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CULTURE ‘Most US. and Canadian cities have restaurants that serve food from many aa different countries and cultures. Chinese, Italian, and Mexican restaurants have been very popular in North America for along time, but now there are | =| also Japanese, Thai, and Indian restaurants in most cities and small towns. ‘Many people lke to order food from restaurants for delivery to their homes. CChinese food and pizza are common home-delivery types of food. What types of foreign food are available in your town? Which ones are the most popular with you and your friends and family? “ML bey VOCABULARY Food (GED Here are some foods from several different cultures. Where can you find these foods? Write the foods under the pictures. egg rolls prawnsin coconut milk tacos | Ypizza sushi vegetable curry bet Pea 50 © Unit 13 Interchange VRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable GUESS THE STORY Watch the first minute of the video with the sound off, Which type of restaurant do you think they choose? NENT CLy GET THE PICTURE AA Put the restaurants in the order that Carmen and Luis see them (1-4). Then compare with a partner. B ‘Which two types of food do Carmen and Luis say they don't want? WATCH FOR DETAILS A Complete the names of the foods in the video with words from the list. Then circle the items Carmen and Luis order. Compare with a partner. coconut milk ginger smoothie curry pizza tea 1. Seafood or green... curry 4, Thal 2. Prawns in ss 5. Ginger and honey 3. Chicken with 6. Jasmine B what items do both Carmen and Luis say they like? Interchange VRB 1 © Cambridge University Press2012 Photocopiable Unit 13 © 51 DY OIGIA HOW ABOUT YOU? (GENEID Answer these questions. - How often do you eat in restaurants? .. What's your favorite kind of restaurant? What do you usually order? . When is the last time you ate something for the first time? Describeit. Did you lke it? 5. Which of the foods and drinks from the video have you tried or would you like to try? IN A RESTAURANT Role-play ordering lunch at one of the restaurants in the video. Two students order, while the third student plays the waiter or waitress. Then switch roles until each student has been the waiter or waitress. Use this model: ‘A: Do you have any questions about the menu? 8 A: Oh, that’s very good. It's one of the most popular dishes. Are you ready to order? G. A: OK. What would you like? zo What do you want to drink? Poe : OK. I'll be right back with your food and your drinks. 52." Unit 13 Interchange VR8 1 © Cambridge UniverstyPress2012 Photocoplabe Language close-up WHAT DID THEY SAY? Watch the video and complete the conversation. Then practice it. Carmen and Luis are trying to decide what to eat. Luis: You know, Im beginning to... feel... hungry. Carmen: am || really could eat Luis: pizza? Carmen: Hmm. tm not «im not really in the for a pizza. Luis: You know, am Carmen: OK. Let’s for something But want to eat. ! Luis: No Ido, too. Carmen: | Japanese food a Luis: dol but... Carmen: We get some sushi, Luis: Yeah, 'm just not that’s want. Carmen: But Luis, tm WOULD AND WILL Ordering food A Rewrite these questions using Would you like. Then compare with a partner. 1. What do you want to eat? What, would you like to eat? 2. Do you want salad or soup with that? 3. Do you want something to drink? What do you want for dessert? B GEL Now answerthe questions with ‘A:What would you like to eat? Brllhave... Interchange VR8 1 © Cambridge University Pess 2012 Photacoplable Unit 13 = 53

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