Chapter 2 Basic Semiconductor Physics I

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Chapter 2

Basic semiconductor physics (I)

Semester: Fall 2019

Professor: Sung-Jin Choi
School of EE, Kookmin University

Class Notes, IC fabrication

Prof. S.-J. Choi (All rights reserved)
Electrical resistance

What is this unit?

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 2
Resistivity range of materials

= semi + conductor

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 3

Silicon structure
The Si Atom The Si crystal


High performance semiconductor devices require defect-free crystals

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 4
Carrier concentration of intrinsic Si


Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University

 Small value!!  almost insulator 5
Dopants in Si
• By substituting a Si atom with a special impurity atom
(Column V or column III element), a conduction
electron or hole is created.

Group V for n-type Group III for p-type

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 6
Energy band description

Conduction electrons

Full ionization

Full ionization


Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 7

Semiconductor with both acceptors and donors has 4
kinds of charge carriers

Non-fixed They contribute to current flow
when e-field is applied

Immobile; they DO NOT

contribute to current flow when
Fixed e-field is applied. However, they
affect the local e-field

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 8

Charge neutrality condition

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 9

How to calculate n and p

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 10

N-type and P-type material

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 11

Carrier drift
• When an electric field is applied to a semiconductor,
mobile carriers will be accelerated by the electrostatic
force. This force superimposes on the random thermal
motion of carriers:

E.g. Electrons drift in the direction opposite to the E-field

Average drift velocity: |v| = μE

Mobility [cm2/V∙sec]
Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 12
Carrier mobility
• Mobile carriers are always in random thermal motion.
If no electric field is applied, the average current in any
direction is zero.

– Mobility is reduced by
• Collision with the vibrating atoms
– “phonon” scattering

• Deflection by ionized impurity atoms

– “impurity” scattering

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 13

Carrier mobility

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University

Phonon scattering 14
Carrier mobility
Impurity scattering

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 15

Electrical conductivity
• When an electric field is applied, current flow due to
drift of mobile carriers (electrons and holes):
Electron current
방향이 반대

Hole current density

Total current density

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 16
Electrical resistivity ρ

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 17

Example calculation
• Consider a Si sample doped with 1016 /cm3 Boron.
What is its electrical resistivity?

– Answer

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 18

Example: dopant compensation
• Consider the same Si sample (with 1016/cm3 Boron),
doped additionally with 1017/cm3 Arsenic. What is the
new resistivity?
– Answer

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 19

Summary of doping technology
• intrinsic semiconductor: undoped semiconductor
• extrinsic semiconductor: doped semiconductor
• donor: impurity atom that increases the electron concentration group
V elements (P, As) in Si
• acceptor: impurity atom that increases the hole concentration group III
elements (B, In) in Si
• n-type material: semiconductor containing more electrons than holes
• p-type material: semiconductor containing more holes than electrons
• majority carrier: the most abundant mobile carrier in a semiconductor
• minority carrier: the least abundant mobile carrier in a semiconductor
• mobile carriers: charge carriers that contribute to current flow when
electric field is applied.

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 20

Sheet resistance Rs

• Rs is the resistance when W = L (unit in ohms/square)

• The Rs value for a given layer (e.g. doped Si, metals) in an

IC technology is used
– for design and layout of resistors
– for estimating values of parasitic resistance in a device or
– Rs를 알고 있다면, 다양한 layout의 resistance 추측 및
디자인이 가능

Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 21

Electrical resistance of layout patterns


Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 22

Rs when ρ(x) is function of depth x



Class Notes, IC fabrication, Prof. S.-J. Choi Dopant concentration에 따라서 mobility도 변화
(All rights reserved)
How to measure Rs

The Four-Point Probe is used to measure Rs

– 4 probes are arranged in-line with equal spacing s
– 2 outer probes used to flow current I through the
– 2 inner probes are used to sense the resultant voltage
drop V with a voltmeter
If ρ is known, then Rs
measurement can be
used to determine t
Professor S.-J. Choi, Kookmin University 24

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