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English Speaking Course Day 59 - Use of Happen in English

क्या हुआ?
What happened?

ु हें क्या हुआ?
What happened to you?

यहााँ क्या क्या हुआ?

What all happened here?

जो होता है , अच्छे के लिए होता है ।

Whatever happens, happens for good.

ये हर ककसी के साथ होता है ।

It happens with everyone.

इत्तेफाक से मैं स्कूि जाते वक्त रोज़ उसे लमिता हूाँ।

Coincidentally, I meet him every day while going to school./
I happen to meet him every day while going to school.

संयोग से वो स्कूि जाते वक्त रोज़ मझ

ु े लमिता है ।
Coincidentally, he meets me every day while going to school./
He happens to meet me every day while going to school.

संयोग दे खिए, मैं स्कूि जाते वक्त रोज़ उससे लमिता था।
Coincidentally, I met him every day while going to school./
I happened to meet him every day while going to school.
Coincidentally, I would meet him every day while going to school./
I would happen to meet him every day while going to school.
Coincidentally, I used to meet him every day while going to school.

ककस्मत से, वो हर मैच जीत जाता है ।

Luckily, he wins every match./
He happens to win every match.

उसका दर्
ु ााग्य है कक वो हर बार मैच हार जाता है ।
Unfortunately, he loses every match./
He happens to lose every match.

मैं जब र्ी उसे कॉि करता हूाँ, संयोग की बात है कक वो घर पर होता है ।

Whenever I call him, coincidentally, he is at home./
Whenever I call him, he happens to be at home.

मैं जब र्ी उसे कॉि करता हूाँ, संयोग की बात है कक वो िेि रहा होता है ।
Whenever I call him, coincidentally, he is playing./
Whenever I call him, he happens to be playing.

जब मैं उसे कॉि करता हूाँ, ककस्मत से तब उसके पास अपना िैपटॉप होता है ।

Daily Lecture Notes
Whenever I call him, luckily, he has his laptop then./
Whenever I call him, he happens to have his laptop then.

मैं जब र्ी उसे कॉि करता हूाँ, बदककस्मती से वो ऑकफस से ननकि चुका होता है ।
Whenever I call him, unfortunately, he has left the office./
Whenever I call him, he happens to have left the office.

ककस्मत से वो घर पहुाँच चुका था, वरना वो मश्ु ककि में पड़ जाता।
Luckily, he had reached home; otherwise, he would have been in trouble./
He happened to have reached home; otherwise, he would have been in trouble.

ककस्मत से हम िेि नह ं रहे थे, वरना हम बहुत मश्ु ककि में पड़ जाते।
Luckily, we were not playing; otherwise, we would’ve been in huge trouble./
We happened to be not playing; otherwise, we would’ve been in huge trouble.

बदककस्मती से उस ददन उसके पास पैसे नह ं थे।

Unfortunately, he had no money that day./
He happened to have no money that day.

मैं इत्तेफाक से उस ददन घर पे था, और वो टपक गया।

Coincidentally, I was at home that day and he dropped in./
I happened to be at home that day and he dropped in.

Daily Lecture Notes
English Speaking Course Day 60 -Important English Speaking
Use of “Good at/in”
Use of “Bad at/in”
He is good at cricket but bad at football.
He is good at playing cricket but bad at playing football.
I am good at studies but not that good at mathematics.
You are good at business, aren’t you?
I think they both are bad at singing but good at games.
I am good at calculations, and that’s why I want to become a CA.
She is not good at cooking but she is really bad at making tea.

Use of “or so”

He will come in a day or so.
He will come after three months or so.
We are coming within two hours or so.

Use of “or what”

This is a computer or what?
You are a fool or what?
He is good at calculations or what?

Made in + <Country>
Made of + <Thing>
Made up of + <Various things/persons>
Made by + <Company/Person’s name>
This mobile is made in India.
This ball is made of leather.
This mobile is made up of plastic, iron, aluminum, etc.
A team is made up of players, coaches, and other staff members.
This fan is made by Havells, and that fan is made by me.
This painting is made by Ravi.

Made for / Meant for

They are truly made for each other./ They are truly meant for each other.
You are made for cricket and I am made for teaching./ You are meant for cricket and I am meant for
I guess he is made for painting because he is extremely good at it./ I guess he is meant for painting
because he is extremely good at it.

Keep + <Verb ing>

He will keep fighting with us for no reason, so just ignore him.
He keeps calling you to return his money but you ignore his calls.
He kept trying to fix the washing machine himself but to no avail.
Ravi keeps playing games on his mobile, and that’s why he failed the exam.

Start + <verb + ing> / Begin + <to verb>

He starts fighting over the trifles./ He begins to fight over the trifles.
I started going to the gym last Monday./ I began to go to the gym last Monday.
We will start advertising our products the next Monday./ We will begin to advertise our products
from the next Monday.
My brother has started learning English now. / My brother has begun to learn English now.

Daily Lecture Notes
The very
This is the very book I want.
He went to the very place, Ravi had told us.
Don’t worry! I am doing the very exercise, you had taught me.

Very much
Sumit is very much at home.
He is very much there. Please go and get him.
We are very much here waiting for you, please come early.

Fond of + <verb + ing>

He is fond of cricket.
He is fond of playing cricket.
I am fond of playing, singing, and most importantly reading books.

How to + <verb>
I don’t know how to drive.
You should learn how to speak English.
I know how to do business but I have no money to invest.
Do you have any idea how to get the books printed?

Seems as if / Seems like / Looks like

Seems as if you don’t know anything about football.
Looks like you can handle this work very well.
It seems as if you are good at mathematics in your class.
Seems as if I will not be able to pass the exam this year.
Looks like nobody is ready to help him.
It seems like you want to say something to me.
Seems like he has done the homework, or else he would not be playing.

Daily Lecture Notes
English Speaking Course Day 61 -Use of HAVING in English

Simple Sentences Category 2 का कोई र्ी Sentence श्जसमें Has, Have, Had का प्रयोग ककया जाता है
जैसे कक – “पास होना (To possess)”, “र्ाई/बहन/दोस्त आदद होना (To have brother, sister, friend
etc.)” या “में होना/के अन्दर होना (To be within); इन सर्ी sentences को “Having” के साथ र्ी
बनाया जा सकता है । उदाहरण –

उसके पास िैपटॉप है ।

He has a laptop. / He is having a laptop.

मेरे पास कुछ नह ं है ।

I have nothing./ I am having nothing.

मेरे पास िाने के लिए एक सेब था।

I had an apple to eat. / I was having an apple to eat.

मेरे दो दोस्त हैं।

I have two friends. / I am having two friends.

इस कमरे में दो खिड़ककयााँ हैं।

This room has two doors. / This room is having two doors.

एक हफ्ते में सात ददन होते हैं।

A week has seven days. / A week is having seven days.

हर मोबाइि में एक डिस््िे होता है ।

Every mobile has a display. / Every mobile is having a display.

मेरे पास अगिे साि िैपटॉप होगा।

I will have a laptop next year. / I will be having a laptop next year.

उसके पास इस वक्त िैपटॉप होगा।

He would have a laptop right now. / He would be having a laptop right now.

ककसी र्ी Tense का कोई र्ी Sentence श्जसमें Has, Have, Had का प्रयोग ककया जाता है जैसे कक – कर
ु ा होना (To have done the task) या ककसी समय से कर रहा होना (To have been doing since/for
a TIME); इन सर्ी sentences को “Having” के साथ कर्ी नह ं बनाया जा सकता। उदाहरण –

वो काम कर चक ु ा है ।
He has done the work.
He is having done the work. (ऐसे नह ं बना सकते।)

I have done the work.

Daily Lecture Notes
We had done the work.
He will have done the work by the evening.
He would have done the work by now.
He has been playing since morning.
They had been studying for 2 hours.
Tomorrow at 6 PM, I will have been playing for 3 hours.
He would have been playing for 3 hours.

Modal Verbs के ननम्नलिखित वाक्यों को “Having” के साथ र्ी बनाया जा सकता है ।

मझु े रोज़ स्कूि जाना पड़ता है ।

I have to go to school daily. / I am having to go to school daily.

उसे स्टे ज पर िााँस करना पड़ता है ।

He has to dance on the stage. / He is having to dance on the stage.

उन्हें रोज़ यहााँ आना पड़ता था।

They had to come here daily. / They were having to come here daily.

मझु े उसके साथ िेिना पड़ रहा है ।

I am having to play with him.

मझु े स्कूि जाना पड़ेगा।

I will have to go to school. / I will be having to go to school.

मझु े ऑकफस जाना पड़ता।

I would have to go to the office. / I would be having to go to the office.

उसके पास पैन होना चादहए।

He should have a pen. / He should be having a pen.

आपके पास कैल्कुिेटर ज़रूर होना चादहए।

You must have a calculator. / You must be having a calculator.

उसके पास कुछ पैसे हो सकते थे।

He could have some money. / He could be having some money.

िेककन Modal Verbs के ननम्नलिखित वाक्यों को “Having” के साथ नह ं बनाया जा सकता।

उसे मुझे कॉि करना चादहए था।

He should have called me.
He should be having called me. (ऐसे नह ं बना सकते।)

He could have met you that day, but perhaps he didn’t want to.
He would have reached by now but his bike’s tyre has gone flat.
She might have seen you in the market.

Daily Lecture Notes
He should have had a car.
Even, you could have had a house today but you never saved money.
If he had studied well, he would have had a good job today.

Have (As a main verb) – िाना / पीना / िेना (Eat / Drink / Take)

मैं अंगरू िा रहा हूाँ।

I am eating grapes. /I am having grapes.

वो पानी पी रह है ।
She is drinking water. /She is having water.

मैं सर्ी सेब िा चक

ु ा हूाँ।
I have eaten all the apples. /I have had all the apples.

वो िाना िा चक
ु ा है ।
He has eaten the food. /He has had the food.

हमने रै स््ााँ में डिनर ककया।

We ate dinner at a restaurant. /We had dinner at a restaurant.

उसने दो ग्िास पानी पपया।

She drank two glasses of water. /She had two glasses of water.

मैंने 11 बजे जूस पी लिया है।

I have taken juice at 11 o’clock. /I have had juice at 11 o’clock.

उसने कि िाना नह ं िाया।

He did not eat the food yesterday. /He did not have the food yesterday.

वो अपनी दवाईयााँ समय पे िे चक

ु ा है ।
He has taken his medicines on time. /He has had his medicines on time.

Having + V3 कोई काम करने के बाद

उससे लमिने के बाद, मैं ऑकफस से ननकिा।

After meeting him, I left the office. /Having met him, I left the office.

कफल्म दे िने के बाद, मैंने डिनर ककया।

After watching the film, I had dinner. /Having watched the film, I had dinner.

इस ककताब को पढ़ने के बाद, मैं ये कॉन्से्ट समझ पाया।

After reading this book, I could understand this concept. /Having read this book, I could
understand this concept.

Daily Lecture Notes
ककसी काम को ककये हुए (Kisi kaam ko kiye hue)

आपसे लमिे हुए मझु े दो साि हो गये हैं।

It has been 2 years since I met you. /It has been 2 years having met you.

नहाये हुए मुझे एक हफ्ता हो गया है ।

It has been a week since I took a bath. /It has been a week having taken a bath.

ककताबें िोिे हुए मुझे एक मह ना हो गया है ।

It has been a month now since I opened my books. /It has been a month now having opened
my books.

Have को Be having में बदिना

ये कहा जाता है कक उसके पास बहुत पैसा है ।

It is said that he has lots of money. /He is said to have lots of money./
He is said to be having lots of money.

ये कहा जाता है कक उसके पास अपनी िद ु की तीस कारें हैं।

It is said that he has thirty cars of his own. /He is said to have thirty cars of his own./
He is said to be having thirty cars of his own.

ये कहा जाता था कक उसके पास बहुत पैसा है ।

It was said that he had lots of money. /He was said to have lots of money./
He was said to be having lots of money.

ये कहा जाता था कक उसके पास अपनी िद ु की तीस कारें हैं।

It was said that he had thirty cars of his own. /He was said to have thirty cars of his own./
He was said to be having thirty cars of his own.

ये उम्मीद की जाती है कक आपका आपकी ट म पर पूरा ननयंत्रण है ।

It is expected that you have full control over your team. /You are expected to have full
control over your team. /You are expected to be having full control over your team.

ये उम्मीद की जाती है कक सर्ी पवद्यार्थय

ा ों ने होमवका कर लिया है ।
It is expected that all the students have done the homework. /All the students are expected
to have done the homework. /All the students are expected to be having done the

ये माना जाता है कक उसके पास बहुत पैसा है ।

It is supposed that he has lots of money. /He is supposed to have lots of money./
He is supposed to be having lots of money.

To have को For having में बदिना

मैं िश
ु हूाँ कक मेरे पास एक अच्छी जॉब है ।

Daily Lecture Notes
I am happy that I have a good job. /I am happy to have a good job./
I am happy for having a good job.

वो ननराश है कक उसके पास एक अच्छी जॉब नह ं है ।

He is disappointed that he doesn’t have a good job. /He is disappointed to not have a good
job. /He is disappointed for not having a good job.

मैं र्ाग्यशाि हूाँ कक मेरे पास आप जैसे अच्छे अध्यापक हैं।

I am lucky that I have a good teacher like you. /I am lucky to have a good teacher like you./
I am lucky for having a good teacher like you.

वो िशु नसीब है कक उसने IAS Exam पहि बार में पास कर लिया है ।
He is fortunate that he has passed the IAS exam on the first attempt. /He is fortunate to
have passed the IAS exam on the first attempt. /He is fortunate for having passed the IAS
exam on the first attempt.

वह दिु ी था कक उसने बहुत मेहनत की थी पर सब व्यथा हो गया।

He was sad that he had worked hard but to no avail. /He was sad to have worked hard but
to no avail. /He was sad for having worked hard but to no avail.

हम िशु थे कक हमने ये सफितापूवका ककया था।

We were happy that we had done it successfully. /We were happy to have done it
successfully. /We were happy for having done it successfully.

Been to = Gone to
Been in = Lived in

मैं ददल्ि दो बार जा चक

ु ा हूाँ।
I have been to Delhi twice./
I have gone to Delhi twice.

मैं ददल्ि में पााँच साि रह चक

ु ा हूाँ।
I have been in Delhi for five years. /I have lived in Delhi for five years.

वो वहााँ कई बार चिा गया था।

He had been there many times./He had gone there many times.

Having said that – िेककन कफर र्ी/ इसके बावजूद

नीचे ददये उदाहरणों के माध्यम से वीडियो में समझाया गया है ।

कि आपने अच्छा िेिा। िेककन कफर र्ी, आपका असि टै िेन्ट अर्ी र्ी बाहर आना बाकी है ।
You played well yesterday. Having said that, your real talent is yet to come out.

मैं ददल्ि पााँच साि रह चक

ु ा हूाँ। इसके बावजूद, मुझे रास्तों का कुछ पता नह ं है ।
I have been in Delhi for five years. Having said that, I have no idea of the routes.

Daily Lecture Notes
is/am/are = has been/have been
was/were = had been

वो घर पर है ।
He is at home

वो सुबह से घर पर है ।
He has been at home since morning.

वो 2 घंटे से घर पर है ।
He has been at home for two hours.

हम वहााँ बैठे थे।

We were sitting there.

हम काफी दे र से वहााँ बैठे थे।

We had been sitting there for a long.

Daily Lecture Notes
English Speaking Course Day 62 -Use of Be Being Been in English

कोई काम करने के बाद – Having + V3

कोई काम िुद पर होने के बाद – Having been + V3
अपने बेटे को िााँटने के बाद, मझ
ु े बहुत बरु ा िगा।
After I scolded my son, I felt very bad./
After scolding my son, I felt very bad.
Having scolded my son, I felt very bad.

बॉस से िााँट िाने के बाद, मझ

ु े बहुत बरु ा िगा।
After the boss scolded me, I felt very bad./
Having been scolded by the boss, I felt very bad.

उसे र्ेजने के बाद, मैंने आपको कॉि ककया।

After I sent him, I called you./
After sending him, I called you./
Having sent him, I called you.

उसका मझ ु े र्ेजने के बाद, मैंने आपको कॉि ककया।

After he sent me, I called you./
Having been sent by him, I called you.

Having been beaten by my father, I went outside and started crying.

Having been given a pen, he became very happy.
Having been asked all the questions, he left the examination hall.
Having been repaired, my mobile started working perfectly again.
Having been taught once, I never made a mistake on this topic.
Having been ignored by him, I never called him again.

होने के बाद – Having been + Obj.

Having been at home, I switched on the TV and started watching cricket.
Having been with you, I can say that you are very honest in your work.
Having been ill, he began to focus more on his health.
Having been jobless, he started doing his own business.
Having been to Jaipur last year, I realized how beautiful that city was.
Having been in here for 3 years, I realized the importance of my own city.

Being – होने के नाते, होने की वजह से

Since I am a teacher, it’s my responsibility that I don’t misguide you.=
Being a teacher, it’s my responsibility that I don’t misguide you.

As I am his best friend, I must help him in such an adverse situation.=

Being his best friend, I must help him in such an adverse situation.

For, she was slim, she could enter the house through this small window.=
Being slim, she could enter the house through this small window.

I am your brother, I can’t leave you alone here.=

Being your brother, I can’t leave you alone here.

Daily Lecture Notes
Will + V1 = Will be + V4 = Is/am/are + going to + V1

आज मैं आपके घर आऊाँगा।

I will come to your home today./
I will be coming to your home today./
I am gonna come to your home today.

वो अपने दोस्तों के साथ मव

ू ी जायेगा।
He will go for a movie with his friends./
He will be going for a movie with his friends./
He is gonna go for a movie with his friends.

वे उस ग्राउन्ि में नह ं िेिेंगे।

They will not play on that ground./
They will not be playing on that ground./
They are not gonna play on that ground.

क्या आप िोग मॉररलशस का द्प ्िैन करें ग?े

Will you guys plan a trip to Mauritius?/
Will you guys be planning a trip to Mauritius?/
Are you guys gonna plan a trip to Mauritius?

To-be – होने वािा

वो मेरे होने वािे बॉस हैं।
He is my to-be boss.

वह अमन की होने वाि पत्नी है ।

She is Aman’s to-be wife.

मैं कि माकेट में अपने होने वािे मैनेजर से लमिा।

I met my to-be manager in the market yesterday.

उसका होने वािा पनत एक बबज़नेसमैन है ।

Her to-be husband is a businessman.

इस दनु नया में कोई र्ी र्पवष्यवक्ता होने वाि घटनाओं के बारे में पहिे से नह ं बता सकता।
No astrologer in the world can predict about to-be events.

Is/Am/Are/was/were को To be में बदिना

It was supposed that he was very helpful by nature.= He was supposed to be very helpful by nature.
It is said that he is at home before 11 o’clock. = He is said to be at home before 11 o’clock.
It is said that they are always ready to help people.= They are said to be always ready to help people.
It is expected that all the clothes are kept properly in the cupboard.= All the clothes are expected to
be kept properly in the cupboard.

Subject – Being = To be
Object – Being, To be or Either of the two

Being late is not a good habit. = To be late is not a good habit.

Daily Lecture Notes
Being with you is always fun. = To be with you is always fun.
Being selfish is in his blood. = To be selfish is in his blood.
I love being here for hours. = I love to be here for hours.
I enjoy being with my parents. = I enjoy to be with my parents. (NOT CORRECT)
He decided being in my team. (NOT CORRECT) = He decided to be in my team.
We have preferred being at home. = We have preferred to be at home.
I hate being in the office on Sunday. = I hate to be in the office on Sunday.

Imperative Sentences – होना/बनना/रहना

ईमानदार बनो।
Be honest.

दयािू बनो।
Be kind.

सावधान रहो।
Be cautious.

श्स्थर रहो।
Be still.

घर पर रहो।
Be at home.

मेरे दोस्त बनो।

Be my friend.

रहने दो।
Let it be.

उसे यह ं रहने दो।

Let him be here.

हमें क्िास में रहने दो।

Let us be in the class.

I am thinking to be in the park for the next 2 hours.
They promised to be with Rahul as long as he is on the field.
We want to be in your team because you are a very good captain.
My sister wants to be/become a doctor.
I want to be/become your best friend.
He pretends to be working, though he isn’t. = He pretends that he is working, though he isn’t.
I like to be known as a teacher. = I like that I am known as a teacher.
He is being/getting crazy to meet him.
You are being/getting stronger day by day.

Daily Lecture Notes

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