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THE NIR LEVI METHOD ( Price AED 900 | 4x session pack AED 3060)

Our body remembers what our conscious mind forgot.

The Nir Levi Method Sessions are based on one of the oldest healing arts in
the world. The art of Anma originated in China 5000 years ago; It is based
on the philosophy of Taoism, the model of “Yin and Yang” and the Chinese
“5 elements theory”.

Nir Levy connected old knowledge and modern understanding of human

behavior in the modern era, creating the 5 elements Body reading system
he managed to form a very unique and efficient line of treatment that take
care of all human necessities.There are only a few therapists worldwide that
are practicing this method in the highest level. In the full-body physical work
part of this system, Nir Levi is using different kinds of stimulation techniques
on the Qi points, which are located on the meridian system of the body.

Nir Levi is using a large variety of exercises and stretches on all parts of
the body. The main purpose of the work is to stimulate the Qi points, and
release muscle tension, to create energy movement in the meridians system
of the body, to create better blood circulation and Qi circulation, for
improving the body ability to heal itself. such as headaches, cold, asthma,
numbness in the body, high and low blood pressure, digestive problems,
breathing problems, gynecological problems, insomnia, and sexual

NIR LEVI is an Instructor and therapist of Anma Ampuku and Body

reading. Specialized in emotional work through corporal body work, and
Chinese physical therapy body work with over 30 years experience of
therapy, and 20 years experience of teaching. Student of the Japanese
grand master Dr. Doann Tesunu Kaneko. Co-owner of “Anma – Ampuku
School Of Healing Arts ”, in Madrid. Formed hundreds of students in the
USA, Turkey and Spain.

Contact 0585435888 or

For information and bookings

In this free talk, we will try to pass on an ancient idea of using our pain as an
important part of our healing process in 21stcentury life.


In this free talk we will be introduced to a very efficient form of body reading system
that allows us to learn about the internal situation of the body by observing the
external body, and we will be introduced to the basic ideas beyond the healing
process necessity.


This workshop is based on the art of the 5 elements of the nature Body reading
system, our body is a recording machine that records all what is happening in
our lives, from the moment of conception. The ability to see our preventing
blockages, and understand the power of internal and external movement will
allow us to live a relatively healthy life.
In the workshop, we will study how to read the 5 elements of Nature in the
body, and what is the meaning of they in our lives. The workshop is a free
dynamic expression allowing the participants to open their hearts if they choose
to. For people who are getting treated by The Nir Levi Method, this workshop is an
additional way to walk deeper into their journey, for others it can provide a start
or a continuation to a deeper healing process.

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