TrainingAid BackSafety

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Equipment Needed:
• Large Box
• Clipboard and pen (for Attendance sheet)

Pass the ATTENDANCE SHEET on the clipboard around the group. You will need it
returning to you.

Objective: After this safety training session, the group should understand the
importance of lifting and moving safely.

November 2009




Lifting and handling heavy items incorrectly can cause injury, such as:

• Strained/pulled muscles
• Cuts, lacerations and abrasions from sharp edges
• Crush injuries from trapped fingers/limbs

Lifting Safely
The safest way to avoid a back injury is by avoiding lifting a heavy load when possible.

Step 1 – Ask yourself “Do I really need to lift and carry this, or is there a trolley or cart
handling aid I can use to help me?”

Step 2 – Assess the safest way of lifting.

Ask yourself:
• How heavy is the load?
• Will I need to carry it a long way?
• Is the shape of the load difficult to handle, like a ladder?
• Is there good access around the load?
• Are there hazards on the floor (spills, electrical leads etc)?
• Is the ship rolling or pitching?

Step 3 –How can I make the lift safer.

• Can you reduce the weight of the load?

• Are there any hazards on the deck?
• Can a friend assist with lifting a load?

Step 4 – if you have to lift, use this technique:

Ask a volunteer to step forward

• Stand with one leg more forward

• Get a good grip
• Keep your knees bent
• Keep your back almost straight
• Keep the load close to you
• Keep your head up
• Avoid twisting or leaning sideways

When moving an object on a cart or trolley, PUSH the load when possible. Pushing
puts less strain on your back than pulling.
Group Discussion:

Are there any questions on how to lift safely?

Answer any questions the group may have

I shall now ask the following questions.

Ask these questions to the group. Answers are in Bold

1. You should always keep your knees straight when lifting.

a. True
b. False

2. What position should your head be in once the load has been lifted?
a. Looking down at the load
b. Looking ahead in the direction you are walking

3. If the load is heavy, you should:

a. Ask for help
b. Use a handling aid such as a trolley
c. Both a and b

4. Before lifting you should remove all obstacles, which you could possibly trip over.
a. True
b. False

5. Which is the safest way to move a trolley?

a. Push
b. Pull

6. What should you do first when preparing for a lift?

a. Think
b. Get a good grip

Pass copies of the CREW HANDOUT to the group.

Thank you for your attention.


Think before lifting!

Can you:
Get someone to help?
Break it into smaller loads and make several trips?
Use a trolley or cart?

Safe Lifting Technique:

• Stand close to the load with feet apart.

• Squat down, bending at the knees.
• As you grip the load, arch your lower back inward by pulling your
shoulders back and sticking out your chest.
• Keep the load close to your body. The closer the load is to your body,
the less pressure it exerts on your back.
• When your set the load down, squat down, bending at the knees and
hips, keeping your lower back arched.

Safe Carrying:

• Stand up straight, keeping your ears, shoulders and hips aligned.

• Hold the load close to your body.
• Keep elbows resting against your sides.
• Keep the weight balanced.

Push - Don’t Pull

When moving something on a trolley or cart, push the load.

Pushing puts less strain on your back than pulling.

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