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Greenhouse Effect: An reluctance of climate change.

Natural climate change has made an important effect on our world sad. It is a regular step of
nature, which has changed in the first early stages. Greenhouse The impact of the Earth requires
production as the organic and the annual chemical substances Greenhouse Gas (such as: Carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, etc.) on the collection. So we found out more that the huge impact
of atomy and climate science is on our normal life.

Effect of greenhouse effect and reasons

The main reason for the limitation or greenhouse effect is the increase in the amounts of gas
and dust in different province of the world. Main Greenhouse Gas Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane
(CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O) and other as biological gas, but some more gases are more important.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas. It is mainly due to forest, gas birds and
wood repetition. Produce energy in this gas, such as transport, industry and electricity production.

Mathen (CH4) is the fastest poisonous gas in the world. It is mainly created in the footsteps of
inactive, landslides and the ingredients. Research has shown that methane's rise is provided by the
five-plated factory, biter, cultivated and natural gas system.

Nitrogen Oxide (N2O) is another greenhouse gas. It mainly turned into organic elements. An
example known for organic ingredients is the process of recovered in using fertilizer for food

The consequences of the Greenhouse nature:

Failure to control the effect of the greenhouse effect, the consequences become essential. It
has been proven by statistics that the temperature of greenhouse gases has increased and the
temperature of the earth has become much higher. The consequences of this are 6

Climate change: There are many changes in the world as a result of the increase in temperature.
Excessive rainfall due to high rainfall due to climate change, excess austerities, the environment is
enjoying the quality and human health of the environment as a result of excess ongoing transport
and fertilizer conversion.

Human health effects: Greenhouse influence brings an important change for human health.
Excessive temperatures, rainfall growth, climate and the high levels of the beach affects our health.
Higher temperature human physical change, human health occurs due to the risk of commotion and
the risk of lifeblood.
Change of life: The effects of greenhouse are found in almost all aspects of our lifestyle. As a result of
the change of environment, we have high sea level, rainfall and complete waterfall has increased and
water connection has changed. Also, our economy, food creation, transport system and art sector
have changed.

The main effects of the Greenhouse effect:

Below are the main effects of climate change:

The amount and nature of rainfall is nature: The amount of rain and nature has changed as a result of
the greenhouse effect. Due to the amount of excess greenhouse gases, the weather has changed and
the rainfall and the temperature increases.

Acute temperature: The temperature of the earth has gone higher due to the greenhouse effect. As a
result of the increase in temperature, the health of metriyas, climate and forest sellers are affected.

Waterlogging: The Waterlogging effect has increased logically. As a result of the high temperatures of
the earth and tides, the level of the sea level has become high and the rainfall on the earth and

Paribari Change: The periborne system has been changed as a result of the greenhouse effect. More
factories and transportation systems have been affected by greenhouse gases, which have already
changed due to climate change.

Change of industrial sector: The greenhouse effect has increased in the industrial sector

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