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aoe Sci: 1. Introduction Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Fluid, ty mass density, weight density (spe gravity, viscosity, compressi viscosity and their unit (03 Periods) pes of fluid; properties of fluid viz ic weight), specific volume, capillarity, specific bility, surface tension, kinematic viscosity and dynamic Simple numeric problems related to properties of fluids, 2. Pressure and its Measurement (07 Periods) ty of pressure, static pressure and pressure head. nospheric Pressure, Gauge Pressure, Absolute Pressure), ept of pressure, Inter Types of Pressure (A\ tanometers and Mechanical C \uges Manometers tube Manometer, Micromanometer, Differential U-tube Manometer, Inverted ube Manometers Construction, working and applicatior includi simple numerical problems. Mechanical Gauges: Bourdon Tube pres uuge, Diaphragm Pressure Gauge, Dead weight essure gauge. Construct king and application 23° Stat fP. nd its applications. 3. (12 Periods) uid flow — St nd Unsteady, Uniform and Non-uniform, Laminar nt; Rate of flow (Discharge) and its units; Continuity Equation of draulic Energy of a flowing fluid; Total head; Bernoulli's Theorem }out proof ) and its applications. Discharge measurement with the help of Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Pitot-tube, limitations of Bemoulli's >rem , simple numerical problems on above topics, and pipe flow, wetted perimeter, hydraulic mean depth, hydraul gradient; loss of head due to friction; Chezy’s equation and Darcy's equation of head loss (without proof), Reynold’s number and its effect on pipe friction; Water hammer Simple numerical problems on pipe friction, 3.3 Nozzle - definition, velocity of liquid flowing through the nozzle, power developed. 5 4. Hydraulic Machines Periods) Description, operation and application of — hydraulic press, hydraulic jack, hydraulic accumulator, hydraulic brake hydraulic ram, hydraulic door closer. : 5. Pumps and Water Turbines (10 Periods) 5.1 Concept of hydraulic pump. Classification of pumps. — : 5.2 Construction, operation and application of Single acting reciprocating pump, vane, screw and gear pumps. Introduction to Demerits as Industrial app! Basic componer ‘component properties. Sei N visual checks of Basic Com ‘component Regulator(FLR) Common probler systems, ‘Measurement of pressure Piezometer tube ) Simple Bourdon.s tube, Verification of Berou! ‘Measurement of flow by UST OF PRACTICALS ead ng, tube manomy re gauge ing venturimeter. Exercise FLOW THROUGH PIPES. 4a 43 44 45 46 47 48 nto From One Reserv ther Through a Long Pipe of Uniform or Flow Through Compound Pipe 164-102 1183-207 Measures INTRODUCTION 141 TION (Che word ‘Hydraulics’ has be n derived fr Hyd that branch of engineering which deals with wate 4 mainly with the practical problems of flow of water an upon the results obtaine cacinnant: I Provides various principles to solve practical problems in water supply, figs ‘engineering, water power and hydraulic machines Pneumatics is that branch of engineering which deals with d ai or 1.2, FLUID A fluid may be defined as a subs has no tensile strength or very litle of it and it can pre 8 wh = container, When subj (0 shearing force, a fluid d as long as force applied. For mechanical analys distribution of matter with no void or empty space. Som L Liquid: 2. Gases including vapours. Liquids : Liquids occupy a definite volume and are n emperature or compression. Water, oil, honey, glycerine, paint, blood et. an 2. Gases including Vapours : Gases and vapours do not occupy 2 lake the shape and volume of vessels containing them, G apours readi change in temperature, These are capable of bei ed to a considerably under high pressure: 1.3 AYPES OF FLUIDS The fluids may be classified into th following two categories 1. Ideal fuids, 2. Real fluids 1, Ideal Fluids : The fluids which are fension are called ideal fluids. These are o However, air and water may be considered incompressible and have no viscosity and surface nly imaginary fluids and do not exist in naftre as ideal fluids without much error. 1 is: The fide which PO 2 Real Pe: Te ids areas follow with the increase in ight of fluid per unit volume. Iti generally perature as shown in ble 1 (fr re. However, the specific weight of wats taken as ‘ all practical purpoes. Specific 790 kg/m, find its specific welght and specie = 943.6 kgim Ans. applied ti 6 ISHAN'S Hydraulics and Pnoumates 1S = ns = 251.9406 ans 9107” Problem 1.3.5 litres of petrol weighs 35N. Find its specific os sravity. Solution. Given, V= 5x 10°, W=35N ‘We know tat gravity 0. Solution. Given, V = 1 lie = 1 7 ik it offers resistance 1 the movement of ata distance dy apart, moving one over the othe i 12. The together with relative Velocity causes a nd is called ent of dynamic viscosity or or rate of shear deformation or velocity (0, a} ed to produce a unit rate of shear ‘ ISHAN'S Hydraulics and Pe Introduetion {s 0.015 poise and its specific gravity is 08, The SL unit of kinemat Newton's L: iscosity ind the space between them Is is moved ata constant velocity =3mis 10 Example 18, nano at certain pola, he vel ae a ind its kinemat Solution. Given, “= 0335", sp = 950 kg/m % ‘We know that plate of area 2m* is 4 distance of 0.2 mm, Solution. Given, A = 2n?, di We know that Problem 1.10. A square pl plane making an angle of 30 between the plate and the i Introduction = Nam? = 10 poise) surface by the vapours of id, above the surface ofthe is reached when it will be equal to ‘This explains why liqlds bol at fow temperatures on pressure is low which corresponds to the value of Yapour ture, Let us explain this with the help of an example, Let ws ric pressure is 0.466 bar which comespends 16 os nce of the) X cos 8 Sry nese require to reduce the volume of water by 0.956 182.075 x 10 Nine, ol 9% = 0.009, K = 2.075 x : ‘Compressit t undergoes a change in v0 Il the fuids can be compressed by pressure is removed, the compressed 1.4 m! at 960 Nim? to a y and compressibility of Since a ris negative. The mi Air is about 2000 times more ‘compressible than stcel Problem 1.14. When the pressure on a volume is found to decrease by 0.08% Solution, dp = 7-4 =3 MNim?,a¥, We know that Ans. K =2.915 x 10° mN Ans, Bulk mod 0 MN IsHaN's 0 0 EXERCISES ‘A. Multiple Choice Question 1. Amideat ful isa flu whichis (a) compressible. (© incompressible a "The Suid which has no viscosi a 3 4, Ingases and vapours, strong (©) intermediate 5. A Newtonian faid isa fu (@ is compressible. (© isbighly non-viscous. 6 Real fuids are (@) viscous. which decreases with temperate decreases with are, (@ None of the above, 9. The increase in ter (@) increases sis dimensionless? © Specific volume, (@) Specific weight. (©) decreases the viscosit f 10. Stoke is the (oki o -e tension SHAMS Hye Pe 72 Bate = 3 fin capilary tube of Glameter dis riven by ; 2A, Seren’ stan oh sacs w called ds e ks oy wiN, IS | ISHAN' ANSWERS 4. 1000 kg/m’ 5, 9810 Nim? 9..Nim 10, aN 14, 45. 10000 2 2 @ | % 0) 20, cohesion, adhesion B. FRLINTHEBLANS = at called deat 2, The Quid which posses ¥ Je als ANsWeRs movement of one lyer ty el D._ Very Storr ANSWER QUESTIONS s hs nding to Newton's Law of v Qu Define flu. Sl. the proper te defined as a substance which is capable of flowing and offers t OF water before fal Volume and are not affected appreciably by change #8 19. The property of surface tens blood ete, are the examples of 20. The Py Q3, What are gases and vapours? ‘Ans. Gases and vapours do 904 0cc¥PY & = vessels capable of uid per unit volome, eis (4, Name types of Maids. ‘Ams. 1. Ideal fui, 2, Real fd QS Define ideal Nui. ‘Ans. The fds which are in called ideal Maids. These are only im er may be considered as ideal fluid wi 06. Define real fluids compressibility ae cal {laid offer a certain amo1 pied by the Nuid per unit printer's ink: QUI, Define mass densi Ans, Mass d denoted by p (RI by virtue of which it offers resistance f0 the layer. Q.25. Wri Ans. Pas ty by virtue of which the id density and weight density. (Ans. 13600 kg/m’, 33416 Nim") ‘SKN, calculate 5000 Ninn’, 509.68 kg/m’ 0508) ‘whose specifi gravity $70 kg/m’, 8534.7 Nim’) 8 stokes, What sits Ans. 1.044 N/m) of 1.8 and kinematic viscosity ofS PRESSURE €ND ITS ME@SGREMENT 10, Determine the bu increased from 8 sity of pressure, in 1, Determine - 250 mam’ is found to be Ans, tof the liquid over the ght has shown in fig, 21, ISHAN'S Hydraulics and Pr x tank an pres igi 0 the bse goat Pew x Volume of Eiht Ee Imcasiy of pessus, = (where w = Spe ‘The above equation show specific weight of liquid ‘commonly called pressure head. Press column. From equation (), Pressure head, h = = ‘The method of expr convenient and itis easy to xp specific weight Problem 2.2, Find the pressure at a depth of 20 m reservol Solution. Given, h = 20 m. We know that Intensity of pressure, p= Problem 2.3. Cal Solution. Gi We know = 15.29m Ans. the bottom of a tank at: u ists is rr oa Wom Net rents oa eee ‘Take specific gravity of mercury as 13.6. - e Pressure and its Measurem Pr Jem 2.4. Find the pressure Mercury, wa Specific gravity of mercury X Specific weight of water SeXw Specific wei 9810 = 133416N height of mercury column, 13416 = 0.882 m Ans. of specific gravity 0.8 which produces an intensity of in terms of metre of water. (9 = 9810 Nim!) in terms of water. x 25.48 = 9810 Xf PASCAL'S LAW the liga a rest transmit p guid pressure is always perpe ‘Thus if a small pe hydraulic intensifier et. 7848 25.48, ne =20. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE © Atmospheric pressure at measured with the help of With the height of the place, In fuid mec! These gauges a pressure measured called gauge pressure 2.7 VACUUM PRESSURE When the -s If there is complete absolute zero pressure. The pressu) caliberated to agree its zero rea m Ans. law of tans Blaise Pascal ISHAN'S Hycrauics and Preumatgg dabsolut Pressure and its Measurement = 27.7 Take f a Absolute ser preanare ssure in Ni tween Pressures fer is of mercury. What will be the value of 064 = 98727.84 Nim® Ans, place is found to be 76.em of mercury. Find the ure is 25 m of water aug pressure is 25 kN/m’. gravity of mercury as 13.6 T6X136. 1033 Atmospheric pressure = og = 10.336 x 9810 = 1.01396 x 10° Nim? Gauge pressure = 2.5 m of water =25 x 9810 Pressure and its Measurement a x 10°N/ cece te 2.10.SIMPLE MANOMETERS, ® Absolute pressure = Atmospheric = 1.01396 x 10° +02: one of is ends connected to point 10 the atmosphere. Some conten Absolute pressure Problem 28. What minimum intensity of pressure, adi {sto be used 40 m below the surface of ocean? Take speci Solution. Given, k= 40 m, $= 1.03, Specific weight of ocean wa w=9810 x1 = 101043, Iatensity of pressure, p= Fig. 2.3: Peizometer MEASUREMENT OF PRESSURE ‘The pressure of liquid may bem: 1. Manometers, 2, Mechanical gauges. is connected to a point where 1 atmosphere as shown in fig. 24. id whose specific gravity is geal 10 be measured. 9.1 Manometers ~~ Manometers are the devi balancing the colunn ofthe ‘Manometers may be cl: 1. Simple manometers, 2. Differential manometers 9.2 Mechanical Gauges Mechanical gauges are the dev guid colurn by the spring or dead wer 1. Bourdon's tube _ e 2, Dead weight pressure gauge, (@ For Gauge or Positive Pressure (b) For Vacuum or Negative 3. Diaphragm pressure gauge, Fig. 24 : UTube Manometers 4, Bellows pressure gauge. Pressure ea in the pipe = Pressure head at © = Sth, 085 x01 (w=9810 Nim’) = 32.52 KN Ans. sure of oil Specific gravity = re and eft limb is connected of mereury (Specific gravity = isin the two limbs is 130 mm, find the S:= 136, h,=130mm=0.13 m 1 B= 13) Fig. 2.5, ISHAN'S Hydraulics and Png eure Ee, Pressure and its Measurement PA 253h.-Sihi 136 x 06+075 x02) (w= 9810Nim) mereary inthe left limb. Solution, Given, S;=0.75, hy Fig. 2.8 ISHAN'S Hydraulies and p, tg 1s Theat eg ota U-abe ES eee a mccoy and right legis open to atmosphere. The le fa the tt tnd the spare shore rarity 0.58 upto. eight of 25cm sem Geren, $=, = 80cm= 0258 uid in the ight im, YY be the datum after Pressure and its Measure (Bauation derived eater) yy Ph <1sind x SS) hows a single column manometer connected to a pipe containing 9. The ratio of area of the reservor to that of the tube fs 100. Fina 2. Inclined Single Column Mai fig. 2.11 is more sensitive, Due to limb will be more. Mercury 6-18.) Fig, 212 A = 04m, $; = 09, = 600 mm = 0.6m, S:= 134, = 100 ine. ne ; a 1 Px 213, 09x 04+ + x0.6x(36=-09) PA 213606 9810 100 Fig. 2.11 : Inclined Single Cot ISHAN'S Hydraulics and Pn Umit Pressure and its Measureme . fa. 219762 5 3s10 F o pa = 8762 X 9810 = 77266 Ni = 77.266 EN/mn’ Ans. Problem 2.15. A vertical single column manometer pipe line. The ratio of area of reservoir pressure, the level of mercury in the ‘containing water under pressure and after appli its inital level to a vertical distance of 0.25 ‘Take specific gravity of water and mercury as 1 and 13.6 respe ie fen Anta ntti =025m. 521.5. pressure and is Measurement Lato an he els eA Wernow ta Presa head «tC Pesce peel ey = Bhs 454 Pa 48th +h) p as Thee Sin 48h-Sh 5H = Pressure head at CD in righ Bassin 45h = 2+5yh 48h ? a i P45 +1) = Phash +h ae PAPE 2 55h, 4 54-5, (H+) ‘Now, in fig. 2.14(6), two points A and B are at the s Pressure head at CD in left column = Pressure he of the pipe A by 150 mm. D the cooneced pln of the pipes Pas5(h +1) = 28454 +54 Let pa and pn ae the pressures at points A and B respectively. ‘We know that Pressure head at C = Pressure head at Fig. 2.15 es ISHAN'S Hy¢rautcs and pg Rpt art Measuromeny 122 Paesarn BSA 3243, 2 2” $3443 aanser Ga a. 205% =4605 Dass es sin = - Pa-Pa =2.456 x 98 093 kN/m? Ans. Problem 218, A U-tube differential manometer co Wacer Coen Gpe-i35) Fig. 2.18, Fig. 2.17 Let his the difference inthe p We know that Pres mercury level inthe dj ie head at C =p rebead at D WCAPOEH sim La, 5 12x10* + 1.59% (2.4, 9810 : px = 13437 x 9810 , ISHAN'S Hydraulics and Pg * _prosture and its Measurement lanometer 2.11.2 Inverted U-Tube Differential Manome! Fig. 220 n, S=08,$)=8,=1,h,=221 2 Si=$:=1,h1=220 mm=022 m, fy = 60mm = 006 m, f= 100 mBleS 08x04 anometer, when connected to Evo pipes A 1 the value of ff the pressure in pipe Problem 2.20. An i 0.8 was connected to fig. 2.20. Determ 2.12 ADVANTAGES AND LIM ig 2.22. Bourdon's Tube Pressure Gauge ISHAN'S Hyérautis ang py ae # 215 oan Weight ress Ose eer Ini ype oa et ‘The upward movement of piston d0e 10 intensity of pressure may De Sat Intensity of pressure P= “This pressure ange ithe most other gauges. 2.13.3 Diaphragm Pressure Gauge Diaphragm pressre s8b8¢ ‘moves on the graduated rig indicat EXERCISES A. MutmipLe CHOICE QUESTIONS : 1. Thestandard value of atmospheric p @) 160 mmof mercury 5 ©) 1034 mof water Jar Al 2. Piezometer cannot be used to measure ©) pressure ofa liquid ©) negat (©) pressure ofa gas. AE Bott 3. Bourdon’s tube is generally made of © tin, vacaum pressure rove the atmospheric pressure as datum its called swhen open to atmosphere. (atmospheric pressure. (@, None ofthe above. (©) Gauge pressure @ Atmospheric STATE TeUr oR False 1 Pascal's law is also known as la oft 2. Bellows preure avg # mechai) 3. A simple manometer is used to measure di atc pipe or in vo eileen ps. 4. Mechanical gauges are used to measure ‘5. Bourdon’ tube pressure ga ions of Pascal's aw, : li jack, hyde oephere resem Mien, yal KA, hyraalic okie te Pat anyplace ie duc tothe we oe ight of sir column shove tat place atmospheric pressure? ANSWERS : s taken as 1.01325 x 10° Ni? oF 1.01525 bar a em of mercury or 1034 m of wate, tween abs 1 Tre 2 Toe 3, False D. Very SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS te pressure, atmospheric pressure and gauge QU. Define pressure of a Q2. Write the SL. unit of pressure of liquid. ed Ans. N. Q3-Define intensity of pressure of a he presure of liquids. ith the help of following devies of pressure is also known as, Lets the pressure ac measure pressure at a point in iguid er column of igi Q4. Write thes. ‘Ans. Nini Q-5. Define pressure head of a ‘Ans. When pressure is expressed in tr ci head. ; P Q6. Write Jy are used to’ measire the pressure by ‘he expression for pressure head Ans. Pressure h Ans. je manometer tant types of imp 2 Ueebemananett ie column ome function of pelle a simplest f ct 0.20. Write the ‘Ans. A peizometr i pressure. Q.21, Name two types of single col ‘Ans. 1. Vertical single color Inclined single Which the weight ited ae. Ams. 71 N, 0.2133 mlm, 142 WI ‘belt of 3 m. Determine the total pressive Ans. 2943 KN] ‘water interface, mm ofthe tak 3 kPa, 41.831 kPa] [Ans 0, 24.75 kPa, [Ans 294 kNim?, 2.354 KONI 40.02 RN) sid is given as 40 kN’, Find the corresponding of specific gravity 09, (Ans. 407 m, 483 m] (Ans. 1235 m, 625m] sea where the pressure intensity is a5 100. {Ans 10m} is mereury of specific [Ans. 30.607 Kim] 0278 ISHAN'S Hyer pressure and its Me 169.05 i 1 | | : 16 F a ied at two pons A and (Ans 8K ercary 96. =18) Fig.2.24 15, Pipes cc es 17. Cateulate the pressure df x wo pins A and B a shown in ig 2.2 (Ans. 13.83 No 1 F LOW OF FLUIDS ——_ Flow oF Fuaios be predicted easily by the | 6s ISHAN'S Hydraulics, 5 ANd Pg “y pw of Fuds Of ipsa: * Pipe at econ 1, ion t Due to the above engineering m1 1 and 2 ~ 2 are 300 mm and $00 mam ough the pipe at section 11 i mi find: = 500 mm = m, = Sm, 70 35” TPES OF HYDRAULIC ENERGIES ‘head of liguid and ism 3. Pressure Ener pressure is called press Pressure head will be pl, wh is measured in metre of liquid, _A7% TOTAL HEAD OF LIQUID Then, Toti ape ISHAN’S Hydraulics ang py Cay row of Fluids diameter, : "Deen wei Peet inm aves a 1m, ‘Y=3mls; p= 300 kNim? = 300 x 10° Nin, z= 10m, Bye whe = 1940x108 5810 * 2x91 = 41.06 mof water Ans Total head, k= fameter carries an ol of specific gravity 09 atthe o> and unde a presure of 25 KPa, Calcaltethe tial eelioetne phat latum line, =02m,S=09,Q= Js = 0.15 mils, p=25 kPa =25 x 8 of the pipe, A= 2D? = 2x02? *<(02) = 0.0314 =Av = OS 477 ms D034 il x Specific weight of water = 09 x 9810 =8829 Ni. Specific wei 2a resin ea 25% = 354 gen * 23981 24946 m Ans. row of Fluids Lap Problem 3.8. Water is flowing th A-and B respectively, The 10 = 469186 Nin’ =469 lem? Ans. and tapers from 800 mm diameter at naityof water loving 900 sre athe loner nd. 500 m= 0:8, D:=600 mm= ISHAN'S Hydraulics a 2nd Po "ett, Fuids owt 108 Pa Ans, Let pis the pressure at the 2.2. Let the the eentre of pipe at lower. carries water at 2 Velocity of 40 mvs. The pressures while the datum heads at Find the os ot head between A and B, 5-40 as, p= 45Nlem? = 45x10" Ni, pu = 30 Nien? = Cross-sectional area of pipe at (ere v = y= 14) Cross-sectional area Velocity of water at section | 1 a Velocity of water javing diameters 30 cm and 20 cm at the tot preset th btm nd 250 KF 00 kPa Determine dhe diference in datum Applying Ber snp = 250 kPa= 250 10? Ninf a= of 20" with the horizontal. The 100 mm a Cross-sectional area of pipe Velocity of water of Pi-P2 =3.307 x 9 Problem 3.13. 4 Pressure of water Tate of flow of water, Solution. Given, Dy = 20 em = 02 m, D, = 10 o Nim, p= 20 Niem? = 20 x 10° Nim? lorizontal pipe of the two seetio =a =i ee ein he ar Fig. 3.7 Let Qis the rate of fh f water in mvs, Cross-sectional area o Pi 1-1, A;=2 xp? pi 3. Divas pn W OR DISCHARGE THROUGH VENTURIMETER stead of, Prizamten an ve en de mon 1uid flowing 4 ehter than the tiga var Discharge, Q = Aw, Fig. 3.10 Equation (i) g Actual discharge 08 is owing through a horizontal venturimeter ree cme The mercuty aliferentiad the discharge of oll through the ‘em and throat di of 30 em. Calculate 8 ae -=30 em =03 m, where Cz = Co = Coeffci cua, by=25 e025 mS EY 0.96 t0 0.98. (Crosssectional area at inet, A (Crosssectional area at We know that Problem 3.16, A horizontal 120mm is employed ‘manometer connected determine the rate of flow of water, Solution. Given, D, = 300 mm = 0, 0.15m, C, =0.98. Cross-sei al area at throat, Az = x2X981Xh tal manometer; rail Sk hn fe 1 13.6, 101 = (ie2—1) S103 ey x 14111 $=03652m #362 mm Ans =—250 mm of mercury, C, = 0.97, Cross-sectional area at inlet, A= Exp} L037 = 5% 03) a = 0.0707 m? Cross-sectional area throat, A; = xD} = 2x15? = 7X Qusy = 0.0177 m? Now, we know that % _ 02x10 low, we know that = “Gar9 = 22039 m of water. Discharge, A =~ 250mm of mercury =~ 0.25 m of mercury raangr has an area ratio of4to 1 the larger diameter being 20 mn ‘tales, th recorded presure head inthe large section ye feeds metres IT the venturimeter coefficient is 0.99, comput the venturimeter, A4 Dn Bat 7 P1=200 mm =0.2m, 2- 5m, at 0.2m, 25m, P223.25 m,Cy=0.99, . Bates | tional area at throat, A: = 0.00785 m? 323. In a 100 mm diameter fixed. The pipe carries an terence in elevations of the throat fa The differen _ ¥(0.1257)? ~ (0.031 0632 ms = 632 = Fx (032 FX (03) = 0.0707 m? 8 Ctra re bs an = 7% (0.15)? = 0017Im? Be 63 c's 0.00785 Weknow that 0.0128 vel Toor9g = 653 ms PITOT TUBE Given, y= 25 cm =025 m,§, = ISHAN'S Hy 90 3-11 ORIFICE METER Orifice meter is a Principle as that of tifice which ISHAN'S Hydray Discharge, Q = Ani =C. x A, x C.xA, xy Puiting the value of. in ISHANS Hy EXERCISES oe grwids A. MutmPte CHoice Questions: Orem, known ag L Fink bea (© een, id r Coa @) comm theorem sien a AS tg @* yarallel to th a se Taina ow. (© tniform flow. 4, I the liquid particles move in zig (@) unsteady ‘when the path of individual particle donot cross per long a steam ine. discharges Oe ISHAN'S Hycrauics and Pay, 19. ‘The velocity of liquid owing through The pressure of liquid flowing throug The inlet length of venturimeter is Venturimeter is used to measure aruss rice mete 18 USE fo measure or) B® 2. 2 ists lke veloc, pressure, density fea a point do velocity pressure, density ec. at point tan of time doesnot change from one 1 at ven instant of time changes from one point to such a way that one layer sides bed and they coninee mixing with each postion is called motion is calle. of its existing pressure fs called nae igi. Pe id a fai owing teh Pie tube is use to measure BS Orifice meters wea To measure P= of flow in which the Tiquidpatcles move in 8 without causing any interference flow or viscous Now. ‘hich the parties of iid are ised and they ere ets), In this type of flow, the vary in magitue ang dretion from point point charge ‘cross any section of pipe or chanel per unit time is noted by Qa Ain hich iuid is flowing fall with an 10. Phot mabe is used LT 2 Te 3 6 Fie 7. Fase, -d upon which principle? conservation of mass. D. Very SHoRT Answer Questions moved from the pie at any length, then the mass the pipe wil be same QU. Define steady flow. Ans. Steady flow velocity, pressure, de ion abave arbitrary atu is under constant head oy si of in ERT SE i 108 Qu Define pressure eneray of ‘Ans. The energy possessed bY & pressure ener: oF fo at son S80 poi in oT inte non NY Bt Becomes dash he ino pee a te of iguidandis 2 (Q.16. Define ki ‘Ans. Thus, we ee mete of liquid its ends If the velocity of water head athe smaller en. {Ans, 47-12 ire! 1.838 m) resin, of wale and has a ‘energy head with respect to [ns 11.13 mi] swith the oriznta The tube is mn diameter is at lowe level than the espace from salle to larger section If mine the difference [Ans, 122 Nem") resis having deters 200 mm dnd is 4m above the datum and ‘The ow th rns atthe smaller section, ee Ans. 0,96 0 (Ans. 0872), ggg 4:2 LAMINAR AND TURBULENT FLOW EXPERIMENT grou PPS proportional squa Loss of he where varies from 1.75 4.3 CRITICAL VELOCITY ISHAN'S Hye pres me «4.3: Distribution of Velocity ina PPE 18 Ww Los ofhead per uit engi wee 4% (40081000 0.75)" Sagi’ 4d =0.1764m=1764 mm Ans. ¢ loss of head due to friction in a pipe of 100 ‘velocity of water in the pipe is 1.4 mvs. Also find the dis th and 139) ane 100 m,d= 180mm = 0.18 m, = 1.4 mis, C= 55, ss of head dve to friction. = 0.0356 m's =356 litrev/s Ans. y 2191 ms ve moe = OXLI1K02 0.006 =57300 Ans, etion for Reynolds number varying between 4000 and 10 ISHAN'S Hyg) Where Putting the value of “ AmnAxy or A Putting the value of A. in equt c 4.7.5 Loss of Head Due to Bend ( Loss of head due to send oc ‘head may be expressed a8 id angle OF deviation. Fo 4.7.6 Loss of Head at the x non POE jead in Various pi (as 5 Pipe F ce OP es a a e NES Valera Yl of 4 mis atte ibe is replaced by a 40 cm diameter pipe the saving jn O61 and po MEO fea, Aso that a 60m, friction in all he three (ere eyed) ISHAW'S Hydra Loss of head due ameter 30 em ata vey of ameter 15 em fs placed fn Saving in loss IsHAN'S 0.15 m,C Problem 4.11. Find diameter of 50 em. Solution. Given, d) = 25 ‘Area of small Area of larger diamet. Velocity of f centre of pige is called to 4,9 FLOW FROM ONE RESERVOIR TO AN OF UNIFORM CROSS-SECTION _ Pay teeHeales 3 By atiacing tom tt % a) meters 300 ram, 240mm and 40 mam and lengths 60, ed in serie, Thediferene in mater surface levels of flo of wae if coticients of friction for these " Fig 413 erin 1st, 2a ae tb vests 8 ISHAN'S Har NOZZLE sg stn nT ISHAN'S Hydraulic eS —- oe KR See ISHAN'S Hy Maximum Power Trans » he o th of w n ites teh oe oz vibe maximum tbe ( bal pied isto te pie 4 sion Through Nozzle | 4 5 0 @ ISHAN'S Hyctauies and Pg mag Bplay? 2gDxA? Bflat | oe ae = 3072 mis Ans, ‘maximum power transmitted Py toa pipe of 9m En Solution. Given, L=360 m, D = 120 Let dis the diameter of the We know that for transmission ies ISHAN'S Hydraulics ang Pratmaeg = © x(0.0256)*= 0.005147 m* rm te ae, aa 100 = 551 v = VI0OX2%981 = 44.3 mis Maximum power transmitted, i; velocity oF sound P= spa has the effect of ham =f erecoxoomsii7 x49? = 20374 W = 22.374 kW Ans. pipe. Fi ‘head of water at the inlet of pipe is 220 m, Take coeffic Solution. Give, L = 2200 m, D = 1.2 m,Q= 0.02, ‘Area of pipe, A = = xp? a a 156 ISHAN'S Hyde 5 of head due to sudden ent the valve ofthe above, nozle is maximum if the toss of head head supplied atthe nkt of pipe ‘one thd. @ ove eightn, ‘maximum power transmission should be Dressure energy into kinetic energy (6) “© Kinetic eneray into poteatialenery.( 20. (© FALLIN THE BLANKS: 1. The velocity at which flow changes from laminar to turb 2. Reynold’ i Sipe, ly = ©. According to Darcy-Weisbach sad due to friction in a pipes 7. Loss of head at the entrance of pipe, f=... 4. True 5 True 9. Tre 10. Tre Qa. Define lower critical velocity. __ Ans. The velocity at which the flow enters from laminar flow tot Q6. Give the expression for Reynold's number. Ans. Reynold’s number, R, = fe Q.7. What should be the value of Reynold's number for flow in pipe to bel Ans. Less than 2000. Q.8. What should be the value of Reynold's number for flow in pipe to be ‘Ans. Greater than 4000. Q9. Write Chezy's formula for velocity of flow in pipe. Ans.v=C Vmi 5: HYDRAULIC C MACHINES ; _-Sc1 HYDRAULIC PRE 3s about O, we get ISHAN'S Hydra and Proumate, displ cod by plunge in oe stk ISHAN'S Hycraus Sedan ae Nb eg raul jack are 0 mm an 50 fahyd ra wnen te free applied the ISHAN'S Hyara ve ‘heir actual position and brake Hi 58” HYDRAULIC RAM 55 A hydraulic ram is @ pump large'g Po Het of cpt wer deg dog ih warned DY Aubison and bene known af D’ to Rankine, weight of water (is ‘th water a eighth fom the pe een ie = 2 on = tie ead iy Oe pe wear d ak z Yaak eves is sinllar to that of ywhel of ya comping. State the function of Hydraulic press i the amount of hydraulic energy. which an ‘of hydraulic accumulator. ie Brake system works on the principle of. hydraulic brake system, brake Mus filed in... “Hydraulic door closer is ited atthe of the d 6. Capacity of hydraulic ram is the maxim store. 7. Hydraulic brake system works 8. Hydraulic ram works on the p | 9. Hydraulie door closer is fitted 10. Capacity of hydraulic accumulator = Pressure of ANSWERS 4. Tre 5. False 9. False 10, True 3. True 8. True LONG ANswer QuesTiION: IsHaN's me the mechanial ener into yealic enerey ae hich conver the hydraulic energy into 65 ROTARY PUMPS ISHAN'S Hy peeve" Turbines savane Pump yyane pu - ISHAN'S Hydraulics ang 6.5.3 Gear Pump ‘A.gear pump spur gears known but such a high Fig. 6.4: Gear Pump vas ana Wate Tues C {go CENTRIFUGAL PUMP 6.9 CAVITATION svites ae formed on these surfaces. be allowed ofall absolute pessre head ss eel or alumina H SNYHS! Fig, 6.9 : Reaction Turbine 19 of water and guides he ISHAN'S Hydrauli st of runner discharged with the bl of date Below te crete efficiency of tbe, 18 KAPLAN TURBI 5 atmospheric pressure Hence, a tube of gr ‘of turbine 10 the Fig 6.12: Kaplan Turbine 4 Dr ‘atmospheric BAeRcIses 202 9. Cavitation occurs if pressure (6) ea ead trie. OF Rift stove bins, casing has bo hydra 1 energy no Arai ener called 18. A draft tube (@) imp (©) Both (a) a mmering action iin th eeion en collapsing of these it 208 ISHAN'S Hydraulics ana Q.10. Define pri Ans. The oper pu F, LONG ANsWeR QuEsTIONS 1 2. 4 5 sheep of nat ake, ; resautons should be taken 1 B reat sketches, 10. 2. aoa OIL POWER HYDRAULIC €iND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS oe ek, hee esc be HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ts such as valves etc. () Polyurethane, (9) Silicone, 7-15 REQUIREMENTS OF GOOD SEALING These should resist harmful shrinkage caused by acids, 4. These shot 7-16 COMMON FAULTS IN A HYDRAULIC sys; The common faults whic 1. Sharp noise in the syste 2 Excessive leakage in 3. High rate of seal failure ration, suspended material etc, A. ION. 7.18 CAUSES OF CONTAMINATI ted or may enter the hyrauic syste inte felon raat ed or may ‘maintenance 7.19 PROBLEMS CAUSED BY CONTAMINATION Ot Rewer Hyer and Prenat ya yknder Penctonl central ing points should be 20 ISHAN'S Hycraui a Ait Mains, Lines and Fittings: 5 and Pheu ey Name of the Work ma Hat year Half yea o per ned tom nd pison rod__Yealy ora perneed eto contingency aves and thee parts Yearly or eal if dismantled ngeney 3 Onand off Vaive O 4% IsHaN's is Pha ANSWERS, 4a L@ 2 3 IN THE BLANKS: 1, The branch of engineer machines and equipments isc unit is also known as service ui, 2 stores the oi system. Bo seeetcnene SUCKS the 0 under pressure. s be 4. Tue §, Tne 9. Fale 10, Tie 15, Tre ters separate the ge of ‘Actuator converts deals with the action of compressed ait anti system, ‘ in the oi, A coarse filter is ealed © STATE Tee or Faise: cles pres he branch of engineering nich do aot chemically ea wih eat oes Q.10.Write O11 Write d Oar tet Ans. =

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