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Different Approaches for Estimating Ground Strains from

Pile Driving Vibrations at a Buried Archeological Site

Scott J. Brandenberg, A.M.ASCE1; Joseph Coe, S.M.ASCE2; Robert L. Nigbor, M.ASCE3; and
Kim Tanksley4

Abstract: Ground strains were estimated from vibrations measured during pile driving operations at a buried, prehistoric archeological
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site to monitor potential construction impacts. Subsurface characteristics of the site were investigated using multiple cone penetration test
共CPT兲 soundings and the shear wave velocity profile was measured using the seismic CPT method. Embedded geophones and surface
accelerometers were then used to measure ground vibrations during pile driving. Displacement gradients were estimated from the
vibrations using the following three methods: 共1兲 the difference between adjacent displacements divided by sensor spacing; 共2兲 peak
particle velocity divided by depth-dependent wave velocity 共i.e., at the depth where the sensor was placed兲; and 共3兲 peak particle velocity
divided by frequency-dependent wave velocity from a measured dispersion curve. Methods 共1兲 and 共3兲 agreed well, while method 共2兲
caused errors that depended on depth of embedment of the sensors and distance from pile driving. Errors in 共2兲 were attributed to a
mismatch between the depth-dependent wave velocity and the wave velocity on the frequency band that carried the largest velocity pulse
through the dispersive soil profile. Ground strains were related to displacement gradients based on theoretical solutions of harmonic body
waves and Rayleigh waves in dispersive elastic media. The peak estimated ground strains were smaller than the threshold volumetric shear
strain, but a few centimeters of settlement were nevertheless observed at the site. The spatial extent of the settlement is characterized using
attenuation rules fit to the vibration data, and by calibration with a settlement gauge. Ground cracking and vertical offsets that could
potentially mask the archaeological history of the site were neither observed nor predicted from the observed vibration amplitudes.
Estimated impact on archeological interpretation of artifacts in their stratigraphic context was likely insignificant except in the immediate
region where the piles were driven. This insight will assist in future planning at sites with similar subsurface stratigraphy.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲GT.1943-5606.0000031
CE Database subject headings: Vibration; Pile driving; Archaeology; Wave measurement; Foundation construction.

Introduction hicle traffic and below-grade distortion or settlement of the ar-

cheological layers due to construction-induced vibrations caused,
The California Department of Transportation 共Caltrans兲 widened for example, by pile driving. Differential settlement is of special
Interstate 5 south of Lathrop in San Joaquin County 共Fig. 1兲 im- concern because depth is a measurement of time for archeologists
pacting a prehistoric Native American site occupied and differential settlement will distort the archeological time axis.
155– 1,500 years ago. Construction of foundations for four bridge Research into construction impacts led the Caltrans project ar-
piers involved the use of a 180 kN impact hammer to drive eighty
chaeologist to involve nees@UCLA, which is an equipment site
0.6-m-diameter steel pipe piles to depths of approximately 20 m,
that is part of the George E. Brown Network for Earthquake En-
requiring 1,800–2,500 blows to drive each pile. Federal and state
environmental laws protect significant archaeological deposits by gineering Simulation funded by the National Science Foundation.
requiring that impacts be identified, avoided, and/or mitigated. Cone penetrometer equipment was used to characterize the soil at
Impacts may include surface compaction due to construction ve- the site, and embedded geophones and surface accelerometers
were utilized to measure vibrations caused by pile driving to
quantify the amplitude and spatial extent of transient ground
1 strains. The measured vibrations were subsequently used to pre-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Univ. of California, 5731 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593 dict the nature and spatial distribution of soil settlement to help
共corresponding author兲. E-mail: characterize and provide a record of the impact of construction on
Graduate Student Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environmental En- the archeological site.
gineering, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593. This paper proceeds by first discussing the archeological back-
Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of ground and geotechnical background, followed by derivations of
California, 6679 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593.
Associate Archaeologist, California Department of Transportation,
the relations between particle velocity and shear strain for shear
2015 E. Shields Ave., Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93726. waves and Rayleigh waves. The experimental data are then pre-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 20, 2008; approved on sented and displacement gradients are estimated using three dif-
December 9, 2008; published online on February 23, 2009. Discussion ferent methods, and differences among the methods is discussed.
period open until January 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted Shear strains are estimated from the displacement gradients, and
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 8, August 1, 2009.
the amount and spatial extent of anticipated settlements is esti-
©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/2009/8-1101–1112/$25.00. mated from the shear strains.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

are not restricted to the horizontal dimension, and the potential for
vertical impact must be considered as well for compliance with
the National Historic Preservation Act.
Direct impacts to the Mossdale site from the Interstate 5 wid-
ening project were limited to excavations where foundations were
constructed to support the four bridge piers. A data recovery ex-
cavation of prehistoric site deposits in the area impacted by the
footings was conducted prior to commencement of construction
operations to mitigate the direct impact to deposits that would be
destroyed by the piles. Indirect impacts to site deposits were still
a concern due to construction equipment, and particularly due to
pile driving. A concern was that the pile driving vibrations would
induce differential settlements in the nearby soils, potentially al-
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tering the stratigraphy and causing errors in archaeological inter-

pretation at the site. Hence, the nees@UCLA equipment facility
was utilized to characterize the soil properties at the site and
Fig. 1. Site location measure ground vibrations, both on and below the surface, during
pile driving.

Archaeological Background
Geotechnical Background
Caltrans determined that construction operations required to
widen I-5 near Lathrop, Calif., would impact a National-Register- Ground vibrations are commonly monitored due to potential im-
eligible prehistoric occupation site 共CA-SJO-003 or the Mossdale pacts on sensitive structures and equipment, and annoyance to
site兲. The Mossdale site occupies approximately 13 ha within the people nearby 共Ju et al. 2007; Svinkin 2002; Hwang et al. 2001兲.
flood plain of the San Joaquin River. Radiocarbon and obsidian Relations between vibration amplitudes and impacts are important
hydration dating on samples taken from the site indicate occupa- for establishing tolerable vibration limits for a given vibration
tion at the site ranged from 155 to 1,500 years ago at a time when source. For example, the Caltrans vibration manual 共Jones and
the North Valley Yokuts are believed to have inhabited the area. Stokes 2004兲 distinguishes between transient vibration sources
The site contains varied artifact assemblages that are characteris- and continuous sources 共such as pile driving兲, and specifies a
tic of prehistoric habitation: a significant amount of faunal re- threshold particle velocity of 2 mm/ s from continuous sources for
mains such as bone and shell, burned bone, charcoal, impressed fragile historical structures, and specifies that particle velocities
clay, clay pipes, bone awls, shell beads, pendants, ground stone smaller than about 0.3 mm/ s from continuous sources are barely
pestles and mortar fragments, obsidian, and chert lithics. Human perceptible. Vibrations that exceed threshold values can be miti-
remains have also been disinterred from the site in the past. gated using wave barriers 共Comina and Foti 2007; Hung et al.
Construction operations at the Mossdale site were governed by 2004兲.
environmental laws in place to protect cultural resources, includ- Whereas the influence of vibrations on nearby equipment and
ing National Environmental Policy Act, Section 106 of the Na- structures has been extensively studied, vibration-induced soil
tional Historic Preservation Act, and the California settlement has received less attention. Vibrations induce shear
Environmental Quality Act. A “reasonable and good faith effort” strains in soil, which can cause cohesionless soil particles to slip
must be made to identify cultural resources that may be affected past one another as the soil becomes denser thereby inducing
by an undertaking, evaluate the significance of each resource, and settlement. Dowding 共1996兲 summarized several case histories
determine how the undertaking will impact the resource. Signifi- where pile driving caused ground settlements in sandy soil depos-
cant impacts must be mitigated. Impacts can either be direct 共e.g., its. Pile driving vibrations with peak particle velocities of
excavation of artifacts at the site兲 or indirect 共e.g., settlement 2.5– 5.0 mm/ s caused the soil near the pile driving operations to
induced by nearby construction vibrations兲. Direct impacts are settle as much as 75 mm. Drabkin et al. 共1996兲 summarized case
easy to identify, but indirect impacts are often subjective. histories where vibration amplitudes of 1.0– 18.0 mm/ s were re-
Two basic principles help archaeologists interpret the artifacts sponsible for settlements of 8 – 250 mm. Stewart et al. 共2001兲
and features they discover. The Law of Association states that documented seismic performance of hillside fills during the 1994
artifacts found together result from a common set of human ac- Northridge earthquake, and compiled 250 cases where structures
tions, and should be interpreted together to tell a story. The Law were damaged by large settlements and ground cracks with ver-
of Superposition states that young strata are deposited over old tical offsets approaching 100 mm. They predicted particle veloci-
strata, which is the guiding principle of stratigraphy. Stratigraphy ties of hundreds of mm/s were responsible for the observed
is the single best method that archaeologists have for determining settlements. The case studies from construction vibrations and
relative ages of archaeological materials, and artifacts outside of from earthquakes help to bracket the nature of the settlement that
their stratigraphic context have little value. Impacts that alter soil can be anticipated for different strain levels. The cases docu-
stratigraphy, whether direct or indirect, are therefore significant mented by Dowding 共1996兲 and Drabkin et al. 共1996兲 were asso-
and must be mitigated. Past measures to mitigate indirect impacts ciated with smoothly varying settlements and no extensive
have, for example, involved placing fill on top of cultural re- cracking, while the cases documented by Stewart et al. 共2001兲
sources during construction operations to prevent direct contact were associated with ground cracking and large differential settle-
with construction equipment. However, it is not clear the extent to ments. Differential settlements like those observed by Stewart et
which this mitigation approach is effective, and the Federal High- al. 共2001兲 could potentially distort a site’s stratigraphy and mask
way Administration recently stated that an undertaking’s effects its archaeological history.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

Volumetric strain and settlement potential are known to corre- surface waves on the ground surface at a distance from the
late more fundamentally with shear strain than with particle ve- source. The displacement field of Rayleigh waves in elastic ho-
locity based on an extensive body of laboratory experiments. Hsu mogeneous soil is characterized by Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲, where uz
and Vucetic 共2004兲 summarized an extensive laboratory test pro- = vertical displacement; uy = horizontal displacement in the direc-
gram conducted to determine the cyclic threshold shear strain, ␥tv tion of wave propagation; k = Rayleigh wave number= ␻ / vR; ␻
defined as the limiting strain above which permanent irreversible = angular frequency; vR = Rayleigh wave velocity; q2 = k2R − ␻2 / v2p,
rearranging of the microstructure of the soil occurs. They found s2 = k2R − ␻2 / vs2, v p = p-wave velocity; vs = shear wave velocity; z
the lower limit of ␥tv from these test data is approximately 0.01%, = vertical position; y = horizontal position; and t = time

冉 冊
which is widely adopted as a general rule of thumb for sand.
However, settlements have been observed at sites where ground 2qk2 −sz
uz = A e − qe−qz ei共␻t−ky兲 共5兲
strains are lower than 0.01%, indicating that perhaps a large num- s2 + k2
ber of loading cycles can cause settlements even when ground
strains are smaller than ␥tv, or that ␥tv may be lower at frequen-
冉 2iqsk −sz

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cies that are higher than tested in their laboratory program. Mas- uy = A e − ike−qz ei共␻t−ky兲 共6兲
s2 + k2
sarch 共2000兲 presents a guideline wherein strains below 0.001%
would be associated with very low risk of settlement, and strains The strain components ␧yy, ␧zz, ␥yz can be computed by solving
larger than 0.01% would be associated with a high risk of settle- the appropriate partial derivatives
ment. These guidelines reasonably capture the case history obser-
vations. Drabkin et al. 共1996兲 present an equation for predicting
settlement based on soil type, vibration amplitude, static shear
␧zz =

= A − 2 2 e−sz + q2e−qz ei共␻t−ky兲
s +k

冉 冊
stress, confining stress, and number of loading cycles based on an
extensive laboratory test program. The equation reasonably pre- ⳵u y 2qsk2
␧yy = = A 2 2 e−sz − k2e−qz ei共␻t−ky兲 共8兲
dicted settlements from case histories. Shear strain is easy to mea- ⳵y s +k
sure in laboratory experiments, but difficult to measure in the
field, whereas particle velocity is easy to measure in the field and
is therefore often used as a proxy for shear strain. ␥yz = 冉 ⳵uz ⳵u y
冊 冉
= 2A 2 2 e−sz −
s +k
k2 + q2 −qz i共␻t−k y兲
e e R 冊
Relations between Shear Strain and Particle The peak shear strain, ␥max, taken as the radius of the Mohr circle
Velocity of strain, can then be computed using Eq. 共10兲
It is convenient now to devise relations between particle velocity ␥max = 冑共␧zz − ␧yy兲2 + ␥2yz 共10兲
and shear strain before presenting results from the experimental
study in this paper. A common rule of thumb is that shear strain is The vertical velocity can be computed by differentiating Eq. 共5兲
equal to particle velocity divided by wave speed. This relation with respect to t
was derived for harmonic shear waves propagating through a ho-
mogeneous elastic medium, as shown in Eqs. 共1兲–共4兲, where u
= displacement; A = displacement amplitude; ␻ = angular
u̇z =


= i␻A 2 2 e−sz − qe−qz ei共␻t−ky兲
s +k

frequency= 2␲f; t = time; x = position; k = wave number 共k = ␻ / vs兲; The relation between ␥max and u̇z depends on Poisson ratio, ␯,
vs = shear wave velocity; and u̇ = particle velocity because the relation between Rayleigh wave velocity and s- and
p-wave velocity depends on ␯. However, the displacement gradi-
u共x,t兲 = A cos共␻t − kx兲 共1兲
ent, ⳵uz / dy, is equal to u̇z / vR, which can be verified by taking the
partial derivative of Eq. 共5兲 with respect to y.
u̇ = = ␻A cos共␻t − kx兲 共2兲 Fig. 2 presents the ratio of peak engineering shear strain 共␥max兲
⳵t to the ratio of peak vertical velocity at the ground surface divided
by Rayleigh wave velocity 关u̇z共z = 0兲 / vR兴 as a function of z / ␭,
⳵u where wavelength ␭ = 2␲vR / ␻. The ratio is near 1.0 at the ground
␥= = − kA cos共␻t − kx兲 共3兲
⳵x surface and decreases quickly to a depth of about 0.06␭ – 0.07␭,
and subsequently increases again with depth before attenuating.
u̇ u̇ ␻ u̇ Niemunis 共1995兲 formulated the equations for relating engineer-
␥= ·k= · = 共4兲 ing shear strain to vertical velocity at the ground surface for Ray-
␻ ␻ vs vs
leigh waves. However, Fig. 2 is different than the relation he
While Eq. 共4兲 provides a simple and useful relation between par- presented due to an error in his implementation 共Niemunis, per-
ticle velocity and shear strain, it is limited to harmonic shear sonal communication兲, and engineering shear strain near the
waves in homogeneous media. Errors arise when waveforms are ground surface is actually larger than implied in his paper. As a
more complex than harmonic body waves and/or the medium is general rule of thumb, peak vertical velocity divided by Rayleigh
heterogeneous. In the field, vibrations are often measured on the wave velocity will provide accurate shear strain estimates at the
ground surface where the ground motion is characterized by a ground surface, and will be within about 0.3 to 1.1 times the true
combination of body waves and surface waves, and at heteroge- strain value within the upper 0.6␭ for planar harmonic Rayleigh
neous sites where a constant wave speed may not adequately waves in elastic homogeneous soil.
characterize the dynamic properties of the soil. Layered soil profiles exhibit frequency-dependent wave speed
Vibration sources 共e.g., pile driving兲 are often characterized by 共and are therefore said to be dispersive兲 because waves of differ-
body waves within the soil near the source, and primarily by ent wavelength mobilize different combinations of soil layers. To


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

demonstrate the influence of dispersive soil profiles on the rela-
tion between particle velocity and shear strain, consider the ex-
ample problem in Fig. 3. Broadband Rayleigh waves discretized
into 50 different frequency components and with frequency-
dependent amplitude 共as shown in the inset figure兲 are computed
for: 共1兲 a uniform 共and therefore nondispersive兲 soil profile with a
uniform Rayleigh wave velocity of 200 m / s 关Fig. 3共a兲兴; and 共2兲 a
dispersive profile with Rayleigh wave velocity that varies with
frequency and average Rayleigh wave velocity of 200 m / s 关Fig.
3共b兲兴. For the homogeneous nondispersive soil profile, ⳵uz / ⳵y
= u̇z共z兲 / vR at all depths. Engineering shear strain is lower than or
equal to the displacement gradient, and the minimum strain lacks
the distinct peak at z = 0.06␭ implied by Fig. 2 due to the smooth-
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ing effect of superposition of waves of varying frequency 共and

therefore varying wavelengths兲. For the dispersive soil profile,
⳵uz / ⳵y ⬎ u̇z共z兲 / vR, where vR is the average Rayleigh wave veloc-
Fig. 2. Relation between engineering shear strain, ␥max, and: 共a兲 ity. No single selection of vR can provide accurate displacement
vertical particle velocity at ground surface divided by Rayleigh wave gradients at all depths. Fig. 3共b兲 also shows that the correct dis-
velocity; 共b兲 vertical particle velocity at depth z divided by Rayleigh placement gradient is computed when each frequency component
wave velocity of particle velocity is divided by the corresponding frequency-
dependent wave velocity 关i.e., ⳵uz / ⳵y = u̇z共z , f兲 / vR共f兲兴. Hence, ac-
curate displacement gradients can be computed from surface
velocity measurements in dispersive soil profiles only when the
dispersion curve is known.

Site Investigation

The 20 t nees@UCLA cone penetrometer rig was used to inves-

tigate the soil profiles before, during, and after construction ac-
tivities at the locations shown in Fig. 4. A total of 23 cone
penetration test 共CPT兲 profiles were obtained in a small zone
approximately 6 m by 6 m square, and five adjacent profiles
共sounding numbers 7, 9, 10, 10.5, and 16兲 are plotted together in
Fig. 5. Plotting CPT soundings on top of each other is not stan-
Fig. 3. Theoretical solutions of displacement gradients for broadband dard practice, but the soundings plotted in Fig. 5 were separated
Rayleigh waves in: 共a兲 a nondispersive medium; 共b兲 dispersive me- by spatial distances of at most only 2 m, and the repeated sound-
dium, with relation between vR and f shown in inset ings characterize the variability in the soil properties at one spa-

Fig. 4. Site plan showing measurement locations G1, G2, and G3 and positions of CPT soundings in relation to pile driving operations


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

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Fig. 5. CPT soundings recorded at positions 7, 9, 10, 10.5, and 16 共see Fig. 4兲

tial position rather than characterizing horizontal trends across the higher frequency vibrations whose wavelength was on the same
site 共as is a more typical objective for CPT site investigations兲. order of size as the cavity 共Razin 1995兲.
The soil profile consists of approximately 1 – 3 m of gravelly sand The shear wave velocity profile at the site was measured using
fill overlying alluvial silty sand to sandy silt with lenses of clay. the geophone embedded in the CPT probe 关i.e., using the, seismic
Many of the soundings resulted in refusal in the fill layer, and cone penetration test 共SCPT兲 method兴 at 0.25 m intervals for
significant amounts of coarse gravel were encountered during depths from 0.75 to 6.5 m. Wave travel time measured at the first
hand augering operations. The groundwater table was not encoun- peak of the waveforms was plotted versus depth and shear wave
tered in the deepest CPT sounding so pore-water pressure read- velocity was computed as the slope of travel distance versus
ings are not presented. The fill layer is highly heterogeneous with travel time 共Fig. 6兲. The profile was divided into three distinct
CPT tip resistance varying sharply over short distances horizon- regions based on the slope of travel time versus depth, and the
tally and vertically. The CPT records in Fig. 5 were separated by average shear wave velocities for the regions, from shallowest to
as little as 0.5 m, yet exhibit significantly different tip resistance deepest, were 135, 175, and 250 m / s. The shear wave velocity
and sleeve friction due to the large heterogeneity at the site. The profile increases with depth, which is a typical effect caused by
underlying alluvium was more uniform than the fill, but still ex-
hibited significant scatter in penetration resistance. The heteroge-
neity of these soil layers complicates the ability to compare
before and after CPT soundings to estimate settlement induced by
pile driving operations because it is impossible to discern whether
differences in records taken in close proximity to each other were
caused by soil settlement or by natural variability in the soil. A
region of very low tip resistance was encountered between depths
of 2 – 5 m for soundings 7 and 16, indicating the presence of a
very soft layer or a cavity. However, the cavity was not encoun-
tered in any other soundings, indicating that its lateral extent must
be on the order of 1 m or less. The presence of a very soft zone or
cavity was subsequently verified during hand augering operations
共the hand auger could be pushed through the soil by hand without
rotating the cutting teeth兲 at position G2 in Fig. 2, but not at
positions G1 or G3. The cavity may have influenced vibrations at
the site by affecting modes of wave propagation, particularly for Fig. 6. Shear wave velocity measurements using SCPT equipment


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

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Fig. 7. Schematic of experimental setup for measuring vibrations on

and beneath ground surface

ageing and the stiffening of the soil due to confining pressure

from the overlying soils.
While not directly quantified, significant dispersion was ob-
served in the SCPT raw waveforms, with rapid attenuation of
higher-frequency energy. The rapid attenuation of high-frequency Fig. 8. Experimental detail showing geophone embedded in ground
energy is caused by material damping 共which attenuates high-
frequency waves more quickly than low-frequency waves兲, and
by heterogeneities in shallow layers at the site, disturbed by both phone and ABS casing with sand. The experimental layout results
the shallow construction and the prehistoric human activity. At- in good coupling between the geophone and the surrounding soil.
tenuation of waves in heterogeneous media is known to be a The cables from the geophones were contained inside of a 13 mm
function of the spatial scale of the heterogeneities relative to 共1 / 2 in.兲 diameter polyvinyl chloride 共PVC兲 pipe that extended
wavelength, and high-frequency waves 共with corresponding short from the top of the geophone to above the ground surface. A cloth
wavelengths兲 are therefore scattered more easily by embedded was placed between the PVC pipe and the top of the ABS casing
anomalies 共Santamarina et al. 2001; Razin 1995兲. to prevent contact between the pipe and the casing that could
potentially cause erroneous vibration measurements in the geo-
phone. When the ABS pipe was pulled out of the ground follow-
Measurement of Pile Driving Vibrations ing vibration monitoring, the geophone was still firmly fixed
inside by the filler sand, indicating that good coupling between
Pile driving vibrations were measured on the ground surface the geophone and casing was obtained. One concern is that the
using shallowly embedded Episensor triaxial accelerometers, and instrument and casing may affect the wave propagation, thereby
deeper in the ground using Geospace GS-20DM geophones with resulting in erroneous recordings. Interaction between the ABS
custom packaging to fit in an augered hole. The experimental casing and surrounding soil is believed to be negligible at the
setup is shown in Fig. 7, and a closeup of the geophone configu- frequencies of interest 共20– 80 Hz兲 because the wavelengths of
ration is shown in Fig. 8. Tables 1 and 2 contain specifications of the vibrations induced by pile driving were orders of magnitude
the sensors, and more detailed information can be found on the larger than the diameter of the casing 共e.g., wavelengths are later
nees@UCLA website. Transfer functions were applied to the raw shown to be at least 5 m兲, and the casing is flexible relative to the
geophone recordings to correct for frequency-dependent sensitiv- soil.
ity and phase lag, which was measured before field deployment Velocity records from the geophones and accelerometers were
by imposing sinusoidal motion of various known frequency and obtained using Quanterra Q330 data loggers. The Q330 is a state-
amplitude using a shake table in the nees@UCLA laboratory. of-the-art, low-power, true 24-bit analog to digital 共A/D兲 data
Each accelerometer was placed by digging a hole with a shovel, logger that samples at 200 Hz with 80 Hz antialiasing low pass
covering the accelerometer with a plastic bag, and shallowly filtering. The data loggers are synchronized by global positioning
burying the accelerometer to prevent acoustic interference. Geo- system 共GPS兲 signals with time stamp accuracy of less than
phones were placed by hand augering a hole approximately 0.1 ms.
60 mm 共2.5 in.兲 in diameter to the desired depth, lowering a Holes were augered at positions G1, G2, and G3 共see Fig. 4兲,
50 mm 共2 in.兲 diameter ABS casing into the hole to prevent cav- and recordings were made at positions G1 and G2 during pile
ing, lowering the geophone into the hole through the casing, driving at pier 1 共a distance of 40 m兲, and at positions G2 and G3
pressing the geophone anchor spike into the native soil at the during pile driving at pier 2 共a distance of 10 m兲. Pile driving
bottom of the hole, and filling the annular gap between the geo- vibrations were recorded between G1 and G2 at depths of 1.2,


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

Table 1. Specifications of Episensor Triaxial Accelerometers
Dynamic range: 155 dB+
Bandwidth: DC to 200 Hz
Full-scale range: User selectable at ⫾0.25, ⫾0.5, ⫾1, ⫾2, or ⫾4 g
Outputs: User selectable at: ⫾2.5 V single-ended; ⫾10 V single-ended;
⫾5 V differential; ⫾20 V differential
Linearity: ⬍1,000 ␮g / g2
Hysteresis: ⬍0.1% of full scale
Cross-axis sensitivity: ⬍1% 共including misalignment兲
Zero point thermal drift: ⬍500 ␮g / ° C
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3.7, and 4.6 m as the augered holes were advanced at those loca- vertical direction 共see Fig. 7兲. The recorded data show that blows
tions. When pile driving operations moved to pier 2 the geophone from the pile driving hammer occurred approximately at 1.5 s
was removed from hole G1 and placed into hole G3, and vibra- intervals, and generated pulses of velocity that lasted approxi-
tions were measured between G2 and G3 at a depth of 4.6 m. mately 0.1 s. The recorded velocity pulses are similar for each
Measurements at other depths were not made between positions pile blow within a given record, though the amplitudes of the
G2 and G3 due to time constraints. For all cases, surface accel- velocities were observed to vary with depth and with distance
erometers were shallowly buried near the location of the holes in from pile driving. Table 3 summarizes the average peak velocity
which the geophones were installed, and surface vibration data for the different depths and distances tested. The peak velocities
were recorded simultaneously with the geophone data. exceed the values of 2.5– 5.0 mm/ s that have been associated
Figs. 9 and 10 show velocity records collected at a depth of with settlement in past case histories, hence some settlement
4.6 m during pile driving at distances of 40 m 共Fig. 9兲 and 10 m could be anticipated to accompany the pile driving vibrations.
共Fig. 10兲. A pair of figures is shown for each record. The first of Frequency content of the vibrations is an important consider-
the pair shows a sequence of six pile driving vibrations illustrat- ation for wave propagation because a dispersion curve can only
ing the repeatability of the vibration measurements, and the sec- be computed accurately on frequency bands with significant data
ond shows a zoomed in view of only one hit to show the signal content, and because wavelength is a function of frequency and
quality in more detail. Records from both geophones are shown in wave velocity. Fig. 11 shows Fourier spectra for the three com-
the zoomed in view to show any difference in the recorded vibra- ponents of ground velocity recorded at the ground surface and at
tions for adjacent sensor locations. These differences are impor- a depth of 4.6 m for a single pile driving strike at a distance of
tant because they form the basis for computing a dispersion curve 40 m from the sensors, and a single pile driving strike at a dis-
and for computing shear strains, as discussed in the next section. tance of 10 m from the sensors. The spectra indicate that the
The coordinate system is defined based on a line running through frequency content is distributed over a band lying primarily be-
the two sensors as follows: y- is parallel to that line, x- is perpen- tween 5 and 70 Hz. The amplitudes of the spectra are larger at a
dicular to the line in the horizontal direction, and z- is in the distance of 10 m than at 40 m because waves attenuate with dis-

Fig. 9. Velocity records at depth of 4.6 m and distance of ⬃40 m from pile driving


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

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Fig. 10. Velocity records at depth of 4.6 m and distance of ⬃10 m from pile driving

tance. The sharp cutoff at 80 Hz is due to the low-pass antialias- 2005; Brandenberg et al. 2008兲. The phase, wave velocity, and
ing filters in the Q330 data loggers. Data on frequency bands wavelength are plotted versus frequency in Fig. 12 for sensors
higher than 70 Hz were verified to be lowamplitude based on embedded 4.6 m in the ground with pile driving at a distance of
measurements with a different data logger with higher sampling 10 m. The soil at this site was dispersive since the wave velocity
rate and no antialiasing filter. varies with frequency. The very large and sometimes negative
wave velocities below about 3 Hz are the result of low signal-to-
noise ratio at these low frequencies, and such errors were also
Calculation of Dispersion Curve observed above about 70 Hz 共not shown in Fig. 12兲. These errors
did not adversely affect the calculation of displacement gradients
A dispersion curve relates wave velocity to frequency, and can be
computed by measuring phase lag between two adjacent vibration
records. The relation between wave velocity and frequency is a
function of the soil profile, and dispersion curves form the basis
for spectral analysis of surface waves 共Stokoe et al. 1994兲. The
dispersion curve was computed based on the phase of the cross
correlation of adjacent vertical acceleration recordings. Calcula-
tions were performed in the frequency domain using the Fourier
transform of the signals as outlined in Fig. 12. The signal-to-noise
ratio was improved by averaging the Fourier spectra from a se-
quence of 300 pile driving hits prior to computing the dispersion
curve for each distance-to-pile-driving/depth combination. Signal
stacking improves signal-to-noise ratio because the noise is pre-
sumably random, while the desired portion of the signal is well
correlated among multiple measurements 共Santamarina and Fratta

Table 2. Specifications of Geospace GS-20DM Geophones

Natural frequency: 10 Hz
Sensitivity: 19.7 V / m / s
Height: 2.64 cm
Diameter: 2.22 cm
Mass: 43 g
Typical spurious frequency: ⬎300 Hz Fig. 11. Fourier spectra of velocity records for single pile driving
Open circuit damping: 0.7 blow at distance of 40 m, and single pile driving blow at distance of
Case to coil motion: 0.2 cm 10 m


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

共explained in the next section兲 because the significant components
of velocity were carried within frequency bands that were well
characterized by the recorded data 共i.e., on bands with large Fou-
rier amplitude in Fig. 11兲. The smallest wavelength was about
5 m at frequencies near 15 Hz, and between 30 and 45 Hz.

Estimation of Displacement Gradients

The triaxial geophone data recorded at two points aligned along

the y axis are sufficient to provide several important displacement
gradients 共i.e., ⳵uy / ⳵y, ⳵uz / ⳵y, ⳵ux / ⳵y兲, but the data are insuffi-
cient to fully define all components of the strain tensor. Estimat-
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ing shear strain therefore involves first measuring the

displacement gradients, and second estimating shear strains by
assuming a mode of wave propagation. Displacement gradients
were estimated using three independent methods. For Method 1
关Eq. 共12兲兴, a displacement gradient ⳵un / ⳵y 共where n = x, y, or z兲
was estimated by subtracting adjacent displacement records mea- Fig. 12. Phase angle, wave velocity, and wavelength versus fre-
sured at some depth z and time t, and dividing by distance be- quency for pile driving at distance of 10 m at depth of 4.6 m
tween sensors, ␦ᐉ = 1.075 m. The displacement gradients
computed using Method 1 are averaged over the interval between
the two sensors, and are therefore called, ⳵un / ⳵y, where the over- Method 1 involves two sensors, and provides the average dis-
bar indicates averaging. Transient displacement records were ob- placement gradient between the sensor positions, whereas Method
tained by integrating the recorded ground motions in time 共single 2 involves a single measurement and is therefore a point measure-
integration for velocity records from geophones and double inte- ment, and Method 3 involves a dispersion curve obtained between
gration of acceleration records from surface accelerometers兲. The two points but applied to velocity measured at a single point.
signals were digitally high-pass filtered prior to integration to Hence some differences may be anticipated among the methods,
remove low-frequency noise effects 共i.e., at frequency bands particularly at high frequencies where the wavelengths are short
below 3 Hz兲 enough to cause spatial aliasing. The sensor spacing was only
about 1 m, while the shortest wavelengths were about 5 m. Hence
the sampling interval is small enough to prevent spatial aliasing,
⳵un u1n共t,z兲 − u2n共t,z兲
共t,z兲 = 共12兲 and differences between Method 1 and Methods 2 and 3 are likely
⳵y ␦ᐉ not caused by averaging.
For Method 2 关Eq. 共13兲兴, measured particle velocity is divided by Examples of the computed displacement gradients at a depth
the wave velocity at the depth where the particle velocity was of 4.6 m are shown in Figs. 13 and 14 for pile strikes at distances
measured. The Rayleigh wave velocity vR共z兲 was approximated as of 40 and 10 m from the sensors, respectively. All three methods
being equal to the shear wave velocity at each depth based on the of estimating displacement gradients agree reasonably well for
results of the SCPT test 关i.e., vR共z兲 = 135 m / s between 0 and pile driving at a distance of about 40 m, while some differences
1.8 m depth, 175 m / s between 1.8 and 3 m depth, and 250 m / s arise among the methods when pile driving was at a distance of
below 3 m兴 10 m. Regarding measurements taken at the ground surface,
Method 2 tends to overpredict ⳵uy / ⳵y and ⳵uz / ⳵y for pile driving
⳵un u̇1n共t,z兲 at a distance of 10 m compared with Methods 1 and 3. The cause
共t,z兲 = 共13兲 of the discrepancy is that the peak velocity pulse is carried on
⳵y vR共z兲
frequency bands associated with a wave velocity that is different
For Method 3, measured particle velocity is divided by than the wave velocity at the sensor depth. Method 1 overpredicts
frequency-dependent wave velocity from the dispersion curve. ⳵ux / ⳵y at the ground surface compared with the other methods,
Method 3 was performed in the frequency domain as shown in though better agreement is obtained at a depth of 4.6 m. The
Fig. 12. cause of this is unclear, and cannot be explained using the equa-

Table 3. Average Peak Strains and Particle Velocities from Recorded Data
Average peak displacement gradient Average peak velocity

Distance Depth ⳵ux / ⳵ y ⳵u y / ⳵ y ⳵uz / ⳵ y u̇x u̇y u̇z

共m兲 共m兲 共%兲 共%兲 共%兲 共mm/s兲 共mm/s兲 共mm/s兲
40 0.0 0.0007 0.0012 0.0027 0.8 1.7 4.8
40 1.2 0.0028 0.0023 0.0026 2.3 5.0 6.8
40 3.7 0.0019 0.0021 0.0017 2.0 2.8 3.8
40 4.6 0.0027 0.0018 0.0017 2.3 3.1 4.1
10 0.0 0.0013 0.0024 0.0028 1.7 8.3 10.8
10 4.6 0.0027 0.0057 0.0035 4.7 15.6 5.6


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

Fig. 15. Comparison of peak displacement gradients computed using
Method 2 or 3 versus Method 1
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Estimation of Engineering Shear Strain Amplitude

Fig. 13. Displacement gradients: 共a兲 at ground surface, 共b兲 4.6 m
deep at distance of 40 m from pile driving The displacement gradients presented thus far are not equal to
engineering shear strain. Since shear strain correlates with settle-
ment, strain must be estimated from the displacement gradients.
The relation between shear strain and particle velocity divided by
tions for a Rayleigh wave presented earlier in this paper since
wave velocity is often implemented using scaling factors based on
⳵ux / ⳵y would be zero. Nevertheless, ⳵ux / ⳵y is the smallest mea-
the anticipated type of wave when computing ground strain from
sured displacement gradient component, and the focus therefore
measured surface velocities 共Trifunac et al. 1996兲. For Rayleigh
lies primarily on the other displacement gradients.
waves with a single frequency, the scaling factor is approximately
Differences between Method 2 and Methods 1 and 3 are fur-
ther demonstrated in Fig. 15, which plots peak values of ⳵uz / ⳵y 1.0 for measurements at the ground surface, less than 1.0 in the
from Methods 2 and 3 versus Method 1. Each data point is a peak range from the ground surface to a depth of about 0.4␭, and near
recording for a single pile driving strike, and 300 strikes at each 1.0 again below 0.4␭ 关see Fig. 2共b兲兴. Fig. 2共b兲 indicates that the
depth and pile driving distance combination are plotted. Method 2 engineering shear strain can be as low as 0.3 times the displace-
versus Method 1 shows considerable scatter, with displacement ment gradient at z / ␭ ⬇ 0.06. However, the scaling factor is likely
gradients by Method 2 sometimes lower and sometimes higher never as low as 0.3 for field application when multiple frequen-
than those by Method 1. In contrast, Methods 1 and 3 agree very cies superpose because different wavelengths would superpose at
well with the data clustered along the 1:1 line. These data indicate different depths, thereby smoothing out the kinks in the distribu-
that errors can arise when strain is estimated at a dispersive site tion of shear strain. Hence, the appropriate scaling factor is fre-
using a constant depth-dependent wave velocity instead of a quency dependent, and requires knowledge of the types of waves
frequency-dependent wave velocity. Various constant values of present in a vibration record. The appropriate scaling factors can-
wave velocity were also used in Method 2, but the scatter re- not be accurately computed based on the recorded data presented
mained regardless of selection of wave velocity. in this paper. Nevertheless, the displacement gradient provides a
reasonable estimate of shear strain for measurements on the
ground surface, and the gradients likely slightly overestimate the
engineering shear strains at depth. For the purpose of this paper,
taking engineering shear strain as being equal to the displacement
gradient duz / dy 共i.e., with a scaling factor of unity兲 is deemed an
appropriate approximation.

Fig. 14. Displacement gradients: 共a兲 at ground surface, 共b兲 4.6 m

deep at distance of 10 m from pile driving Fig. 16. Average of peak displacement gradients versus depth


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

which can be attributed to the fact that: 共1兲 the propagating waves
are not only Rayleigh waves, but rather a combination of different
complex waveforms; and 共2兲 the strains at different distances
were recorded for different pile driving strikes. Ideally, attenua-
tion with distance would be measured by an array of transducers
at different distances synchronized and sampled simultaneously
for the same pile driving strike. Despite these limitations, the data
are consistent with the expectation that at a distance of 100 m the
peak amplitudes of ⳵uy / ⳵y and ⳵uz / ⳵y would recede below
0.001%, which is the threshold below which Massarch 共2000兲
predicts small probability of ground settlement. Hence, ground
settlement could reasonably be assumed to be confined to a region
within about 100 m of pile driving operations.
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Observed Settlement and Anticipated Spatial


A settlement gauge was installed at the site prior to pile driving

operations with the intent of obtaining repeated survey measure-
ments to track settlements as construction progressed. The settle-
ment gauge consisted of a threaded rod placed inside of a PVC
pipe with a plate attached to the rod at a depth of about 4.6 m.
Fig. 17. Attenuation of displacement gradients with distance from Unfortunately, the settlement gauge was destroyed during con-
pile driving struction operations, preventing accurate measurement of post-
construction ground settlement. Nevertheless the gauge was
useful for qualitatively observing that some settlement had oc-
Attenuation of Amplitude with Distance and Depth curred. A visible mark was apparent where the PVC casing had
previously been in contact with the soil, and the mark was
Average peak displacement gradients are plotted versus depth in 2 – 3 cm above the ground surface halfway through the pile driv-
Fig. 16, where strain was computed using Method 1. ⳵ux / ⳵y was ing operation. No ground cracks or signs of differential settlement
consistently smaller than ⳵uy / ⳵y and ⳵uz / ⳵y, which is consistent were apparent. Hence, we can infer that the ground settled by a
with the observation that wavefronts with cylindrical or spherical few centimeters in a smoothly varying manner in the vicinity of
geometries are associated with ⳵ux / ⳵y = 0. Regarding ⳵uy / ⳵y and the pile driving operations. The shear strains induced in the soil
⳵uz / ⳵y, the following observations can be made: 共1兲 average peak by the construction vibrations likely caused this small settlement
displacement gradients ranged from 0.001 to about 0.005%; 共2兲 to occur, and the observation is consistent with other case histo-
average peak displacement gradients were larger when pile driv- ries of settlement of sandy soils due to construction vibrations.
ing was at a distance of 10 m compared with 40 m. Furthermore, Ground cracks and vertical offsets that could potentially mask the
⳵uz / ⳵y attenuates with depth, which is consistent with the trend geologic history of the site were not observed.
established for Rayleigh waves in this paper. However, ⳵uy / ⳵y is
largest at a depth of 1.2 m 共for pile driving at a distance of 40 m兲,
and subsequently decreases with depth. This trend is not consis- Conclusions
tent with the trend established for Rayleigh waves, and perhaps
indicates a superposition of P waves, S waves, and Rayleigh Ground vibrations were measured during pile driving operations
waves. at a site containing archeological artifacts to monitor any impacts
Peak displacement gradients are plotted versus distance from of the construction operations on the site. Displacement gradients
pile driving in Fig. 17. Strains attenuate with distance from the were computed from the recorded data using the following three
pile driving operations because wave energy attenuates geometri- methods: 共1兲 the difference between adjacent displacements di-
cally 共i.e., as the wave propagates through the soil the wavefront vided by sensor spacing; 共2兲 particle velocity divided by average
area increases and the amplitude decreases to balance energy兲 and wave velocity; and 共3兲 particle velocity divided by frequency-
due to material damping in lossy media 共i.e., hysteretic stress- dependent velocity from a dispersion curve. Methods 1 and 3
strain behavior in the soil, heat generation, etc.兲. Eq. 共14兲 quanti- produced results that agreed well, whereas Method 2 exhibited
fies attenuation of Rayleigh waves in homogeneous lossy media errors caused by neglecting dispersion of wave energy at the het-
共Santamarina et al. 2001兲 erogeneous site. A simple analytical solution of planar Rayleigh
u̇2 = u̇1 · 冑R1/R2 · e−␣共R2−R1兲
waves propagating through dispersive and nondispersive media
demonstrated this potential error. The rather small increment of
where u̇1 and u̇2 = velocity amplitudes at locations 1 and 2, respec- effort required to simultaneously record vibrations at two posi-
tively; R1 and R2 = distances from the source to locations 1 and 2; tions may be justified by the gain in accuracy in ground strains
and ␣ = empirical attenuation coefficient that depends on soil type measured at dispersive soil sites.
and wave frequency. Trend lines based on Eq. 共14兲 with ␣ = 0.01, The amplitude of recorded strains were similar to previous
selected to be in the range of competent soils in the frequency case histories where soil settlements were observed, but were
range of interest 共Dowding 1996兲, are plotted in Fig. 17 for ref- smaller than the threshold shear strain of about 0.01% observed to
erence. The data do not perfectly match the attenuation equation, be the limiting value associated with permanent volumetric strain


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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2009.135:1101-1112.

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