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American Literature Mid-Term Syllabus:


Walt Whitman

Analyzing Walt Whitman's poem "Leaves of Grass" requires an understanding of its form,
structure, and themes. The poem is divided into sections and each section explores a different
theme or topic, such as the beauty of nature, the importance of individuality, and the
interconnectedness of all beings.

Sylvia Plath

Here are some steps to analyze the poem "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath:

1. Read and re-read the poem: Before analyzing the poem, it is important to read and re-read the
poem several times to get a clear idea of its meaning and structure.

2. Look at the title: The title "Daddy" sets the tone for the entire poem and gives an idea about
the in-depth, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the text. Read the poem multiple
times and make note of any images, language, or recurring themes that stand out to you.

2. Identify the speaker and the audience: In “Daddy,” Sylvia Plath is the speaker, and her
audience could be seen as her father, who died when she was young, or it could be a wider
audience, including all men who hold power over women.

3. Analyze the language and imagery: Pay close attention to the language and imagery use
throughutttt the poem. For example, Plath uses a lot of metaphors and similes to describe her
father, such as "marble-heavy" and "bald white" which convey the enormity of his presence.
Plath also uses Holocaust imagery to describe her complex relationship with her father.

4. Interpret the meaning: Look for the overall meaning or theme of the poem. For example,
"Daddy" can be seen as a powerful statement about the relationship between a daughter and her
father, as well as the power struggles that exist between men and women more generally. It can
also be seen as a reflection on the speaker's own struggles with mental health and personal
5. Consider the historical context: Knowing some background information about Plath's life can
be helpful when analyzing the poem. Plath's father died when she was young, and she had a
difficult relationship with him. It is also important to consider the broader historical and cultural
context in which the poem was written, including the feminist movement and the Cold War.

6. Discuss the form and structure: Look at the structure of the poem, including the use of stanzas,
rhyme, and meter. For example, "Daddy" is written in free verse, which gives Plath more
freedom to experiment with language and imagery.

7. Conclusion: Summarize your analysis by pulling together the themes, language, and structure
of the poem to create a clear understanding of what the poem is saying.


Beloved (Toni Morrison)

When attempting a critical discussion on Afro-American literature, there are several key
considerations to keep in mind.

1. Understand the historical and cultural context:

Afro-Americanterature is shaped by the history and culture of black people in America.

Therefore, it is important to understand the social, political, and economic conditions that
influenced the creation of this literature.

2. Read widely: Afro-American literature is a complex and diverse field that encompasses a
wide range of genres, styles, and themes. To engage in a critical discussion on this literary
tradition, it is important to read widely and have a thorough understanding of the various texts
and authors.

3. Analyze the themes and motifs: Afro-American literature often deals with themes of identity,
race, power, oppression, and resistance. It is important to analyze how these themes are explored
through different literary devices such as plot, character development, and language.

4. Consider the historical and cultural significance:

Afro-American literature has played a significant role in shaping the cultural identity of black
people in America. It is important to consider the historical and cultural background of Afro-
American texts and authors in shaping the Afro-American literary tradition.

By following these steps, you can engage in a critical discussion on Afro-American literature that
is informed, insightful, and respectful.

Literary Theory Midterm Syllabus:





Before attempting the paper, make sure you have a solid understanding of the specific literary
theory being discussed in the paper. Read through the relevant texts and lecture notes and ensure
that you understand the key concepts and ideas.

Once you have a grasp of the literary theory, read the text you will be analyzing. Use the lens of
literary theory to critically analyze the text and identify key themes and ideas. It can be a general
discussion of a particular Theory, about it’s features and key elements.

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