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Class: 4th, Marks: 100 Annual Exam Term 2022

Time: 2:00 Hours

Q.No.1 Write the numbers 80 to 100 in English. (10)

Q. No.2 Write down the table of 9. (10)

Q.No.3 Write the numbers 1 to 20 in Urdu. (10)

Q.No.4 Add the following decimal numbers. (Any two) (10)

i) 34.4 ii) 35.6 iii) 43.8

+25.1 +27.6 +28.6

Q.No.4 Solve these. (Any Five) (10)

i) 3+8x5 ii) 2+6-5 iii) 4-4÷4 Iv) 2+2x2÷2-2 v) 11-13+10 vi) 3-1+4

Q.No.5 Solve these. (Any Five) (10)

i) 350 ii) 443 iii) 851 iv) 231 v) 416 vi) 332
x22 x213 x115 x123 x282 x215

Q.No.6 Solve these. (Any Five) (10)

i) √4 47 ii)√6 58 iii) √5 26 iv) √8 675 v) √2 3042 vi) √9 63

Q.No.6 Simplify the following. (Any Two) (10)

i) 4+[5-{5-(6÷3x2)}] ii) 100x[12-{42-(13+26)}] iii) {45÷(42÷6)-9)}+4

Q.No.6 Subtract the following decimal numbers. (Any two) (10)

i) 67.8 ii) 63.8 iii) 86.5

+23.4 +23.6 +57.8

Q. No.7 Write down the given numbers in descending order. (05)

i) 463,728 ii) 863,799 iii) 568,733 Iv) 257,608 v) 300,809

Q. No.8 Write down the given numbers in ascending order. (05)

i) 423,213 ii) 572,133 iii) 172,361 Iv) 637,298 v) 300,809

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