BGC 410 Tutorial 5 S1 2023 MEMO

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BGC 410 2023 Tutorial Test 5

• Answer all the questions.

• Round off your answers to four decimal places.

1. Table 1 shows data from an x̄ and R for short production runs computed using the
deviation from nominal (DNOM) approach. Assuming that the process is in control,
calculate thecontrol limits for the:
(a) x̄ chart. 3

CL = x̄¯ = = 0.0556

0.5 34
U CL = x̄¯ + A2 R̄ = + 0.729 = 2.8096
9 9

0.5 34
LCL = x̄¯ − A2 R̄ = − 0.729 = −2.6984
9 9

Note: The negative answer is acceptable for x̄ and R charts for short produc-
tion runs because it does not reflect the actual measurement (which cannot
be negative), but rather the deviation from the target/nominal value.

(b) R chart. 1

CL = R̄ = = 3.7778
U CL = D4 R̄ = (2.282) = 8.6209
U CL = D3 R̄ = (0) =0

Sample Component Measurements DNOM
Number Type 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 x̄ R
1 A 57 60 59 58 -3 0 -1 -2 -1.5 3
2 A 61 64 63 60 1 4 3 0 2.0 4
3 A 60 58 62 60 0 -2 2 0 0 4
4 B 73 75 76 79 -2 0 1 4 0.75 4
5 B 78 75 77 75 3 0 2 0 1.25 3
6 B 77 75 74 72 2 0 -1 -3 -0.5 5
7 C 50 51 49 50 0 1 -1 0 0 2
8 C 46 50 50 50 -4 0 0 0 -1.0 4
9 C 51 46 50 51 1 -4 0 1 -0.5 5
P9 P9
i=1 x̄i = 0.5 i=1 Ri = 34

Table 1: Measurements for Question 1

2. A normally distributed quality characteristic is controlled by x̄ and R charts having

the following parameters (n = 4, both charts are in control):
x̄i = 2480

Ri = 32.944

(a) Suppose that you wish to establish a modified x̄ chart to substitute for the 3
original x̄ chart. The process mean is to be controlled so that the fraction
nonconforming is less than 0.015. If specifications are 610 ± 15, what U CL
would you recommend for the modified x̄ chart?

R̄ 8.236
σ̂ = = 4.0000
d2 2.059
Zδ = Z0.015 = −2.17
3 3
U CL = U SL − Zδ − √ σ = 625 − − 2.17 − √ 4 = 639.6800
n 4

(b) Suppose that you wish to establish a modified x̄ chart to substitute for the 3
original x̄ chart. The process mean is to be controlled so that the fraction
nonconforming is less than 0.015. If specifications are 610 ± 15, what LCL
would you recommend for the modified x̄ chart?

R̄ 8.236
σ̂ = = = 4.0000
d2 2.059
Zδ = Z0.015 = −2.17

3 3
LCL = LSL + Zδ − √ σ = 595 + − 2.17 − √ 4 = 580.3200
n 4

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