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Sixth Semester (Civil Engineer;ng) (CGS) (New)

Free Elective-Il : Environmental Management : 6 FECE 05

P. Pages : 2 AW - 2904
Time : Tlree Hours llililiitffirfl til il Max, Marks : 80

Notes : l. All question cary equal marks.

2. Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4. Illustate your answ necessary with rhe help ofneat sketches.
5. Usc ofpen Blue/Black inVrefill only for writing the ans\,\,er book.


1 a) Explain scope and components ofenvitonmental management. 7

b) Describe the methods ofEIA. 6


2 a) Exptaio public participation and its need in EtA. 6

b) Explain various steps involved in EIA. 1

3. a) Write a short note on statisrical analysis ofpr.rbtic trnlicy. 6

b) Exptain in details abotrt r€sotrrre allocation and environmental economics. 7


4 a) What is microlevel and macrolevel ofenvironmental policy analysis? Explain in brief. 7

b) Descdbe in briefvarious stqrs in envirorynental policy analysis. 6

5. a) Describe in details factors affeding the envircnmental managpment plan. 7

b) Explain prepararion ofEMP. 7


6. a) What ale various componeBts ofEMP? Explain in detail. 7

b) Discuss EMP iD detail. 7


7 a) Explain io detail enviromental legislations and acts. 1

b) Describe enviroomental protection act (EPA) 1986. 1


AW - 2904 P.T.O
8. a) Explain the factory Act 19E4 and its amendments in 1987 7

b) Describe environmental management system (EMS) : lSO 14000. 7

9 a) Explain the working ofCentral Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control 1

b) Wrile scope, orgadzational and functional uses wi',h working ol'miristry ofenvironment 6
and forest (MoEF).


10. a) Explain various agencies for environmental management in India. 7

b) Explain working of MOEF. 6

11. a) Write a short note on : I

i) Remote Sensing


b) Explain the Database Management System (DBS). 5

12. a) Give details about software ofEIA. 8

b) What is the need of remote sensing and GIS in EM. 5

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