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Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

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Design and validation of an airflow management system in data center with T

tilted server placement
Xiaolei Yuana,b, Xinjie Xua, Yu Wanga, Jinxiang Liua, , Risto Kosonena,b, Hao Caia

Department of HVAC, College of Urban Construction, Nanjing Tech University, P.O. Box 76, 210009 Nanjing, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Aalto University, P.O. Box 14400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland


• An innovative airflow management method of tilting servers is put forward.

• Four different tilted angles (15°, 30°, 45° and 60°) are applied and analyzed.
• The optimum thermal distribution appears with 30° tilted servers in horizontal direction.
• Rack hotspots are weakened significantly minimizing the possibility of local hotspot.
• The application of 30° tilted servers can take away extra 5.7–10% server heat.


Keywords: An innovative airflow optimisation method applying tilted servers was introduced to improve the airflow dis-
Data centers tribution and cooling efficiency in data centers. The numerical data center model was established and simulated
Airflow management by Airpak 3.0 packages and validated with on-site measurements in Nanjing, China. In the analysis, different
Tilted servers server inclination angles and different heat load levels were simulated. The simulation model is validated well
Temperature distribution
with the on-site experimental results. The results show that the performance of airflow distribution and cooling
Rack hotspot
Local hotspot
efficiency can be improved with the application of 15° and 30° tilted servers, while the optimum thermal en-
vironment is achieved when the angle of servers is set to 30°. When the heat load of rack is 32 kW, the maximum
temperature reduces by 3.3 °C when the 30° tilted servers are used instead of 0° tilted servers. That decreases
significantly the temperature of rack hotspots and thus prevents local hotspots. Moreover, the heat transfer from
the rack is at least 5.7% more efficient with the rack applying 30° tilted servers compared with the 0° tilted
servers in all cases with different heat load. The heat transfer even improved 10% when the heat load is 32 kW in
each rack.

1. Introduction 12% [5,6]. In China, the power consumed by DCs in 2014 reached more
than 83 billion kWh, while the estimated DCs electricity consumption
Data centers (DCs) are centralized repositories housing computer will increase to approximately 140 billion kWh by 2020 [7,8]. Thus,
servers and associated data storage and telecommunications system for under the existing technology conditions, the increase of energy con-
data storage as well as data processing and transmitting. DCs have the sumption of DCs will be no doubt explosive in the near future.
characteristics of large scale and working 24/24, 365 days/year causing DCs are building synthesis equipped with many different instru-
potentially very high energy consumption [1]. During the past several ments mainly divided into four parts: IT equipment, cooling system,
decades, in order to satisfy the increasing demand of cloud computing, power supply equipment and safety & control systems. Fig. 1 illustrates
data storage and Internet use, the Information and Communications the composition of typical DCs [9,10]. Among them, IT equipment and
Technologies (ICTs) experienced a rapid development bringing ex- cooling system are two main parts occupying more than 80% of the
plosive energy consumption in DCs [2–4]. In fact, approximately 1.5% energy consumption within DCs [8]. Huge amount of data processing
of power generation of the whole world is consumed by DCs in 2010 and circulation results in tremendous electricity consumption, and a
and the annual growth rate of energy consumption in DCs is around large number of heats converted from the electricity, which needs to be

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Liu).
Received 22 May 2019; Received in revised form 20 August 2019; Accepted 24 September 2019
Available online 25 September 2019
1359-4311/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Nomenclature servers, °C
t1 temperature difference between mean exhaust and supply
P static pressure air temperature with horizontal servers, K
T stress tensor tex mean exhaust air temperature with horizontal servers, °C
keff thermal conductivity ts mean supply air temperature with horizontal servers, °C
g gravitational acceleration vector r ratio of the heat removal ration between with 0° and 30°
S volumetric heat generation tilted servers, %
veff effective fluid viscosity. Q0 heat removal with 30° tilted servers in each case, kJ/h
U0 inlet airflow velocity, m/s Q1 heat difference taken away in the rack with horizontal
Qt tile flow rate, m3/s servers (0°), kJ/h
T0 inlet air temperature, °C
Qs server flow rate, m3/s Abbreviation
Ps server heat generation, W
σt perforated tiles porosity, % DC data center
σr rack porosity, % ICT Information and Communications Technology
Q generated heat, kJ/h CRACs computer room air conditioning units
cp specific heat capacity of air, kJ/(kg K) FB flexible baffle
m mass of air, kg CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
t temperature difference, K CAC closed aisle containment
air density, kg/m3 SAT supply air temperature
v volume of air, m3 SST Shear Stress Transport
t0 exhaust mean temperature reduction with 0° and 30° tilted RSM Reynolds Stress Model
servers, K DES Detached Eddy Simulations
t 30° exhaust mean temperature of rack A8 with 30° tilted ser- RANS Reynolds-averaged Naiver-Stokes
vers, °C ER experimental result
t 0° exhaust mean temperature of rack A8 with horizontal SR simulation result

dissipated immediately. Otherwise, the temperature of computer ser- Investigation on airflow management methods are an upsurge in the
vers may rise dramatically threatening the operation safety of computer field of energy conservation in DCs. According to Tao et al. [18], air-
servers and malfunction [11,12]. Fig. 2 shows the breakdown of the flow management is defined as the way to maintain operating para-
energy consumption within typical DCs, and the IT equipment and the meters (IT equipment) within the recommended ranges with minimum
cooling requirements account for 44% and 40% of the total energy use, energy consumption. In recent years, researchers still have efforts on
respectively [13,14]. Thus, energy conservation in DCs can be achieved the airflow distribution optimisation methods to improve the thermal
by addressing IT load inefficiencies and improving cooling efficiency environment and achieve considerable energy saving within DCs. Yuan
[13]. It is reported that enhanced semiconductor technologies and et al. [16] proposed an innovative airflow organisation optimisation
server virtualisation can efficiently decrease the energy use of IT method applying flexible baffles (FBs) set in the front door of racks to
equipment [15], while the cooling efficiency in DCs can be improved in improve cooling efficiency and achieve energy conservation in DCs. The
many ways, such as airflow management, liquid cooling method, free results demonstrated that the use of FBs is an effective method to im-
cooling technologies, etc. [16]. At the moment, airflow management is prove airflow distribution and cooling efficiency within DCs, while the
considered as the most adopted method of improving energy efficiency optimal thermal environment appeared when the front doors of racks
in DCs. According to Cho et al. [17], airflow management is an operable were equipped with 20-cm FBs with 75° angle in the vertical direction.
and convenient way to reduce energy consumption and enhance Tatchell-Evans et al. [19] performed an experimental and theoretical
cooling efficiency and the thermal environment in DCs by changing investigation of bypass air in DCs employing cold aisle containments
computer room air conditioning units’ (CRACs) air supply conditions
and configuration of DCs.

Fig. 1. Main equipment in a typical data center. Fig. 2. The breakdown of energy consumption in typical DCs.

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

and its impact on energy consumption. The results demonstrated that 2.2. Experimental setup
the airflow bypass rate at typical cold aisle plenum pressures is about
20% increasing the flow rate demand of CRACs. If bypass airflow is In this study, experiments were carried out in July 2017 in the li-
minimized, the total energy consumption can be reduced about 8.8%. brary DC of Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China. The objectives of
In addition, excessive plenum pressure is not conductive to energy the experiments were to obtain the exhaust air temperature distribution
conservation, which increases energy consumption up to 16%. Ni et al. of the racks in an operating DC. According to the server running in-
[20] used CFD modelling to simulate the thermal distribution and air- formation over the whole year operation condition from the FM de-
flow conditions in a small DC and investigate the optimum airflow partment, rack A was selected for the study. Fig. 5 shows the heat load
distribution conditions. The results of CFD simulation showed that in of each rack in the rack A, and rack A1, A4 and A9 are not in operating
the optimal conditions high performing airflow distribution is reached. condition. In the experiments, rack A2 – A8 were selected to be the
Wibron et al. [21] used CFD software to compare the performance measured objectives. The location of temperature sensors is shown in
metrics of partial aisle containments and raised floor data center. They Fig. 6, describing the measurement arrangement and the locations pf
found that combining the performance metrics could improve the air- sensors. For each rack, there are installed 6 temperature sensors in the
flow distribution in the raised floor configurations. Huang et al. [22] rear door of the racks. The first temperature sensor is set 200 cm above
also established numerical model to compare and analyse the airflow the plenum, while the distance between the adjacent sensors is the
distribution in DCs with three different airflow patterns in 2017. The same, which is set as 300 cm. The supply air temperatures (SATs) of
results showed that compared to under-floor and row-level air supply rack A2-A8 through the plenum were measured with a hand-held air
pattern, rack level airflow pattern performed the best with highest flow anemometer. According to the measurement results, the SATs
cooling efficiency. As a result, the existing researches on the optimi- varied from 22 °C to 22.2 °C, while the supply air temperature of CRACs
sation of airflow organisation focused more on room-level and row- was set as 22 °C. Under this condition, the SATs of rack A2-8 were as-
level parameters optimisation instead of rack-level airflow optimisa- sumed to be the same, which was equal to the CRACs’ SAT of 22 °C.
tion. However, the cause of non-uniform airflow distribution in the DC
is from the servers within racks, thus more researches should focus on
the improvement of cooling efficiency and new method of airflow dis- 2.3. Experimental condition and measuring instruments
tribution within the rack.
The novelty of this paper is to tilt the servers and change 4 different To improve the reliability and obtain more accurate experimental
tilting angles (15°, 30°, 45° and 60°) to change the direction of cold results, there were carried out together 9 experiments between 15th
airflow so that the cooling efficiency and thermal environment can be July and 17th July, while each day was divided into three groups of the
improved and the temperature of rack hotspots and the possibility of morning, afternoon and evening experiments. Each measurement case
potential local hotspots can be reduced in DCs. The objectives of this was lasted 2 h. Thus, 9 groups of experimental results were obtained
paper are to: (i) develop a CFD DC model to Airpak 3.0 packages, (ii) during three days. The results were the average value of all measured
validate the CFD model based on the real DC in Nanjing, China, (iii) values (average of three days data, except of experimental data with
apply the CFD model to the DC scenarios where the servers are placed large deviation).
evenly and with different tilted angles, and (iv) with different tilt angles, Type-K thermocouples of nickel-chromium-silicon were used as the
optimize power of servers. The organization of this paper is as follows. In temperature sensor, which were connected to the Agilent 34972A data
Section 1, the recent development status of DCs and the investigations of acquisition logger. This Agilent data acquisition logger recorded the
airflow management strategy are summarized, and the innovation of our exhaust air temperature of each sensors and transferred the data to a
airflow optimisation method is carried out. Then, Section 2 introduces personal computer. The specific parameters of the thermocouples and
the studied DC and the experimental setup. In Section 3, the simulation handheld air flow anemometer were shown in Table 2. The temperature
information is described in detail mainly including CFD model, para- data was received by Agilent data acquisition logger every 10 s, which
meter settings, grid independent test, simulation conditions, boundary meant there were approximately 720 temperature data for each test
conditions, etc. In Section 4, the CFD model is validated by the experi- point after 2-h measurement time. Thus, the temperatures of each test
mental data, and then new CFD models with evenly placed servers with point during the 2-h measurement time were the arithmetic mean of
different inclination angles are established. The simulation results with 720 data avoiding the interference of transient temperature fluctuation
different server placement and different racks’ heat load are discussed on the actual exhaust air temperature distribution.
and compared, while Section 5 draws the conclusions.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data center description

The parameters setting and equipment of the studied DC is detailed

presented in our previous paper [16]. The DC serves Nanjing Tech
University in Nanjing, China to supply network creation, information
processing and communication support working 24/24, 365 days/year.
This DC has the dimensions of 11.0 m in length, 8.0 m in width and
4.0 m in height. Fig. 3 illustrates the configuration and specifications of
the studied DC. There are two CRACs to generate the cooling air and
restrain the heat generation of the servers, and the air circulation
process within the DC is shown in Fig. 4. The DC is equipped with 2
rows of racks named as rack A and rack B, while each has 9 racks with
different IT load. The parameters setting and involved equipment are
summarised in Table 1 [16,23]. The space between rack A and rack B is
closed, namely closed aisle containment (CAC), while the space be-
tween the racks and the walls are the hot aisles. The air supply tem-
perature to the racks in all tiles are assumed to be the same. Fig. 3. Configuration and specifications of the studied DC (Top view).

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Fig. 4. The air flow distribution within the studied DC.

Table 1 3. Numerical simulation

DC and equipment parameters [16,23].
Items Description Value
3.1. Data center model

DC room A commercial CFD software Airpak3.0 is used to establish the nu-

Dimension of CACs 5.4 m × 1.8 m × 2.2 m (H) merical DC model. Fig. 7 shows the numerical model, which is based on
Number of perforated tiles Total of 27 in three rows
the actual configuration and specification of the DC shown in Fig. 3.
Raised floor height 0.45 m
Dimension of perforated tiles 0.6 m × 0.6 m The locations and heat load of the servers in the numerical model were
Porosity of perforated tiles 45% in according with the actual data center. The air conditioning system
CRACs for air supply applies under-floor air supply mode, while the complete
Number of CRACs 2 air circulation process is as follows: (1) 22 °C cool air is generated in
Dimension of CRACs 1.8 m × 0.8 m × 2.25 m (H) CRACs and is transported with air supply speed of 5.33 m/s via the
Flow air velocity of each CRAC 5.33 m/s underfloor plenum; (2) the cool air rises through the floor vent and
Supply air temperature (SAT) 22 °C
Supply air cooling capacity 65.8 kW
enters into the CAC between rack A and rack B; (3) the cool air is drawn
Distance between CACs and CRACs 1.6 m via the servers and heated by the IT loads of the servers; (4) Finally, the
Area of each air vent of CRACs 0.45 m2 hot air enters the hot aisles behind the two rows of racks and returns to
Racks the CRACs. The air supply amount of CRACs is equal to the total airflow
Number Total of 18 in 2 rows required by the server fans.
Dimension of each rack 1.2 m × 0.6 m × 2.2 m (H)
Door porosity 65%

3.2. Governing equation

The main research object was the exhaust air temperature of racks;
thus both the steady-state and unsteady-state flow fields were needed
be calculated in the simulation process. According to Ni et al [20] and
Alkharabsheh et al. [24], compared to k-ω turbulent model, Shear
Stress Transport (SST) and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), the k-ε tur-
bulence model performed better in terms of overall operation perfor-
mance, accuracy, simulation time and coincidence degree with ex-
periments. The simulation model is selected as described in our
previous paper [16]. Wibron et al. [25] recently examined the perfor-
mance of k-ε turbulence model, the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) and
Detached Eddy Simulations (DES) in CFD modelling of data centers.
They concluded that RSM turbulent model has higher precision than k-ε
turbulence model and spent fewer solution times than DES turbulent
model. However, up to now, the standard k-ε turbulence model has
been adopted widely and performed well [13,24,26–29]. Standard k-ε
turbulence model is adopted with an enhanced wall function, followed
by a finite-volume approximation of the Reynolds-averaged Naiver-
Stokes (RANS) [26–27,30].
Fig. 5. Heat load of each rack in rack A9. Some assumptions were set as described in our previous works

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Fig. 6. Location of temperature sensors in the experiments.

Table 2 Ì¿
(u ) + u · u = p+ ·(T ) + g
Specific parameters of thermocouples and air flow anemometer. t (2)
Items Type Measuring range Uncertainty
(h ) + ·(h u ) = ·[keff T ] + S
Thermocouple Type-K 0–400 °C ± 0.4% t (3)
Handheld air flow KIMO Temperature: ± 0.4%
Anemometer VT200/ −20 °C to 80 °C The Stress tensor T is given by
FC300 Velocity: 0.15–30 m/s ± 2.0% Ì¿
T = veff · u (4)

[16,23]. The governing equations (Continuity, Momentum and Energy

conservation equation) are given as follows [16,23,31]. 3.3. Boundary conditions

·u = 0 (1)
The boundary conditions are the same as our previous paper [16].

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Table 4
Parameter settings for boundary conditions [16].
Boundary conditions Symbol Equation Value

Inlet airflow velocity U0 – 5.33 m s−1

Tile flow rate Qt Qt = U0Atile 1.92 m3 s−1
Inlet air temperature T0 – 22 °C
Server flow rate Qs Qs = Qt/4 0.48 m3 s−1
Server heat generation Ps Ps = ρ cp Qs ΔT 5040 w
Perforated tiles porosity σt – 45%
Rack porosity σr – 65%

same, which is set as 90 mm. In addition, the first server is 90 mm above

the plenum. In the scenario 2, tilted servers were applied with 4 dif-
ferent tilting angles (15°, 30°, 45° and 60°) and the effect of tilted ser-
vers on the improvement of thermal environment and cooling efficiency
were studied. As a result, the optimal tilted angle recorded as X° is
obtained as well as the optimal exhaust temperature distribution. Based
on the scenario 2, different IT load were introduced in the scenario 3
and the exhaust temperature distribution as well as energy saving rate
Fig. 7. Simulation model of the applied DC.
between the model with horizontal servers and the servers with X° in-
clination angle was compared. All the parameters setting of each sce-
The specifications of simulation cases are shown in Table 3, while the nario are shown in Table 5. Fig. 8 shows the sketch map of servers’
parameters for the boundary conditions are shown in Table 4. The position in one rack with different tilted angles.
convergence criteria were set as follows: the residuals for both the ve-
locity in the directions of X, Y, and Z and the continuity were 10−3, and
that for energy was set at 10−6 [24,32]. The simulation converged in 3.5. Grid generation
around 1 h in the scenario 1, while the convergence time of the simu-
lation in the scenario 2 and 3 is about 2 h. Enhanced wall treatment is According to Ni et al. [20], grid generation plays an important role
applied to solve near-wall region problem. in the calculation accuracy of the simulation results. Coarse grid and
round-off errors caused by tremendous increasing of mesh number can
increase the chance of calculation errors, while too few mesh may lead
3.4. Simulation conditions to the inaccuracy of simulation [16]. Thus, a grid proper quality and
number should be generated in this DC model to obtain accurate si-
The numerical simulation was divided into three scenarios. In the mulation results. In this paper, there are three scenarios and altogether
scenario 1, all the parameters and specification were set according to 18 different simulation cases, and the refined meshes were all applied
the actual DC. After getting the simulation results, the numerical model near the servers and vents. In all 18 simulation cases, the vents are set
is validated by the experimental results. In the scenario 2, once the as the same, but the servers are divided into 2 groups, which are sce-
numerical model and actual model was validated to be consistent, the nario 1 and scenario 2 and 3. Thus 2 different grid independence tests
numerical model was made some changes in servers’ tilted angles and should be done. Hexa unstructured mesh is applied in the model con-
heat load, but kept other DC’s parameters and specification unchanged. struction process, which generates non-uniform grid to minimize the
To obtain general results instead of the results from special working mesh number efficiently but it guarantees the same calculation accu-
conditioning, 8 servers were placed evenly for each rack. In avoidance racy. The grid independence test method mentioned in our previous
of too many grid numbers causing a very long convergence time, 2 work [16], which is also used in the papers of Siriwardana et al. [11]
racks (rack A7&A8) were selected for the detailed analysis. In this and Nada et al. [33], is applied in this research.
condition, the convergence time is still more than 2 h. The heat load of As shown in Table 6, there are two sets of mesh numbers applied in
each server is set to be the same 1000 W, which can be considered as the numerical simulations, which are for the scenario 1 and the scenario
high-density racks. The distance between adjacent servers is also the 2 and 3. Figs. 9 and 10 shows the mesh sensitivity analysis of object

Table 3
Simulation model’s specifications and boundary conditions [23].
Objects Type Dimension/cm × cm (×cm) Quantity Remark

Walls Adiabatic 1100 cm × 400 cm 2 External walls

800 cm × 400 cm 2
Floor Adiabatic 1100 cm × 800 cm 1 External walls
Ceiling Adiabatic 1100 cm × 800 cm 1 External walls
Plenum Adiabatic 1100 cm × 800 cm 1 Exclude CAC
Top of CAC Adiabatic 540 cm × 180 cm 1
Perforated tiles Vent 60 cm × 60 cm 27 45% free air ratio
Front door of racks Vent 220 cm × 60 cm 18 65% free air ratio
Rear door of racks Vent 220 cm × 60 cm 18 65% free air ratio
CRACs Block 180 cm × 85 cm × 180 cm 1
Fan 180 cm × 15 cm 1 Air outlet
180 cm × 85 cm 1 Air inlet
Servers Partition 80 cm × 46 cm × 2 12 Upper and lower
80 cm × 9 cm × 2 12 Sides
46 cm × 8.5 cm 12 Front
Source 79 cm × 45 cm × 4 12 Uniform layout

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Table 5 respectively. Thus, 574,938 and 1,098,659 are selected as the mesh
Parameters setting of each scenario. number in the simulations for the scenario 1 and the scenario 2 and 3,
Scenario Heat load per rack (kW) Tilted angle (°) respectively. It should be emphasised that Fig. 9 is quoted from our
previous research [16,23]. According to CFD Airpak3.0, the mesh
Scenario 1 8 0 quality can be checked after grid generation, while the quality of 99%
Scenario 2 8 Case I 0
meshes can meet the software requirement.
Case II 15
Case III 30
Case IV 45
Case V 60 4. Results and discussions
Scenario 3 Case1 8 0 X
Case2 12
The simulation is divided into 3 scenarios. In scenario 1, the si-
Case3 16
Case4 20 mulation model is validated with the experimental data. In scenario 2,
Case5 24 some changes are made in the servers’ heat load and tilting angles. Rack
Case6 28 A7 and A8 were selected as the studied racks, where each equipped
Case7 32
with 8 one-kW servers placed evenly. Then, the optimum angle and
exhaust temperature distribution can be obtained by adjusting the
horizontal angle (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°) of servers. Under this circum-
maximum temperatures with grid number in the scenario 1 and the
stance, the optimal angle is record as X°. Based on scenario 2, scenario 3
scenario 2 and 3, respectively. The object maximum temperature
studied the exhaust air distribution optimisation and energy saving
reaches the minimum and is stable when the mesh numbers are no less
potential between the model with 0° servers and X° servers under 7
than 574,938 and 1,098,659 for the scenario 1 and the scenario 2 and 3,
different heat load levels of server.

Fig. 8. Side view of servers’ position in one rack with different angles.

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Table 6
The different mesh numbers for the scenario 1 and the scenario 2 and 3 applied in the simulation.
Category Mesh numbers

Scenario 1 168,022 179,774 222,223 330,050 574,938 919,342 1,687,284

Scenario 2 and 3 274,534 549,983 823,776 1,098,659 1,372,632 1,647,901 1,921,826

In the simulation part, the cloud map of exhaust air temperature is

shown in Fig. 12. There is heat accumulation in the top part of rack 6,
while heats are accumulated in the lower part of racks 2, 3, 5 and 7–8.
In addition, the exhaust air temperature of rack 4 is uniform because of
no servers placed within the rack. Thus, the exhaust air temperature
distribution of 6 racks is un-uniform. By means of analysing the exhaust
temperature map, the values of the points in the cloud map corre-
sponding well with the test points in the experiment are recorded and
sorted. The temperature values of each record points in the simulation
part are also presented in Fig. 11 as the dotted lines.
The temperature values of the rack A2-A8 were validated between
the measurements and simulation results in Fig. 11. The simulated
temperatures of each outlet measuring points were slightly higher than
those in the experimental results except in the rack A4. There are two
reasons that may lead to higher exhaust air temperature than in si-
mulations: one is that the heat power of the servers in the simulation
are set according to their full load condition, while the actual servers
may not operate with the full load. Another reason could be that the
Fig. 9. Mesh sensitivity analysis of object maximum temperatures variations internal structure of the servers modelled is not exactly the same than
with grid number in the scenario 1 [16]. actual one. In the rack A4, the simulation results are slightly lower than
experimental results. The reason for this temperature difference is that
there is no server placed in real rack A4. Thus, the exhaust air tem-
perature of rack A4 is equal to the CRACs’ supply air temperature, while
the CRACS’ real supply air temperature is slightly higher than the set
temperature in the DC. According to Fig. 11, it is obvious that the
biggest temperature difference between simulation and experimental
results exists in rack A8. The relative error of 6 points in the rack A8
between experimental and simulation results are presented in Fig. 13.
The maximum relative error is around 4%. Thus, the exhaust air tem-
perature distribution achieved with simulations fits well with the
measurement data.

4.2. Simulation results in the scenario 2

In the scenario 2, the total heat load for each rack is 8 kW. The
simulation results in the scenario 2 are shown in Fig. 14. It could be
noted that there are obvious heat accumulations at the bottom of both
rack A7 and A8 in Case I. The highest temperature of rack A7 and A8 is
Fig. 10. Mesh sensitivity analysis of object maximum temperatures variations 28.0 °C and 28.4 °C, respectively. According to our previous work [16],
with grid number in scenario 2 and 3. rack hotspots were defined as the highest exhaust air temperature
points in each rack, which were the most possible locations that could
4.1. Statistical analysis and validation study damage the servers once the temperature of rack hotspot is higher than
45 °C and become local hotspot [34]. According to ASHRAE Technical
In the experiment part, after data sorting of 9 exhaust temperature Committee (TC) 9.9 [34], the existence of local hotspots leads to non-
data sets, 7 groups of them were saved for the arithmetic values of each uniform air distribution, which would shorten operational life span of
test point. The measurement data from the morning of 16th July and servers and increase the energy use in DCs. Thus, although the highest
the evening of 17th July where neglected because of a big difference
from other sets of data. For the rest 7 groups of experimental data, Table 7
standard deviation of them in each measuring points of Racks A2-8 was Sensitivity analysis of 7 groups of temperature data in each measuring points of
done. As shown in Table 7, the standard deviation of temperature Racks A2-8.
measuring point 1 in Rack A7 was the largest of 0.33, while those of the Standard deviation A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
rest measuring points were no more than 0.2. All the standard devia-
1 0.09 0.15 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.33 0.10
tions of 42 measuring points were small and acceptable. Thus, the ar-
2 0.05 0.12 0.05 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.10
ithmetic mean of these 7 groups of exhaust temperature data sets can be 3 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.14 0.10 0.08
used as the actual temperature values in each measuring points. The 4 0.14 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.08
arithmetic values of each test point are presented in Fig. 11 as the solid 5 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.14 0.08 0.05
lines. 6 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.06

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Fig. 11. Comparison of temperature value of six outlet measuring points in rack Fig. 13. The relative error of 6 test points in rack A8 between experimental and
A2 - A8 between experimental (solid line) and simulation (dotted line) results. simulation results.

temperature of rack A7&A8 could not reach the level of the local hot- terminal of servers which is shown in Fig. 15. In addition, as shown in
spot, the risk of server damage should be prevented. Moreover, the Fig. 14 of Case I, a high percentage of bypassing air flows directly from
exhaust air distribution of rack A7 and A8 were still non-uniform. A the upper side of the rack where no server is placed. Thus, the cool air
more uniform air distribution can decrease the energy consumption supplied to the bottom of the rack is limited, causing the heat accu-
within DCs. mulated at the bottom of the rack.
As shown in Fig. 14, the maximum exhaust air temperature of rack However, the application of 30° tilted servers in Case III keep the
A7 and A8 are 28.0 °C and 28.4 °C in Case I. The exhaust air tempera- tilted angle of servers and the inlet cool air direction of the rack basi-
ture decreased to the lowest points of 26.7 °C and 26.8 °C in Case III, cally the same. Moreover, the occupied spaces of inclined servers inside
respectively. There is an increase of the maximum air temperature of the rack are larger than servers of Case I to reduce the bypassing effect.
29.4 °C and 29.6 °C, in Case Ⅴ. In addition, the heat accumulation of It can be seen in Fig. 15 of Case III that although a part of cool air is still
Case Ⅳ and Case Ⅴ are different to those in Case I-III. blocked by the servers, the cool air flows along the upper and lower
The reasons for the abnormal heat accumulation are can be depicted sides of the servers, and then the cool air inclines downward and dis-
in Fig. 15. Due to the similar server angle, the exhaust air distribution of sipates the heat at the terminal of the servers. The most direct effect of
Case II and Case III are similar, while the exhaust air distribution of the application of 30° tilted servers is shown in Fig. 14 of Case III, where
Case Ⅳ and Case Ⅴ are similar too. Fig. 15 just shows the velocity vector the temperature of rack hotspot of rack A8 decreases from 28.4 °C in
of rack A8 in Case I, Case III and Case Ⅴ. In Case I, the cool air from the Case I to 26.7 °C in Case III, and the heat accumulation of rack A8 is
vents inclines upward into rack A8 and a part of the cool air is blocked reduced and the highest temperature rises to the middle of the rack.
by the servers, while the rest of the cool air flows through the tunnel In Fig. 15 of Case Ⅴ, when the tilted angle of servers continues rising
between the servers in a horizontal direction. A small part of the cold to 60° in Case Ⅴ, the distance between neighbouring servers decreases
air flowing through the channel take away the heat from the terminal of greatly and almost stick together, which blocks the flow pattern of cool
the servers, while the rest become bypass cold air and flow out of the air extremely. Considering that the height of rack cannot be changed,
rack. Under this circumstance, the heat removal by the cool air is very the distance between adjacent tilt servers cannot be increased. The cool
limited in Case I. The heat accumulation zone always exists in the air rises up to the top and cross the top server, which can be regarded as

Fig. 12. The simulation results of exhaust air temperature distribution of rack A2-A8.

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Fig. 14. The cloud map of exhaust air temperature of rack A7 and A8 in the scenario 2 with different server tilted angles.

Fig. 15. The air flow direction of Case I, Case III and Case.

significant airflow bypass. Fig. 16 shows the velocity profiles of Case Ⅴ

in the scenario 2. In Fig. 16, the majority of cool air flows along the
inclined downward direction out of the rack, while very small amount
of air flows to the terminal of racks. The heat generated from rack A7
and A8 in the case Ⅴ is accumulated in the middle of rear door in the
horizontal direction. However, in fact, the heat accumulated in the
terminal of servers spread to the left and right sides of the servers, as
there is little cool air supplied across the server. In this case, the in-
clined downward exhaust air (seen from Fig. 16) isolates the accumu-
lated heat in the terminal of servers to flow out to the rear door of racks.
Therefore, as shown in Fig. 14 of Case Ⅴ, the heat is accumulated in the
interface of two racks.
The mean exhaust air temperature of rack can be obtained by the
Airpak 3.0 software. Fig. 17 further shows the comparison of exhaust
air distribution in Case I-Ⅴ, concerning the minimum-maximum range
and the mean temperature of rack A7 and A8 in the scenario 2. The
blue1 lines in Fig. 17 represent the mean temperature of 120 simulated
points in rack A7 and A8. The mean temperature of rack A8 is 25.7 °C in
Case I and decreases modestly to the lowest point of 25.5 °C in both
Case II and Case III, where there was an exponential increase to highest

For interpretation of color in Fig. 17, the reader is referred to the web
Fig. 16. The velocity magnitude sketch of Case Ⅴ in scenario 2. version of this article.

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

Fig. 17. Minimum-maximum range and mean temperature of rack A7 and A8.
Fig. 18. The mean and maximum temperature reduction of rack A8 with 0° and
30° tilted servers.

value of 27.1 °C in Case Ⅴ. The lowest mean temperature of Rack A8

appears in Case II and Case III. The mean temperature in rack A7 is the
same as that in rack A8, whose lowest mean temperature appears in 1 kJ/(kg K), while the air density ( ) is around 1.29 kg/m3.
Case II and Case III. Under this circumstance, as the mean temperatures Q = c· m · t (5)
of Case II and Case III are the same, the temperature range of rack A7
and A8 in Case II and Case III are compared in Fig. 17. The temperature m = ·v (6)
ranges of rack A8 in Case II and Case III are 4.7 °C and 4.2 °C, respec- t 0 = t 0° t 30° (7)
tively, while the temperature ranges of rack A7 in Case II and Case III
are 4.2 °C and 3.8 °C, respectively. The lower the range, the more uni- t1 = tex ts (8)
form the temperature distribution. Considering the temperature uni-
Q0 cp· m · t 0 t0
formity inside the rack, the exhaust air temperature distribution in Case r= = =
III with the tilted of 30° is the most preferred in both rack A7 and A8. Q1 cp· m · t1 t1 (9)
As a summary, combined the results from Figs. 14 and 17, 30° is As listed in Table 9, for one rack, the heat taken away before and
regarded to be the most optimal tilted angle. The exhaust air tem- after applying 30° tilted servers increases steadily with the increase of
perature distributions of both rack A7&A8 are the best with the servers’ heat load in case 1-7, which finally reaches 1611 kJ per hour in case 7.
angle of 30 °C. Therefore, in this server distribution, the heat accumu- Compared to the heat taken away in the rack with horizontal servers,
lation inside the rack can be significantly prevented. under the same conditions, at least 5.7% extra heat is taken away in the
rack applying 30° tilted servers with 7 different heat loads. In addition,
4.3. Simulation results in the scenario 3 the extra heat taken away reaches 10% when the heat load reaches
32 kW in each rack.
According to scenario 2, the best air temperature distribution is
achieved at the application of 30° tilted servers. In scenario 3, the heat 5. Conclusion
load of each rack is changed from 8 kW to 32 kW shown in Case 1-7. In
each case, exhaust mean temperature drop of rack A8 before and after An optimization method using inclined servers for the temperature
applying 30° tilted servers is compared as well as the temperature drop distribution inside the racks of the data center was proposed. The si-
of maximum temperature before and after using 30° tilted server. In this mulation model validated with the on-site experimental results were
scenario, the mean exhaust air temperature of rack can also be obtained applied to study the effect of 4 different server tilted angles (15°, 30°,
by the Airpak 3.0 software 45° and 60°) on the optimum operating condition. The contributions of
As shown in Fig. 18, exhaust mean temperature reduction of rack A8 this study are as follows:
with 0° and 30° tilted servers steadily increases with the increase of heat
load, until the maximum value is about 1.44 °C in Case 7. In addition, 1. The airflow profiles and cooling efficiency are both improved with
the temperature reduction of the maximum temperature before and the server inclined angel of 15° and 30°, while the more uniform
after applying 30° tilted servers in case 1-7 increases with the increases thermal environment is achieved when the angle of servers is set to
of heat load. In case 7, the temperature reduction of the maximum be as 30° in horizontal direction.
temperature before and after applying 30° tilted servers reaches almost 2. The maximum and mean exhaust air temperature of rack is reduced
3.3 °C, which successfully lowers the maximum temperature of rack A8 to varying degrees with the application of 30° tilted servers.
from around 45.3 °C to 42 °C. According to ASHRAE Technical Com- Especially when the heat load of rack is 32 kW, the maximum ex-
mittee (TC) 9.9 [34], the operating temperature of the servers should be haust air temperature is significantly reduced from the operation
lower than 45 °C, or it will threaten the normal operation of servers and risk temperature of 45.3 °C to accepted temperature level of 42 °C
malfunction [33]. Thus, as shown in Table 8, the application of 30° (ASHRAE) with the application of 30° tilted servers
tilted servers limits the maximum temperature of rack A8 below 45 °C 3. Compared to the heat removal effect of the horizontal and tilted
in case 7, while the maximum temperature of rack A8 in case 1-6 de- servers, under the same conditions, at least 5.7% extra heat is re-
creases to varying degrees. Thus, the application of 30° tilted servers moved in the rack applying 30° tilted servers. In addition, the extra
can improve the airflow distribution and cooling effects. heat removal percentage reaches to 10% when the heat load is
Table 9 shows the heat transfer from the rack with 0° and 30° tilted 32 kW in each rack.
servers in case 1-7. According to Eq. (5), the heat removal is calculated
and presented in Table 9. The specific heat capacity of air (cp) is about

X. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 164 (2020) 114444

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