T-Codes ISR

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Transaction Code Transaction Description S_ALR_87012197 List of Customer Line Items

VA11 Create Inquiry S_ALR_87012173 List of Customer Open Items for Printing
VA12 Change Inquiry S_ALR_87012175 Open Items - Customer Due Date Forecast
VA13 Display Inquiry S_ALR_87012177 Customer Payment History
VA21 Create Quotation S_ALR_87012178 Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items
VA22 Change Quotations S_ALR_87012198 List of Cleared Customer Items for Printing
VA23 Display Quotations S_ALR_87012199 List Of Down Payments Open On Key Date - Customers
VA01 Create Sales Dcouments S_ALR_87012176 Customer aging
VA02 Change Sales Documents FIAR_OVERDUE_TOPLIST Customers ageing of overdue and to be due items
VA03 Display Sales Documents S_ALR_87012172 Customer Ledger Report/ Customer Trial Balance
va05 list of sales order S_ALR_87012168 Customer Aging Report
VA41 Create Contracts ZMM_R_010n Stock Report
VA42 Change Contracts ZSALE_REP Invoice + Sales
VA43 Display Contracts ZPENDING_ORDER Pending Order Report
WCOCO Create Condition Contracts ZFI_R_010 Aging
WB2R_BUSVOL Display (Business Volume for Condition Contract) Zinv_Gen Invoice Print
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery with Order Reference Mb51/52 Stock Report
VT03N Display Shipment
VL03 Display Outbound Delivery
VA15 Inquiries List
VA25 Quotations List
VA26 Collective Processing for Quotations
VA45 List of Contracts
VA05 List of Sales Orders
VL06F General delivery list : Outb.deliv.
VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
VF03 Display Billing
MMBE Stock Position
UKM_CommitmentsCredit Exposure
UKM-Malu-dsp Credit Exposure
VF05 List of Billing Documents
V.15 Backorders
V.02 Incomplete SD Documents
V.14 Sales orders/Contracts blocked for delivery
SDD1 Duplicate Sales orders in period
Vt06 Shipping List
MD61 Create Planned Independent Requirement
MD62 Change Planned Independent Requirement
MD63 Display Planned Independent Requirement
VA14L Sales Order Blocked for Delivery
Zcust List of Vendor
S_ALR_87012169 Transaction Figures: Account Balance

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