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NASI NATION is a food truck business which was started by a group of friends who shared the love
for the Malaysian cuisine, especially nasi lemak. The idea of the business came to our mind when we
were hanging out at our home and one of our friends served a delicious homemade nasi lemak. We
joked among ourselves that the nasi lemak is so good and it could be a business but as the night went
on the idea stuck on our mind. We decided to bring the idea of selling the nasi lemak into reality. This
is where we started to name the business as Nasi Nation. The word ‘nasi’ is rice in Malay language
which represents the nasi lemak and the Nation represents a sense of national identity and pride. The
combination of Nasi Nation is symbolizing that Nasi lemak is the National dish in Malaysia. The
slogan of the business is ‘your favourite meal on wheels’. The slogan highlights that the food
provided are delicious and convenient to the customer as it is from a mobile truck. It means that the
customer can have their favourite meal without the need to sit at the restaurant or wait in a long que to
buy the food.

This is our logo for the Nasi Nation which reflects our brand’s identity. Our logo features is the
combination of the elements that represent our vision and values. It is started stylized illustration of
food truck, emphasizing the mobile nature of the business. Followed by the picture of nasi lemak as it
is our special dish and the star of our menu. The photo of nasi lemak is not only the eye-catching
element but also to represent that we are specialized in nasi lemak. We also included the stars at the
bottom of the logo to highlight the quality of our nasi lemak. our mission at Nasi Nation is to serve
the best nasi lemak in town and to introduce people the amazing flavors of Malaysian food. We want
to share the delicious Malaysian food as many people as possible. We also want to create a memorable
dining experience for each of our customers with our nasi lemak. our vision is to become a well-
known food industry in Malaysia, known for serving mouthwatering and affordable nasi lemak. We
strive to be the go-to destination for the people who loving Malaysia food. We want to satisfy them
with the top quality nasi lemak which makes them want more.
Nasi Nation has chosen a prime location near the MSU Campus to establish our food truck. Our
targeted customers are the MSU students and the residents living nearby the MSU. With large
numbers of apartments located near MSU, we believe that it would be a great opportunity for us to
bring our delicious nasi lemak for our targeted customers. Our food truck near the MSU campus
provides the best solution for the student to enjoy a flavorful meal without having to travel or spend
excessive time for preparing their meals. We aim to become a preferred dining option for students and
residents seeking a convenient, delicious, and affordable meal.


Starting an own business is a big dream for most of the people. As its provide so many advantages for
the individual such as financial independence, long term wealth creation and also learning
opportunities. In this journey, Strategic management plays a significant role which enables the
business owner to make better decision, setting goals and adapting to changing circumstance. The first
benefit of having an own business is financial independence. The business owner will have more
freedom to make decisions that are aligned with their vision and mission. There is no need to rely on
or discuss with others as they are the boss of their business. Financial independence is the key
motivation so most of the people to start an own business. The income is very limited in the
traditional employment and it is controlled by others. While with the own business, an individual can
generate higher profit and have more control over their financial destiny.

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