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Read the text below!

Green Environment

Green Environment is area with a lot of trees, flowers or grasses

which arranged well. Green environment is manifestation of life harmony
between human and nature.

Green environment has many

advantages to our life. Many plants can
produce more oxygen and refreshing the
air. Fresh air makes our lung healthier.
Trees and flowers make our area more
pleasant, beautiful and cozy. Green
environment can give us comfort life. it makes our live healthier and

Human being should protect the nature. We can start to plant many
trees or flowers and conserve the plant around us. We will take many
benefits from it if we keep our environment green. Be good at nature then
nature will be good at you back.

Answer this question!
1. Find main idea of the text !
2. Explain about the meaning of green environment !
3. How can green environment make our live healthier?
4. What are the advantages of green environment to our life?
5. Why do we should protect our nature?


Discuss with your friend and describe about your school environment


Work in pair and make a short dialog about green environment !
Practice the dialog in front of your class !


Listen some vocabularies about green environment which said by your

teacher, then write down the words!

Vocabularies :
➢ Environment = lingkungan
➢ Arranged = tertata
➢ Manifestation = wujud
➢ Harmony = keselarasan
➢ Human = manusia
➢ Nature = alam
➢ Advantages = manfaat
➢ Oxygen = oksigen
➢ Lung = paru-paru
➢ Cozy = nyaman
➢ Conserve = melestarikan

Read the text below !

Reforestation as People Responsibility

Indonesia as the lungs of the world. Because in Indonesia have

many vast forests. The leaves in the forest release abundant oxygens.
Oxygen is essential ingredient for life.

But unfortunately, our forests decreasing due to fire and illegal

logging. Therefore, the government with people trying to reduce forest
damages. One of them is reforestation.

November 28th as Day Of Planting Trees, has

been commemorated since 2015. President plants
trees at Taman Hutan Rakyat Sultan Adam, South
Borneo. There are 10.000 trees planted at the forest.
Thera are many kinds of trees, as edible trees.

We can participate to restore the lungs of the world. Planting the trees
can do anywhere, as around us. It is our responsibility as Indonesian
people, it means as world people. More and more trees surround us, so
the more oxygens for live.

1. Find the main idea of the forth paragraph ?
2. Compare about Indonesia as lungs of the world on the past and
3. Examine the message from the text !
4. Why oxygen is essential for life ?
5. Conclude about the text above !


Describe steps the way to plant the tree


Discuss with your friend about kinds of people responsibility, and
mention the example !
Present the result in front of your class.


Listen to your teacher who reads a text !

Fill the blank with suitable sentence !
1. Human breathe using ......
2. The air enter the body trough.....
3. Oxygen is .....
4. Carbon dioxide is .....


Expressing Obligation and Giving Advice

A. Expressing Obligation

Expression obligation is used to expresses necessity due to a

situation with a higher level of urgency or the responsibility which
should be done.

Plural Have to Harus/ We have to protect

Subject wajib our nature

Singular Has to Harus/ She has to keep the

Subject wajib environment green
B. Expression of Giving Advice

Expression of giving advice is used to expresses the suggestion to


a. We should watering
Plural and
Seharusnya/ the flowers everyday
Singular Should
sebaiknya b. She should clean her
area regularly

Exercise :
Fill the blank using “have/has to” or “should”
1. They ______________ plant the flower around his house
2. The students _____________ keep the school area clean
3. People_____________ participate in reforestation program
4. We____________ conserve the nature
4. You __________ fertilize the plant this morning

Reforestation : Reboisasi (penghijauan)
South borneo : Kalimantan Selatan
Responsibility : Tanggung jawab
Edible : dapat dimakan
Lungs : Paru-paru
Forest : Hutan
Abundant : Melimpah
Decreasing : Menurun
Illegal logging : penebangan liar

A. Cross (X) the best answer !

1. Green environment is manifestation of live harmony between…
a. human and nature b. nature and animals
c. human and animals d. plant and animals
2. Many plants can produce more…
a. carbon dioxide b. oxygen
c. hydrogen d. carbon monoxide
3. Fresh air makes our… healthier
a. heart b. lung
c. bone d. kidney
4. Here are the advantages of green environment. Except…
a. refresh the air b. produce more oxygen
c. increase pollution d. makes our lives healthier
5. The benefit of planting flower around our area is…
a. unsightly the area
b. the yard becomes lush
c. our area be more beautiful
d. tighten the area
6. One of the ways to protect the nature is…
a. do the illegal logging
b. throw the rubbish everywhere
c. harm the plant
d. plant many trees and flowers
7. The essential ingredients for life is…
a. carbon dioxide b. hydrogen
c. oxygen d. carbon monoxide
8. Planting trees day is held on…
a. 28th November b. 29th November
c. 28th December d. 29th December
9. Taman Hutan Rakyat Sultan Adam is located in…
a. west Sumatra b. south Sumatra
c. east Borneo d. south Borneo
10. One of people’s responsibility to protect the nature is…
a. cut the tree b. reforestation
c. illegal logging d. burn the forest
11. The government … reduce forest damage
a. have to b. has to
c. should d. shouldn’t
12. The government reduce forest damage by…
a. reconstruction b. reformation
c. reforestation d. reincarnation
13. The country as the lung of the world is…
a. Thailand b. Singapore
c. Malaysia d. Indonesia
14. Based on the second text, president plants trees at…
a. his house
b. city park
c. Taman Hutan Rakyat Sultan Adam
d. along the street
15. We…. put many flowers at our house yard
a. have to b. has to
c. should d. shouldn’t

B. Cross (X) more than one correct answer !

1. Green environment is area with a lot of…
a. rubbish b. trees
c. water d. flowers
2. The benefits of having green environment are…
a. the air will be fresher
b. our lung will be healthier
c. our area will be dirty
d. pollution will increase
3. Trees at the forest are decrease because of..
a. reforestation b. illegal logging
c. fire c. plant conservation
4. Some ways to protect nature is…
a. reforestation b. plant conservation
c. illegal logging c. burn the forest
5. More plants can produce more…
a. oxygen b. water
c. carbon dioxide c. pollution
C. match the picture with the correct answer !


a. Air polution


b. Green environment


c. Reforestation


d. Illegal logging


e. Fire forest
D. Fill the blank correctly !
1, Area with a lot of trees, flowers, or grasses which arranged well is
2. Refresh the air, produce more oxygen are …. Of green environment
3. Reforestation is…
4. As Indonesian people, one of our responsibilities for nature is…
5. 28th November is the day of…

E. Answer the questions correctly !

1. “ Indonesia as the lung of the world”. What does it means?
2. What is reforestation? Explain it !
3. What will happened if we don’t protect our nature?
4. What are the advantages of green environment for human life?
5. Why is reforestation important?

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