Ground Vibration Caused by Civil Engineering Works

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Department of Transport




by B M NEW M S c PhD

The views expressed in this Report are not necessarily those of the Depa~ment
of Transport

Ground Engineering Division

Highways and Structures Department
Transport and Road Research Laboratory
Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG11 6AU
ISSN 0266-5247
Ownership of the Transport Research
Laboratory was transferred from the
Department of Transport to a subsidiary of
the Transport Research Foundation on 1st
April 1996.

This report has been reproduced by

permission of the Controller of HMSO.
Extracts from the text may be reproduced,
except for commercial purposes, provided
the source is acknowledged.

Abstract 1

1. Introduction 1

2. The effects of vibration 1

2.1 Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) as a

measure of damage potential 1

2.2 Current damage criteria 3

2.3 Human perception and intrusion criteria 7

3. The prediction of vibration 8

3.1 Non-explosive sources 8

3.2 Explosive sources 10

4. Blasting trials 11

4.1 Measurement procedures and

equipment 11

4.2 Data processing and presentation 13

4.2.1 Square and cube root scaling

methods 13

4.2.2 Site specific scaling using

multiple regression analysis 14

5. Contractual specification and vibration

control 15

6. Acknowledgements 17

7. References 17

8. Appendix 19

© Crown Copyright 1986

Extracts of the text may be reproduced,
except for commercial purposes, provided the
source is acknowledged.

ABSTRACT at all. This lack of prior knowledge can lead to severe

restrictions being placed on the Contractor during the
Investigations have been undertaken to improve actual works.
techniques for the prediction and control of ground
vibration caused by civil engineering construction Most vibration associated problems may be expressed
works. Contemporary damage and nuisance criteria as two separate questions:
are reviewed and factors affecting the input and
(i) what level of vibration will be produced by
propagation of ground vibration are discussed. Field
the proposed construction works? This will
data from numerous sites in the UK are summarised
depend on the construction method and the
to provide some guidance as to the relative
seismic propagation characteristics of the site.
importance of various sources (eg, traffic, piling,
tunnelling, blasting). and (ii) what is the acceptable level of vibration? This
will depend on the type of structures at risk
A methodology for trial blasting is given with and the sensitivity of the local population to
recommendations for the deployment and nuisance.
specification of the equipment. Data processing and
The answers to both these questions are always site
presentation format is described and a 'site specific'
specific, although an important initial appraisal of
scaling method given which provides improved
hazard may be made which is based on experience
correlation between peak particle velocity and scaled
distance. The use of peak particle velocity as a from other sites. Reference to case history
information will often greatly assist planning
damage-hazard specifier is discussed in relation to
operations although where excavation by blasting is
other dynamic parameters which also effect damage
required in an urban environment it may often be
to structures.
prudent to carry out trial blasts as part of the site
investigation programme. Procedures are given here
Options regarding the distribution of vibration
which enable trial blasting works to be rationally
associated risks between Employer and Contractor are
planned and for the data gained to be presented and
considered in the context of legal and contractual
used in the most beneficial manner.
The determination of 'acceptable' vibration levels is in
many ways more difficult to deal with owing to its
subjective nature, particularly with regard to nuisance.
1 INTRODUCTION A wide variety of contradictory advice on 'safe'
vibration levels is available. The increasing influence
This paper addresses the problem of the specification, of the environmental lobby has resulted in some
measurement and control of ground vibration which standardising authorities insisting on unreasonably low
is caused by civil engineering works. Vibration from levels of vibration from blasting. On the other hand
construction sources will generally be of a temporary explosive manufacturing companies and blasting
nature, but the disturbance caused may result in contractors do occasionally seem rather optimistic in
permanent damage to property and substantial their assessment of the durability of structures (and
nuisance to the local population. Either factor may people) subject to dynamic loading. The review and
lead to restraints on the working method that result discussion given below seeks to evaluate and
in additional costs or even, in extreme circumstances, reconcile these viewpoints and provide guidance for
curtailment of activity. working damage and nuisance criteria.

Blasting and piling operations have in the past been

the cause of greatest concern, but in recent years
construction works have utilised larger plant as 2 T H E EFFECTS OF V I B R A T I O N
economic pressures have forced greater emphasis on
mechanised rather than labour intensive techniques.
These developments have resulted in the use of
machines that dissipate large amounts of energy, in AS A M E A S U R E OF D A M A G E
the form of ground vibrations and noise, into the POTENTIAL
Vibration induced damage thresholds are usually
At the present time pre-construction vibration expressed in terms of peak particle displacement,
prediction analyses are often rather hit and miss velocity or acceleration and sometimes include a
affairs and in many instances they are not carried out frequency dependent factor. Harmonic vibrations may
be described by any t w o of the following parameters; is considered where the ground motion wavelength is
frequency, peak particle displacement, peak particle l o n g compared to the length of the structure.
velocity or peak particle acceleration. The 'peak
particle' preface indicates that it is the maximum A force is required at the interface of structure and
value associated with the motion of a particle at a ground to move the building either up and down or
point in the ground (or on a structure) that is side to side, Figures l b and d. These forces will
considered. depend on the effective mass of the structure and the
acceleration imposed by the ground wave motions.
It is most usual for peak particle velocity (PPV) to be Now the acceleration (a) is a function of particle
used as it has been found to be the best correlated velocity (V) and the frequency (f) of the motion
with case history data of damage occurrence and has (a = 2 ~ V for harmonic motion). The actual forces
a theoretical underpinning inasmuch as the strain transmitted within the structure are dependant on its
induced in the ground is proportional to the particle particular response characteristics but for a given
velocity. Although PPV is widely used to quantify the structure the ground motion parameters concerning
damaging potential of a vibration it must be damage hazard are particle velocity and frequency.
recognised that 'velocity', of itself, cannot induce
damaging forces. Such forces are generated in In practice structural damage may result from the
structures by b o t h : - - complex interaction of the mechanisms shown and it
is important to emphasise that whilst PPV may be the
(a) differential displacements which give rise to single most valuable parameter to observe, the
distortion as the structure follows movement of the frequency and propagation velocity of the ground
ground upon which it is founded motions must also be considered. A more detailed
or(b) change in the ground particle velocity vector discussion of structural response using single degree
(magnitude or direction) which produces inertial of freedom models is given by Dowding (1985).
forces upon the structure.
The dependence of distortion induced in structures
on wave propagation velocity has been recognised by
In practice the structure will be subjected to both
Langefors and Kihlstrom (1978), who give risk of
'distortion' and 'inertial' mechanisms at the same time
damage thresholds which are closely proportional to
and these will be superimposed upon pre existing
the wave propagation velocity of the ground upon
stresses and strains from other causes; damage will
which the structures are founded (see Table 1). Other
occur w h e n the combined effects exceed the
velocity criteria given below are varied with respect to
tolerance of the structure. Vibration can also give rise
the frequency of the vibrations which will assist the
to longer term ground movements (eg by
prediction by making empirical allowance for the
compaction) which may also contribute materially to
response characteristics of common urban structures.
structural distress; this mechanism is discussed
elsewhere (New, 1978) and is not considered in this
paper. When Vibration damage is discussed little if any
allowance is generally made for the characteristic
propagation velocity of the wave motionS. For
For convenience Figure 1 separates the distortional instance, consider a group of vibrations comprising
and inertial factors and considers particle motions compressional waves followed by shear waves of
normal and parallel to the surface. The ground slightly lower peak particle velocity and similar
distortion (Figures la and b) could be attributed to frequency. It will be the PPV of the compressional
vertically polarised shear waves or the vertical arrivals that will be used to assess the risk of damage
component of Rayleigh surface waves whilst the despite the fact that the dynamic distortions from the
dilatation in this case (Figures l c and d) results from later shear wave arrivals (of slightly lower PPV) may
a compressional wave type. It can be shown (see be significantly larger (owing to their lower
Appendix) that the shear strain )/ imposed by the propagation velocity). Further, the wave propagation
ground distortion at foundation level is a function of velocity in rock may easily be ten times that
the particle velocity (V) and the velocity of (shear) associated with a soil; for a given PPV and frequency
wave propagation cs. That is ), = V/cs. Similarly the this means that the ground distortions will be ten
strain (~) caused by dilatations depends on the times greater for a structure founded on soil than that
particle velocity and the compressional wave velocity for one on rock.
Cp. That is ~ = V/cp. This form of calculation will be
appropriate for any structure which closely follows Some instruments used to monitor blast vibrations
the movement of the ground eg (pipes, tunnels, only show PPV levels and not the full time history of
foundations). the vibration wave packet. Where instruments show
the wave packet in detail it should usually be possible
For most buildings however the actual distortions will to estimate the frequency of the motions and to
be heavily dependent on the dynamic response of the differentiate between compressional and
structure. The natural frequencies and damping shear/surface wave arrivals by allowing for their
characteristics of a building will determine the strains relative times of arrival and discontinuities in the
imposed by the ground motions. To simplify, the case waveforms.

(a) Short wavelength distortion (b) Long wavelength distortion (inertial effect)
Structure distortion ~ Structure ~ Inertial
displacement ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ldeformation
Ground profile L 1 / "~ I
without vibration [ /
with vibration ~ | |
. \ .\ \. \ .\ \ . \ .\ \ . \ .\ -]~-- -- __ -ix ~- ~
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Verticle force on X -- X 1 = mea = me21"rfV
particle +Wave velocity Cs-~
T t T trajectory--~ : T T T

(c) Short wavelength dilatation (d) Long wavelength dilatation (inertial effect)

Structure elongation ~-~ Structure displacement 4-~ Inertial

n I deformation

\\ \ \ \ \\\\\ [
\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ F[ \\\- ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N N N \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \
Horizontal force on X -- X 1 = mea = m e 2TrfV
\\\X \\\

Wave velocity Cp
N-o H~ ~ Particle r - j -,

1 ~ Ground particle displacement

Fig. 1 D e f o r m a t i o n and inertial forces due to ground wave motion


Risk of damage in ordinary dwelling houses with varying ground conditions (Langefors and Kihlstrom, 1978)

Hard limestone,
Sand, shingle, clay quartzy sandstone
under ground water Moraine, slate, soft gneiss, granite,
level limestone diabase Type of damage

Wave velocity m/s 300-1500 2000-3000 4500-6000

Vibration velocity 4-18 35 70 No noticeable cracks

mm/s 6-30 Insignificant cracking
55 110
(threshold value)
8-40 80 160 Cracking
12-60 115 230 Major cracks

Although it is essential to recognise that the risk of which the load is applied. (For instance, the dynamic
structural damage is also dependant on frequency tensile strength of rock may easily exceed its static
and propagation velocity it seems likely that vibration value by an order of magnitude).
damage criteria will continue to be related empirically
with peak particle velocities. An important pragmatic
influence on this is that there is little reliable
information available on the damage induced in 2.2 C U R R E N T D A M A G E CRITERIA
structures related to measured dynamic stresses and
strains. The data that are available on distortions of a The establishment of precise or universal criteria that
quasi-static nature are not readily interpreted in terms define vibration damage thresholds is not possible
of dynamic movements as the effective strength of a and expert judgment based on specific site
material is often critically dependent on the rate at knowledge and previous case history data will often

be necessary. The possibility or degree of damage Siskind et al (1980) have produced a comprehensive
that results from vibration will depend on the nature account of structure response and damage produced
of the source, the transmission characteristics of the by ground vibration from surface mine blasting. This
intervening geological strata and the inherent strength work provides damage probability analyses for various
and response characteristics of the subject structure. conditions and Figure 2 is, in part, based on their
The dynamics involved will usually be of a complex 'alternative safe blasting level criteria' for residential
nature and many of the variables that control the structures. The 'safe' levels indicated fit British case
resulting structural motions are likely to be unknown. history information well and it is suggested that these
Any suggested damage criteria are, of necessity, a levels provide a useful basis for risk assessment. It
compromise on which engineering judgments may be must be emphasised that there are many recorded
based; they must not be regarded as hard and fast
Standardizing authorities throughout the world have 80
60 Safe levels of blasting vibration for houses
experienced difficulty in defining acceptable standards
to be supported by legislative powers. No British or 40
International Standard defines vibration thresholds for
damage to structures, although such a document is in
the course of preparation.

'Drywall' ,,-
" /"
Attempts to establish safe levels of vibration have, E
E 8 y 'Plaster' finish
not unnaturally, tended to be of a conservative nature 6
and the original German Standard DIN4150 (1938,
4 •
revised 1984) is an example that is generally held to O
Disturbing or annoying
be overcautious and unworkable. Recently revisions

have been proposed to this document and some 2
revised guide values are given in Table 2. Barely
1 perceptible
The Swiss Association Standards (1978) again seem (transient)
0.8 Perceptible
rather cautious (see Table 3). They provide a guide to 0.6
acceptable levels from blasting or traffic/ machinery 0.4
forms of excitation for various types of structure.
Persson et al (1980) reported vibration limits enforced I
0.2 Imperceptible
in Swedish cities (Table 4). Langefors and Kihlstrom
(1978) provided a risk assessment for ordinary
dwelling houses with varying ground conditions 0.1 I I I I I I I I

(Table 1). Westine et al (1978) and Attewell and Fry 2 4 6 810 20 40 60 80 00

(1983) have investigated the effects of explosive Frequency (Hz)
detonations on buried pipelines and vibration effects
on subsurface structures have also been considered Fig.2 Safe blasting and human perception
(Dowding, 1985; New, 1984). vibration thresholds


Guide values for peak particle velocity during transient shaking (DIN 4150)

Peak particle velocity guide values (mm/s)

Foundations Top storey on

wall at floor
level (all
Structure Type <10 Hz 10-50 Hz 50-100 Hz* frequencies)

Offices and industrial premises 20 20-40 40-50 40

Domestic houses and similar constructions 5 5-15 15-20 15
Other building sensitive to vibrations 3 3-8 8-10

* At frequencies higher than 100 Hz a higher guide value is allowable.

Swiss standard for vibration in buildings

Frequency Blasting induced Traffic or machine

Type of structure bandwidth Hz PPV mm/s induced PPV mm/s

Steel or reinforced concrete structures 10-60 30

such as factories, retaining walls, 60-90 30-40
bridges, steel towers, open channels, 10-30 12
underground tunnels and chambers 30-60 12-18
Buildings with foundation walls and 10-60 18
floors in concrete, walls in concrete or 60-90 18-25
masonry, underground chambers and 10-30 8
tunnels with masonry linings 30-60 8-12
Buildings with masonry walls and 10-60 12
wooden ceilings 60-90 12-18
10-30 5
30-60 5-8
Objects of historic interest or other 10-60 8
sensitive structures 60-90 8-12
10-30 3
30-60 3-5

Some typical vibration limits enforced in Sweden when the foundation is on hard rock. Valid for short duration
construction blasting (Persson et al, 1980)

Limiting vibration parameter (peak value)

Amplitude Velocity Acceleration

Object mm mm/s mm/s 2

Concrete bunker
Steel reinforced 20O
High rise apartment block
Modern concrete or steel frame design 0.4 100
Underground rock cavern roof
Hard rock, span 15-18 m 70-100
Normal block of flats
Brick or equivalent walls 70
Light concrete building 35
Swedish National Museum
Building structure 25
Sensitive exhibits 5
Computer center
Computer supports 0.1 2.5
Circuit breaker control room 0.5-2

instances of particle velocities well in excess of those Research is being carried out on response spectra
indicated not having damaged structures. Conversely, techniques intended to improve prediction of vibration
if a structure is in very poor condition, even the damage to structures (Siskind et al, 1980; Walker
slightest vibration can cause inherent weaknesses to et al, 1982). These techniques use measurements of
become apparent. the mass, stiffness (or natural frequency) and
damping characteristics of the subject structures to vibrations had been monitored in only one or two
assess their likely response to vibration. This directions and almost certainly the maximum particle
approach is very effective and should be employed velocity that occurred had not been detected. To
w h e r e specific structures are at risk and the additional determine the maximum particle velocity it is essential
investigations are financially acceptable. to measure the vibrations in three mutually
perpendicular directions and to establish the resultant
In some respects the conventional form of damage value by vector summation. In the past it has been
criteria already incorporate an important element of common practice to monitor construction blast
response spectra techniques. For instance, the safe vibrations in one direction only. This practice seems
level of PPV (Figure 2) reduces considerably at to follow that for measuring the effects of quarry
frequencies less than 40 Hz. This coincides with the blasting, where the direction of the predominant
predominant frequencies ( 5 - 3 0 Hz) associated with vector component may be predicted with some
the response of residential structures. confidence. There is, however, often a fundamental
difference in the type of wave motion of concern
Besides damage to man-made structures, during nearby construction in comparison with that
consideration must sometimes be given to potentially normally associated with quarry workings. Quarrying
unstable soil or rock conditions in the vicinity of will usually involve relatively large rounds of
construction works. Cohesive soils are unlikely to be explosives at substantial distances from residential
adversely affected by vibration, whereas loose sands structures. It is therefore usual to measure these
may be caused to settle. In certain circumstances vibrations at many tens or hundreds of metres from
liquefaction may take place and result in large ground the source. At these distances and with a near-
settlements. A 'state of the art' report on soil surface source the predominant ground vibrations will
dynamics (and its application to foundation be due to surface wave motions with some refracted
engineering) has been published by Yoshimi et al body wave arrivals. The direction of these motions
(1977) and it provides a useful background to the has become well understood and in practice it has
subject with an extensive bibliography. Seed and been found satisfactory (and expedient) to measure
Goodman (1964) and Sarma (1975) have provided vertical or vertical and radial motions only. This
analyses concerned with the earthquake stability of practice is not acceptable for construction blasting
soil slopes. close to structures. In this situation it will often be
body wave motions that will predominate. It is rarely
Blasting vibrations may also impose substantial possible to predict with any confidence the direction
dynamic loading on nearby rock slopes, which may of maximum particle velocity in these circumstances
result in rock fall or total slope failure. The analysis of and it is therefore essential to use triaxial transducer
rock slope stability has received considerable attention arrays.
(Hoek and Bray, 1977), but most texts tend to
consider only the 'static' (gravitational, hydrostatic,
etc) Ioadings that affect stability. Although it is Where ground vibration is of a continuous nature
reasonably straightforward to calculate the imposed potential damage thresholds should be set at rather
dynamic loads due to a given vibration, it is in lower levels than those discussed above for transient
practice difficult to assess their effects on the overall vibrations. How much lower is a matter for some
stability of the slope. Allowance for even quite speculation, as little research has been carried out to
moderate values of PPV will predict major determine the effects of continuous vibration on
destabilizing dynamic stresses in the stability urban structures. Some guidance may be provided,
equations. Calculations of this kind often give very however, by analogy with damage criteria associated
low values for the slope's 'factor of safety" that are with road traffic induced vibration. Whiffin and
not evidenced in the field. This may be explained, at Leonard (1971) reviewed traffic induced vibration and
least in part, by considering the oscillating character concluded that 'architectural' damage may occur at
of the imposed vibrations in relation to the frictional PPV in excess of 5 mm/sec and that structural
properties of the discontinuity plane taken as the damage may take place at PPV in excess of
failure surface. The displacements that result from 10 mm/sec. It should also be noted that much of the
blast vibrations will almost invariably be very much vibration induced in structures from road traffic is
smaller than the persistence (or 'wavelength') of the transmitted as sound through the air rather than
major interlocking asperities that contribute to the vibration through the ground.
effective friction along the assumed failure surface.
Thus, in practice, the vibrations may not produce
sufficient relative movement, on either side of the Criteria recommended by the Swiss Association of
discontinuity, for the asperities to 'ride over' each Standardisation (1978) for sources of a continuous
other and result in slope failure. Further research into nature are given in Table 3. Here too 'traffic' and
this problem would seem to be desirable. 'machine' sources are grouped together. The
Department of Transport specify site procedures for
Reports of damage to structures have sometimes the use of explosives and blasting in the
been associated with unexpectedly low vibration Specifications for Road and Bridge Works
levels, but close reading often reveals that the (Department of Transport, 1986).
Example vibrations (PPV) in building during normal use

Resultant PPV (ram/s)

Modern masonry dwelling Old dwelling house (Thick,

Vibration source Modern steel framed office house lime-mortar masonry)

Normal footfalls 0.02-0.2 0.05-0.5 0.02-0.3

Foot stamping 0.2-0.5 0.3-3.0 0.15-0.7
Door slams 10-15 11-17 3-9
Percussive drilling 5-25 10-20 10-15

Table 5 is included to put construction induced Apart from helping to define thresholds of perception
vibrations into an 'ambient' environmental and annoyance, tolerance scales alone do not provide
perspective. The table lists a range of resultant sufficient information for defining limits for
particle velocities measured in three examples of construction generated vibrations as they are
common types of structure. The transducers were generally applicable to situations in which vibration is
located at various positions on walls usually within an accepted part of the environment. A different type
1-4 m from the source. Clearly it would be difficult of criterion has to be considered in areas where
to justify a limiting level for construction induced vibration does not normally occur or is at a very low
vibrations which is lower than that to which the level. Vibration may then be considered as intrusive.
structure is subjected in normal use. Temperature It is the unpredictability and unusual nature of a
changes and other environmental variations will also source rather than the level itself that is likely to
impose potentially damaging strains but these are result in complaints. The effect of intrusion tends to
difficult to compare with vibrations because their be psychological rather than physiological and is more
timescale is usually much longer and failure of a problem at night w h e n occupants of buildings
mechanisms are likely to be significantly affected. expect no unusual disturbance from external sources.

In reviewing the 'safe vibration levels' given over the A second type of involvement of people with
past few decades it is generally apparent that the vibrations is in interpreting the effect on buildings or
more recent the publication the lower the 'acceptable' their contents. Not surprisingly, this is particularly
value has become. This trend does not appear to be true where the person concerned is the owner. Even
supported by much new field evidence of damage at the slightest disturbances from an unusual source
lower particle velocities and indicates a shifting social may excite anxiety and draw attention to minor
climate rather than a change in engineering values. cracking of plaster or similar effects that were pre-
existing or may otherwise have remained unnoticed.

2.3 H U M A N PERCEPTION A N D It is the author's experience that when vibration levels

from an unusual source exceed the human threshold
I N T R U S I O N CRITERIA of perception (PPV, 0 . 2 - 0 . 3 mm/sec) complaints may
The fears expressed concerning vibration damage are occur. In an urban situation serious complaints are
often a result of the extreme sensitivity of the human probable when PPV exceed 3 mm/sec. Complaints
body to vibration, especially in the low-frequency will increase with the duration of the vibration and
range (1-100 hz). Human reaction is more likely to be will be most severe w h e n the 'intrusion' occurs
influenced by previous experience and understanding outside normal working hours, particularly at night.
than by the actual level of vibration itself; a person's
state of health, temperament and age will all These values apply to vibration of a continuous or
contribute to this reaction. Jackson (1967), Soliman semi-continuous nature. Swedish experience (Persson
(1968) and Guignard and Guignard (1970) have et al, 1980) indicates that tolerance levels may be
published useful works on human response to considerably higher during blasting when the
vibration. vibrations occur as infrequent shocks of brief
duration. Peoples tolerance will also be improved
The work of Reiher and Meister (1931) has stood the provided that the origin of the vibration is k n o w n in
test of time very well and is useful in defining in advance and no damage is done. Wiss and Parmelee
quantitative terms subjective descriptions of human (1974) have shown that levels of perception are
perception of vibration (see Figure 2). ISO Standard considerably higher w h e n the vibration is of a
2631 (1978) and BSl BS 6472 (1964) both provide transient rather than continuous nature. They
valuable guidance on acceptable levels of human indicated that vibrations at 1.5 m m / s e c are 'barely
exposure to vibration. perceptible' and it is not until levels exceed
22 m m / s e c that they become 'strongly perceptible'. The vibration caused by the collapse of large
These values relate to their 'mean subject response', structures is often the cause of concern particularly
their threshold levels being rather lower. where other structures or buried services are nearby.
For instance the demolition of a tower block (Plate 1)
In assessing human response to construction induced above the London Underground railway has been
vibrations it should not be assumed that reason will recently reported by New (1983) and Skipp (1984)
always prevail. For instance, although a person may gives information regarding vibrations caused by the
be shaken vigorously for several hours during a coach collapse of cooling towers. A recently introduced
journey without considering complaint they may not method of demolition utilises the expanding power of
tolerate less than one tenth this vibration level for just a slurry caused by chemical reaction. This material
a f e w seconds a day during blasting works. The takes the form of a powder which when mixed with
writer has found that a useful method of allaying the water and poured into suitably drilled holes expands
fears of home owners is to show them the worrying with considerable force, over a period of several
vibrations (on a floor or wall of their house) being hours, breaking out the concrete or other material.
recorded on a chart recorder and ask them t o c l o s e Recently it was necessary to remove a large
the door during the recording. In many cases the steel/concrete machine foundation in a laboratory at
vibrations from the door closing will be seen to be TRRL. Environmental considerations precluded the
considerably greater than those from the construction use of explosives and excessive periods of noise and
source and the owner's worries will be abated. vibration from pneumatic breakers were highly
undesirable. The process caused very little noise or
vibration (less than 1 m m / s was observed) which was
attributed to the cracking of the concrete and
opening of the fissure. The product is described as a
demolition agent but may be considered for rock
excavation in special circumstances (eg pre splitting)
3 THE PREDICTION OF although this may not be economically viable at
VIBRATION present.

3.1 NON-EXPLOSIVE SOURCES Another non-explosive method of excavation and

demolition uses pressurised carbon dioxide for
dislodging coal and other materials. This technique is
Construction induced vibration may be predicted
either by analogy with information from other sites or claimed to be particularly suited for use in the
by carrying out site trials prior to the start of works. presence of inflammable vapours and gases.
Figure 3 provides a summary of measurements taken
by the TRRL which indicates the relative effects of
various construction related sources. Fuller details of 100
vibrations caused during tunnelling works in urban
areas are given elsewhere (New, 1982).
The Figure provides general guidance only as
conditions that affect the input and transmission of 20
vibration will vary considerably from site to site. This
form of presentation shows the likely relative 10
intensities from various sources and highlights the E 8
fact that even a 1 kg charge of dynamite will produce 6
larger vibrations than those from most 'continuous' 4
types of source. Fatigue effects that result from
repeatedly taking a structure through a stress cycle
will, however, be more likely to occur under
conditions of 'continuous' vibration. Acceptable levels
will therefore be related to the nature and duration as 1
well as the maximum level of the vibration. O. 0.8
Spectral analysis of the particle velocity data indicates 0.4
that most of the energy from these sources lies in the
frequency band 10-100 Hz. However it is not unusual 0.2
to encounter circumstances where considerably
higher frequencies predominate particularly close to
the source. For instance the tunnelling machines 0.1
1 2 4 6 810 20 40 6080100
caused vibration peaking at frequencies from
2 0 0 - 4 0 0 Hz a f e w metres from the face and railway Distance (m)
trains in the rock tunnel yielded significant energies at
frequencies over the bandwidth of 200-800 Hz. Fig.3 Relative PPV from various sources

m m ~ m

ms i f


~t ~ ~

N e g . no. E 2 2 / 8 2

Plate 1 Demolition of a tower block above the London Underground

3.2 E X P L O S I V E S O U R C E S
The magnitude and spatial decay characteristics of
Heavily confined charges
blast-induced vibration have been extensively explored (eg early delays of a burn-cut
by numerous authors. For instance, the US Bureau of 300 tunnel round, some pre-splitting)
Mines publication by Siskind et al (1980) gave a full
discussion of ground vibration and its effects on
some fully instrumented test structures. Their report
is generally concerned with quarry blasting, but it -~ lOO
provides a broad background and bibliography for the E
E 'Upper b
whole subject area. Oriard (1979) gave a very useful > 3O
and reasoned account of urban blasting practice and
philosophy based on many years of experience in the
USA. Ambraseys and Hendron (1968) provided a 10
description of the dynamic behaviour of rock masses rr
with special reference to blasting vibrations whilst 3
Skipp (1984) gives a wide range of information on
explosive and other man made vibrations.
1 i .
Case history records of blasting beneath British experience IPPV tends~
0.3 "to decreasewith rock \
conurbations have been given by Pakes (1976) and strength and charge \
Ashley and Parkes (1976). Both papers described confinement)
difficulties associated with vibration damage and 0.1
intrusion in residential areas and discussed ways of 1 10 100
½ ½
minimising disturbance to the local population. More riM (m/kgf)
recently, Persson et al (1980) have described blasting
techniques used to minimise such problems in Fig.4 Peak particle velocity as a function of scaled
Sweden. distance - range of observed field values

Much of the data on blast vibration has come from

the mining and quarrying industries, and great care Generally the upper bound line in Figure 4 will apply
must be exercised if this information is to be used in when an explosive is heavily confined by a strong
a civil engineering context. Mineral extraction blasts rock mass and fragmentation is poor. This will often
generally comprise large rounds which are detonated occur during the initial delays of a tunnel round or
at sites fairly remote from habitation. Construction where the burden is excessive. In general the more
blasts often involve much smaller rounds but may be energy used in fragmenting and throwing the rock the
very close indeed to vulnerable environments. less will be transmitted as ground vibration. Where
Because of important differences in the character of blasting procedures allow considerable energy to be
the significant wave motions, measuring systems with vented to atmosphere (eg plaster shooting, poor
a more demanding specification may be required for stemming) this will also reduce ground vibration levels
civil engineering applications. For instance, triaxial although air overpressures may then begin to
transducer arrays should be used and the frequency dominate damage assessments.
response of the system should often be able to cope
with at least 500 Hz. It has been considered that pre-splitting techniques
also give rise to high levels of ground vibration
(Oriard, 1979) and this is likely to be true where the
The form of the PPV prediction equations is given in pre-split is created by a row of holes tightly packed
the next section and in Figure 4 the PPV v 'scaled with explosive. In this case there is minimal
distance' (square root format) is used to show the fragmentation until the subsequent bulk blast removes
wide variation of PPV which may be expected from the burden beyond the pre-split plane. However a
site to site under various blasting conditions. This method of pre-split blasting has been developed
graph is based on experience from various sites in the (Matheson, 1983) which uses air decoupled charges
United Kingdom and is similar to that observed in in the plane of the finished rock cut. This method
America by Oriard (1979). The amount of energy can provide a relatively undamaged face which
from the explosive which is transmitted as vibration is requires a minimum of maintenance, a factor of
affected by numerous factors. It will depend on the considerable importance in the design of major road
type of explosive charge and conditions imposed by schemes. A further advantage is that the decoupled
the rock mass. The degree of confinement charges cause considerably less vibration than similar
(constriction) imposed will be a major factor but other charges tightly packed. Figure 5 summarises the
effects such as explosive/rock impedance match and results of a series of trials carried out by TRRL (New,
stemming and initiation procedures will also be of 1984) to determine the effect of various degrees of
importance (Dowding, 1985; New, 1984). decoupling. (The decoupling ratio is expressed as the

If trial blast data are available to contractors at the
Coupled explosives tender stage, it will provide valuable guidance as to
(Trimobel and SG80) the maximum charge weight per delay that may be
used during the works. Where no such information is
provided the usual course of action is for the
contractor to use the initial blasts to determine his
own 'safe' charge weights with sometimes
A unexpected consequences. Clearly, the pre-knowledge
provided by a trial blast is invaluable to all parties
vE concerned.
0_ T r i m o b e l decoupled The trials should be designed with a clear concern for
; 75ram hole the factors which will influence the induced PPV
during the excavation works, and wherever possible
rr the materials and techniques used during the trials
should simulate those expected for the full-scale
excavations. This will include:
T r i m o b e l decoupled
0.1 ; 100mm hole (i) the type of explosive,
(ii) the drillhole diameter and depth,
(iii) the coupling of the explosive to the rock
(tamping, stemming, water in-hole, hole/
0.01 I I
explosive diameter ratio),
10 100
r / M ½ ( m / k g f½
(iv) the confinement imposed by the rock mass on
the explosion
Fig.5 Peak particle velocity as a function of scaled (v) multiple hole shots with appropriate hole
distance with varying decoupling ratio spacing and detonating accessories,
(vi) similar shot point/structure ranges and paths,
(vii) wherever possible full-scale charge weights
ratio of the drillhole to explosive diameter.) These (although the trial blast sequence should
trials were carried out in strong schists at the site of commence with small charges),
a new road scheme which required extensive rock
excavation. Blasting gelatine in plastic sleeves was (viii) the ranges at which PPV is measured should
centred in the drillholes using cruciform spacers with be as broad as possible, not only centred on
the holes tightly stemmed in the top one metre. The those of specific interest,
annular space around the explosive substantially
(ix) where millisecond delay detonators are used
reduced the pressure applied to the drillhole and
the minimum delay period should be sufficient
created a mismatch in the effective rock/explosive
to allow the vibrations from a given delay to
impedences. These factors significantly reduced the
die away before the arrivals from the next,
vibration caused by a given charge weight without
materially changing the spectral distribution (hence (x) changes in site conditions between the time
the propagation characteristics) of the energy of the trials and the works must also be
transmitted by the rock mass. considered. For instance, are there any new
sensitive structures to be introduced or will
seasonal changes in the water table have any

The vibrations from the trial charges should be

4 BLASTING TRIALS measured at several distances in line or lines away
from the source, the transducer locations being
4.1 M E A S U R E M E N T PROCEDURES chosen in the light of preliminary site investigation
AND EQUIPMENT data to allow for possible directional variations in the
propagating characteristics of the rock mass.
Trial blasts should be carried out where initial desk
studies show that nearby structures could be at risk. It is recommended that plenty of data points be
Costs and inconvenience will generally be minimised obtained. The cost of firing additional charges, or
if the trials are carried out as part of the normal site obtaining measurements at additional ranges, will be
investigation programme for the works. This will also small compared to the mobilisation costs involved and
ensure that the information gained will be of will probably provide valuable information, or as a
assistance in the preparation of tender documents minimum provide greater confidence in the derived
and bids for the contract. predictive equations.

Neg. no. CR604/80/4a

Plate 2 Site of trial blasting for a new road tunnel

Plate 2 shows a typical blasting trial site. A major by the vector summation of the component velocities
road tunnel is to be blasted through the hillside to the (V~, V2 and V3):
right of the plate and careful consideration had to be VR = (V~2 + V22 + V32)1/2 (1)
given with regard to the safety of the adjacent main
railway line tunnel. Trial charges were fired in the
vicinity of the new tunnel portal and vibration Vibration measuring instruments that display the
measurements taken at various locations on the resultant peak particle velocity directly on a chart
hillside and in the rail tunnel. The blasting was record are available. If such an instrument is not
directed from the portable laboratory shown in the used, the three vectors must be summed by 'hand' or
left foreground. Further seismic measurements at this computer processing. The true resultant is obtained
site provided detailed data on ambient vibration levels by summing the three component values at
and subsequent wavepacket analysis provided simultaneous times. The 'pseudo resultant',
information on the dynamic properties of the rock sometimes referred to, is obtained by summing the
mass. maximum value obtained for each component during
the period of the vibrations.
Transducers are readily available with output voltages
proportional to particle velocity and geophone types It is vital for the specification of the instrument
are self-generating (need no power supply) and are chosen to be appropriate to the vibrations that it is to
ruggedly designed for field use. Measurement of record, particularly in terms of frequency response
particle velocity allows single-process derivation of and sensitivity. For instance, some instruments are
acceleration, by differentiation, and of displacement limited to an upper frequency bound of 200 Hz. This
by integration if required. type of equipment may be satisfactory but will, of
course, be insensitive to vibrations above 200 Hz that
Measurement of particle velocity should be made in could be present. High frequencies (200-500 Hz) will
three mutually perpendicular directions. This allows often be encountered in the region close to
the calculation of the resultant particle velocity, VR, construction works.

Range = 10.5m Range = 23.3m Range 45.0m Range 140.7m

100 L



'~ 40 40-


400 8oo
Frequency (Hz)
0 400 800
Frequency (Hz)

0 1O0 200
Frequency IHz)
0 100 200
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 6 Effect of source distance on energy spectral density (lkgf charge)

Rocks and soils tend to act as low pass filters, that 4.2 D A T A P R O C E S S I N G A N D
is, low frequency vibrations are subject to less
attenuation during propagation than higher PRESENTATION
frequencies. This effect is particularly noticeable in 4.2.1 Square and cube root scaling
the weathered geologic materials close to the surface methods
rather than at depth where weathering effects are not
present and the in-situ stress field is higher. In Broadly, the ground motions resulting from a blast
general these frequency dependent losses cannot be will depend upon the weight of explosive fired, the
satisfactorily explained in terms of a linear frictional distance between the explosion and the observation
mechanism and scattering effects are likely to be point and the rock mass characteristics. The effect of
significant. Figure 6 shows how the energy spectral each of these factors is complex and at present a
satisfactory theoretical approach for calculating the
density from a 1 kg dynamite charge (fired in a strong
psammitic rock) varied when measured at various form of these motions has not been developed.
ranges. Note how, close to the charge, the maximum Therefore, scaling of field measurements is used
energy is in the 200-300 Hz band and significant almost exclusively to predict the magnitude and
character of the vibrations from explosions.
energy is present at up to 1 kHz. This changes rapidly
away from the near field and at 23 m the energy peak
occurs at about 100 Hz. At 140 m the energy is
A wide range of field data is available and several
contained in a relatively narrow band between 20 and similar empirical approaches are in common use. The
60 Hz. Thus equipment suitable for measurements at principal variables are usually related by an equation
ranges of 25 m and beyond (in this particular case) of the form:
may not be suitable for use close to the source.
Where doubt exists with regard to the frequencies PPV = KM"r -~ (2)
present expert opinion should be sought and trial
where PPV is the peak particle velocity, M is the
measurements made with systems sensitive to high
frequencies. charge weight and r is the distance from the
explosion. The constants K, e and /~, are dependent
on conditions imposed by the site and the type of
Instruments that record peak particle velocity only
explosion. T w o special cases of this formulation are
may be left for many days without attention and are
most commonly used:
particularly useful for routine monitoring during
construction. Systems that provide high-speed PPV = K ( r / ~ - M ) - ° (square root scaling) (3)
recordings that show the full vibration waveform will,
and P P V = K(r/~-M)-n (cube root scaling) (4)
however, often prove useful for diagnostic purposes
during initial works. Periodic checking and where again n is an empirical constant. Values of K
recalibration of site measuring equipment is essential and n typically range between 700-2000 and 1 . 5 - 2
for reference purposes. Bollinger (1971) and Stagg respectively (for M in kg and r in metres).
and Engler (1980) have dealt with the theory and
choice of vibration measuring equipment and Jaeger
and Cook (1976) and Kolsky (1963) have provided an The 'square root' and 'cube root" scaling methods
appropriate background on strain wave propagation in both allow simple graphical presentation of the
rock and other solids. derived site laws. These laws are shown graphically

neither scaling method is strictly appropriate and the
best estimate of relative scaling between r and M is
KJ ~ppv = K(r/M1/2or 1/3) --n

It is usual to present blast vibration data in scaled
distance graphical format with a 'best fit' straight line
obtained by linear regression analysis. A great volume
S,o e --
of data in this form is available in the literature and
almost without exception the peak particle velocity is
well represented by a power law decay with scaled
Scaled distance r/M1/2or 1/3" travel distance. That is, the measured PPV decay can
be represented by a straight line with negative slope
*note for site specific scaling the on a log-log plot, although the actual slope and
exponent 1/2or 1/3will become(Z/~
intercept values may vary considerably from site to
site and with different blasting conditions (see
Fig.7 Scaled distance site law format
Figure 4 for range of observed field values).

More complex forms of equation have been proposed

(Figure 7) as a straight line (on a log-log plot) with a in an attempt to include frictional dissipation effects.
slope of - n and an intercept of K at unit scaled
Such equations take the form
PPV = K(r/k/--M)- nexp( - ar)
Because of the difference in the forced scaling of r to
where a is the spatial attenuation coefficient.
M these two methods lead to different predictions of
peak particle velocity based on the same field
This type of equation allows a non-linear regression
measurements. Where extrapolation beyond the
line to be fitted to the data thereby improving its
bounds of the field data is not required the
predictions will be similar whichever method is used. correlation coefficient. However as the majority of
site data are well fitted by linear equations (on log-log
However, where prediction is required beyond the
plots) the additional complication is unlikely to find
range of charge weights or distances covered by the
wide application. Moreover this formulation is only
trial blasts, significant differences may result between
appropriate at a single harmonic frequency which is
the two methods. This situation is clearly
an unacceptable assumption for construction sites
unsatisfactory, as is the somewhat arbitary scaling of
particularly close to the source (see Figure 6). Also
r to M inherent in both methods.
calculations based on the known frictional properties
It has been argued that these empirical laws should of rocks indicate that losses from this particular
mechanism are unlikely to be significant at ranges of
be 'shaped' by dimensional analysis (Ambraseys and
interest from most construction sources (New, 1984).
Hendron, 1968; Newmark, 1968). The dimensional
analysis results in 'cube root' scaling laws for
explosions of different sizes in the same medium.
This approach has led to equation 4 being used
extensively (Sauer et al, 1964; Newmark and
Haltiwanger, 1962). Note that the size of the charge,
M, is given in terms of explosive weight rather than 4.2.2 Site specific scaling using multiple
energy, this being valid as energy is directly regression analysis
proportional to charge weight. If, however, data are
scaled from various types of explosive the relative Having obtained field data relating peak particle
strengths of the explosives should then be taken into velocity to explosive charge weight and range, it is
account. clearly important to process and present the
information in the best and most useful manner. The
It has been suggested (Ambraseys and Hendron, arbitary forced scaling of r to M implicit in equations
1968) that square root scaling has 'no basis in 3 and 4 may be unsatisfactory to some extent, but
dimensional analysis' and that cube root scaling does allow simple graphical presentation of the data
should be used if estimates of motions are required in an easily usable format. However, the exploitation
which necessitate extrapolations beyond the limits of of equation 2 allows site specific scaling of r to M
existing data. However, experimental evidence which will enable predictions to be made using
(Devine, 1966; Snodgrass and Siskind, 1974; Devine equations better correlated with field data. The
and Duvall, 1963) indicates that in certain situations improved correlation is the direct consequence of the
"square root" scaling does normalise the data very more versatile equation with three variables (PPV, M
well. That is, the correlation coefficients were higher and r) rather than two (PPV) and 'scaled distance',
using r / V ~ scaling than for r/~/-M scaling. rive).
In fact because site conditions rarely comply with the The constants K, ~ and/3 in equation 2 may be
assumptions made for the dimensional analysis determined by transforming the equation and applying

a three-variable multiple linear regression analysis to
the data as follows:
from eq 2 (PPV = KMar -~) 100
• " ~ i
Upper bound PPV
/ MO'65)-- 1"81
log PPV=Iog K + , log M - / 3 log r (5)
In this form 'best' values for K, a and/3 may be
calculated based on the usual regression criteria that
the sums of the squares of the deviations shall be Ao~ 10
minimised. For simple regression (two variables) these E
deviations are taken as deviations from a straight line E
whereas for this three variable analysis they are >
represented by deviations from the plane, KABC,
shown in Figure 8. c

Although the projection shown in Figure 8 is useful in rr

visuaiising the equations 5 or 6, it is not appropriate
for routine graphical presentation of data. It is
possible, however, to plot the data, using the 0.1
constants and exponents calculated by the multiple PPV = 4487(r/MO'65) -1'81
regression, in the convenient PPV v 'scaled distance'
format. By transforming equation 2 to the form
PPV= K(r/M ~/~)-~ (6) 0.01 I I

(where the term r / M "/~ is the 'scaled distance') the 10 100

data may be presented in the same convenient format r/M O'6s(m/kgfO.65)
as for square or cube root scaling (see Figure 7) but
without the forced scaling relationship. General Fig.9 Example of particle velocity data with
comparisons of varying site law regressions may site specific scaling
require reduction of the data to a unified scaled
using the two-variable analysis for square or cube
The coefficient of determination for the three variable root scaling. (Except where, by chance, ~//3 is equal
regression will always be better than that obtained to 1/2 or 1/3 when the correlation will, of course, be
numerically the same.) Routine statistical tests of the
significance of the correlations should be carried out
and confidence limits calculated for the predictive
Plane KABC is defined by:
Log PPV = Log K +E'Log M --/~Log r equation if required.

Figure 9 shows a typical data set from a recent series

of trial blasts at the site of a major rock excavation
for a new road. Note that the 'upper bound' line is

I drawn parallel to the regression line just above the

data points. The calculation of safe charge weight
based on a maximum observed PPV may be made on
I I a safety factor approach rather than by reference to a
statistical 'confidence limits' description. For instance,
I the occupier of a structure might be happier with a
I statement that charge weights are restricted to less
than, say half that associated with possible damage

I I (based on the trial blasts), rather than being informed
that there was a 2% probability that the exceptable
Q. vibration level would be exceeded.
-I /
Log r
Figure 10 provides a flow diagram of questions which
should be asked at the planning stage of major
Fig. 8 3-D site law format construction projects. These procedures have been

followed for road construction projects and found to
I Will vibration ~---~- No
provide a useful basis for the investigation of be caused ?
vibration associated difficulties.

A t present there are three basic approaches with

regard to the contractual specification of vibration
control. They are as follows:
Sensitive people
or structures
in vicinity ?
~ No

(a) No mention of vibration in the contract, Yes

(b) The inclusion of a 'no damage, no intrusion' I Deskstu'dy. Is /
clause intended to absolve the Client of any
damage/intrusion~ No
possible ? J
responsibility, and
(c) The imposition of a limiting value for vibration Yes

usually defined in terms of resultant PPV at some I Site specific trials /

Will damage/ ~ - N o ~
distance or structure. intrusion occur ? /

Method (a) may be adopted when it is the considered

opinion of the Client and his Engineer that there are
no possible vibration problems. It is also used widely odi,v I v0cuate I1
by default and can lead to serious problems. Notably
these problems will result in claims made under
clause 12 of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Conditions of Contract (5th Edition), and will be
Idesignand/or Irestore
II Cancel I
construction I pr°perty afterl I project
I cOnstructiOn I |

based on additional costs necessarily incurred by the I Proceedwith I

Contractor due to circumstances unforeseen at the
time of tender. Fig.lO Vibration hazard - planning f l o w diagram

Method (b) is often used where the Client is not

inclined to incur the additional expense of extending
his site investigation to cover vibration. The inclusion
The Engineer should also be aware of the legal
of the 'no damage/no intrusion' clause may seem to
aspects relating to vibration from construction sites.
be of assistance to the Client by passing vibration
In statutory law vibration is included in the term
linked risks to the Contractor. This approach has two
main drawbacks. Firstly, the Contractor may still feel 'noise' and dealt with by Part III of the Control of
Pollution Act, 1974. These powers are usually
that he can recover his additional costs through the
exercised by Environmental Health Officers within
Clause 12 claims procedure. Secondly, bidders for the
Local Authorities. In particular Section 60 of the Act
Contract may feel obliged to increase their prices to
deals with the control of noise and vibration from
allow for the vibration associated losses for which
construction sites and makes the provision that a
they feel liable. Neither circumstance is conducive to
local Authority may serve a notice imposing restrictive
obtaining the best job at the lowest final cost.
requirements prior to, or during construction
operations. Section 61 allows 'prior consent' to be
Method (c) should involve an initial desk study obtained based on the provision of information
perhaps followed by blasting trials as found regarding the works, the method and proposed steps
necessary. Where trial blasting is carried out as to be taken to minimise noise and vibration. Such a
suggested in Section 4 and an appraisal of 'prior consent' may be of assistance if problems
environmental hazard is made, a considerable element occur during the course of the works but will not
of uncertainty may be removed from many blasting necessarily constitute any ground of defence against
contracts. Where full disclosure of trial blasting proceedings related to nuisance suffered by the
results is made to bidders an otherwise unquantified occupier of premises. Offences under the Act will be
element of contractual risk is removed and bids may dealt with in the Magistrates Court which may impose
therefore be made with less allowance for vibration an initial fine plus a subsequent daily fine. Noise and
damage contingencies. vibration may often be dealt with more quickly
through Common Law procedures, 'Private' and
'Public' nuisance actions may be taken to the High
It must be recognised that the specification of Court where damages may be awarded, an injunction
vibration criteria by the Client does result in some served, or in certain circumstances the offender
extent of risk-sharing with his Contractor. This committed to prison.
circumstance follows recent trends within the
construction industry which suggest that such risk As part of his contractual duties to the Client it will
sharing m a y be mutually beneficial to Employer and be the Engineer's role to act as the supervising
Employee (CIRIA, 1978). authority in relation to vibration control and

measurement. If suitable expertise and equipment are BOLLINGER G A. (1971). Blast vibration analysis
not available in 'in house' he should employ a (Carbondale, II1: Southern Illinois University Press),
specialist sub-consultant with the appropriate 147p.
experience. The trial blast data will, of course, only
describe that part of the site in the immediate vicinity BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. (1984). Guide
of the trials. Many factors will influence blast wave to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in
propagation and careful measurements should be buildings (1 Hz-80 Hz) BS 6472.
made during all construction blasts. The handling of
damage claims will be eased where such records are CIRIA. (1978). Tunnelling--improved contract
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records, made prior to the commencement of the and Information Association, London.
works, may also prove valuable in the settlement of
claims which may arise. DEVINE J F. (1966). Avoiding damage to residence
from blasting vibrations. Highway Res. Record,
Some Clients and Engineers are attracted by the idea No. 135, Highway Res. Board, Natl. Res. Council--
of imposing unjustifiably low limits of vibration on Natl. Acad. Sci.
their Contractors. These limits are a form of
regressive conservatism which is to be avoided: A DEVINE J F and D U V A L L W I. (1963). Effect of
common example is the use of the 'method of halves' charge weight on vibration levels for millisecond
whereby a specifying engineer halves the limit set by delayed quarry blasts. Earthquake Notes, Eastern
his predecessor on a similar job. These methods Section, Butt. Seismol. Soc. Am. 34, No. 2, 17.
inevitably impose unreasonable restraints on the
Contractor, thereby increasing costs to the Client. A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT. (1986).
large proportion of major civil engineering works are Specification for Road and Bridge Works. 6th Ed.
sponsored by the public sector and, although safe HMSO.
limits must be imposed to protect the local people,
overconservative limits and unnecessary restrictions DIN 4150. (1938). Vibrations in buildings--effects on
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GUIGNARD J C and GUIGNARD E. (1970). Human

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the Ground Engineering Division (Division Head: Dr HOEK E and BRAY J W. (1977). Rock slope
M P O'Reilly) of the Highways and Structures engineering, revised 2nd edn (London: IMM, 1977),
Department (Department Head: Mr N W Lister) of 402 p.
TRRL. The author gratefully acknowledges the
valuable contributions made by the employers, INTERNATIONAL S T A N D A R D S ORGANISATION.
consulting engineers and contractors without whose (1978). Guide for the evaluation of human exposure
permission and cooperation the site measurements to whole body vibration and shock. ISO 2631. 2nd
presented in this paper could not have been obtained. Edition.

JACKSON M W. (1967). Thresholds of damage due

to ground motion. Proceedings international
symposium on wave propagation and dynamic
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As -~- is the particle velocity, V,
y = V/cs (A.6)
Consider two particles, within an elastic solid, Also, combining A.2, A.3 and A.6
separated by a distance dx. Let an incident shear T = Vcs~o (A.7)
wave, of velocity cs (propagating in the x direction
parallel to a line joining the particles) cause a
distortion of amplitude dA normal to its direction of
propagation. Similarly, consider the effects of a compressional
wave of velocity Cp which causes a dilatation between
Then the shear strain, y = d A / d x (A.1) the particles of amplitude dA
Now the shear stress, T= G7 (A.2)
and the shear wave velocity Cs= (G/~o)½ (A.3) Then the compressional strain, ~ = d A / d x (A.8)

where G is the shear modulus and ~o the rock density. Now the stress o = (~ +2G)~ (A.9)
The wave propagation velocity may also be expressed
and the compres~i~)nal wave velocity,
as the rate of change of distance (x) with respect to
Cp= [(X + 2G/Lo] (A. 10)
time (t)
where Z and G are Lam~s parameters.
That is, cs= d x / d t (A.4)
Now Cp = d x / d t (A.11 )
Substituting A.4 in A.1
.'.~ = V/cp (A.12)
y = -~-/Cs (A.5)
and o = VCpO (A.13)

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