PLS Tower Family Manager

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Use of PLS Tower Family Manager

The PLS Tower Family Manager offers significant utility in effectively modeling different body and leg
extensions of towers that share a common top geometry, known as the common body. Within the family
manager, a comprehensive library of PLS tower models can be maintained, allowing designers to choose
which models to include for analysis.

Family Models can be built using the tallest configuration of tower model or importing extensions to the
common top geometry. A leg or body extensions once imported can be used in all the combinations.

For example: A 220kV Towers having common top geometry and 0.0 meters, 3.0 meters and 6.0 meters
leg extensions as shown in the table below can be modelled using Family Manager of PLS Tower.

Leg Extensions
L1 L2 L3 L4
DB-0-0-0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
DB-3-3-3-3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
DB-6-6-6-6 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

The easiest and quick method to generate the possible combinations of leg extensions is to use programs
such as python code. One simple code to generate leg extension combinations for the above set of leg
extensions is as follows:
import itertools
import pandas as pd

legs = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']

extensions = ['0m', '3m', '6m']

combinations = list(itertools.product(extensions, repeat=len(legs)))

results = []
for combo in combinations:
result = dict(zip(legs, combo))

df = pd.DataFrame(results)

# Define the path and filename for the Excel file

excel_file = 'leg_extensions.xlsx'

# Write the DataFrame to an Excel file

df.to_excel(excel_file, index=False)

print(f"Combinations exported to '{excel_file}' successfully!")

This program will create possible combinations and export it to excel file “'leg_extensions.xlsx”, and the
same can be copied to Family Manager Table and the list of Leg and body extensions will be generated as
shown below:

These models can be manually identified at tower spot points or located using the advanced features of
PLSCADD known as optimum spotting. By utilizing the optimum spotting feature, Transmission Line
designers can precisely position appropriate combinations of towers at specific spotting points or along a
range of potential locations, taking into account ground levels. Consequently, a suitable tower can be
selected from the Family Manager List.

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