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The Unsolved Murder of Valerie Percy



NARRATOR- Plot creator

VALERIE PERCY- 21-year-old girl who was murdered
CHARLES PERCY- Father of Valerie
LORAINE PERCY - Step mother (1950) of Valerie
PROFFESOR- giving feedback
MAID 1- a conversation with Valerie
POLICE 1- detective
POLICE 2- detective

Scene One:

Narrator: Valerie Percy was born in 1944 in perhaps one of the best places to
grow up in Kenilworth, Illinois. A picture-perfect place to have your
classic text book family. At the age of 29 Charles became the owner of
a muli-millionaire company and purchased a grand house in a gated
community for him and his wife to build a family. He had five
beautiful and successful children and he had created the dream life for
them which dramatically changed to a nightmare you can’t escape.

Sound: scream- From Loraine Percy

eerie music throughout the next paragraph

Narrator: In late September 1966 screams from Charles’ wife was echoed
through the house- the reaction of a stranger in his daughters’ room.
He went down the hall to his successful daughter Valerie’s room to
which he found her stabbed and bludgeoned in her own bed.

Sound: screams and cries of Valerie’s name- From Loraine and Charles

Sound: 60’s classical music playing

Narrator: The unsolved murder of Valerie Percy.

Sound: music fades out

(scene two)

Narrator: Valerie had a very fulfilled childhood and had many opportunities as
well as being a twin and the oldest of five siblings. She had even
studied abroad in France and hoped to teach French literature for some
time when she arrived back to Kenilworth. As well as joining student
government in high school and continuing to then graduate from an Ivy
league college, Cornel university in New York in June 1966. She stood
out and made too many friends to count.

Sound: people walking and talking around the conversation

Professor: ‘Valerie, I must say I am extremely impressed the way your farther has
taught you and the way you have been able to finish everything to the
top standard is very impressive’

Valerie: ‘Why thank you Professor and I must wish you the most wonderful

Narrator: Charles then decided now was the perfect time to sign up for governor
of Illinois.

Sound: number dialling

Charles: ‘Hi honey, how are you’

Valerie: ‘Hey, are you coming to my ceremony next month all my professors
are expecting you there’

Charles: ‘Yes of course I will be, I also have something to ask you about I have
a great opportunity a job perhaps but I don’t want to take the spotlight
from you if you aren’t ready’.
Valerie: ‘sounds interesting what is it?’

Charles: ‘I would like you to help me campaign for me to be US Senet what do

you say?’

Valerie: ‘oh my gosh yes I would love to!’

Narrator: Valerie helped Charles campaign and it became a huge hit. Her
primary role in the campaign was reaching the public buy socialising
with them such as hosting dinners and posting letter through

Sound: radio sound humming

Charles: ‘and my daughter Valerie, she’s my best precinct captain, I am

honoured to have her’.

Maid 1: ‘Your farther always speaks to highly of you Val’


Valerie: goodnight everyone I’ll see you tomorrow!’

(scene Three)

Narrator: She then walked down the corridor and past her siblings’ room to her
bedroom, listing to the lapping of the shore whilst she slept. It was then
about five in the morning and Loraine heard sounds in the house.

Sound: plate shatters

Narrator: She thought one of the children had gone downstairs for a snack or a
drink and had dropped something. She then began to hear grunting and
sounds coming to Valerie’s room so she kept over to see if she needed

Loraine: ‘Valerie are you okay’

Sound: screams

Narrator: The stranger standing over Valerie’s dead body flashed a light into
Loraine’s eyes and she ran down the corridor screaming for Charles’

Loraine: ‘Charles, Charles!’

Charles: ‘Loraine what’s happened honey’

Loraine: ‘someone’s in the house call the police I think Valerie might have a

Charles: ‘stay with her I’ll get help’

Narrator: many officers came over and crowed the house, everyone was awake
filled with worried faces. As soon as the doctor arrived he was escorted
up to Valerie’s room and as soon as he walked in he instantly knew it
was too late. The doctor searched for a pulse but nothing.

Maid 1: ‘I am very sorry but Valerie has passed’


Sound: cries

Maid 1: ‘I am really sorry but I need you to help us Loraine do you remember
anything about the killer?’

Loraine: ‘no I don’t know I could see he flashed it in my eyes’

Sound: cries

Narrator: The FBI and many detectives crawled over the house trying to find
even one clue as to who or why.

Police 1: ‘Looks like he came through the music room’

Police 2: ‘looks like he might’ve known his way round the house’

Police 1: ‘they must’ve had motive souly to her if they had to pass all the other
rooms to get to her’

Police 2: ‘this family was truthfully well liked though, what a shame’

Narrator: Charles was then pulled aside by a police officer.

Police 1: ‘do you have any idea who might’ve done this maybe had something
against you?’

Charles: ‘no we as a family were well liked’

Narrator: In 1966 everything was searched and nothing was found until they
found a set of footprints, they ran to and from the home although they
weren’t able to find out as exactly what time these footprints were
created. Based on what was shown on the autopsy, she tried to fight
and they found that the cause of death was numerous attacks from hard
objects hitting her on her head.
The Percy family proceeded to try and process their loss by having the
funeral on September 20th 400 people joined to grieve.

Sound: classic music from the 60’s

Sound: fades

Narrator: This traumatic murder hasn’t been solved and in 2016 the case was
closed. In 2011 Charles Percy passed and his successful future was
always remembered.

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