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Bondad, Daniel Ryan Q.



1. What is Software Engineering?

The design, development, testing, and maintenance of software applications utilizing

engineering ideas and programming languages to create solutions for end users is
known as software engineering.

2. Software Development Life Cycle

To design and create high-quality software, development teams employ the software
development lifecycle (SDLC), a time- and money-efficient procedure. It delineates a
sequence of actions that separate the software development process into tasks that may
be given, finished, and evaluated. The objective is to reduce project risks while also
exceeding client expectations.


Scheduling, resource estimation, and resource allocation are all part of the planning
step. The software development team gathers stakeholder requirements to produce a
software requirement specification document that establishes standards and outlines
common objectives. The group has a well-thought-out plan to accomplish its objectives,
assesses costs, and develops a schedule.


Software engineers examine specifications during the design phase to find the best
ways to build the software. They take into account integrating pre-existing modules,
selecting technologies, and choosing development tools. Additionally, they consider how
to incorporate the new software into any current IT infrastructure.


The product is programmed by the development team during the implementation

stage. In order to accomplish the desired outcome, they break down the requirements
into smaller code projects that they can do each day.

To verify software for defects, errors, and client requirements, the development team
employs both automation and manual testing. The testing phase frequently occurs
concurrently with the development phase, and quality analysis includes checking for
faults and meeting customer requirements.


The software development process' deployment phase entails moving the most recent
build copy to the production environment, including installation, environment
configuration, and packaging. This guarantees that users can keep using the software
while it is being modified or upgraded.


The team performs a variety of duties during the maintenance phase, including bug
repairs, client issues, and software change management. In order to find new ways to
enhance the current software, the team also keeps an eye on system security, user
experience, and overall system performance.

3. Data Gathering Techniques


In order to uncover potential problems to solve and make clear possibilities,

brainstorming is a technique used to collect ideas from a group of individuals.

Document Analysis

Making an AS-IS process document and driving gap analyses for migration initiatives
can both benefit from reviewing the documentation of an existing system. Reviewing the
specifications that guided the development of the existing system is also crucial since it
enables us to check the completeness of the requirements and pose further queries.


To create amazing software, stakeholders and users must be interviewed. It is

impossible to satisfy users' and stakeholders' expectations if you don't comprehend their
objectives. Recognizing each interviewee's perspective is also critical in order to properly
evaluate and take into account their feedback. A superb analyst can learn more from an
interview than a typical analyst by listening well.

Survey / Questionnaire
With limited resources and time, a survey or questionnaire can be used to gather
information from a large number of people. It may require users to rate something, make
a choice, or respond to open-ended inquiries. Survey design is challenging because
responders may be skewed by the questions.

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