to the police station. The two commonly used mechanisms are summons and
arrest. The effect of the two is the same. But, the means utilized in both cases is completely different.
Summons is a peaceful system of taking a person into custody. On the contrary, arrest involves force. It
brings psychological embarrassment on the part of the detainee. It may result in bodily injury or even death,
in particular, if the suspect refuses to surrender. The extent of force utilized depends upon the gravity of the
offense. For example, it does not seem rational to injure or kill a person for escaping from prosecution for
minor offenses. It is difficult to state a clear rule to be applied all the time. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to
set the upper limits.

Arrest might be with a warrant or without a warrant. In principle, it should be done with court order (this is
called arrest with warrant). But, in exceptional justifiable circumstances, it is legal to resort to arrest without
a warrant. The clearest case for arrest without warrant is flagrant offense. It is not wise to wait for arrest
warrant while a person is publicly committing a crime justifying arrest. It defeats the purpose of the criminal
law. The danger for human rights, too, is less in such kinds of situations. Thus, arrest without warrant should
be applied for certain justifiable cases. Private persons are also entitled to make arrest without warrant in
such circumstances then they should hand over to the police as soon as possible.

2.4.3 Phase three- Police Investigation

Investigation is required to substantiate the information pertaining to the commission of crime. The police
have to undertake interrogation to the suspect as well as witnesses; gather real evidence, such as exhibit,
finger print, etc. In the process, the police have to refrain from illegal activities leading to the rebuttal of the
evidence in court. It has to avoid the use of the “third degree” to elicit information from the suspect and
witnesses. Otherwise, the fate of evidence collected violating the rights of persons might be rejection. In
addition, the police could face administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions.

While taking information as well as examination of witnesses, the police have to act in such a way that it is
possible to protect the rights of innocent persons. To the extent possible, the informant or the witness has to
explain the facts taking any kind of responsibility that might follow. To achieve this purpose, the police have
to register the facts known to the informant or the witness acquired through the five senses. Unless the

Criminal Record System

witness is expert, it is wrong to take the mere opinion of a witness. For example, the informant or the
witness should not be allowed to say that I know the commission of a crime and who did it. One has to state
the facts as they are acquired through the five senses. Arriving at a conclusion based on the facts obtained is
the business of the competent authorities.

Thus, the police have to handle criminal investigation with due care not to bypass legal restrictions in place
to protect the rights of innocent persons and suspects. Attention has to be given for both the means and the
end of the criminal justice system.

2.4.4Phase Four-post arrest procedures

After the arrest of a person, the major procedures are bail, remand and habeas corpus. There is a possibility
for the individual detained to be releases by the police or taken to court within the limit of time set by the
law. The court may either permit or deny the bail question and order remand. Appeal lies from such a
decision. In case a person is detained unlawfully, one may request habeas corpus


To protect the rights of suspected persons, it is a constitutional requirement to bring the detained individual
within a reasonable time to the nearest court. The court has to ascertain the legality of the arrest. It cannot
enter into the business of weighing evidence like a trial. This is an early stage. The police usually have to
gather further evidence. The court should limit itself to checking a prima-facie case against the suspect. It is
difficult to formulate a clear rule for every matter. It should be seen on a case by case basis. The court must
allow the detention of the person unless there are legal denies bail or it is necessary till the completion of the
investigation. This demands responsible handling of each and every case. Limiting the time to finalize the
investigation has the advantage of protecting the rights of the suspect. But, it might create difficulty in cases
of exceptional complexity. It seems prudent to leave room for such kinds of unique situations.

To sum up, bringing a suspect to court immediately after arrest guarantees the rights of individuals from not
being curved by the state. The court has to ascertain the legality of the arrest. However, it should not
unnecessarily hamper the legal efforts of the police to prevent and investigate crime. The court should
appraise each and every case striking a balance between the interests of individuals and that of the

Release on Bail

In principle, every one arrested suspected of a crime has the right to be released upon conditions set in the
law. The FDRE Constitution guarantees the right to bail. But, it can be denied on certain circumstances i.e.
Denial of bail should be an exception. The accepted grounds for denying release are possibility of
absconding, tampering with evidence, commission of other offences, gravity of an offence, etc. In case a
court determines to release the suspect, it has to take into account several factors, such as, the nature of the
offence, social ties of the suspect, and capacity to bring guarantee. The court could also impose further
conditions on the released person. Their purpose is to limit the danger of absconding, for the protection of
the suspects themselves, and danger to the public. This could be prohibition of emigration, going to certain
places, not contacting victims, electronic monitoring, etc. These non-monetary restrictions are particularly
helpful to protect victims of rape from potential harassment from the suspect.
The release of a suspect could take several forms. These include bond, surety, personal recognizance, and
cash. Generally, they can be classified into monetary and non-monetary. To ensure transparency,
accountability and predictability, many jurisdictions adopt guidelines to handle bail issues.
Release on bail is a conditional undertaking. The suspect or accused has to comply with the terms of the
release. One should attend each and every proceeding of a court. Besides, the non-monetary conditions have
to be respected. Otherwise, it could result in different financial and non-financial consequences. There may
be forfeiture of the amount of money set as a bail. The released person may also be detained as the case may
To conclude, bail is a constitutional right. It could be limited by law on justifiable grounds. It takes different
forms. Failure to comply with bail obligation could entail civil and criminal liability

2.4.5 Phase five-public prosecutor’s prosecution

After the police, it is up to the public prosecutor to scrutinize the police investigation file to determine the
presence of sufficient evidence to prove guilt. The prosecution office should not rush to frame charge. The
available evidence has to be evaluated. If there are points not clarified, a further investigation has to be

The case of upon complaint cases is different. It is the absolute right of the victim to decide the fate of the
case until a judgment is entered.

To sum up, the public prosecutor has the key role in the determination of case to be brought to court or
discontinued. But, the police and courts have also some role. In our country, the legal regime regulating
prosecution and interruption is found in the constitution, CPC and many statutes.

Criminal Record System

2.4.6 Phase six- framing the charge

After the public prosecutor decided that there is sufficient evidence to warrant conviction, the next step is
preparation of a charge/indictment.

A charge or indictment is written information to an accused. It is used to communicate to the accused the
legal provision alleged to be violated and the particulars of the offence in order that one gets the opportunity
to challenge the truth or otherwise of the charge. Thus, framing a charge is a requirement of due process of
law. After the preparation of the charge, the suspect becomes an accused. .

The FDRE Constitution has guaranteed for the accused persons to be informed of criminal charges in
writing. The prosecution has to frame and file a criminal charge within 15 days. The absence of a clear
sanction has the effect of disregarding it.

In general, a charge/indictment serves to communicate the law violated and particulars of an offence for an
accused. It enables the accused to properly defend. The Ethiopian constitutional and legal provisions relating
to charge resemble the laws of other countries. But, they do lack clarity and detail. The gap found in the
CPC has affected the matters to be included in the charge. The mode of production and exchange of criminal
evidence is not well addressed. In practice, evidence is made part of the charge. There is also variation as
regards the levels of details of the evidence included in the charge.

2.5. Alternative Solutions

The primary goals of this project is to computerize and automate the Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under
police stations Crime Management System for easier management, speed up operations for better record
keeping and to help management make better decision. The proposed system is aimed to remove the
working load of the employee and improve apply the scientific ways of keeping file and data of the victims.
Now a day the technology ratify that working with computerized system will overcome less functionality of
manual system. So our project mainly concern with time consuming and resource wastage as well as
efficient and successful type of keeping the document. This will approve the following:

 Replace Manual operations with computer technology

 Save time consuming and resource wastage
 Elimination of duplication and inconsistent record keeping
 Store accurate data free of error and redundancy
 Provide automated (Computerized) channel for the Crime Management heads.
 Create Profile for Admin and realize the authentication and authority of the user.
 Keep secrete the data

2.5.1Players in proposed system

Administrator is the responsible for:

 Fix the error from the database.

 Create account for the user
 Grant the user permission
 Revoke the permission from the user
 Control the overall activity of the system
 Ratify the authentication and authorization of the user

The role of secretary in the system is to write the decision come from the judge through police.
Court secretaries manage the day-to-day inflow and outflow of legal files through the court system.
Specific duties can include processing court orders, such as probation or sentencing orders. They
might also record dispositions, answer questions from the public and explain court procedures to
involved parties, as well as contacting witnesses and attorneys to collect information for court

Police Officers
 Search the criminal
 Transfer the criminal to another jail.
 Access full information of criminals.
 Police can enter all criminal’s information.
 Policies can view the all queries raised by the public and takes some action depends up on the proof.
 Police can upload some critical criminal cases to administrator.
 Police can send mails to others


3.1 Overview of proposed system
As we have understood the problem of the existing information providing system of Ethiopian Federal
Police (EFP) under police stations, we are proposed to solve the problem of the existing system by
developing web based record management system. The CRS system evaluating all problems occurred during
ever activity on the existing system, the project team has desired to design an automated management
system for the organization. The primary function of a system should be to reduce the working load of the
employee and improve apply the scientific ways of keeping file and data of the victims the secondary
function of a system should be to allow users to add, view , update and delete the records in the database.

The CRS shares information within the police station across in the Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under
police stations especially the information on Crime & Criminals for effective working of Police. For
integration at National level, the following Seven Integrated Police Forms standardized by National Crime
Records Bureau have been adopted as the basis for Crime Module development. These integrated forms
cover most of the information needed by Criminal Justice System and the database records the following

 FIR (First Information Register) (occurrence, complaint, accused property detail, brief complaint)
   Crime Detail Form (type of crime, features, physical evidence, witness, place of crime)
 Arrest/Court Surrender (arrest details, bail details, personal items recovered)
 Charge Sheet & Case Disposal Reports (charge sheet information, property recovered/ seized, and
action taken)
 Court Disposal (adult, juvenile, punishment)
 Result of Appeals
 Other registers (interrogation details, case diary, witness details)

The proposed system has the following module:

 Police stations registration module: This module maintains the information about all the police
stations that are registered as per the jurisdiction of the system. It also gets integrated with the employees
who are working in these stations along with their designation.

 Victims FIR registration module: This module maintains the information related to the first
investigation report of the crime sequences that have taken place. The FIR registers all that a data that is
necessary for the investigation to take place in proper length. It identifies the crime category and the crime

Criminal Record System

 Investigating evidence registration module: This module makes a collection of information related to
all the evidences that become categorically important under the normal sequence of the investigation, this
module dynamically concentrates upon the changes that take place while the system of investigation is under

Generally the proposed system will be able to minimize the resources consumption of the police station
because the existing system provides information by using manual so; it is boring and difficulty to work
using paper.

3.2 Functional requirements

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what services it will
provide to the user. The Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations criminal record system works
the following functions which are stated below.

3.2.1 User Requirement


 The CRS shall enable officers to login by user name and password.
 The CRS shall enable administrator to login by user name and password.
 The CRS shall allow constable to login by user name and password.
 The CRS shall enable inspector to login by user name and password.
 The CRS shall allow clerk to login by user name and password.
 The CRS shall allow user to login by user name and password.
 The CRS shall enable to send forgot password through email
 The CRS shall enable to send forgot account name through email


 The CRS shall allow create an account to new users

 The CRS shall allow disable the existing account
 The CRS shall allow update profile of the existing account
 The CRS shall allow delete the existing account
 The CRS shall allow register new criminal information.
 The CRS shall allow update the criminal records
 The CRS shall allow delete criminal information.
 The CRS shall allow view reports.
 The CRS shall allow update the victims record
 The CRS shall allow view the victims record
 The CRS shall allow delete the victims record

 The CRS shall allow insert the witness record
 The CRS shall allow update the witness record
 The CRS shall allow view the witness record
 The CRS shall allow delete the witness record
 The CRS shall allow insert about police Station Details
 The CRS shall allow update about police Station Details
 The CRS shall allow delete about police Station Details
 The CRS shall allow view about police Station Details
 The CRS shall allow view about FIR & Charge sheets
 The CRS shall allow view result of cases
 The CRS shall allow to generate e-mail notification of registered users
 The CRS shall allow view all complaint
 The CRS shall enable to update result of appeal
 The CRS should organize the search results in paged manner. It should also provide user the
flexibility to navigate to the required page.
 The CRS should also provide search capability and allow user filter the search to a greater detail like
crime details, suspect details, victim details, property, victim, arrested, suspect, and witness.

 The CRS shall enable to register investigation evidence
 The CRS shall enable to register victims information
 The CRS shall allow register Charge sheets
 The CRS shall enable to register victims FIR
 The CRS shall enable to register about accused /suspected person information

 The CRS should enable to view victims FIR detail

 The CRS should enable to view crime charging sheet
 The CRS should enable to register investigation evidence detail
 The CRS should enable to update investigation evidence detail
 The CRS should enable to view investigation evidence detail
 The CRS should enable to delete investigation evidence detail
 The CRS Should allow the police personnel in searching complaint, crime, stolen/lost property, and
missing person

Criminal Record System

 The CRS shall enable to record complaint detail
 The CRS shall enable to record occurrence of offence
 The CRS shall enable to record crime detail
 The CRS shall enable to record accused or suspected detail
 The CRS shall enable to record result of appeal
 The CRS shall enable to update complaint detail
 The CRS shall enable to update occurrence of offence
 The CRS shall enable to update crime detail
 The CRS shall enable to update accused or suspected detail
 The CRS shall enable to update result of appeal
 The CRS shall enable to view general report. This helps the Constable to view general report details.
 The CRS should allow to add complaint: This helps the user to report their complaints.
 The CRS should allow to add crime report: This helps the user to report crimes.
 The CRS should allow to edit complaint: This helps the user to edit his complaint details.
 The CRS should allow to edit account: This helps the user to update his or her profile.
 The CRS should allow to view complaint status: This allows us to view the status of all complaint
that you have posted earlier.
3.3 Non-functional requirements
Non-functional requirements or system qualities capture required properties of the system, such as
performance, security, maintainability in other words, how well some behavioral or structural aspect of the
system should be accomplished.

Security requirements are important factors in this system as classified data will be stored in the database.
User validation will be done during login to insure that the user is valid and that the user only has access to
his or her permission data. General users will only have access through the user interface. The system will
have consistent interface formats and button sets for all forms in the application, will have a form based
interface for all data entry and viewing formats, and will generate reports that are formatted in a table and
that should look like the existing manual report formats for user friendliness. The system will be easily
maintained by the developer or other authorized trained person and it shall respond as fast as possible in
generating report.

Some of the non- functional requirements are:

Performance: - since the system uses different algorithm such as stored procedural to access data from
database, it will perform the tasks in a small amount of time with valid crime and criminal information. If
internet connection is available system has no any deficiency with the availability of working twenty four
hour in a day and seven days in a week with maximum response time.

Usability:-The system is designed to have user-friendly interfaces and easy navigation which enhances
users’ efficacy of usage. It is also designed in such a way that users can easily learn how to interact with the
system within a thirty to fifty minute.

Security and Access permissions: -One objective of Security and access permissions is to control input
information’s about specific user in order to reduce errors. When information is entered in to the CRS it
should be correct depending on the information stored in the data base that stores specific information about
specific user. Validations of password, range checks, encrypted password mechanisms and recovery of
passwords are taken in to account in our proposed system.

Error handling:-The system will support prevention of wrong data entry by notifying the user about the
possible error.

Efficiency: The response time should be very small i.e. not more than five second seconds

Reliability: is the probability that a system will perform its intended function satisfactorily. So, The CRS
works continues when some interrupts faced to it.

User Interface:-The user interface of the system should be user friendly and easy enough to work with.

Availability: describe the time that our system is ready for use. Availability of our system overview that the
system is, operable, or usable to perform its designated or required function. It is the aggregate of the
resource’s accessibility, reliability, maintainability, serviceability and security.

3.4 Hardware/Software requirement

Having functional and nonfunctional requirements, our proposed system also has hardware/software
requirement. Some of hardware or software requirements.

3.4.1 Hardware requirements

For best performance, the system needs Server Computer with:
 Computer that has a 1.6GHz or faster processor
 RAM 1 GB (32 Bit) or 2 GB (64 Bit)
 10GB of available hard disk space

3.4.2 Software requirements

Operating system : Windows XP

Criminal Record System

IDE : VisualStudio.NET 2022

Frame work : 3.5

Front end : ASP.NET

Language : C#.NET

Back end : SQLSERVER 2012

3.5 Security and Safety Procedure

3.5.1 Security Procedure
The crime and criminal record system is secured and protected against possible hazards. Security measures
are provided to prevent unauthorized access of the document at various levels.

Security is the main issue to protect and secure the entire project to unintended loss of data, deletion of data
and modification on data. We try to handle this though
The CRS system provides the following security systems:

 Prevent unauthorized access of data

 Prevent the restriction of specific users
 Prevent unauthorized presentation of user password
 Generate error message for every invalid input
 Secure every document in order to be used in the future.

The lists of potential threats are:

 Disgruntled and dishonest users

 Fire
 Errors and omissions
 Natural disasters
 External attacks
As much as possible we will use different server for our data base and the user of our system
should be authorized user to overcome from external attackers.

3.5.2 Safety Procedures

Safety is freedom from accidents or losses. The system should enable to task a backup at any time and able
to restore from backups. The users are allowed to do task only after the login process based on their

Computer viruses: since the system will be using in every computer of authorized person viruses can be
carried internally and externally to our system. Possible measures that can be taken include:

 Scanning all external storage media for viruses before use.
 Installing and using the latest antivirus and providing regular update to the software.
 Regular system checking and updating virus definitions.
If there is any firewall attack we will customize our system so that free from such problem
We use backup the complete files with removable disk and CD, if suddenly the computer that contain the
file is damaged.

We duplicate the same folder that contains our project into three and above folder and save the folder in
different drives.

Criminal Record System



4. Introduction
This chapter deals with the system use case diagrams, the use case descriptions (scenarios), sequence
diagram, and activity diagrams.

After identifying the actors and use cases, the use cases are developed and textual descriptions (scenarios)
are stated. The sequence diagram drawn based on the use cases which are developed for the proposed
system. Activities will be represented by the activity diagrams.

4.1 OO (Object Oriented) paradigm

The objected oriented paradigm is not just a programming style but also a design method for building

Object-Oriented Paradigm is where we focus real life objects while programming any solution. By focusing
real life objects we mean that over solutions revolves around different objects, which represent respective
objects in real life situation.
Mains benefits of Object-Oriented Paradigm in CRS

 Maintainable
Object-Oriented Paradigm methods make code more maintainable. Identifying the source of errors
becomes easier because objects are self-contained. The principles of good methods design contribute
to a system’s maintainability. Maintainability in a sense repair or replace faulty of the system.
 Reusable
since objects contain both data and functions that act on data, objects can be thought of as self-
contained “boxes”. This makes it easy to reuse code in new systems. 
 Scalable
Object-Oriented applications are more scalable then their structured programming roots. As an
object’s interface provides a roadmap for reusing an object, it also provides you with all the
information you need to replace the object without affecting others. This makes it easy to replace old
and inefficient code with faster algorithms.
 Higher-quality software
Faster development of software and lower cost of development allows more time and resources to
be used in the verification of the software. Although quality is dependent upon the experience of
the teams, object-oriented programming tends to result in higher-quality software

Improved software-development productivity
Object-oriented programming is modular, as it provides separation of duties in object-based program
development. It is also extensible, as objects can be extended to include new attributes and behaviors.

4.2 Scenarios
Police provides safety to citizens. It always remains steady for arresting any criminal who is a threat for the
safety of society. After registering the FIR from any citizen, police starts its work and on that basis it arrests
the criminals if proofs are found against them. Once the criminals are arrested, police starts investigation
from them. After getting all the proofs against the criminal, it is the duty of the police to present all the
proofs honestly to the court so that the right man can get right punishment. The true and right information
provided by the people to police helps a lot in arresting the criminals who try to spoil the peaceful
environment of society. Along with low salary scale, facilities of modern technology such as computerized
system of keeping records are not provided to police department which causes low efficiency. As it is the
age of computers and all the organizations today use computers to maintain their records, so this facility
should also be given to police department in order to increase their efficiency and to save their time. In our
Project we are going to implement a CRS (Criminal Record System). This is a database system in which
police will keep the record of Criminals who have been arrested, to be arrested or escaped. This will help the
Police department to manage their records easily. In police system when an incident occurs, a Petitioner
reports an FIR (First Information Report). Police starts investigation according to law on this FIR. An
investigation Officer supervises the investigation process. The main concerning people in the whole process
are Petitioner (The person who files an FIR), Victim, Accused/Criminal, investigation officer.

Solving crimes comes down to reconstructing the scenario of the crime. Who did what, how, when and
why, are the central elements of investigations. This will subsequently lead to (but also will be influenced
by) a crime scenario; a chronological description of how (the manner), by who and why the crime has
been committed.

4.3 Use case diagram

A use case is a methodology used in system analysis in identify, clarify, and organize system requirements.
The use case is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a
particular environment and related to a particular goal.

The following are the Actors of our System:

 Administration
The Administrator plays an import role in the crime and criminal record system. He/she is performing the
actions like viewing the complaints, viewing reminders, generating the reports.

Criminal Record System

 User
Citizen or the people do the activities like login to the system, view his profile, posting the complaints, and
view the status of his complaint.

 Inspector
The Inspectors are the higher officials of the police department and have the responsibility to detect the
criminals and punish them according to the Ethiopian laws.

 Constable
A constable is a person holding a particular office, in law enforcement. To put it simply, police officers
maintain law and order: protect members of the public and their property; and prevent, detect and investigate
crime. But of course, it's a much more complex job than that.

 Clerk

A police records clerk needs to keep abreast of all recent accidents and crimes, while also responding to
public inquiries. Although the job does not require extensive education, a clerk must be mature and able to
handle a potentially stressful job environment.

Use case diagram

4.3.1 Login use case description

This use case starts when the actor wishes to Login himself for the use of system.

 The system requests the user to enter the information which includes:
User Name
Once the user provides the requested information, system first validates the Information provided.

Table 3Login use case description

UC Name Login In
Defined by Werkina Gemechu Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Users(Administrator, Inspector Constable, Clerk and User)
Description This use case allows the actor to login in system.
Pre-condition A valid user name and password.
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is login in the system.
Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Actor action System response
Action Step1. Step 2.
The user click on login button The system display the login page
from main page The system requests that the user must
Step 3. enter his all valid username and
The user provide username password.
and password Step 5.
Once the user provides the Once the user provides the requested
requested information, one of information, system first validates the
the sub-flows is executed. Information provided.
Step 4. Step 6.
If the user selected “submit”, The system generate account
the Login information sub
flow is executed.
Alternative Course of On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the
Action use case ends and the basic flow begins.
Invalid information If the user entered the invalid
information then the system will

Criminal Record System

generate an error message to again fill

the information properly.
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that
are mandatory to be filled by him then
the system will generate error message.
Business Rule Valid username and password textboxes should not be null and invalid.
Valid login requires user to be registered in the CRS database.

4.3.2 Registration use case description

This use case is having the functionality of registering the crime and criminal details. After completion of
registration he has to login to the system.

Table 4 Sequence diagram for create account

UC Name Registration
Defined by Tigest bayessa Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Users(Administrator, Inspector Constable, and Clerk )
Description This use case registers detail information about crime and criminal

Pre-condition The user must be insert information about yourself.

Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is added in the crime
and criminal database. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Action Actor action System response
step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the
register from main page registration page and the system requests
step3.Enter “valid” the user to enter the registration
registration information. information.
step4. If the user selected Step5. The system register on the
“submit”, the submit crime database
and criminal information sub
flow is executed.
Alternative Course of Invalid information If the user entered the invalid
Action information then the system will
generate an error message to again fill
the information properly.

On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the
use case ends and the basic flow begins.
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that
are mandatory to be filled by him then
the system will generate error message.
Business Rule The text boxes that are mandatory to be filled by him/her must be filled

4.3.3 View data use case description

After login to the system the people can view his profile. He can get his details by clicking the button view

Table 5View data use case description

UC Name View data
Defined by Tesfaye Ejeta Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Users(Administrator, Inspector Constable and User)
Description This use case allows the actor to view in system.
Pre-condition Administrator or Police Officer should be logged in to his account

Post condition If the use case was successful, the user is view the information in the
system. Otherwise, the user is not view the information.
Basic Course of Actor action System response
Action Step1. Step 2.
 The user  The system displays the view
click on view button page. The system request that the user must
from main page enter all valid information.
Step 3. Step 5.
 The user  Once the user provides the
provide information requested information, system first validates
 Once the the Information provided.
user provides the Step 6.
requested information, The system view information.
one of the sub-flows is
Step 4.
 If the user selected
the view information sub

Criminal Record System

flow is executed.
Alternative Course of On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use
Action case ends and the basic flow begins.
Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that are
mandatory to be filled by him then the
system will generate error message.
Business Rule User enter valid information for view data.

4.3.4 Give complaints use case description

After login to the system the people can get their page and can have the facility to give complaint against the
crime. After successfully posting his complaint he can get the complaint id. He/she has to remember that id.

Table 6 Give complaints use case description

UC Name Complaints
Defined by Tamene Mehari Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor User
Description This use case complaint detail information about crime and criminal

Pre-condition The user must be insert complaint information

Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is complaint in the
crime and criminal database. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Action Actor action System response
step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the complaint
complaint from main page page and the system requests the user to
step3.Enter “valid” enter the complaint information.
complaint information. Step5. The system add to the database
step4. If the user selected
“submit”, the submit
crime and criminal

information sub flow is
Alternative Course of Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
Action then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information

4.3.5 Delete data use case description

Table 7 Delete data use case description

UC Name Delete data
Defined by Aweke Birhanu Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Users(Administrator, Inspector Constable)
Description This use case delete detail information about crime and criminal
Pre-condition The user must be insert delete information
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is deleted in the
crime and criminal database. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Action Actor action System response
step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the delete page
delete from main page and the system requests the user to enter
step3.Enter “valid” delete the deleted information.
information. Step5. The system deleted on the database
step4. If the user selected
“submit”, the submit
crime and criminal
information sub flow is
Alternative Course of Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
Action then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information
On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use
case ends and the basic flow begins.
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that are
mandatory to be filled by him then the

Criminal Record System

system will generate error message.

Business Rule The name or id that are mandatory to be filled by him/her must be filled

4.3.6 Search data use case description

Table 8 Search data use case description

UC Name Search data
Defined by Endale Mamo Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Users(Administrator, Inspector Constable)
Description This use case search detail information about crime and criminal
Pre-condition The user must be insert searching information
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is searching in the
crime and criminal database. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Action Actor action System response
step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the searching
searching from main page page and the system requests the user to
step3.Enter “valid” enter the searching information.
searching information. Step5. The system searching from database
step4. If the user selected
“submit”, the submit
crime and criminal
information sub flow is
Alternative Course of Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
Action then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that are
mandatory to be filled by him then the
system will generate error message.
Business Rule The id that are mandatory to be filled by him/her must be filled

4.3.7 Generate reports use case description
After viewing the complaints the administrator generates reports based on the complaints posted by the
people and forwards these reports to the higher authority’s officials.

Table 9 Generate reports use case description

UC Name Generate reports
Defined by Woynshet Desta Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Administrator
Description This use case allows the actor to generate report in system.
Pre-condition Criminal record must already add in system.
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user is generate report the information in the
system. Otherwise, the administrator will not generate report

Basic Course of Actor action System response

Action Step1. Step 2.
The user click on generate report System shows the main interface after
button from main page verification.
Step 3. Step 5.
The user provide information Once the user provides the requested
Once the user provides the information, system first validates the
requested information, one of the Information provided.
sub-flows is executed. Step 6.
Step 4. System shows the report.
If the user selected the criteria sub
flow is executed.
Alternative Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
Course of then the system will generate an error
Action message to again fill the information

Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that are
mandatory to be filled by him then the

Criminal Record System

system will generate error message.

Business Rule User must choose valid criteria to generate report data.

4.3.8 Update data use case description

Table 10 Generate reports use case description

UC Name Update data
Defined by Yosef Metafereya Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Users(Administrator, Inspector Constable)
Description This use case update detail information about crime and criminal
Pre-condition The user must be insert update information
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is update in the crime
and criminal database. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Actor action System response
Action step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the update
update from main page page and the system requests the user to
step3.Enter “valid” update enter the update information.
information. Step5. The system update on the database
step4. If the user selected
“submit”, the submit crime
and criminal information
sub flow is executed.
Alternative Course Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
of Action then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information
On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use
case ends and the basic flow begins.
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that
are mandatory to be filled by him then the
system will generate error message.
Business Rule Fields that are mandatory to be filled by him/her must be filled

4.3.9Email send use case description
Table 11 Email send use case description

Defined by Derge Bekele Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
UC Name Email generate
Primary Actor Administrator
Description This use case email generate for the user
Pre-condition The user must be insert information for email send
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user in the system generate email.
Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Actor action System response
Action step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the email
email generate from main generate page and the system.
page Requests the user to enter the email
step3.Enter “valid” email generate information.
generate information. Step5. The administrator email generate
step4. If the user selected on the user
“submit”, the submit crime
and criminal information
sub flow is executed.
Alternative Course Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
of Action then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information
On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use
case ends and the basic flow begins.
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that
are mandatory to be filled by him then the
system will generate error message.
Business Rule The receiver of email should be provided mandatory to be must be filled
by the administrator.

Criminal Record System

4.3.10 Create account use case description

This use case is having the functionality of creating a new user account

Table 12 Create account use case description

UC Name Create account
Defined by Haddis Solomon Last updated by -
Defined on 1/13/2023 Last updated on -
Primary Actor Administrator
Description This use case creates a new user account
Pre-condition The administrator must be filled information about user
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user information is added in the crime
and criminal database and new account will be created. Otherwise, the
system state is unchanged.
Basic Course of Actor action System response
Action step1. The actor click on Step2. The system display the registration
create new account from page and the system requests the user to
main page enter the registration information.
step3.Enter “valid” Step5. The system register on the database
registration information.
step4. If the user selected
“create”, the create crime
and criminal information
sub flow is executed.
Alternative Course of Invalid information If the user entered the invalid information
Action then the system will generate an error
message to again fill the information
On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use
case ends and the basic flow begins.
Blank information If the user left blank the text boxes that are
mandatory to be filled by him then the
system will generate error message.
Business Rule The text boxes that are mandatory to be filled by him/her must be filled

4.4 Sequence diagram
Sequence diagram is a diagram that shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. In particular it
shows objects participating in the interaction and the sequence of messages exchanged.

This diagram includes:-

 The actor who initiates the use case

 The object which the starting and the ending point is identified
 The iteration loop in which process repeatedly checked until the required data is matched.

4.4.1 Sequence diagram for login

Figure 2 Login Sequence diagram

Criminal Record System

4.4.2 Sequence diagram for create account

4.4.3 Sequence diagram for view
Figure 3Sequence diagram information view

Criminal Record System

4.4.4 Sequence diagram for registration

Figure 4 Registration

4.4.5 Sequence diagram for delete
Figure 5 Delete information

Criminal Record System

4.4.6 Sequence diagram for update

Figure 6 Update information sequence diagram

4.4.7 Sequence diagram for report generate
Figure 7 Report generation sequence

Criminal Record System

4.4.8 Sequence diagram for search

Figure 8 Insert Information

4.4.9 Sequence diagram for email send
Figure 9 Send email

4.5 Activity diagram

The Activity diagram includes sequential and parallel activities.

This diagram describes the general activity take place in the system.

The actor participating in the system provide different activities, to interact which the system the actors must
take the following actions.
 First the actor activist the system & a login by typing user name & password.
 The actor fills the form
 After the information filled is validated, the actor work and interact with the system.

Criminal Record System

Activity diagram for administrator add user information

Figure 10 Insert activity diagram

Activity diagram for user (citizen) send complaint

Figure 11 Complain activity diagram

Activity diagram for login

Criminal Record System

Figure 12 Activity diagram for login

Activity diagram for search data from database

Figure 13 Activity diagram for search

Activity diagram for update data

Figure 14 Activity diagram for update data

Activity diagram for view data

Criminal Record System

Figure 15 Activity diagram for view data

Activity diagram for delete data

Figure 16 Activity diagram for delete data

4.6 Class modeling

A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes in the
unified modeling language. In this context, a class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a
specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity. In short it is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by the system’s classes, there attribute,
operation (methods) and the relationship among the classes.

Criminal Record System

Figure 17 Class diagram

4.7 Deployment diagram

We use Deployment modeling diagram to show our systems static view of the run-time configuration of
processing nodes and the components that run on those nodes. The following figure shows our Deployment
modeling diagram to our system.

Figure 18 Deployment diagram

4.8 Relational persistence modeling

Persistence model used in the system used to communicate the design of database, usually relation database
with the user and other developers.

Persistent modeling is used to depict the design of the database, store most important and permanent
information of the system.

Data Structure design

The following table discusses the data structure we used on our data base along with the grouped
table name.

Criminal Record System


Table 13 Administrator data table

Name Data Type

AdminId Varchar(20) primary key
AdminName Varchar(20)
Name NVarchar(Max)
mName NVarchar(Max)
lName NVarchar(Max)
Age int
Address Varchar(50)
Sex Varchar(10)
ContactNumber Varchar(30)


Name Data Type

conId Varchar(10) primary key
fName NVarchar(Max)
mName NVarchar(Max)
lName NVarchar(Max)
Age int
Sex Varchar(10)
Address Varchar(50)
ContactNumber Varchar(32)

Police Station

Name Data Type

policeStationId Varchar(10) primary key
PoliceStationName NVarchar(Max)
policestartingDate NVarchar(Max)
City NVarchar(Max)
Phone int

FaxNo int

ER diagram

Also called an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, a graphical representation of entities and their relationships
to each other, typically used in computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or
information systems.
A graphical representation of an information system that shows the relationship between People, objects,
places, concepts or events within that system. An ERD is a data modeling technique that can help define
business processes and can be used as the foundation for a relational database.

An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept about which data is stored.

Criminal Record System

Figure 19 ER diagram

Mapping table:

Mention the entity relationship.


AdminIdP FKConId fname Mname lname Age Sex Address ContactNumber



FKcriID ConId Fname Mname Lname Age Sex Address ContactNumber


FKFIRId CompId Name Age Sex Address ContactNumber


UserId Fname Mname Lname Age Sex Address contactNumber


FIRId IncidentTime IncidentDate IncidentCause


FKCriId InspectId Fname Mname Lname Age Sex Address contactnumber


CrimeId Crime type


CriId Fname Lname Mname Age Sex Address contactNumber

Police Station

policeStationID PoliceStationName policestartingDate City Phone FaxNo

Criminal Record System

tbl_investigationMaster tbl_State_Master tbl_loginMaster

id StateId tbl_UserProfile id
investigationId StateName
tbl_cirmeSeqEstimationMaster startDate Description
id LastName
endDate CountryId
sequenceId City
firNo Languag
description Gender
tbl_evidenceMaster emailAddress
tbl_Kebele_Master grantId
id loginChangeDate
evidenceId userStatus
investigationId profileId
tbl_victimsFirMaster evidenceTypeId
tbl_crimeChargesheetMaster id WoredaId
id ZoneId
crimeNatureId ZoneName
address Description
chargeSheetDetails tbl_GrantPrivilage
details StateId
firNo grantId
tbl_evidenceTypeMaster tbl_departmentMaster
producedCourtName emaiId id
victimId id
chargeSheetFiledBy tbl_Woreda_Master KebeleId departmentNo
investigationOfficerId evidenceId
KeyCode departmentName
description description

witnessId tbl_City_master
firNo CityId
witnessCollectedDate CityName
description tbl_departmentEmployeesMaster
Description tbl_policeStationMaster
witnessInformation id
tbl_crimeCategoryNatureMaster tbl_victimesMaster departmentNo
id id
natureId victimId
categoryId victimeName
crimeName KebeleID
description kebele tbl_designationMaster
city id
state designationId
country designationName
tbl_crimeCategoryMaster houseNo description

Algorithm we used in the CRS:


Inputs: User name and Password

Description: used to access any CCRS page


Connect to database

Access account table Table

Select username,password,useId and userType from account_table Table

IF username and password are equivalent to select a given user account

IF userID and userType maches to selected ones

Display home page of user with userId selected

End IF

End iF

Else iF

Display Error message: wrong user name and password. Please fill the correct one.

End else if


4.9 State Chart modeling

State chart diagram for registration

Figure 20 State chart diagram

Criminal Record System

4.10 User interface design

4.10.1 User Interface Description

Login page

Username: Type your username

Password: Type your first name
Login: Click the Login button to submit your username and password and enter the system.
Forget password If you have forgotten your password, enter your e-mail address in the username box and
you will receive an e-mail containing your password.
Home page

The home page is the first page that users see. The home page captures the attention of users, including
administrator, officers, citizen, secretary and other inspector.
To provide visual continuity between all pages, a banner graphic should appear at the top of each page, and
load quickly. The remaining space on the home page screen could be filled with introductory text and
hypertext links to other parts of the system. The home page may include optional design has several
hypertext links, with the following purposes:
The “search” button links to the main search page, where the user can build a query and find specific data of
crime and criminal.
The “related links” button takes the user to a list of related web sites. At a minimum, the list could include
links to web sites that belong to organizations that will add additional information to the criminal record
The “register” button links to a registration page. Registered users will have the advantage of receiving e-
mail confirmation.
The “feedback” button provides an electronic mail connection to the Webmaster and allow users to send
questions when they have trouble using the site.
The “help” link can provide simple instructions for using the system. This link should be available on all
screens. Additionally the link could provide basic definitions of terminology used throughout the system and
information on creating an account, as well as basic contact information.
Administration page

A system should include a web page that can be used for administration purposes and not accessible to the
public. It should accessible only to approved administrators who need instant access to information about the
performance of the web site. Access to the administrative page can be controlled through a login screen.
Use of a system should be logged to gain a better understanding of how users might benefit from a CRMS.
System administrators could use the record of user activity to identify functional areas that require
improvement. An administrative page could include the following features:

 A summary of the system use logs,
 Functions for adding, deleting, and updating all records
 Functions for controlling e-mail notifications to registered users
General communication in the organization

Figure 21 General design

Criminal Record System


This chapter basically highlights the issues dealt with the implementation phases. In this
implementation we focus on where objectives of physical operations of our system turned into
reality i.e. real working model. In this phase the coding convention has made it possible as it’s the
real phase of objectivity to reality. Then we tested the code until most of the errors have been
detected and corrected.

The goal of our implementation is to introduce our system for the users in real sense that how they
use this new system which is developed for their intended objectives. In this chapter object oriented
implementation includes the following developing algorithm coding, installation testing and at last
summary of implementation.

The functional system from the design phase above is the key input to the implementation phase.
The deliverable of the implementation phase (the project) is the operational system that will enter
the operation and support stage of the system’s life cycle.

5.1 The process of coding

Coding is an analytical process in which data, in both quantitative form (such as questionnaires results) or
qualitative (such as interview transcripts) is categorized to facilitate analysis. Coding means the
transformation of data into a form understandable by computer software. Hence, we had tried to convert the
data we have gathered into runnable and in which can solve the problem. While coding our system, we took
into in to account whether it will solve the targeted problem efficiently, accurately and with good
performance. It is the core process in classic grounded theory methodology. It is through coding that the
conceptual abstraction of data and its reintegration as theory takes place.

Criminal Record System

Criminal Record System

5.2 Testing and Installation

Test procedure

Testing evaluates our software product to ensure that it satisfies its planned purpose. A test that is modified
to and consistent with development methodologies provides an observable and structured approach to
verifying requirements and quantifiable performance. To test the system the following testing mechanism
has been used:

Test case specification

Log in

Test case identifier Login process

Test location Log in page

Feature to be tested Checks whether the person is authorized user of the

system or not

Feature to pass criteria The test passes:

When user inserts correct Id and password in the

login page

If incorrect Id and password inserted the system

displays error message and allow to re-type password
and Id

Data Password and Id information in the login page.

Table 1 Log in Test case specification


Test case identifier user registration process

Test location Adding user to database

Feature to be tested Check whether the user is new or already in database

Feature to pass criteria The system checks mandatory fields are registered or

Add user information to the database.

Data user information on organization’s database

Table 2 Employee Test case specification

Unit testing: - After a development of this system an individual program module or component has been
tested to ensure that it works according to its predetermined specifications, operates within acceptable
parameters, and meets the appropriate standards.

The social and meeting net system units are tested unit by unit. Some of testing samples are given below

A: Login

Test location Login page

Feature to be tested Login

Data Authentication and Authorization of the user

Test Cases Information about user account

Result If the system correctly accepts and validates inputs, if the

system validates a user by comparing the decrypted form of
the related password of the user with the entered password.
If the system displays only the resources that are authorized
for that user only

Validated user

B: Administrator

Test case identifier Register user information

Test location Add user information page

Feature to be tested Registering new employed user information

Data Information related to user

Test Cases if the system inserts a new user record

Result Registered user information

Criminal Record System

Integration Testing:- Integration of our system deal with a number of components that complete; it will
test to ensure that they integrate well with each other, the operating system, and other components as well as
to achieve the central objectives.

Quality Assurance Testing (QAT): -After preceded the above testing strategies the whole system will test
with the participation of appropriate employees in Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations.
Behind this some questionnaires will prepared for them on how they get the system.

Once all the software components have been integrated, the system (or a major portion of it) is tested by
non-development technicians i.e. experts from the quality assurance domain.

User Acceptance Testing:- Commonly known as the beginning and the ending test, the completed system
(or a major portion of it) is released to a selected group of users for testing in the real-world. So we have
tested our system with our advisor whether it is completed and well-being functional.

Security Testing: -Security testing has also been completed by accessing the system with user name and
password authentication and authorization privileges with restrictions. For example without the valid user
name and password tester may get in to access the system.

Performance Testing: -Determines how our system performs in the range of possible environments in
which it may be used. This testing is done by configuring the system in different environments like different
operating systems, on different networks and different hardware configurations.

Our system has tried to test all the system components throughout the implementation process. Even before
an application is installed, it makes sense to verify that the basic Platform is capable of achieving its design


Is the act of making the program ready for execution and is the process of moving from the source code to
unable software.

5.3 The Process of Documenting System

stating Problems in the Existing System
Before starting to develop the system, the group members identified the problems existed in the current
system. After identifying the problems, we stated alternative solution for the existing system.

Understanding the Business Rule of Organization

Before converting the existing manual system of the organization to automated system, first we need to
understand the business rule that the organization follows. When converting the manual system to automated
system, we followed the business rule of the organization. This let us to know the gap functionality of our
system: how does it is applicable and not applicable.

Identifying Functions of the Proposed System

After stating the problems we identified functions of proposed system. We listed specific activities done by
specific user of the system. These functional requirements are used during use case development, system
implementation and in other parts of the system documentation and development.

System Design

In this stage, we designed what the proposed system’s database, system architecture; class diagram will look
like in the real world. It is used to forecast the appearance of the proposed system in advance.

System Implementation

System implementation is converting the written system into real system. This became true through coding.
System implementation is the last stage of the documentation process of this system.

5.4 Training user and supporting users

Training user: Even if our system is user-friendly hosted Intranet site, still the training is proposed to be
providing to the target users of this system for ensuring the best productivity of the system. To have smooth
communication with our system, the user should follow screen shouted GUI of our system in deep attention
to go far with.

Supporting users: our system have on screen help hence whenever the user face a problem he/should fix
small error occurring on the program or on over all of the system. If a little beat big error such the
probability of crash or failing occurs the administrator will help.

5.5 Conclusion and Recommendation

As system come up to the stage of completion, it’s time to literate the work has been done and check against
the developed system success indicator which was set at the beginning of the system. It’s the moment to
determine whether the attempt is successful as per the predetermined objectives or long way is awaited. The
project begins with Identifying, defining the problem and adopting an appropriate system development
methodology, identifying resource requirements, and setting project schedule.

In analysis, we tried to model the new and proposed system using UML diagrams: USE CASE diagrams,
sequence diagrams, class diagrams. The new system might look and feel with greater comfort and desired

In design phase, we extended work analysis with more models. The class type architecture, class diagrams in
analysis were extended in design to step closer to the implementation.

Criminal Record System

In general; during the various phases of the project, we have learnt a lot in multidisciplinary technologies
required to be embed with this system and these technologies would be useful in our future techno-economic
career. We have adopted the real cracks of computer science concepts so that the quality and standards can
be achieved optimally.

We have applied the best efforts towards the achievement of our desired objectives of the proposed system.
We tried our best to design a better architecture of the proposed Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police
stations Criminal System. We conclude that we have achieved our utmost objectives for the promising
solutions to Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP) under police stations Criminal record System.

When and where; whom and in what way this system would be used for its intended objectives, certainly it
will play a vital role in ensuring it’s all intended applications in effective and efficient way.

[1] Synopsis of crime management system in Accessed time: 1/23/2023___12: 30 are from


[3] “Criminal record system in Canada” Retrieved on 1/23/2023 1:34pm from

[4]“Criminal Records Ohio Information System” Accessed time: 1/19/2015 6:47am from

[5] system171e851d4ae.html

[6] “African policing civilian oversight forum”

[7] “Ethiopian Federal Police background”


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