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Professional standards.

Professional Knowledge
Standard 1. Know students and how they learn

Standard 2. Know the content and how to teach it.

I know that effective planning involves setting learning goals

and determining ways to achieve them. It requires deciding in
advance what to teach, how to teach, when to teach and who
to teach. Understanding of students’ characteristics, prior
knowledge, and the way they learn forms an integral part of
my planning approach.
I have achieved this by developing an extensive understanding
of the curriculum and planning successful lesson and lesson
sequence that cater for different learning styles through varied
teaching strategies and activities. Knowledge of the
curriculum and achievement standard has allowed me to select
and structure content successfully and appropriately to the
year level in all subject areas. When lesson planning, I link the
lesson to content descriptors directly from the curriculum. I
explicitly outline the learning outcomes and success criteria. I
outline all the resources required and how to use them
effectively to meet the needs of students’ learning needs.

Professional Practice
Standard 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and
Effective teaching is the ability to improve student
achievement. It is important that teachers have a sound
understanding of the content they are expected to teach.
I achieved this by adapting my teaching to students’ different
learning needs and styles. Setting explicit challenging but
achievable goals for all my students has allowed them to own
their learning and achieve success. I have employed a wide
range of teaching strategies such as explicit instruction,
collaborative learning, think-pair -share, scaffolding, ICT, and
class discussions to improve and support students’ learning. At
the end of each lesson, I have a set of reflective questions that
help me evaluate and improve my teaching methods which in
turn improve students’ learning and achievement. I have also
used assessment data to plan learning goals, improve teaching
practice and prioritise individual learning needs. This has led
to increased participation and richer learning experiences.
Standard 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning
The classroom should be a safe environment where all
students feel safe, welcome, and comfortable.
I achieved this by setting classroom expectations for
behaviour and consistently using preventative and supportive
strategies to maintain safety and minimise distractions.
Additionally, preparing engaging lessons and activities has
kept students on task and left no room for misconduct.
Constant roaming of the classroom and the use of proximity
control especially when using technology have been effective
strategies in keeping students engaged. I have also used
questions that help students reflect on their behaviour and
how their actions affect them and others around them. This
has resulted in students taking responsibility for their actions
and coming up with restoration plans. I have used class dojo,
Berserker bucks, prizes, stickers and points to reward and
encourage positive behaviour and increased classroom
engagement. At one point I had to deal with a self-harm case
while teaching a math lesson where I was able to demonstrate
that the safety of my students was paramount.

Standard 5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student


Assessment is the ongoing process of assembling information,

analysing, and reflecting on evidence to plan and teach
effectively. These assessments are linked to the curriculum.
I have used both formal and informal assessment and
feedback methods to check students’ understanding and to
inform me of the effectiveness of my teaching. These
assessments included diagnostic, formative, and summative
assessments in the form of worksheets, discussions, role plays
and nonverbal feedback like thumbs up or down. The data
collected has guided my teaching with improved outcome. I
consistently developed assessment content and outcome
specific to criteria for assessments as a tool for diagnostic and
summative assessment of learning in all subjects I taught. I
give both verbal and written feedback during lessons and for
marked work samples across all areas of the curriculum to
help students improve their learning. I have helped teachers
with developing the end of year school reports. Hence, I
believe I have achieved the standard.
Professional Engagement
Standard 6. Engage in professional learning and

Standard 7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers

and the community.

Teachers are held to high standards because of the powerful

influence they have on the lives of children. They are
expected to demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of
their lives since they serve as strong role models not only to
students but also to the community. They demonstrate ethical
behaviours when they interact with colleagues, students,
parents, and others. Following the professional code of ethics
helps teachers to always behave in a professional and ethical
I have achieved this by treating individual learners and their
families with dignity and respect. My dress and grooming are
maintained to the schools’ standards and to the moral
expectation of the community. The safety of my students is
always paramount, and this is evident by the way the
classroom is organised, the ICT use guidelines, and the
diligent planning of activities. I adhere to the confidentiality
of privileged information I receive due to the position I hold,
and I also cherish a good rapport with my colleague,
students, and the wider community. I have followed school
requirements by signing in and out each day, being punctual
and notifying the school when unable to attend. I have also
participated in staff meetings and professional development
days as required, and I seek feedback from colleagues as part
of my ongoing professional learning and collaboration with
other teachers.

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