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Nama : Reza Puji Paramitha

NIM : 044863162

1st Question
1. Opening letter. The opening letter is the initial part of the letter which consists
of the address, date, greeting, and introduction. The introduction section
contains the author's intention to write the letter. In an informal letter, the
introduction of the letter is usually filled with asking for news. However, an
informal letter usually contains an introduction to yourself and the purpose of
writing the letter.
2. Content letter. Content letter is the content of the letter. Usually written in the
second paragraph.
3. Closing letter. A closing letter is a closing paragraph or summary. In an informal
letter, usually the closing part is affixed with the sender's name. While the formal
letter, required signature and full name of the sender.

2nd Question
1. Thank U  Thank You
2. “…of 4 July” supposed to be “…on 4 July” and should be completed with the
year. Thus, correct sentence is “Thank you for your letter on 4 July 2021…”
3. “receive” should be written in gerund word and become “I look forward to
receiving your order”

3rd Question

Dear Makmur Online Store

In place

Subject: Complaints of Expired

Purchased Products

Yours faithfully,

I submit a complaint that the cookies I bought on 20/05/2022 at Makmur Online Store
had expired. I am very disappointed due to the negligence of the shop who did not re-
check the goods to be sent to my address. I asked for a replacement product or a full
refund from me. And please to re-check the cookies before delivering to my address
if you give me replacement rather than full refund.

Thus, I convey this letter, I am waiting for the reply and good news from the Makmur
Online Store soon.

Yours faithfully,

4th Question

From :

To :

Subject : Thank you for donating

I'm Reza Puji Paramitha, as the chairman of Menuju Mentari Foundation, thank you
for the assistance in the form of donations that you have given us. Your donation
means a lot to the communities affected by natural disasters. Hopefully what you give
can be useful and you are always in good health and in the protection of God.

Thank you


Reza Puji Paramitha

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