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1. What is a branch of knowledge, which attempts to scientifically analyze the

causes of crimes and delinquency together with the corresponding prevention and
control measures that can be adopted?
A. Criminology B. Etiology of Crime
C. Penology D. Sociology
2. What branch of criminology deals with the study of the origin, nature, principles,
processes and explanations to the existence of crimes?
A. Criminalistics B. Etiology of crime
C. Penology D. Sociology
3. This approach deals primarily on the biological explanation on how and why
crimes are committed. It discusses the forms of abnormalities that present in the
individual perpetrator/malefactor before, during and after the violation of the
A. Elective B. Objective
C. Positive D. Subjective
4. According to Hooton, this approach deals with the study of the physical features/
characteristics of an individual criminal with non- criminal to determine
differences covering criminal behavior.
A. Anatomical B. Objective
C. Positive D. Subjective
5. What category of crime refers to any act or omission punishable by the Revised
Penal Code
A. Breach B. Felony
C. Infraction D. Offense
6. As mentioned in the Positive School of Thought, this approach explains the
mental and physical conditions of the person prior and after the commission of
the crime
A. Anthropological B. Medical
C. Physiological D. Psychological
7. Which of the following approaches explained that the deprivation of the primary
needs of a person is a strong factor in the commission of crimes?
A. Physiological B. Psychological
C. Psychiatric D. Psychoanalytical
8. It focuses on the study of group of individual, social processes and institutions as
influences to and determines of behavior.
A. Elective B. Objective
C. Positive D. Subjective
9. What approach to criminality considers topography, natural resources, location
and climates, which push a person to commit crimes?
A. Ecological B. Economic
C. Geographic D. Socio-Cultural
10. This approach deals with the biotic grouping of men resulting to migration,
competition, social discrimination, division of labor and social conflict as
influences to the commission of crimes.
A. Ecological B. Economic
C. Geographic D. Socio-Cultural
11. It affirms that institutions, education, politics and religion are major factors in the
commission of crimes.
A. Anthropological B. Demography
C. Geographic D. Socio-Cultural
12. What theory asserted that a person committed wrongful acts due to the fact that he
was possessed by or damned by other worldly forces?
A. Demonological B. Diabolical
C. Luciferical D. Spiritual
13. What school of thought believes that the basis of criminal liability is human free
will and the purpose of penalty is retribution? It also said that a man is essentially
a moral creature with an absolutely free will to choose between good and evil,
thereby placing more stress upon the effect or result of the felonious act than upon
the man, the criminal himself.
A. Classical B. Neo Classical
C. Positive D. Psychoanalytical
14. It believes that there are situation or circumstances that made it impossible to
exercise freewill thus the reasons to exempt individual from criminal liability.
A. Classical B. Neo Classical
C. Positive D. Psychoanalytical
15. This school of thought emphasized on the scientific treatment of criminals, not on
the penalties to be imposed because it is believed that a man is subdued
occasionally by a strange and morbid phenomenon, which constrains him to do
wrong in spite of or contrary to his own volition.
A. Classical B. Neo Classical
C. Positive D. Psychoanalytical
16. It concerned on the sociological point of positivist school, which explains that the
nonexistence of norms in a society encourages person to commit unlawful and
other anti social acts. It also said that the human conduct lies not in the individual
but in the group and the social organization.
A. Anomie B. Neo Classical
C. Physiological D. Psychoanalytical
17. This explains the relationship of people and environment in relation to crimes. It
believes that isolation, segregation, competition, conflict, social contact,
interaction and social hierarchy of people are the major influences of criminal
behavior and crimes.
A. Anomie B. Cultural
C. Human Ecology D. Socio-Cultural
18. It combines the biological and psychological explanation to understand deviant
behavior, which classified body physique.
A. Atavism B. Hedonism
C. Palmistry D. Somatotyping
19. Which of the following theory of crimes simply believes that criminal behavior is
learned and not inherited?
A. Differential Association B. Modern Clinical
C. Neo Classical D. Strain
20. This theory is a form of control, which suggests that a series of both internal and
external factors contributes to criminal behavior.
A. Containment B. Instrumental
C. Neutralization D. Strain
21. It claims that the ruling class in a capitalist society is responsible for the creation
of criminal law and their ideological bases in the interpretation and enforcement
of the laws. It focuses about crimes of economic gain.
A. Instrumental B. Neutralization
C. Sub Culture D. Social Conflict
22. This theory asserts that the failure of a man to achieve a higher status of life cause
him to commit crime thus that status/goal to be attained..
A. Economic B. Instrumental
C. Neutralization D. Strain
23. It stated that the lower class couldn’t socialize effectively as the middle class in
what is considered appropriate middle class behavior.
A. Differential Association B. Human Ecology
C. Sub Culture D. Social Conflict
24. It maintains that an individual will obey or disobey societal rules depending upon
his or her ability to rationalize whether he is protected from hurt or destruction.
A. Differential Association B. Differential Opportunity
C. Neutralization D. Strain
25. It explain that there are different accesses to success by both legitimate and
illegitimate means depending on the specific location of the individual with in the
social structure.
A. Differential Association B. Differential Opportunity
C. Differential Strategy D. Differential Technique
26. This theory claims that the upper classes create laws that protect their interest and
at the same time the unwanted behavior of all the members of society.
A. Economic B. Instrumental
C. Neutralization D. Strain
27. What is an Act Creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologist in the
Philippines and for other purposes?.
A. RA 5487 B. RA 6505
C. RA 7877 D. RA 9208
28. What do you call an act or omission in violation of Special Laws or Presidential
A. Breach B. Felony
C. Infraction D. Offense
29. It is any breach of the municipal or city ordinance.
A. Breach B. Felony
C. Infraction D. Misconduct
30. The following are considered essential and primary elements of crime except
A. Capability B. Desire
C. Opportunity D. Technique
31. It is what induces or pushes the potential criminal to transgress the laws of the
A. Capability B. Desire
C. Opportunity D. Technique
32. This refers to the physical possibility that the crime could have been committed.
A. Capability B. Desire
C. Opportunity D. Technique
33. It is the ability of the person to execute the acts or omission punishable by laws.
A. Capability B. Desire
C. Opportunity D. Technique
34. In 1885, who was the Italian Law Professor that coined the term” criminologia”?
A. Albert Osborn B. Enrico Ferri
C. John Howard D. Rafaele Garofalo
35. In 1889, who was the French Anthropologist that used the French criminology for
the first time?
A. Calvin Goddard B. Jeremy Bentham
C. Paul Topinard D. Robert Merton
36. Who is known as the Dean of Modern Criminology that hoped criminology to
become a science in the future, since the causes of crimes are almost the same ?
A. Edwin Sutherland B. John Augustus
C. Matthews Devenporthill D. Teodulo Natividad
37. Who is the founder of the positivist School of Thought that advocated the theory
that crime can be attributed to a hereditary predisposition in certain individuals ?
A. Cesare Beccaria B. Cesare Lombroso
C. George Wilker D. Ordway Hilton
38. The following are considered the Holy Three in Criminology except.
A. Cesare Beccaria B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Enrico Ferri D. Rafaele Garofalo
39. It refers to the types of physique, which is characterized by relatively
predominance of muscle, bone and the motor organs of the body, which tends to
be more aggressive among others;
A. Cerebromorph B. Ectomorph
C. Endomorph D. Mesomorph
40. It refers to the study of the external formation of the skull that indicates the
conformation of the brain and the development of the various of a person.
A. Atavism B. Caligraphy
C. Phrenology D. Physiognomy
41. Who originated a system of classifying criminals according to body
measurements ?
A. Alphonse Bertillion B. David Maurer
C. Edward Henry D. William Bonger
42. It refers to the statement that “ We would have no crime if we had no criminal
A. Aberratio Ictus B. Lex Taliones
C. Logomacy D. Praeter Intentionem
43. What process explains human behavior and the experiences of the person, which
helps determine the nature of a person’s personality as a reacting mechanism?
A. Criminality B. Criminogenic
C. Psychodynamic D. Socio- Anthro
44. What is an attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions under which penal law
was developed as a process of formal social control?
A. Criminalistics B. Etiology Crime
C. Penology D. Sociology of law
45. Who explained that the mathematical calculation of Criminal Behavior is equal to
Criminalistics Tendencies plus Crime Inducing situation divided by the person’s
Mental or Emotional Resistance to Temptation?
A. Abrahamsen B. Aichorn
C. Bromberg D. Healy
46. What is the art of discovering character by observation and measurement of
outward appearance?
A. Atavism B. Caligraphy
C. Phrenology D. Physiognomy
47. Who originated the idea of Somatotyping and distinguished three(3) physical
types of physique as Asthenic, Athletic & Pyknic?
A. Ernest Kretschmer B. Robert Ezra Park
C. Walter Reckless D. William Sheldon
48. Who is considered as the Father of Sociology?
A. Calvin Goddard B. Emile Durkheim
C. Hans Gross D. Sigmund Freud
49. He is person who has committed a wrongful act punishable by law of the land and
has been finally convicted of the case charged against him in the competent court
of justice.
A. Accused B. Criminal
C. Respondent D. Suspect
50. It is a sub field of criminology, which deals with the study of criminal things, or
those articles left by the perpetrator in the crime scene (physical evidence), which
have significance in the solution of case. This is also known as Police or Forensic
A. Criminalistics B. Etiology of Crime
C. Penology D. Sociology of Law


1. What is defined as the study of criminal behavior, the study of criminal conduct
and activities in an attempt to discover recurrent patterns and to formulate rules
about his behavior ?
A. Criminal Physiology B. Criminal Psychiatry
C. Criminal Psychoanalysis D. Criminal Psychology
2. What explanation of crimes is based on the Freudian Theory, which traces
behavior as the deviation of the repression of the basic drives ?
A. Physiological B. Psychiatrical
C. Psychoanalytical D. Psychological
3. He is a person who uses different methods and techniques of science to investigate
behavior and mental processes
A. Physiologist B. Criminal Psychiatrist
C. Psychoanalyst D. Psychologist
4. What theoretical approach to the existence of crime explains that mental disease of
a person is a cause of the criminal behavior?.
A. Anatomical B. Objective
C. Positive D. Subjective
5. It is characterized by suspicious, rigidly, envy, hypersensitivity, excessive self-
A. Histrionic B. Paranoid
C. Schizoid D. Schizotypal
6. It is the assumption about how things could be, opportunities for personal growth
and social progress.
A. Destiny B. Possibility
C. Reality D. Value
7. This is characterized by the inability to form social relationship and lack of
interest in doing so. (loner)
A. Histrionic B. Paranoid
C. Schizoid D. Schizotypal
8. It is the assumption about the way things ought to be, about right and wrong, good
or bad, desirable and undesirable.
A. Destiny B. Possibility
C. Reality D. Value
9. It is characterized by immaturity, excitability, emotional instability and selt-
A. Histrionic B. Paranoid
C. Schizoid D. Schizotypal
10. What is known as the apex or highest needs of all?
A. Self-Actualization B. Self-Esteem
C. Self-Love D. Self-Security
11. It is characterized by instability reflected in drastic mood shifts and behavior
A. Borderline B. Compulsive
C. Dependent D. Schizotypal
12. Who advocated the “ Hierarchy of Needs”?
A. Abraham Maslow B. Enrico Ferri
C. Sigmund Freud D. William Bonger
13. It is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self –importance and pre-
occupation with receiving attention.
A. Histrionic B. Narcissistic
C. Paranoid D. Schizoid
14. It is characterized by extreme dependence on other people.
A. Compulsive B. Dependent
C. Liberal D. Passive
15. It is characterized by being hostile expressed in indirect and non-violent ways.
A. Compulsive B. Dependent
C. Liberal D. Passive-Aggressive
16. If the acts are embedded in one’s sub consciousness, this behavior is classified as
A. Illogical B. Irrational
C. Unconscious D. Unreasonable
17. It is characterized by excessive concern with rules, order and efficiency that
everyone does things their way.
A. Compulsive B. Dependent
C. Liberal D. Schizotypal
18. It is characterized by continuing violation of the rights through aggressive
harmful behavior with out remorse or loyalty to anyone.
A. Anti Social B. Histrionic
C. Paranoid D. Schizoid
19. It is a sexual behavior characterized by sucking and liking the male organ.
A. Don Juanism B. Ejaculation
C. Fellatio D. Sodomy
20. What do you call the sexual act of inserting the penis into the anus of the other
A. Anillingus B. Coprolalia
C. Frottage D. Sodomy
21. It refers to the body activities and processes that we can not stop even we are
sleeping like breathing, circulation of the blood and metabolism
A. Illogical B. Inherent
C. Involuntary D. Irrational
22. It is a sexual act done by two males and one female or vice versa?
A. Pluralism B. Sexual Trip
C. Toontastic Trio D. Triolism
23. This refers to the mental processes such as decision making, reasoning and
solving problems.
A. Academic B. Cerebral
C. Intellectual D. Scholastic
24. who is considered as the father of Psychoanalysis?
A. Albert Osborn B. Calvin Goddard
C. Cesare Lombroso D. Sigmund Freud
25. This aspect of behavior pertains to our likes and dislike or our interest towards
A. Attitude B. Feeling
C. Manner D. Thought
26. It is also known as self –sexual abuse.
A. Coprolalia B. Don Juanism
C. Masturbation D. Sexual Trip
27. It is the assumption about how things really are and what kinds of individual we
A. Destiny B. Possibility
C. Reality D. Value
28. It is the licking and sucking of the female organ.
A. Annilingus B. Cunnilingus
C. Fellatio D. Brotsang Lababo
29. It refers to the kinds of behavior, which is outwardly manifested, or those that are
directly observable.
A. Conscious B. Covert
C. Overt D. Unconscious
30. If the act is done without knowing the nature and consequences is known as.
A. Illogical B. Irrational
C. Unconscious D. Unreasonable
31. This is also known as Sexual Festival
A. Extremism B. Pluralism
C. Sexism D. Triolism
32. What is a branch of knowledge, which deals with the study of human and animal
A. Physiology B. Psychiatry
C. Psychoanalysis D. Psychology
33. Which of the following is based on the principle of pleasure?
A. Alter ego B. Ego
C. Id D. Superego
34. This is concern to our state of being whether man or woman because it is referring
to our expression of love to another person irrespective of gender.
A. Feminity B. Masculinity
C. Psychosexual D. Transvetism
35. What aspect of behavior refers to our interaction and relationship with other
A. Brotherhood B. Community
C. Family D. Social
36. When the sexual libido is attained through the used of some parts of the body with
out penetration, this is called as.
A. Frottage B. Half Body
C. Partialism D. Vaginismus
37. What is the involuntary spasm in the vagina that prevents the penis from entering
unto it?
A. Lesbianism B. Transvetism
C. Vaginismus D. Vouyerism
38. What psychosexual stage of human development reflects the toddler’s need for
gratification along the rectal area?
A. Anal B. Oral
C. Latency D. Phallic
39. It is the licking of the anus to attain sexual pleasure.
A. Anillingus B. Cunnilingus
C. Fellatio D. Sodomy
40. What aspect of behavior pertains to our conscience whether the action is good or
A. Decency B. Ethics
C. Just D. Moral
41. Sexual pleasure is achieved through using and saying/shouting bad words while
having sex.
A. Censored B. Coprolalia
C. Disrespect D. Irreverence
42. Sexual pleasure is achieved through rubbing the sex organ to partner’s body parts.
A. Don Juanism B. Friction
C. Frottage D. Vaginismus
43. It is the uncontrollable desire to have sexual intercourse with old people.
A. Don Juanism B. Gerontophilia
C. Senility D. Seniorism
44. Sexual pleasure is achieved through wearing the dress of the opposite sex.
A. Homosexualism B. Lesbianism
C. Transvetism D. Vouyerism
45. The following are the types of behavior except.
A. Complex B. Dysfunctional
C. Habitual D. Sysbolic
46. Sexual desire with same sex is known as.
A. Abnormalism B. Federasyon
C. Heterosexual D. Homosexual
47. It is the uncontrollable desire to have sexual intercourse with young people.
A. Child Abuse B. Juvenile Trip
C. Gerontopilia D. Pedophilia
48. It refers to thoughts and impulses, which continually occur in the person’s mind
despite attempts to keep them out. It is also a condition of the mind bordering on
sanity and insanity that is sometimes associated with fear and usually occurs in
persons suffering from nervous exhaustion.
A. Delusion B. Hallucination
C. Impulsion D. Obsession
49. What psychosexual stage of human development is characterized when a children
satisfy their sex instinct by fondling their genitals and by having an incestuous
desire for the opposite sex parent.
A. Genital B. Latency
C. Oral D. Phallic
50. Sexual intercourse with animals like dogs, cats, chicken, carabao, horse
known as
A. Bestiality B. Peeping Tom
C. Transbitism D. Vouyerism


1. It comprises all the means used to enforce those standards of conduct, which are
deemed necessary to protect individuals and to maintain general community well-
A. Criminal Justice System B. Crime Justice System
C. Justice Cycles D. Science of Justice
2. Which among the following criminal justice model is based on the idea that the
most important functions of the pillar of the Criminal Justice System are the
protection of the public and the repression of criminal conduct?
A. Crime Control B. Crime Detection
C. Crime Prevention D. Crime Reduction
3. Who is known as the superstar in the Criminal Justice System?
A. Judge B. Police
C. Suspect D. Victim
4. What do you call the arrest made by an ordinary citizen of the community under
the conditions prescribed under Rule 113 Section 5 of the Revised Rules of
A. Ordinary Arrest B. Police Apprehension
C. Warranted Arrest D. Warrant less Arrest
5. Which among the following is considered as the weakest link of the Philippine
Criminal Justice System?
A. Correction B. Court
C. Police D. Prosecution
6. When in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an offense is a scenario which can also be
called as.
A. Hot Pursuit B. Fugitive from Justice
C. In Flagrante Delicto D. Prisoner Arrest
7. What are acts or omissions punishable by special laws enacted by the Congress of
the Philippines?
A. Crimes B. Felonies
C. Misdemeanors D. Offenses
8. The following are examples of crimes against person except.
A. Abortion B. Malicious Mischief
C. Mutilation D. Parricide
9. This is known as the “ Anti – Money Laundering Act of 2001”.
A. RA 8551 B. RA 9160
C. RA 9262 D. RA 9344
10. It is an authority conferred by law to act in certain conditions or situations in
accordance with an official’s or an official agency’s own considered judgment
and conscience.
A. Decision B. Discretion
C. Judgment D. Power
11. Who supervises and controls the training and operations of security agencies and
issues licenses to operate security agencies, and to security guards and private
detective , on the practice of their profession?
A. Correction B. Court
C. Police D. Prosecution
12. Which of the following crimes is also known as Highway Robbery?
A. Brigandage B. Kidnapping
C. Robbery D. Theft
13. This refers to the way and means resorted to by the police wherein they catch
criminals by having personal knowledge of the crimes wherein the means are
came from the perpetrators?
A. Entrapment B. Hot Pursuit
C. In Flagrante Delicto D. Instigation
14. When the person to be arrested is a one who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving or has escaped while being transferred
from one confinement to another under Sec 5, Rule 113 of the Revised Rules of
Court is also known as.
A. Caught in the Act B. Hot Pursuit
C. Fugitives From Justice D. Prisoner Arrest
15. The following are examples of crimes against property except.
A. Brigandage B. Kidnapping
C. Robbery D. Theft
16. It is an inquiry or proceeding for the purpose of determining whether there is
sufficient ground to engender a well – founded belief that a crime cognizable by
the RTC has been committed and that the respondent is probably guilty thereof
and be held for trial.
A. Custodial Investigation B. Final Investigation
C. Preliminary Investigation D. Tactical Investigation
17. In bringing the offender to the folds of the law and assisting in their conviction,
what is the role of the police when the case is under trial?
A. Act as witness in favor of the defense
B. Act as a witness in favor of the prosecution
C. Be responsible for the detention of the accused
D. Provide the court with evidence
18. It is a sworn written statement charging a person for an offense, subscribed by the
offended party, public officers or any peace officer in charged of the law violated.
A. Affidavit B. Complaint
C. Information D. Statement
19. It is an accusation in writing charging a person for an offense, subscribed by the
fiscal and filed before the court.
A. Affidavit B. Complaint
C. Information D. Statement
20. It is an agency of the government empowered by the constitution to determine the
guilt of the accused.
A. Correction B. Court
C. Police D. Prosecution
21. What do you call the order issues by the investigating prosecutor to compel the
presence of the accused in a particular time and date?
A. Certiorari B. Mandamus
C. Quo Warranto D. Subpoena
22. The following are the officers authorized by law to reverse the resolution of the
investigating prosecutor except
A. Chief, Public Attorneys Office B. City Fiscal
C. Sate Prosecutor D. Secretary of Justice
23. The following are officers empowered to conduct Preliminary Investigation
A. City Fiscal B. Clerk of Court
C. Regional Prosecutor D. Sate Prosecutor
24. What serves as a basis in charging or prosecuting a person with and for an
A. Intelligence Report B. Judge’s Whim
C. Probable Cause D. Raw Information
25. It is a general pardon extended to a group or classes of person and is exercised by
the chief executive with the concurrence of congress. It is usually given to
political offenders. Its purpose is to bring about the return of dissidents and
recalcitrant members of our population to their homes and resumption of their
lawful pursuit.
A. Amnesty B. Pardon
C. Parole D. Reprieve
26. It is program of activity directed to restore an inmate’s self respect thereby
making him a law abiding citizen after serving his sentence.
A. Reformation B. Restitution
C. Retribution D. Revival
27. It refers to anything, which is contrary or against the rules of a particular prison or
jail facility like cash, jewelry, dangerous drugs and deadly weapons.
A. Censored Articles B. Contraband
C. Prohibited Items D. Taboo Stuff
28. It is the adjudication by the court that the accused is guilty or not of the offense
charged, aid in the imposition of the proper penalty and civil liability provided for
by the law on the accused.
A. Appeal B. Arraignment
C. Judgment D. Pre Trial
29. Which of the following is formerly known as Inferior Court?
A. Court of Appeal B. Municipal Trial Court
C. Regional Trial Court D. Sandiganbayan
30. Under the Miranda Doctrine, the accused has the following rights except.
A. The right to appeal in an adverse judgment
B. The right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him
C. The right to counsel of his own choice
D. The right to remain silent
31. It is the witness protection, security and Benefit Act of the Philippines.
A. RA 6981 B. RA 7610
C. RA 8551 D. RA 9344
32. Who issues warrant of arrest?
A. Fiscal B. Judge
C. Lawyer D. Police
33. What is the branch of criminology, which deals with the management and
administration of inmates?
A. Criminalistics B. Etiology of Crime
C. Penology D. Sociology of Law
34. It refers to the grass root approach undertaken to bring the people and the police
closer together in a more cooperative condition.
A. Community Empowerment B. People Power
C. Proper cooperation D. Team Policing
35. It refers to the civilian agency of the government responsible for the enforcement
of laws, prevention and control of crimes, maintenance of peace and order and
ensuring public safety and the internal security with the active support of the
36. What shall act as the law officer of the province or city in the absence of Legal
A. DOJ Secretary B. Judge
C. Prosecutor D. Ombudsman
37. Who was the veteran American police captain from New York Police Department
tasked with organizing a Division of Investigation patterned after the United
States Federal Bureau of Investigation ?
A. Alexander Forsyth B. Michael Jones
C. Ordway Hilton D. Thomas Dugan
38. It is a written direction or command of the court or any other competent authority
consigning an offender to jail or prison for confinement.
A. Commitment Order B. Detention Paper
C. Imprisonment Ruling D. Incarceration Memo
39. It is the temporary stay in the execution of the sentence. The execution is set
backward to enable the president to review the case and determine proper
punishment for the convict. It is exercised only by the president only after
conviction .
A. Amnesty B. Pardon
C. Parole D. Reprieve
40. What theory of the police service where the policemen are servants of the higher
authorities, which prevails among the continental countries, like Spain, Italy and
France where the form of government is centralized ?.
A. Continental B. Federal
C. Home Rule D. Republican
41. What is defined as the taking of a person into custody in order that he may bound
to answer for the commission of an offense?
A. Arrest B. Detain
C. Entrapment D. Instigate
42. The following are the legal grounds for detention under Philippines Law except.
A. Commission of a crime B. Disease requiring immediate medical attention
C. Violent Insanity D. Filling an Administrative case against chief of police
43. It is a change made by the president on the decision of the court by reducing the
degree of penalty imposed upon the convicted felon.
A. Amnesty B. Commutation
C. Pardon D. Reprieve
44. Who is the initiator of action in the Philippines Criminal Justice System?
A. Corrections B. Court
C. Law Enforcement D. Prosecution
45. This is the Rape Victim Assistance and Protection Act of 1998.
A. RA 8353 B. RA 8551
C. RA 9262 D. RA 9344
46. Which among the following was formerly known as the Court of First Instance?
A. Court of Appeal B. Municipal Trial Court
C. Regional Trial Court D. Supreme Court
47. This was established under Batas Pambansa Bilang 129 known as “ The Judiciary
Reorganization Act of 1980” The Court is composed of one (1) Presiding Justice
and sixty eight (68) Associate Justices.
A. Court of Appeal B. Family Court
C. Sandiganbayan D. Supreme Court
48. What is a special Investigative agency tasked to investigate highly controversial
49. The Barangay Court System was created to amicably settle cases within their
respective barangay, punishable by imprisonment not exceeding
A. One year B. Two years
C. Three years D. Four years
50. Who heads the Lupon Tagapamayapa as prescribed in RA 7160.
A. Barangay Chairman B. City Mayor
C. District Representative D. Provincial Governor


1. It refers to the science of morality of human acts.

A. Customs B. Decorum
C. Ethics D. Tradition
2. What is a practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty as
applied to Law Enforcement?
A. Police Customs B. Police Decorum
C. Police Ethics D. Police Tradition
3. It is a habit that inclines the person to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature.
A. Attitude B. Character
C. Value D. Virtue
4. It is concerned with those actions that pertain to one’s duties towards his neighbors
and himself that build the character of a person.
A. Emotional Virtue B. Moral Virtue
C. Physical Virtue D. Social Virtue
5. It is the ability to govern the discipline oneself by means of reason and sound
judgment; the virtue that attracts the intellect to choose the most effective means
for accomplishing what is morally good and avoiding what is evil.
A. Choice B. Decision
C. Prudence D. Ruling
6. What is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman
entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family
life? It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose
nature, consequences, and incidents are governed by law and not subject to
stipulation, except that is settlements may fix the property relation within the
limits provided by Family Code.
A. Annulment B. Divorce
C. Legal Separation D. Marriage
7. It is one’s ability to moderate or avoid something, the virtue that regulates the
carnal appetite for sensual pleasures.
A. Control B. Discretion
C. Judgment D. Temperance
8. It refers to the firmness of mind, the courage to endure without yielding and the
virtue that incites courage.
A. Endurance B. Fortitude
C. Iron-hand D. Stamina
9. It is simply defined as calmness and composure in enduring situations.
A. Bravery B. Control
C. Patience D. Relax
10. It is the ability to go on despite the obstacles or opposition.
A. Courage B. Endurance
C. Optimistic D. Persistence
11. It refers to the established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that
have obtained the force of law.
A. Customs B. Decorum
C. Ethics D. Tradition
12. It refers to the bodies of beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed down from
generation to generation with the effect of an unwritten law.
A. Customs B. Decorum
C. Ethics D. Tradition
13. It is a manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for others.
A. Courtesy B. Discipline
C. Manner D. Reverence
14. It is a formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as
proper to special occasion.
A. Ceremony B. Program
C. Ritual D. Tradition
15. It refers to a set of norms and standards practiced by members during social and
other functions.
A. Customs B. Decorum
C. Ethics D. Tradition
16. What is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed personnel upon meeting and
recognizing persons entitled to it?
A. Bow B. Hand Shake
C. Thumb Up D. Salute
17. What is the first and most fundamental unit of society?
A. Church B. Family
C. Government D. School
18. They are police officers who engage in relatively minor type of corruption
opportunities as they present themselves.
A. Cotton Eaters B. Grass Eaters
C. Meat Eaters D. Metal Eaters
19. It is defined as the ability to hold oneself regardless of provoking situation.
A. Confidence B. Control
C. Courage D. Courtesy
20. What is the most common address or title being used by a junior in rank must to
senior members who are entitled to a salute?
A. Boss B. Chief
C. Captain D. Sir
21. It is a practical science, which deals with human morality, good manners and right
conduct as applied in law enforcement.
A. Human Ethics B. Police Ethics
C. Law Enforcement Etiquette D. Officers Ethics
22. Whom a PNP member who is newly assigned or appointed in a unit or command
for accounting, orientation and other purposes must call on?
A. Boss B. Chief
C. Captain D. Sir
23. What is done as a sign of respect to a member of the command or organization
who died?
A. Flag Raising B. Half-mast
C. Promotion D. Retreat
24. The following ranks are given honor ceremony during arrival and departure
A. Chief Inspector B. Chief Superintendent
C. Director General D. General
25. It is the relinquishment and assumption of command or key position that is
publicly announced by the outgoing and incoming officers
A. Commencement Exercise B. Promotion Rite
C. Recognition Program D. Turn Over Ceremony
26. It refers to the binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the
police organization.
A. Camaraderie B. Coordination
C. Solidarity D. Unity
27. What symbolizes the 14 Regional Commands? It is also a symbol of honor,
dignity and the privilege of being a member of a noble organization where the call
to public service is par excellence, a commitment to public trust.
A. Laurel B. Philippine Flag
C. Sea Lion D. Sun
28. What is the symbol of the Philippine Constabulary, the first National Police by
virtue of Organic Act No. 175, enacted by the Philippine Commission on 18 July
A. Badge B. Gun
C. Sword D. Shield
29. In Police Corruption, this term refers to a cop who is considered having all the
deviant behavior of a corrupt policeman
A. Black Knight B. Carnivorous
C. Rogue D. White Knight
30. It refers to a cluster or series of related projects larger in scope and not necessarily
time limited, systematically designed to achieved certain goals of plan.
A. End Result B. Output
C. Process D. Variable
31. It refers to unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or abuse
in the manner of conducting search and seizure.
A. Brutality B. Imprudence
C. Negligence D. Nonfeasance
32. It is the Code of Ethics for Government Officials and Employees in the
A. RA 3815 B. RA 4136
C. RA 6713 D. RA 9262
33. It is a specific major plan of action that needs large amount of resources to
achieved its major goals and objectives.
A. Administration B. Operation
C. Strategy D. Technique
34. This refers to the habitual patterns of behavior of any individual as expressed by
physical and mental activities and attitudes.
A. Attitude B. Behavior
C. Character D. Thought
35. Who is the Great Filipino hero of Mactan, the prototype of the best and most
noble in Filipino manhood who is the symbol and embodiment of all the genuine
attributes of leadership, courage, nationalism, self-reliance and a people based and
people powered community defense?
A. Aguinaldo B. Bonifacio
C. Lapu-Lapu D. Rizal
36. This consist of the conditions and factors that surround and influence the
A. Chromosome B. Environment
C. Gene D. School
37. It is a pro-active decentralized approach designed to reduce crime, disorder and
by extension, fear of crime and intensely involving the same officer in the same
community on a long-term basis so that the residents well develop trust to
cooperate with police by providing information and assistance to achieves its
A. Community Policing B. Environmental Policing
C. Society Policing D. State Policing
38. It refers to a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed at both reducing the
threat of crime and enhancing the sense of safety and security to positively
influence the quality of line in society and to develop environments where
crime cannot flourish
A. Crime Education B. Crime Eradication
C. Crime Prevention D. Crime Solution
39. It is the capacity to use wise and appropriate judgment on every incident a given
A. Decision B. Discretion
C. Judgment D. Wisdom
40. It is a statement of core values and belief that directs individuals or groups in their
attempt to achieve a purpose ?.
A. Goal B. Objective
C. Philosophy D. Vision
41. It is an instrument for moving the organization in an efficient and effective
manner in a changing environment. It is the conscious determination of courses
of action to achieve objectives.
A. Directing B. Organizing
C. Planning D. Staffing
42. These are honest policemen who are ready to hide the corrupt practices of their
comrades as part of camaraderie:
A. Black Knights B. Carnivorous
C. Rogues D. Straight Shooters
43. Which of the following is considered as the easiest to understand and most
practical course yet difficult to apply or observed property?
A. Administration B. Ethics
C. Investigation D. Operation
44. It refers to the civilian agency of the government responsible for the enforcement
of laws, prevention and control of crimes, maintenance of peace and order and
ensures public safety and the internal security with the active support of the
A. Army B. Marine
C. Navy D. Police
45. Who are the bosses of the Law Enforcement agencies in the country?
A. Executive Officials of the Republic B. Justices of the Supreme Court
C. Member of the Congress D. People of the Philippines
46. What is a force that sustains the act and brings it to contemplation?
A. Capability B. Motive
C. Omission D. Opportunity
47. It is a gift of God that should be respected at all times by everybody including the
A. Benefit B. Incentive
C. Privilege D. Right
48. The word ethics was derived from what Greek word, which means character or
A. Ethics B. Ethos
C. Ethyos D. Etiquette
49. This is typically leveled at highly-placed government officials, who are able to
use public funds to improve their own fortunes due to increased access, influence,
knowledge or power that comes with an elevated position.
A. Estafa B. Extortion
C. Graft and Corruption D. Malvervation
50. It is the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with
firmness which is given the highest distinction in police and military.
A. Bravery B. Courage
C. Gallantry D. Valor


1. What refers to anti-social act or behavior which deviates from the normal pattern
of rules and regulation, custom and culture which society does not accept and
which therefore, justifies some kind of admonishment, punishment or corrective
measures in the public interest and it is being committed by minors?
A. Child Delinquency B. Juvenile Delinquency
C. Minor Delinquency D. Youth Delinquency
2. Which of the following refers to the maltreatment of a minor, whether habitual or
A. Abuse B. Caress
C. Discrimination D. Exploitation
3. It is committed by any person who shall engage in trading and dealing with
children including, but not limited to the act of buying and selling of a child for
money or for any other consideration, or barter.
A. Child Exploitation B. Child Marketing
C. Child Prostitution D. Child Trafficking
4. What is also known as the “ Anti-Violence Against Woman and Their Children
Act of 2004”?
A. RA 7610 B. RA 9208
C. RA 9262 D. RA 9344
5. What type of a delinquent youth is characterized by being aggressive and recent
the authority of anyone who makes an effort to control his behavior?
A. Accidental B. Asocial
C. Neurotic D. Social
6. His delinquent act has a cold, brutal, vicious quality for which the youth feels no
A. Accidental B. Asocial
C. Neurotic D. Social

7. What approach towards delinquency views the lawbreaker as a person whose

misconduct is the result of faulty biology?
A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic
C. Psychogenic D. Sociogenic
8. It accounts for individual offender by reference to learning process, which goes
on in youth gangs, stigmatizing contacts with social control agencies and other
variables of that time.
A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic
C. Psychogenic D. Sociogenic
9. It tells us that the offender behaves as she or he does in response to pathological
personality of some kind.
A. Biogenic B. Phatogenic
C. Psychogenic D. Sociogenic
10. It is characterized by disrespect or disobedience for authority.
A. Anti Social Behavior B. Emotional Disorder
C. Truancy D. Vagrancy
11. What theory holds that youth engage in delinquent and criminal behavior after
weighing the consequences and benefits of their action; delinquent behavior is a
rational choice made by a motivated offender who perceives that the chances of
gain out weight any possible punishment or loss?
A. Anomie B. Choice
C. Label D. Neutralization
12. What is a wrong, degrading or immoral habit or practice accustomed to the child?
A. Addiction B. Habitual Delinquent
C. Indecent Action D. Vice
13. It refers to the totality of the circumstances and conditions, which are most
congenial to the survival, protection and feeling of security of the child and most
encouraging to the child’s physical, psychological and emotional development.
A. Anti Youth Exploitation Measure B. Best Interest of the Child
C. Restorative Juvenile Justice D. Special Protection of Minor
14. Under the “ Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”, which among the
following refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of or adjudged as having
committed an offense under Philippine Laws?
A. Child in Conflict with the law B. Juvenile Delinquent
C. Minor Offender D. Youth Criminal
15. It refers to the programs provided in a community setting developed for purposes
of intervention and diversion, as well as rehabilitation of the child in conflict with
the law, for reintegration into his/her family and/or community.
A. Community- Based Programs B. Community Juvenile Programs
C. Community Outreach Programs D. Community Rehabilitation Programs
16. Which among the following is the most preferred court to handle cases involving
Child in Conflict with the Law?
A. Barangay Court B. Family Court
C. Regional Trail Court D. Supreme Court
17. It refers to any form of detention or imprisonment, or to the placement of a child
in conflict with the law in a public or private custodial setting, from which the
child in conflict with the law is not permitted to leave at will by order of any
judicial or administrative authority.
A. Apprehension B. Confinement
C. Deprivation of Liberty D. Incarceration
18. It refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the
responsibility and treatment of a child in conflict with the law on the basis of
his/her social, cultural, economic, psychological or educational background
without resorting to formal court proceedings
A. Diversion B. Due Process
C. Friendly Interview D. Preliminary Investigation
19. What program is required for the child in conflict with the law to undergo after
he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court
A. Community Service B. Diversion
C. Parole D. Probation
20. It refers to a series of activities, which are designed to address issues that caused
the child to commit an offense. It may take the form of an individualized
treatment program, which may include counseling, skills training, education, and
other activities that will enhance his/her psychological emotional and
psychological well-being
A. Diversion B. Intervention
C. Probation D. Rehabilitation
21. It refers to a system dealing with children at risk and children in conflict with the
law, which provides child-appropriate proceedings, including programs and
services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and aftercare to
ensure their normal growth and development.
A. Child Justice and Welfare B. Juvenile Justice and Welfare
C. Minor Justice and Welfare D. Youth Justice and Welfare
22. Under the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act if 2006”, it refers to the person in
authority or his/her agent as defined in Article 152 of the Revised Penal Code,
including a barangay tanod.
A. Law Enforcement Officer B. Police Officer
C. Probation Officer D. Public Officer
23. It refers to a principle, which requires a process of resolving conflicts with the
maximum involvement of the victim, the offender and the community. It seeks to
obtain reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the offender, the offended and
the community; and reassurance to the offender that he/she can be reintegrated
into society. It also enhances public safety by activating the offender, the victim
and the community in prevention strategies
A. Reformative Justice B. Rehabilitative Justice
C. Reintegrative Justice D. Restorative Justice
24. It refers to offenses, which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does
not suffer any penalty for committing similar acts. These shall include curfew
violations; truancy; parental disobedience and the like.
A. Delinquency B. Exclusive
C. Grave D. Status
25. It refers to a 24-hour child caring institution managed by accredited local
government units (Lugs) and licensed and/ or accredited nongovernment
organizations (NGOs) providing short term residential care for children in conflict
with the law who are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other
agencies or jurisdiction
A. Child Placement Home B. Detention Home
C. Receiving Home D. Rehabilitation Home
26. It refers to a 24-hour residential care facility managed by the Department of
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), LGU’s, licensed and/or accredited
NGO’s monitored by the DSWD, which provides care, treatment and
rehabilitation services for children in conflict with the law. Rehabilitation services
are provided under the guidance of a trained staff where residents are cared for
under a structured therapeutic environment with the end view of reintegrating
them into their families and communities as socially functioning individuals.
Physical mobility of residents of said centers may be restricted pending court
disposition of the charges against them.
A. Youth Reformative Center B. Youth Rehabilitative Center

C. Youth Reintegrative Center D. Youth Restorative Center

27. Who among the following shall primarily ensure that the status, rights and interest
of children are upheld in accordance with the Constitution and international
instruments on Human Rights.
A. Commission on Human Rights B. Kabataan Party list
C. National Youth Commission D. Sangguniang Kabataan
28. Who shall coordinate with the Local Councils for the Protection of Children
(LCPC) in the formulation and implementation of juvenile intervention and
diversion programs in the community?
A. Commission on Human Rights B. Kabataan Party List
C. National Youth Commssion D. Sangguniang Kabataan
29. Which of the following is one that provides temporary protection and care to the
children requiring emergency reception as a result of fortuitous events,
abandonment by parents, dangerous condition of neglect or cruelty on the home,
being without adult care because of crisis in the family, or court order holding
them as material witnesses?
A. Child Caring Institution B. Detention Home
C. Rehabilitation Center D. Shelter Care Institution
30. What is a child caring institution that provides care for six or more children below
six years of age twenty-four hours a day, except those duly licensed to offer
primarily medical and educational services?
A. Day Care B. Detention Home
C. Maternity D. Nursery
31. It is an institution or place of residence whose primary function is to give shelter
and care to pregnant women and their infants before, during and after delivery
A. Day Care B. Detention Home
C. Maternity D. Nursery
32. What is an institution that receives and rehabilitate youthful offenders or other
disturbed children who have behavioral problems for the purpose of determining
the appropriate care for them or recommending their permanent treatment or
rehabilitation in other child welfare agencies?
A. Reformative Justice B. Rehabilitative Justice
C. Reintegrative Justice D. Restorative Center
33. He is one who is without a parent or guardian, or whose parents, guardian or
other custodian for good cause desire to be relieved of his care and custody, and is
dependent upon the public of support
A. Abandoned Child B. Abused Child
C. Dependent Child D. Neglected Child
34. He is one who had no proper parents’ care or guardianship or whose parents or
guardians have deserted him for period of at least six continuous months
A. Abandoned Child B. Abused Child
C. Dependent Child D. Neglected Child
35. He is one whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended or inadequately
A. Abandoned Child B. Abused Child
C. Dependent Child D. Neglected Child
36. It exist when the child is malnourished, ill clad and without proper shelter. A child
is unattended when left by himself without provision for his needs and/or without
proper supervision. What classification of neglected child is this?
A. Emotionally Neglected Child B. Physically Neglected Child
C. Psychologically Neglected Child D. Sexually Neglected Child
37. It exists when the children are maltreated, raped or seduced; when children are
exploited, over worried or made to beg in the streets or public places, or when
children are in moral danger, or exposed to gambling, prostitution, or other vices
A. Emotionally Neglected Child B. Physically Neglected Child
C. Psychologically Neglected Child D. Sexually Neglected Child
38. The following are considered mentally retarded children except…
A. Essentially Incurable B. Late Bloomer
C. Mentally Subnormal D. Retarded at Maturity
39. Their degree of success or accomplishment depends upon the quality and type of
education they receive as well as one of the treatment at home and in the
community, their I.Q. range from about 50 to 75.
A. Borderline B. Custodial
C. Educable D. Trainable
40. These are crippled, deaf, mute, blind, or otherwise defective which restricts their
means of action on communication with others.
A. Essentially Incurable B. Mentally Subnormal
C. Physically Handicapped Children D. Retarded at Maturity
41. Who are those who, although not afflicted with insanity or mental defect, are
unable to maintain normal social relations with others and community in general
due to emotional problems
A. Essentially Incurable B. Mentally Subnormal
C. Physically Handicapped Children D. Retarded at Maturity
42. Who are those who with any behavioral disorder, whether functional or organic,
which of such a degree of severity as to require professional help or
A. Essentially Incurable B. Mentally Subnormal
C. Physically Handicapped Children D. Retarded at Maturity
43. What type of delinquent is characterized by being occasional lawbreakers?
A. Biologically Inherited DelinquentsB. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquents
C. Environmental Delinquents D. Psychiatric Delinquents Offender
44. What type of delinquent is characterized by being chronic lawbreakers, a habit
which this type cannot avoid or escape from?
A. Biologically Inherited DelinquentsB. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquents
C. Environmental Delinquents D. Psychiatric Delinquents Offender
45. What type of delinquent is characterized by serious emotional disturbances within
the individual and in some cases associated with tendencies towards mental
A. Biologically Inherited DelinquentsB. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquents
C. Environmental Delinquents D. Psychiatric Delinquents Offender
46. It is defined as freedom from parental authority, both over his person and
A. Emancipation B. Independence
C. Liberty D. Right
47. It is a process of taking into one’s family of the child of another, as son or
daughter and heir, and conferring on it a title to the rights and privileges of such.
A. Adoption B. Expatriation
C. Filiation D. Repatriation
48. It is otherwise known as Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act of 1992.
A. RA 7610 B. RA 6809
C. RA 9262 D. RA 9344
49. If children, whether male or female, who for money, profit or any other
consideration or due to the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group,
are indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct is known as …
A. Child Abuse B. Child Exploitation
C. Child Prostitution D. Child Trafficking
50. It is the application of the criminal justice to minors and youthful offender
through the cooperation of the criminal justice system.
A. Child Justice System B. Juvenile Justice System
C. Minor Justice System D. Youth Justice System

1. It is the voluntary or involuntary attitude a person adopts to fits society’s idea of

right or wrong. It is partly determined by heredity and environment , and modified
through learning. It is also the way human being act.
A. Human Behavior B. Human Character
C. Human Conduct D. Human Personality
2. The following are the major types of human behavior except…
A. Complex B. Habitual
C. Instinctive D. Irrational
3. This refers to the feeling or impression of stimulus such as Visual, Olfactory,
Cutaneous, Auditory and Gustatory.
A. Awareness B. Emotion
C. Perception D. Sensation
4. This state is characterized by being protective, idealistic, evaluative, righteous and
always referring to laws, rules and reasonable human being.
A. Adolescence Ego B. Adult Ego
C. Child Ego D. Parent Ego
5. This state is more upon reason, factual, flexible, views as co-equal, worthy, and
reasonable human being.
A. Adolescence Ego B. Adult Ego
C. Child Ego D. Parent Ego
6. This is state is best described as dependent, rebellious, selfish, demanding,
impatient and emotional.
A. Adolescence Ego B. Adult Ego
C. Child Ego D. Parent Ego
7. This is how people transact with another wherein the stimulus and response
patterns from one ego state to another are parallel.
A. Complementary B. Non Complementary
C. Supplementary D. Non Supplementary
8. If the stimulus and response patterns from one ego state to another are not
parallel, this is known as.
A. Complementary B. Non Complementary
C. Supplementary D. Non Supplementary

9. It is the study of social interactions of people to provide better understanding of

how people relate to each other so that they develop their communication and
human relationship.
A. Communication Analysis B. Interaction Analysis
C. Social Analysis D. Transactional Analysis
10. What behavior refers to any behavioral response or reflex exhibited by people due
to their genetic endowment or the process of natural selection?
A. Environmental B. Evolution
C. Inmate D. Learned
11. It is characterized by cold, cruelty, social insensitivity, disregard for danger,
troublesome behavior, dislike of others, and attraction toward the unusual.
A. Extraversion B. Intraversion
C. Neurotism D. Psychoticism
12. This implies an interrelationship of mind, body, and desire, which includes colds,
asthma, ulcers, allergy, colitis, eczema, arthritis, and disorders of the circulatory
system, obesity, and sterility.
A. Psychoneourosis B. Psychosis
C. Psychosomatic D. Psychotic
13. This is a serious mental and emotional disorder that is a manifestation of
withdrawal from reality. Some of examples are encephalitis, intoxication, cerebral
arteriosclerosis, senile brain disease, mania, dementia praecox, or split
A. Psychoneourosis B. Psychosis
C. Psychosomatic D. Psychotic
14. This kind of disorder is characterized by observations, fears, or phobias. A person
may have no physical difficulty, but may experience lack of sleep and loss of
appetite, and becomes emotionally unhealthy.
A. Psychoneourosis B. Psychosis
C. Psychosomatic D. Psychotic
15. It is a false interpretation of an external stimulus which may be manifested
through sight, hearing, taste, touch or and smell.
A. Delusion B. Depression
C. Hallucination D. Illusion
16. It is a manifestation of mental disorder through an erroneous perception without
an external object of stimulus.
A. Delusion B. Depression
C. Hallucination D. Illusion
17. It is defined as an erroneous belief in something which is not a fact.
A. Delusion B. Depression
C. Hallucination D. Illusion
18. What is a form of mental disorder resulting from the degeneration or disorder of
the brain characterized by general mental weakness, forgetfulness, loss of
coherence and total inability to reason but not accompanied by delusion or
uncontrollable impulse?
A. Amnesia B. Dementia
C. Mania D. Melancholia
19. When thoughts and impulses continually occur in the person’s mind despite
attempts to keep them out and when a condition of the mind bordering on sanity
and insanity which is sometimes associated with some sort of fear and usually
occurs in persons suffering from nervous exhaustion, this is known as
A. Delusion B. Hallucination
C. Illusion D. Obsession
20. It is a state of excitement of accompanied by exaltation or a feeling of well-being
which is out of harmony with the surrounding circumstances of the patient.
A. Amnesia B. Dementia
C. Mania D. Melancholia
21. It refers to an intense feeling of depression and misery which is unwarranted by
his physical condition and external environment
A. Amnesia B. Dementia
C. Mania D. Melancholia
22. It is a Volition Disorders-Conation characterized by a sudden and irresistible
force compelling a person to the conscious performance of some action without
motive or forethought.
A. Compulsion B. Impulsion
C. Isolation D. Obsession
23. What is a defense reaction to frustration when the anger is directed to someone or
something other than to the person/ thing the individual is angry at?
A. Compromise B. Displacement
C. Regression D. Substitution
24. What type of compromising reaction is best described when there is a desire on
the individual to counterbalance inferiority to that of something he can succeed?
A. Compensation B. Displacement
C. Regression D. Substitution
25. What type of conflict happens when there are two desirable but mutually
exclusive goals?
A. Approach-Approach B. Approach - Avoidance
C. Avoidance - Avoidance D. Multiple
26. It is a type of conflict in which there is an attraction to an object or state of affairs
and at the same time repulsion towards something associated with it.
A. Approach-Approach B. Approach - Avoidance
C. Avoidance - Avoidance D. Multiple
27. This type of conflict is described when there are two unpleasant alternatives and
one cannot be avoided without encountering the other.
A. Approach-Approach B. Approach - Avoidance
C. Avoidance - Avoidance D. Multiple
28. When there are courses of action, each of which has both pleasant and unpleasant
consequences, this is known as what type of conflict?
A. Approach-Approach B. Approach - Avoidance
C. Avoidance - Avoidance D. Multiple
29. It is a process of interpreting our behavior in ways more acceptable to the self by
using reasoning or alibis to substitute causes.
A. Fixation B. Rationalization
C. Repression D. Sublimation
30. This phase of crisis management is designed to predict or prevent the probability
of occurrence of crises and at the same time prepared to handle them when these
A. Active B. Inactive
C. Pro - Active D. Reactive
31. It is a turning point in the progress of an affair or series of events.
A. Crisis B. Disaster
C. Emergency D. Hazard
32. What is the sudden condition or state of affairs calling for immediate action?
A. Crisis B. Disaster
C. Emergency D. Hazard
33. This phase of crisis management is the actual execution or implementation of
contingency plan when a crisis situation occurs.
A. Active B. Inactive
C. Pro - Active D. Reactive
34. The following composed the Pro – Active phase in crisis management except…
A. Performance B. Prediction
C. Preparation D. Prevention
35. This stage in crisis management involves foretelling the likelihood of crises
occurring whether natural or man-made through the continuous assessment of all
possible threats and threat groups, as well as the analysis of developing or
reported events and incidents.
A. Performance B. Prediction
C. Preparation D. Prevention
36. This stage involves the institution of passive and active security measures, as well
as the remedy or resolution of destabilizing factors and/or security flaws leading
to such crises/ emergencies.
A. Performance B. Prediction
C. Preparation D. Prevention
37. This entails planning, organization, training, and stockpiling of equipment and
supplies needed for such crises/emergencies.
A. Performance B. Prediction
C. Preparation D. Prevention
38. This is a part of the reactive phase in crisis management which includes
monitoring the progress of the incident , securing the scene, protecting the unit,
establishing perimeter security, evacuating innocent civilians, if possible, and
preventing the escape of the perpetrators, until the designated security and tactical
elements/ units augment the unit as they arrive
A. Action B. Initial Action
C. Post - Action D. Pre - Action
39. This is a part of the reactive phase in crisis management, which consists of two
distinct activities: negotiation and tactical action or interventions, which may take
place independently either simultaneously or in succession.
A. Action B. Initial Action
C. Post - Action D. Pre - Action
40. This stage begins as soon as the perpetrators surrender, or when they are captured
or neutralized and the crisis situation is deemed cleared.
A. Action B. Initial Action
C. Post - Action D. Pre - Action
41. The following are the major types of Hostage Takers except…
A. Alcoholic B. Fanatic
C. Professional Criminal D. Psychotic
42. This is usually the easiest type of hostage taker deal with and considered
relatively rational thinker after assessing the situation and weighing the odds, in
most case, comes to terms with the police, refrain from unnecessary violence or
useless killing
A. Prisoner B. Professional Criminal
C. Psychotic D. Terrorist
43. These are ideologically – inspired individuals or groups who want prestige and
power for a collective goal or higher cause.
A. Mentally - Deranged B. Political Terrorist
C. Professional Criminal D. Religious Extremist
44. These people commit terrorist acts during a period of psychiatric disturbance.
A. Mentally - Deranged B. Political Terrorist
C. Professional Criminal D. Religious Extremist
45. These are people who commit terrorist acts for personal rather than ideological
A. Mentally - Deranged B. Political Terrorist
C. Professional Criminal D. Religious Extremist
46. What is considered as the oldest but still the most widely used terrorist tactic?
A. Arson B. Kidnapping
C. Liquidation D. Bombing
47. This is a well – planned, generally well- thought-out, properly rehearsed and
precisely executed operation.
A. Ambush B. Assassination
C. Extortion D. Hostage - Taking
48. They are viewed as psychopathic with a cause, under a leader of the group. When
caught they rationalize by claiming to be revolutionaries, a situation they resolve
to die for the cause.
A. Mentally - Deranged B. Political Terrorist
C. Professional Criminal D. Revolutionary Citizen
49. This refers to the excessive, irrational and the uncontrollable fear of perfectly
natural situation or object
A. Apathy B. Compulsion
C. Hallucination D. Phobia
50. This involves cognitive adaptation that enhances the human being’s ability to
cope with changes in the environment and to manipulate the environment in ways,
which improve the chance of survival.
A. Evolution B. Inherited
C. Innate D. Learned

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