- SD - Sales Plan - V1.0

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Business Process Design Document

Order to Cash
Sales Plan
Document control
Document information

Track Lead Zia Munir

Document status Draft

Document location

Document revision history

Version No. Status Date Author Change Log
0.1 1st Draft 24.08.2021 Muzamil Shaukat First Draft
0.2 2nd Draft 24.08.2021 Muzamil Shaukat Update after G&T Feedback
1.0 G&T Reviewed 03.09.2021 Faizan Ahmed G&T Reviewed
1.1 Peer Reviewed Date Name Peer Reviewed
2.0 Final Date Name Final Document for Sign off

Date Reviewed By Role Signature
Enter Date Haroon Azhar Power User Sales & Distribution
Enter Date Khwaja Nizamuddin IT Key User Sales & Distribution

Authorisers for sign off

Date Approved By Role Signature
Zia Munir G&T Track Lead
Aziz Malik, Masood Altaf,
Rizwan Riyaz, Udey Gupta,
Business Process Owner
Mustafa Diwan, Danish
Sultan, Ghulam Mujtaba
Faraz Qazi EY Track Lead

Distribution in addition to reviewers and authorisers

Name Role
Umair Ilyas Chief Transformation Officer
Atif Najam Chief Information Officer
Omar Ul Haq EY Project Director
XXXX G&T Project Manager
M. Imran Ganatra EY Project Manager
Note: Documents are either approved by physical signatures or via an email clearly stating approval of document with
reference to the version.

Note: I have read this document and fully understand that this process will become part of SAP system.

Reference documents

Document Location

Business process master list Share-point Location

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only.
Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE.............................................................................................................1
1.2 DOCUMENT SCOPE AND CONTEXT......................................................................................................................1
2. MANAGING VOLUME AND SALES REBATE.....................................................................................................2
2.1 PROCESS MODEL*................................................................................................................................................2
2.2 PROCESS DESCRIPTION*.....................................................................................................................................2
2.3 PROCESS STEP DESCRIPTION*...........................................................................................................................2
2.4 PROCESS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................................6
2.5 PROCESS RISKS AND CONTROLS*......................................................................................................................6
2.6 WRICEF REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................7
2.7 DESIGN RISKS AND ISSUES..................................................................................................................................7
APPENDIX A BUSINESS DEFINITIONS (GLOSSARY)........................................................................................9
APPENDIX B LEGENDS..............................................................................................................................................10

* = Content to be captured in VISIO – details of this explained within the document

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 2
1. Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose and Structure
The Business Process Design (BPD) document purpose is to describe the business process design for each
Level 3 process.
The BPD is driven by content from the VISIO process models, these models capture the process and are
used to drive the detailed design, build and testing activities following in the delivery lifecycle.
1.2 Document Scope and Context
Purpose: To provide the reader with an overview of the business area and processes covered by this BPD
document, and to explain how the content of the document has been developed.

© 2018 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 1
2. Sales Plan

2.1 Process Model*

Purpose: Level 3 business processes are captured using the VISIO. The process map for the Level 3 process
being covered by this part of the BPD

Role Wise Visio Diagram

2.2 Process Description*

Purpose: Building on the brief content referring to this process in L3 document, this part provides the reader
with a more detailed description of the purpose of this business process, and a view of why the process exists,
and what business goals it delivers.
This Business Process Design (BPD) Document describes the tasks necessary to create and maintain sales
plan Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly (quantity or value) planned for both incoming sales order and sales volume for
GT Internal plan vs actual Tracking. This document will outline how G&T businesses will administer the
company's customer sales plan in SAP Fiori.
This process will be initiated through the Management to Achieve Sales performance. These Sales Plans will
be monitored throughout their lifecycle from Plan to actual billing. Sales plan creation is a business critical
process as it directly affects management objectives.

2.3 Process Step Description*

Purpose: This section provides the reader with a list of each of the process steps within the VISIO process
model, and a tabulated set of standard information relating to each step. This information includes a
description of the step, identification of who within the business performs the step, which IT system is used,
which transaction within the system is used. This table should be read alongside the VISIO process model to
ensure the reader understands what lies within each process step.

Step Finalization of Sales Plan

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 2
Step ID 1A
Description Sales Plan criteria will be finalized with the Management and Head of sales. Criteria can be
customer specific, Product specific or it can be other specific as well.
Business Gatron Novatex Krystalite G-Pac Corp, Cristal
Segment plastic, Perimeter, G&T
global, Nova Mobility
Role Name Internal Sales Internal Sales Internal Sales Internal Sales
Representative Representative Representative Representative
SAP Module SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales &
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution
SAP Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage
transaction sales plan sales plan sales plan sales plan
code and

Step Sales Plan Approval (Manual)

Step ID 1B
Description Sales Plan criteria will be finalized with the Management and Head of sales. However, sales
Plan will be approved by relevant directors manually.
Business Gatron Novatex Krystalite G-Pac Corp, Cristal
Segment plastic, Perimeter, G&T
global, Nova Mobility
Role Name Directors Directors Directors Directors
SAP Module SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales &
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution
SAP Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
code and

Step Create / Update Sales Plan

Step ID 2
Description Plan will be created in FIORI and all required fields will be added.
Business Gatron Novatex Krystalite G-Pac Corp, Cristal
Segment plastic, Perimeter, G&T
global, Nova Mobility
Role Name Internal Sales Internal Sales Internal Sales Internal Sales
Representative Representative Representative Representative
SAP Module SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales &
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution
SAP Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage
transaction sales plan sales plan sales plan sales plan
code and

Step Sales Plan Release?

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 3
Step ID 3
Description Based on the input data in sales plan, it can either be approved or rejected.
Business Gatron Novatex Krystalite G-Pac Corp, Cristal
Segment plastic, Perimeter, G&T
global, Nova Mobility
Role Name Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager
SAP Module SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales &
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution
SAP Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage
transaction sales plan sales plan sales plan sales plan
code and

Step Release Sales Plan

Step ID 4
Description Sales Manager will approve Sales Plan based on the input data.
Business Gatron Novatex Krystalite G-Pac Corp, Cristal
Segment plastic, Perimeter, G&T
global, Nova Mobility
Role Name Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager
SAP Module SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales &
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution
SAP Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage Fiori App – Manage
transaction sales plan sales plan sales plan sales plan
code and

Step Actual Sales

Step ID 5
Description Based on the input data in Sales plan, Billing clerk can review Actual business volume.
Business Gatron Novatex Krystalite G-Pac Corp, Cristal
Segment plastic, Perimeter, G&T
global, Nova Mobility
Role Name Billing Clerk Billing Clerk Billing Clerk Billing Clerk
SAP Module SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales & SAP Sales &
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution
SAP Sales Performance – Sales Performance – Sales Performance – Sales Performance –
transaction Plan/Actual Plan/Actual Plan/Actual Plan/Actual
code and

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 4
2.1 Process Reporting Requirements

Purpose: This is a list and supporting description of the reports that are associated with the business process
being covered by this part of the BPD. These reports may provide the data that supports the Management
Information, or they may be reports that are generated to meet other business and regulatory needs. The
reports will provide key information about the performance of the specific business activities that they cover. In
case the requirement is not covered in standard reporting then it should also be captured in the WRICEF list.

Report Name Report Type Report Description Standard

(Statutory/Business/ SAP
Other) Report

Fiori_App_Na App Type App description (including APP URL) APP ID

me (Analytical,
Fact Sheet,
Sales Transactional, https://fiori.gatronova.com:44303/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ Sales
Performance – Fact sheet ushell/shells/abap/FioriLaunchpad.html#SalesPlan- Performan
Plan/Actual analyzeSalesPerformance&/?sap-iapp- ce –

2.2 Process Risks and Controls*

<Define the Business Risks identification and how to control>
Control Control Owner
Control Type (Business
Control Applicable
Step Control Description (Standard Role)
Objective Risks
Pricing control 1 Sales Plan to have a start and Pricing Factor Customized
end validity in system

S&OP 1 Prompt message if sales plan S&OP Customized

quantity is greater than the
production capacity of the

2.3 WRICEF Requirements

Purpose: WRICEF is an acronym that stands for Workflows, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions,
Enhancements, and Forms. This is systems development term that summarises most of the technical /
systems requirements associated with the process being covered. This section of the document provides a
summary of the WRICEF needs of this process, which will influence the overall design of the technical

WRICE Step Name of WRICEF Solution Requirement Description WRICEF

F ID Ref. (Type)

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 5

2.4 Design Risks and Issues

Purpose: This section provides a list of Design Issues relating this process that have been captured on the
programme Design Issues log and have not yet been resolved. The table provides the Design Issue log
reference and description and allows a summary of the current status of the issue to be provided to the

Purpose: This section provides a list of Risks and Issues relating to this process that have been captured on
the Program Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies (RAID) log and have not yet been resolved.

Risk / Risk / Issue Description Issue Originator Status

Issue Ref (Open/
Not Not Applicable Not Applicable Not
Applicable Applicable

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 6
Appendix A Business Definitions (Glossary)

Acronym / Term Definition

BPD Business Process Design
L3 Level 3

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 7
Appendix B Legends

The following describes the symbols used in the process flow:

Process Activity Related

to other Module. (A more
detailed process map is
provided in other
Business Process design
document to describe the

Activity step Start / End (Termination)

Manual Activity Document

System On Page Connector

DMS Off Page Connector

© 2021 EYFR Limited. All rights reserved. For internal distribution only. 8

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