En1991!1!2 General Actions - Actions On Structures Exposed To Fire ANNEX

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ICS 13.220.50
N.A. to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

National Standards
Authority of Ireland
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Tel: +353 1 807 3800
Fax: +353 1 807 3838
NATIONAL ANNEX TO EUROCODE 1: http://www.nsai.ie

ACTIONS ON STRUCTURES - PART 1-2: http://www.standards.ie


This Irish National Annex
STRUCTURES EXPOSED TO FIRE was published under the
authority of the National
Standards Authority of
Ireland and comes into
effect on:
February 6, 2007



© NSAI 2 0 0 2 Price Code F

Údarás um Chaighdeáin Náisiúnta na hÉireann

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

Contents Page

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................3
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NA.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................3

NA.2 Nationally Determined Parameters ...........................................................................................................4
NA.2.1 Subclause 2.4 (4) Temperature analysis..................................................................................................4
NA.2.2 Subclause 3.1(10) Thermal actions for temperature analysis, General rules ...................................4
NA.2.3 Subclause Simplified fire models, General............................................................................4
NA.2.4 Subclause Simplified models, Compartment fires ...............................................................4
NA.2.5 Subclause Simplified models, External members ................................................................4
NA.2.6 Subclause Simplified models, Localised fires ......................................................................4
NA.2.7 Subclause 3.3.2(1) Advanced fire models ...............................................................................................4
NA.2.8 Subclause 3.3.2(2) Advanced fire models ...............................................................................................4
NA.2.9 Subclause 4.2.2(2) Additional actions......................................................................................................4
NA.2.10 Subclause 4.3.1(2) Combination rules for actions ...............................................................................4
NA.3 Decisions on the use of informative annexes A to G ............................................................................5
NA.3.1 Annex A .........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.3.2 Annex B .........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.3.3 Annex C .........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.3.4 Annex D .........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.3.5 Annex E .........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.3.6 Annex F..........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.3.7 Annex G .........................................................................................................................................................5
NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information ...........................................................5
NA.4.1 Annex A: Parametric temperature-time curves ......................................................................................5
NA.4.2 Annex B: Thermal actions for external members – simplified calculation method.........................5
NA.5 Replacement Irish guidance ......................................................................................................................6
NA.5.1 Annex C: Localised fires ............................................................................................................................6
NA.5.2 Annex E: Fire load densities ......................................................................................................................6
NA.5.3 Annex F: Equivalent time of fire exposure ........................................................................................... 14
NA.6 References ................................................................................................................................................. 18

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002


This National Annex has been prepared by the NSAI National Eurocodes Advisory Committee. In the Republic
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of Ireland it is to be used in conjunction with I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002.

NA.1 Scope

This National Annex is to be used with I.S. EN 1991-1-2, with other parts of I.S. EN 1991 and I.S. EN 1990 to
I.S. EN 1999 and their respective national annexes for the design of buildings and civil engineering works in
the Republic of Ireland. I.S. EN 1991-1-2 gives guidance and actions for the structural design of buildings and
civil engineering works exposed to fire.

This National Annex gives:

a) Nationally Determined Parameters (NDP's) for the following subclauses of I.S. EN 1991-1-2 where
national choice is permitted (see NA.2):

 2.4(4)

 3.1(10)





 3.3.2(1)

 3.3.2(2)

 4.2.2(2)

 4.3.1(2)

b) Decisions on the use of the Informative Annexes A to G (see NA.3)

c) References to non-contradictory complementary information to assist the user in applying I.S. EN 1991-1-
2 (see NA.4). In this National Annex such information is provided in relation to the following Informative

 Annex A.

 Annex B.

d) Replacement Irish guidance where the Informative Annexes C, E and F should not be used (see NA.5).

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

NA.2 Nationally Determined Parameters

NA.2.1 Subclause 2.4 (4) Temperature analysis

Periods of fire resistance may be set according to those specified in the Irish Building Regulations Technical
Guidance Document B (TGD B) or derived from the alternative calculation procedures included within this
National Annex.
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NA.2.2 Subclause 3.1(10) Thermal actions for temperature analysis, General rules

The use of the nominal time-temperature relationships in subclause 3.2 is permitted as appropriate to the
application or alternatively the use of the natural fire models in subclause 3.3 is permitted.

NA.2.3 Subclause Simplified fire models, General

The use of simplified models is permitted subject to the additional non-contradictory complementary
information in relation to the limits of applicability of Annexes A and B (see NA.4).

NA.2.4 Subclause Simplified models, Compartment fires

The heating conditions for determining the gas temperatures are set out in Annexes A and B and the
additional non-contradictory complementary information provided (see NA.4).

NA.2.5 Subclause Simplified models, External members

Annex B may be used for determining external flame temperatures together with the non-contradictory
complementary information provided (see NA.4).

NA.2.6 Subclause Simplified models, Localised fires

The use of Annex C is not permitted. The heating conditions may be calculated in accordance with the
replacement Irish guidance (see NA.5).

NA.2.7 Subclause 3.3.2(1) Advanced fire models

Annex E should not be used and is replaced with alternative Irish guidance (see NA.5).

NA.2.8 Subclause 3.3.2(2) Advanced fire models

This subclause may be applied. Annex D may be used as a source of general guidance.

NA.2.9 Subclause 4.2.2(2) Additional actions

No additional actions need be considered.

NA.2.10 Subclause 4.3.1(2) Combination rules for actions

The frequent value ψ 1,1 Q1 should be used in combination with the design imposed load Q1 unless specific
studies show that ψ2,1 Q1 can be used.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

NA.3 Decisions on the use of informative annexes A to G

NA.3.1 Annex A

Annex A may be used together with the non-conflicting complementary information set out in NA.4.

NA.3.2 Annex B
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Annex B may be used together with the non-conflicting complementary information set out in NA.4.

NA.3.3 Annex C

Annex C may not be used and is replaced with alternative Irish guidance (see NA.5).

NA.3.4 Annex D

Annex D may be used as a source of general guidance.

NA.3.5 Annex E

Annex E shall not be used and is replaced with alternative Irish guidance (see NA.5).

NA.3.6 Annex F

Annex F shall not be used and is replaced with alternative Irish guidance (see NA.5).

NA.3.7 Annex G

Annex G may be used as a source of general guidance.

NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information

NA.4.1 Annex A: Parametric temperature-time curves

Annex A may be used with the following non-contradictory complementary information:

1) The calculations may also be used for compartment floor areas greater than 500 m².

2) The application of the parametric fire calculations may be extended to compartment heights greater
than 4 m. However, for compartments where the floor to ceiling height is in excess of 4 m, the output
may be particularly onerous. It may therefore be more appropriate to consider using computational
fluid dynamics or other similar advanced methods to obtain a more accurate solution.

3) The thermal absorptivity “b” to account for the thermal properties of the compartment boundaries
assumes ambient temperature values. Elevated temperature material properties may be used where
appropriate reliable data is available.
½ ½
4) The lower limit of the range of "O" opening factors may be extended from 0,02 m to 0,01 m .

NA.4.2 Annex B: Thermal actions for external members – simplified calculation method

Annex B may be used with the following non-contradictory complementary information:

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

1) The calculation procedure may produce overly conservative results. This is particularly common at
window heights of around 0, 6 m or less irrespective of the size of the window width.

2) Where the temperatures of the fire or the flames exceed 1750 K and 1850 K respectively, the outputs
should be considered as overly conservative. These values may be adopted as upper limits.

3) A negative flame height "LL" indicates that the flame tip is no higher than the top of the window.
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NA.5 Replacement Irish guidance

NA.5.1 Annex C: Localised fires

Replacement Irish guidance is provided in the PD 7974-1:2003 (published by BSI) clauses to

NA.5.2 Annex E: Fire load densities

Alternative guidance may be used to determine the fire load densities for use in calculating fire scenarios. The
fire load density will provide subsequent input to parametric temperature-time relationships or time equivalent

Although a precise reference is not, as yet, available for the alternative guidance the general procedure
(based on a modification of the EN subclauses) is presented below.

NA.5.2.1 General

1) The fire load density used in fire engineering calculations should be a design value based on
measured values or statistical data.

2) The design value may be determined:

 From a national fire load classification of occupancies and/or

 From a fire load survey

3) The design value of the fire load per unit floor area qf,d is defined as:

qf,d = qf,k.m.γ1 (MJ/m²) [NA.1]


qf,k is the characteristic fire load density per unit floor area (MJ/m²), see Table NA.2

m is the combustion factor (see NA,5.2.8)

γ1 is a factor (= 0,61) to account for the effect of sprinklers installed for life safety purposes

Additional safety measures such as automatic fire detection and alarm, smoke exhaust, means of
escape, and fire fighting devices should be considered as part of the overall fire safety strategy for
the building.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

NA.5.2.2 Determination of fire load densities

1) The fire load should consist of all combustible contents and the relevant parts of the building fabric
including linings and finishes.

2) The following subclauses apply for the determination of fire load densities:
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 Specific for an individual project (see Table NA.1)

 From a fire load classification based on occupancy (see Table NA.2)

3) Where fire load densities are determined from a fire load classification of occupancies, fire loads are
distinguished as:

 Fire loads from the occupancy provided by the classification

 Fire loads from the building fabric, linings and finishes, which are generally not included in the
classification are then determined from the following subclauses.

NA.5.2.3 Definitions

1) The characteristic fire load density is defined as:

Qfi,k = ΣMk,I . Hu,i. Ψ i (MJ) [NA.2]


Mk,i is the amount of combustible material (kg), according to (3) and (4)

Hu,i is the calorific value (MJ/kg), see equation [4]

Ψi is the optional factor for assessing protected fire loads, see (2.3 in EN 1991-1-2)

2) The characteristic fire load density qf,k = Qfi,k/A (MJ/m²) [NA.3]

Where A is the floor area (Af) of the fire compartment or reference space, or inner surface area (At)
of the fire compartment giving qf,k or qt,k.

3) Permanent fire loads, which are not expected to vary during the life of the structure, should be
introduced by their expected values resulting from the survey.

4) Variable fire loads, which may vary during the life of the structure, should be represented by values,
which are not expected to be exceeded for 80 % of time.

NA.5.2.4 Protected fire loads

1) Fire loads in containments, which are designed to survive expected fire exposure, need not be

2) Fire loads in non-combustible containments with no specific fire design, but which remain intact
during fire exposure, may be considered as follows:

The largest fire load, but at least 10% of the protected fire loads, is associated with Ψi = 1,0.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

If this fire load plus the unprotected fire loads are sufficient to heat the remaining protected fire loads
beyond ignition temperature, then the remaining protected fire loads may be associated with Ψi = 0.

Otherwise Ψi values need to be assessed individually.

NA.5.2.5 Net calorific values

1) Net calorific values should be determined according to I.S. EN ISO 1716:2002 .
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2) The moisture content of materials may be taken into account as follows:

Hu = Hu,0 (1 – 0,01u) – 0,025u (MJ/kg) [NA.4]


u is the moisture content expressed as a percentage of dry weight

Hu,0 is the net calorific value of dry materials

3) Net calorific values of some solids, liquids and gases are given in Table NA.1, additional information
is provided in the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering .

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

Table NA.1 Net calorific values H u (MJ/kg) of combustible materials for calculation of fire loads (Taken
from PD 7974-1:2003 )

Material type Material Calorific value (MJ/kg)

Anthracite 34
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Asphalt 41
Bitumen 42
Cellulose 17
Charcoal 35
Coal, coke 31
Cork 29
Cotton 18
Grease 41
Kitchen refuse 18

Solids Leather 19
Linoleum 20
Paper, cardboard 17
Paraffin wax 47
Foam rubber 37
Rubber isoprene 45
Rubber tyre 32
Silk 19
Straw 16
Wood 18
Wool 23
Particle board 18
Gasoline (petrol) 44
Diesel oil 41
Linseed oil 39
Methanol 20
Paraffin (kerosene) 41
Spirits 29
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) 36
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) 28
Celluloid 19
Epoxy 34
Melamine resin 18
Phenol formaldehyde 29
Polyester 31
Polyester, glass fibre reinforced 21
Plastics Polyethylene 44
Polystyrene 40
Polyisocyanurate foam 24
Polycarbonate 29
Polypropylene 23
Polyurethane foam 26
Polyvinyl chloride 17
Urea formaldehyde 15
Urea formaldehyde foam 14

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

NA.5.2.6 Fire load classification of occupancies

1) The fire load densities should be classified according to occupancy, be related to floor area, and be
used as characteristic fire load densities qf,k (MJ/m²), as given in Table NA.2.

2) The information on fire load densities is not comprehensive and does not align with the purpose
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group classification in TGD B.

3) The fire load densities given in Table NA.2 assume perfect combustion, but in real fires, the heat of
combustion is generally considerably less.

4) The fire loads given in Table NA.2 are valid for ordinary compartments in connection with the
occupancy classes in the table. Special rooms should be considered on an individual basis using the
procedure in NA.5.2.2.

5) The fire loads from the building (construction elements, linings and finishes) should be determined
according to NA.5.2.2. These should be added to the fire load densities from (1) as required.

Table NA.2 Fire load classification qf,k (MJ/m²) for different occupancies (from PD 7974-1:2003 )

Occupancy Fire Load Density

Average Fractile
MJ/m² MJ/m²

80 % 90 % 95 %
Dwelling 780 870 920 970
Hospital 230 350 440 520
Hospital storage 2000 3000 3700 4400
Hotel bedroom 310 400 460 510
Offices 420 570 670 760
Shops 600 900 1100 1300
Manufacturing 300 470 590 720
Manufacturing and storage 1180 1800 2240 2690
Libraries 1500 2250 2550 -
Schools 285 360 410 450
The 80 % fractile is the value that is not exceeded in 80 % of the rooms or occupancies.
Storage of combustible materials at less than 150 kg/m²

NA.5.2.7 Individual assessments of fire load densities

1) In the absence of data for specific occupancy classes, the fire load density may be specifically
determined for an individual project by performing a survey of fire loads related to the occupancy.

2) The fire loads and their local arrangement should be estimated considering the intended use,
furnishings and installations, variations with time, favourable trends and possible modifications of the

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

3) Where available, a survey should be undertaken in a comparable existing occupancy, such that only
the possible differences between the intended project and the existing building need to be specified
by the client.

NA.5.2.8 Combustion behaviour

The combustion behaviour should be considered as a function of the occupancy and the type of fire load.
Where no specific data is available the combustion factor "m" should be taken as 1,0.
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NA.5.2.9 Rate of fire growth

1) The growth phase of many fires can be characterised as increasing in proportion to the square of
time measured from an ignition reference time ti, as:

Q = α (t-ti)² [NA.5]


Q is the rate of heat release from the fire during the growth phase (kW)

t is the time from ignition (s)

ti is the time of ignition (s)

α is the fire growth parameter (kJ/s³)

The fire growth parameter is classified according to Table NA.3:

Table NA.3 – Fire growth rate parameters

Classification Fire growth parameter α (kJ/s³)

Slow 0,0029
Medium 0,012
Fast 0,047
Ultrafast 0,188

2) The t² parameters represent fire growth starting with a reasonably large flaming ignition source. With
a smaller source, there is an incubation period before established flaming occurs.

3) The design fire growth rates for different occupancies are given in Table NA.4

4) The characteristic fire growth rates given in Table NA.4 should be used for general design purposes
for different types of occupancies. For mixed building use, the faster growth rate should be used.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

Table NA.4 – Design fire growth rates

Building use Fire growth rate

Picture gallery Slow
Transport (public place) Slow
Classroom (school) Medium
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Dwelling Medium
Office Medium
Hotel reception Medium
Hotel bedroom Medium
Hospital room Medium
Library Fast
Theatre (cinema) Fast
Shop Fast
Industrial storage or plant room Ultra-fast

NA.5.2.10 Rate of heat release

1) If the likely peak rate of heat release per unit area can be established for the particular use of a
building, the rate of heat release may be calculated from the fire area (or vice versa) by means of the
following equation:

Q = Q” Afire (kW) [NA.6]


Q is the total heat release rate from the fire (kW)

Q” is the total heat release rate per unit area of fire (kW/m²)

Afire is the area of the fire (m²)

2) Values for heat release rates per unit area for different occupancies are given in Table NA.5

Table NA.5 – Rates of heat release for different occupancies

Occupancy Heat release rate per unit area (kW/m²)

Shops 550
Offices 290
Hotel rooms 249
Industrial 86 – 620 *
* depending on fuel source and arrangement

NOTE Information in Table NA.5 is related to fuel bed controlled fires and is predominantly of US origin, it therefore
may not be representative of Irish occupancies.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

NA.5.2.11 Alternative rate of heat release calculation

Alternatively, the rate of heat release Q may be determined in accordance with the following:

1) The growing phase may be defined by the expression:

6 2
Q=10 (t / tα) [NA.7]
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Q is the rate of heat release in (W)

t is the time in (s)

tα is the time needed to reach a rate of heat release of 1 MW

2) The parameter tα and the maximum rate of heat release RHRf, for different occupancies, are given in
Table NA.6– Fire growth rate and RHRf, for different occupancies

3) The values of fire growth rate and RHRf according to Table NA.6 are valid in case of a factor δq2
equal to 1,0

Table NA.6 – Fire growth rate and RHRf, for different occupancies

Max Rate of heat release RHR f

Occupancy Fire growth rate tα (s) RHRf (kW/m²)
Dwelling Medium 300 250
Hospital (room) Medium 300 250
Hotel (room) Medium 300 250
Library Fast 150 500
Office Medium 300 250
Classroom of a school Medium 300 250
Shopping centre Fast 150 250
Theatre (cinema) Fast 150 500
Transport (public space) Slow 600 250

4) For an ultra fast fire spread, tα corresponds to 75 s.

5) The growing phase is limited by a horizontal plateau corresponding to the stationary state and to a
value of Q given by (RHRf, * Afi)

Afi is the maximum area of the fire (m ) which is the fire compartment in case of uniformly
distributed fire load but which may be smaller in case of a localised fire
RHRf is the maximum rate of heat release produced by 1 m of fire in case of fuel controlled
conditions (kW/m²) (See Table NA.6)

6) The horizontal plateau is limited by the decay phase which starts when 70 % of the total fire load has
been consumed.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

7) The decay phase may be assumed to be a linear decrease starting when 70 % of the fire load has
been burnt and completed when the fire load has been completely burnt.

8) If the fire is ventilation controlled, this plateau level has to be reduced following the available oxygen
content, either automatically in case of the use of a computer program based on one zone model or
by the simplified expression

Qmax = 0,10 ! m ! H u ! Av ! heq [NA.8]

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Av = is the opening area (m²)

heq= is the mean height of the openings(m)

Hu = is the net calorific value of wood with Hu = 17,5 MJ/kg

m= is the combustion factor with m = 0,8

9) When the maximum level of the rate of heat release is reduced in the case of ventilation controlled
condition, the curve of the rate of heat release has to be extended to correspond to the available
energy given by the fire load. If the curve is not extended, it is then assumed that there is external
burning, which induces a lower gas temperature in the compartment.

NA.5.3 Annex F: Equivalent time of fire exposure

It is intended this alternative guidance may be used to determine the equivalent time of fire exposure for use
in calculating fire scenarios as an alternative to the prescriptive guidance in TGD B.

1) The following approach may be used where the design of members is based on tabulated data or
other simplified rules, related to the standard fire exposure as defined in I.S. EN 1363: Part 1 . The
method given in this guidance is material dependent. It is not applicable to composite steel and
concrete or timber constructions.

2) The equivalent time of fire exposure is defined by:

te,d = qf,d . kb . wf or

te,d = qt,d . kb . wt (mins) [NA.9]


qf,d is the design fire load density according to the Irish guidance set out in NA. 5.2

qt,d = qf,d . Af/At

At = total bounding area of the compartment (m²)

Af = compartment floor area (m²)

kb is the conversion factor for thermal properties of compartment boundaries according to (4)

wf is the ventilation factor according to (5), where wt = wf . At/Af

3) For unprotected structural steel equation 1 is restricted to periods of time equivalent up to 45 minutes.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

4) Where no detailed assessment of the thermal properties of the enclosure is made, the conversion
factor kb

kb = 0,09 (min.m²/MJ) when qd is given in MJ/m² [NA.10]

otherwise kb may be related to the thermal property b = √(ρcλ) of the enclosure according to Table
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For determining b for multiple layers of different materials in the walls, floor and ceiling see Annex A (5)
and (6).

Table NA.7 – Conversion factor kb for different values of the thermal properties of the enclosure
b = √(ρcλ) (J/m². s K) kb (min.m²/MJ)

b > 2500 0,055

720 ≤ b ≤ 2500 0,07

b < 720 0,09

5) The ventilation factor wf may be calculated as:

0.3 4
wf = (6,0/H) [ 0,62 + 90 (0,4 – αv) / (1 + bv αh)] ≥ 0,5 [NA.11]


αv = Av /Af is the area of vertical openings in the façade (Av) related to the floor area of the
compartment (Af) where the limit 0,025 ≤ αv ≤ 0,25 should be observed.

αh = Ah/Af is the area of the horizontal openings in the roof (Ah) related to the floor area of the
compartment (Af).

bv = 12,5 (1+10 αv – αv²) ≥ 10,0

H is the height of the compartment (m)

For small fire compartments (Af < 100 m²) without openings in the roof, the factor wf may be calculated
as wf = O . Af/At [NA.12]

where O is the opening factor according to Annex A

6) It shall be verified that:

te,d < tfi,d

where tfi,d is the design value of the standard fire resistance of the members, assessed according to
the fire parts of I.S. EN 1992 to I.S. EN 1996 and I.S. EN 1999.

7) In carrying out a time equivalent analysis due consideration shall be given to the changes in
ventilation during a fire, which can have a major influence on both the temperatures attained and the
duration of heating. It is recommended that a sensitivity analysis is undertaken assuming different
levels of ventilation.

8) The numerical outputs from the time equivalent calculations should not be used in isolation and shall
be considered as part of an overall fire strategy for the building. The following should be addressed:

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

i) The awareness of fire and the ability of the occupants to reach a place of safety

ii) The influence of the size and height of the building on the consequences of failure with respect
to life safety and fire spread to adjacent properties.

Without any further consideration the factors given in Table NA.8 may be applied to the outputs from the time
equivalent calculations.
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Table NA.8 – Multiplication risk factors associated with height

Multiplication risk factor (β) associated with height to be used in conjunction with time
equivalent formula
Purpose group Height (m) of top story in building
Not more Not more Not more More than
than 5 than 20 than 30 30
Residential (domestic)
Houses 1,00 1,00
Flats 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,30
Institutional 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,30
Other residential 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,30

Not sprinklered 1,00 1,54 2,31
Sprinklered 1,25
c 1,25 2,50 5,00d

Not sprinklered 1,00 1,00 1,50
Sprinklered 1,00 1,62 1,62 3,24f
Assembly and recreation*
Not sprinklered 1,00 1,00 1,48
Sprinklered 1,00 1,62 1,62 3,24f
Not sprinklered 1,00 1,00 1,32
Sprinklered 1,00 1,07 1,61 2,14h
Storage and other non-residential***
Not sprinklered 1,00 1,00 1,00
sprinklered 1,00 1,00 1,06 1,41i

reduced to 1,00 for elements not forming part of the structural frame
increased to 1,54 for separating walls
increased to 2,50 for separating walls
reduced to 3,75 for elements not forming part of the structural frame
increased to 1,62 for separating walls
f reduced to 2,43 for elements not forming part of the structural frame
increased to 1,07 for separating walls
reduced to 1,61 for elements not forming part of the structural frame
reduced to 1,06 for elements not forming part of the structural frame

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

where calculated value te,d > TGD B values then use TGD B values

* based on normal hazard – for low hazard multiply risk factor by 0,7, for high hazard multiply risk factor
by 1,5

** based on average value – for low hazard multiply risk factor by 0,67, for high hazard multiply risk factor
Licensed copy: conor, Kavanagh Mansfield & Partners, 11/03/2010, Uncontrolled Copy, © NSAI

by 1,33

*** based on average value – for low hazard multiply risk factor by 0,43, for high hazard multiply risk
factor by 1,56

The values in the table were derived following a sensitivity study assuming the following parameters in relation
to each of the purpose groups investigated. Where the particular parameters of the individual building deviate
significantly from these values the appropriate risk value should be arrived at in consultation with the Local
Building Control authority.

Table NA.9 Parameters for development of risk (β) factors

Purpose Group Height H αv (=Av/A f) wf qf,d (MJ/m²) Kb (min .m²/MJ)

Residential 3,50 0,107 1,5 870 0,09
Office 4,00 0,25 0,752 570 0,09
Shop 4,00 0,25 0,752 900 0,09
Assembly and 4,75 0,11 1,348 500 0,09
Industrial 4,75 0,11 1,348 750 0,09
Storage 4,75 0,11 1,348 1150 0,09

a For fire load density the figure corresponding to medium risk from BS DD 9999 has been used. See notes
to Table NA.8 for alternative values covering high and low risk buildings.
b For fire load density an average value has been chosen corresponding to the mid-point between low and
high risk buildings. See notes to Table NA.8 for alternative values covering high and low risk buildings.
c For fire load density an average value has been chosen corresponding to the mid-point between low and
high risk buildings. See notes to Table NA.8 for alternative values covering high and low risk buildings.

NA to I.S. EN 1991-1-2:2002

NA.6 References

1) PD 7974, Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings – Code of
practice, Part 1: Initiation and development of fire within the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 1).
Licensed copy: conor, Kavanagh Mansfield & Partners, 11/03/2010, Uncontrolled Copy, © NSAI

2) I.S. EN ISO 1716: Reaction to fire tests for building products, Determination of gross calorific value.

3) SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 1992.

4) I.S. EN 1363: Fire resistance tests, Part 1, General Requirements.

5) BS DD 9999 (2005) Code of practice for fire safety in the design,construction and use of buildings.


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