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During the maturity stage of the Product Life Cycle (PLC), two types

of research and development (R&D) activities tend to be more


1. Incremental R&D: During the maturity stage, companies focus

on improving the existing product and making incremental
enhancements. They invest in R&D activities that aim to
optimize product features, enhance quality, reduce costs, or
improve ef ciency. The objective is to maintain
competitiveness in the market by offering a superior product or
a better value proposition compared to competitors.
2. Market-driven R&D: In the maturity stage, companies often
conduct market research and customer feedback analysis to
identify emerging trends, customer needs, and preferences.
This information is used to guide R&D efforts to develop new
product variations, line extensions, or complementary products
that cater to speci c market segments or address evolving
customer demands. The goal is to sustain sales growth and
extend the product's lifecycle by meeting diverse customer
It's important to note that while these types of R&D activities are
prevalent during the maturity stage, their extent and focus may vary
depending on the speci c industry, product, and competitive
landscape. Additionally, some companies may also invest in
breakthrough R&D or disruptive innovations to differentiate
themselves and potentially extend the product's lifecycle.

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