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DVR0010.1177/1479164120928868Diabetes & Vascular Disease ResearchLinton et al.

Review Article
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research

Do toe blood pressures predict

May-June 2020: 1­–10
© The Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
healing after minor lower limb
DOI: 10.1177/1479164120928868

amputation in people with diabetes?

A systematic review and meta-analysis

Clare Linton1 , Angela Searle1, Fiona Hawke1,

Peta Ellen Tehan1 , Mathew Sebastian2,3 and Vivienne Chuter1

Purpose of study: To investigate toe systolic blood pressure and/or toe-brachial pressure index in predicting healing
post minor diabetic foot amputations.
Key methods: A systematic search of EMBASE and PubMed (including Medline and The Cochrane Library) was
conducted from database inception to 9 March 2020. Two authors independently reviewed and selected relevant studies.
Quality was assessed with a modified Critical Appraisal Skill Programme checklist.
Main results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. Nine studies investigating toe systolic blood pressure reported
healing occurred at mean toe systolic blood pressure values ⩾30 mmHg, ranging between 30 and 83.6 mmHg. The
meta-analysis (four studies) found toe systolic blood pressure <30 mmHg had 2.09 times the relative risk of non-healing
post amputation, compared to toe systolic blood pressure ⩾30 mmHg (relative risk = 2.09, 95% confidence interval:
1.37–3.20, p = 0.001). Two studies investigating toe-brachial pressure index report successful healing where toe-brachial
pressure index >0.2, with one study reporting a higher value of 0.8.
Main conclusions: Successful post-amputation healing outcomes were reported at mean toe systolic blood pressure
⩾30 mmHg, and the results varied considerably between the studies. Further research should identify whether variables,
including amputation level, method of wound closure and length of post-operative follow-up periods, affect the values of
toe systolic blood pressure and toe-brachial pressure index observed in this review.

Diabetes, amputation, foot, healing, toe systolic blood pressure, toe-brachial pressure index

Introduction rates of complications such as non-healing and reported

re-amputation rates of 20%–60%.7–9
Diabetes and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) are the major Currently, there is no widely accepted clinical algo-
conditions associated with lower limb amputations.1,2 The rithm for predicting healing outcomes following minor
effects of PAD are particularly pronounced in people with amputation, with the level commonly determined by the
diabetes as they have higher rates of PAD than the general
population, which occurs at younger ages, progresses more 1
S chool of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medicine, The
rapidly and has a preference for arteries below the pop- University of Newcastle, Australia, Ourimbah, NSW, Australia
liteal trifurcation.3 PAD-related ischaemia contributes to Vascular Health Care, Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia
increased risk of ulcer, amputation and impaired wound Department of Surgery, John Hunter Hospital, New Lambton, NSW,
healing in this population.4 Current literature suggests that,
where possible, minor amputations (toe and partial foot Corresponding author:
amputations) are preferred over major amputations (above Clare Linton, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and
Medicine, The University of Newcastle, Australia, Central Coast Local
and below knee) as they result in better mobility and have Health District, BE130 Health Precinct, Brush Road, Ourimbah, NSW
significantly lower mortality rates compared to major 2258, Australia.
amputations.5,6 However, minor amputations have higher Email:

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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and
Open Access pages (
2 Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 00(0)

Table 1.  Search strategy for the PubMed database. testing was performed at the time of or immediately prior
to amputation were eligible for this review. Minor amputa-
Search strategy PubMed via Ovid
tions were defined as any amputation where the tibial
1 Amputatio* weight-bearing stump is preserved as per the classification
2 [Minor or (lower AND limb) or foot OR toe or of Nather and Wong.6 Studies were excluded if they
forefoot or transmetatarsal or TMA] reported on acute traumatic amputation, major amputation
3 Heal* OR predict* OR outcome* OR success (above and below knee), amputation not related to diabetes
4 Pressur* OR index OR doppler OR pulse OR or if revascularisation was determined to have occurred
waveform OR oximetry OR microscopy OR perfusion
post measurement of TSBP.
OR transcutaneous OR TcPO2 OR TCOM OR ABI
OR TBI OR PVR OR DWA OR PRT OR SPP Duplicate articles were removed and the remaining
5 1, 2, 3 and 4 abstracts were independently screened for potential eligi-
bility by C.L. and A.S. Full texts of all potentially eligible
It is possible that not all studies were identified as searches were papers were retrieved and were independently assessed for
restricted to English language only.
eligibility by C.L., A.S. and V.C. Disagreements were
resolved by discussion between C.L., A.S. and V.C. Where
judgement of the surgical team supplemented by non-inva- data were available, meta-analysis was performed to com-
sive clinical testing to assess the vascular status of the pare the risk of non-healing post minor amputation where
limb.10 Although the ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) TSBP <30 mmHg compared to ⩾30 mmHg. This thresh-
is widely recommended as a non-invasive test for objec- old was chosen as it is the most widely cited threshold for
tively assessing lower limb vascular status,11 it can be healing capacity in chronic foot wounds and foot wounds
falsely elevated in people with diabetes due to the effects in people with diabetes and foot ulcer.15,16 All data analy-
of medial arterial wall calcification.12 Furthermore ABPI ses were performed using Review Manager (RevMan)
does not detect lesions distal to the ankle which can also be Version 5.3 software. A random effects model was used as
a characteristic of diabetes-related PAD.13 Toe systolic it is considered more suitable for combining the results of
blood pressure (TSBP) and toe-brachial pressure index studies where treatment effect may vary across studies due
(TBPI) are recommended as alternative non-invasive to factors such as differences in study population, inter-
vascular assessments and have been shown to be reliable ventions received and follow-up periods.17,18
and accurate for the detection of PAD in people with Assessment of the methodological and reporting qual-
diabetes.14 A recent systematic review that investigated ity of the included studies was conducted independently by
the prediction of wound healing or the likelihood of major C.L. and A.S. using an adapted version of the Critical
amputation in people with diabetes reported that TSBP Appraisal Skill Programme (CASP) Checklist for Cohort
values ⩾30 mmHg were associated with a 25% higher and Diagnostic studies.19 This checklist was designed for
chance of foot ulcer healing.15 However, the literature relat- critical appraisal of a variety of research styles, and an
ing to TSBP and TBPI thresholds required for successful adapted version of the checklist was used in this review
healing post minor amputation is unclear. Consequently, due to the variety of study types expected to be identified
the aim of this review was to systematically search the lit- in the search. The adapted checklist was pilot tested prior
erature to determine whether the TBPI and TSBP can pre- to the review by two authors (C.L. and V.C.). The checklist
dict the likelihood of healing following minor amputations questions (Table 3) are designed to assess the quality of the
of the foot in persons with diabetes and to evaluate study study design including selection and measurement bias,
findings by meta-analysis where possible. blinding, confounding and reporting.

Methods Results
Two reviewers (C.L. and A.S.) independently searched the The initial database search resulted in a total of 4066 cita-
electronic databases EMBASE and PubMed (including tions. A final 17 were deemed appropriate for full-text
Medline and The Cochrane Database of Systematic review (Figure 1). Following assessment, 10 studies were
Reviews) from inception to 9 March 2020. The search included in the review (Table 2)20–29 and 7 were rejected
strategy for the PubMed database is reported in Table 1 (Supplemental Table 1)30–36 on the basis of exclusion
and was modified for EMBASE as required. Reference criteria.
lists of all retrieved papers, clinical guidelines and review Details of the 10 included articles, with a total of 965
articles were manually searched for additional studies. All participants, are reported in Table 2. Five of the articles
original research study designs were included with no lim- were published between 1981 and 1994,20,23,26–28 and the
itations on sample size. Published research evaluating peo- other five articles between 2005 and 2015.21,22,24,25,29
ple with diabetes (type 1 or 2) who underwent minor, Indications for amputation included critical limb ischae-
non-traumatic foot amputation where non-invasive TSBP mia (intolerable rest pain and tissue necrosis), neuropathic
Linton et al. 3

5617 records idenfied

Doppler techniques to measure TSBP,23,28 four did not pro-
IDENTIFICATION through database searching vide details of the testing method used22,24,25,29 and the
1551 duplicate records removed remaining four studies20,21,26,27 reported using photop-
lethysmography (PPG).
4066 tles screened

Methodological quality

17 full text arcles assessed

The methodological quality assessment is detailed in Table 3.
for eligibility All of the studies provided clear aims and outcome meas-
ures linking TSBP and TBPI variables to minor foot
7 studies excluded:
• 5 Diabetes parcipants not amputation healing outcomes. All of the studies reported

evaluated separately
• 1 Toe pressure data
dose-related healing outcomes associated with TSBP and/
combined with other data
• 1 Amputaon data
or TBPI. Reporting regarding the population studied, vas-
combined with other data cular testing methods and healing assessment was incon-
sistent. Four of the (mainly older) studies did not provide
full details of the population studied.20,24,26,28 Details of

10 studies included in vascular testing procedures were not supplied by four

studies.22,24,25,29 Wound healing definitions and timeframes
were not defined by five studies23,24,26,28,29 and none of the
included studies reported blinding with relation to healing
Figure 1.  Prisma flow chart.
outcomes. It is unknown if all likely effects of the amputa-
tions could be seen in the timeframes of the studies. In part
and ischaemic ulceration, non-healing ulceration, gan- this is due to the different review timeframes used, with
grene, deep infection and osteomyelitis. The mean age of the shortest being 6 weeks and the longest a 3-year follow-
the population group was 64.2 years, with one paper, Bone up of healed and unhealed wounds. Furthermore, defini-
and Pomajzl,26 not providing data on age. All studies tions of healing were not consistent across the articles. In
[except Wong et al. (25)] reported on the use of TSBPs. addition, complications and re-amputations are common
Two of the studies – Caruana et al.21 and Larsson et al.23 – after minor amputations and may not be related to the vas-
also reported on the use of the TBPI, while Wong et al.25 cular factors assessed in these studies. Three of the included
reported on TBPI use only. Four studies used predeter- studies reported standardised surgical interventions,20,24,29
mined amputation levels with two including transmetatar- six did not report standardisation,22,23,25–28 and one did not
sal amputation (TMA) only,22,29 ray amputations only25 report on surgical technique.21 In three studies, it could not
and one including all minor amputations in a set time be conclusively determined that revascularisation had not
period.24 Another three studies used clinical criteria which occurred post-TSBP measurement.22,26,29
were not defined to determine amputation level.20,21,26
Larsson et al.23 stated that they used a non-detailed ‘spe-
TSBP and amputation healing
cifically designed protocol’ to determine amputation level.
The final two studies27,28 failed to provide any data on fac- There was no agreement on a specific TSBP threshold that
tors determining amputation level. The reported time peri- was predictive of healing between the nine studies that
ods where healing had occurred were between 6 weeks and reported on TSBP and amputation healing. Nonetheless,
77 months and amputation site healing was reported as lower mean TSBP values were associated with poorer
complete in a range between 43% and 84.3% of cases. amputation healing outcomes than higher mean TSBP val-
Methods of conducting vascular testing were varied ues. Five studies found that TSBP values of <20 mmHg
between studies. Test conditions known to affect TSBP were associated with poorer healing outcomes 20,21,23,28,29
and TBPI measurements such as length of pre-test rest Larsson et al.23 found that TSBP <15 mmHg resulted in an
time, ambient room temperature, avoidance of prior caf- amputation healing rate of 6%, while Holstein28 reported a
feine intake or exercise and presence of vasospastic disor- TSBP <20 mmHg had an 18.7% amputation healing rate.
ders and medications were inconsistently reported.37–39 Similarly, Mwipatayi et al.29 reported a mean TSBP of
Three papers failed to report on any pre-test or vascular 19 mmHg, in a group of non-healed participants, while
testing methods.23–25 Ambient room temperatures were both Barnes et al.20 and Caruana et al.21 reported mean
attained to reduce the risk of vasoconstriction in two TSBPs of 13 and 10.5 mmHg, respectively, in their non-
papers26,28 and two papers reported on placing participants healed participant groups.
in a supine position prior to testing to allow a level circula- In comparison, studies reported higher rates of healing
tory flow.21,28 Similarly, equipment used for testing varied post-minor amputation with higher TSBP values. All nine
between studies, two reported using strain gauge and/or studies reported improved healing rates with mean TSBPs
Table 2.  Characteristics of included studies.
Study Study type Participant Age (years) TBI Reason for Level of Method of closure Review period for Heal rate Results
number Duration DM TSBP and amputation amputation wound healing
(years) method
Male (%)

Barnes et al.20 Prospective 113 total Age: 65 TSBP by Intolerable rest 40 ray Digit and ray No time period given. 67% all foot Mean non-healed TSBP
Medical centres in cohort DM: 40 DM Duration: PPG pain, ischaemic 12 TMA amputataions Healed or failed amputations DM#: 13 mmHg
Richmond, USA (35%) NS ulceration or were closed (incisional breakdown with and Mean healed TSBP DM#:
Male: NS gangrene, tissue unless infection due to ischaemia, without DM 51 mmHg
necrosis and was present. infection or Healing TSBP in
functional status TMA were closed necessitated re- DM > 25 mmHg
of the patient. with posterior ampuation at a more
flap technique. proximal level)
Bone and Prospective 27 total Age: NS TSBP by Gangrene 26 one or Primary closure Average 10 months. 66.66% all Mean non-healed TSBP
Pomajzl26 cohort DM: 24 DM Duration: PPG Non-healing more toes DM#: 28.5 mmHg
Hospital surgery (89%) NS ulcerated lesion 4 TMA Mean healed TSBP DM#:
department in Male: NS 83.6 mmHg
Texas, USA Healing TSBP in
DM# > 60 mmHg
Caruana et al.21 Prospective 50 total Age: 67.4 TBI and Ischaemic 44 toe NS 6 weeks 63.6% Mean non-healed TSBP:
Tertiary referral cohort DM: 50 DM duration: TSBP by Neuropathic 6 TMA Healed–skin cover 10.5 mmHg
hospital, Malta (100%) 15.6 PPG Neuroischaemic complete (29.5%) Mean healed TSBP:
Male: 30 ulcerations Was healing–not 31 mmHg
(60%) complete but showed Mean non-healed TBI:
healthy granulation 0.21
(34.1%) Mean healed TBI: 0.85
Having complications
-wound breakdown
requiring re amp. at a
more proximal level
Holstein28 Retrospective 134 total Age: 65 TSBP by Ischaemia 32 Hallux Primary – 13 5 months median heal 44% in DM Mean TSBP DM #
Bispebjerg cohort DM: 102 DM Duration: strain Necrotic tissue 27 second to time for DM <20 mmHg: 18.7% heal
hospital, Denmark cases NS gauge drainage of pus fourth toes Mean TSBP DM#
Male: 89 49 Other toes 20–29 mmHg: 46.6% heal
(66.7%) 2 Tarsal Mean TSBP DM#
24 TMA ⩾30 mmHg: 81% heal
Larsson et al.23 Prospective 159 total Age: 70 ± 13 TSBP ad Foot ulcers 11 toe 68% secondary Healed: intact skin for 84.3% Mean healed TSBP:
Department of cohort DM: 159 DM Duration: TBI by 22 single ray intention at least 6 months or at 40 mmHg
internal medicine, (100%) 18 ± 12 Strain 17 multiple ray 14% skin grafts time of death. Mean TSBP < 15 mmHg:
Sweden Male: 86 gauge and 13 TMA 6% heal
(54%) Doppler 7 atypical Mean TSBP >= 15 mmHg:
NA in 24 midfoot 51% heal
patients Mean healed TBI: 0.24
Mean TBI < 0.10: 5% heal
Mean TBI > 0.20: 62%

Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 00(0)
Table 2. (Continued)
Study Study type Participant Age (years) TBI Reason for Level of Method of closure Review period for Heal rate Results
number Duration DM TSBP and amputation amputation wound healing
Linton et al.

(years) method
Male (%)

Mwipatayi et al.29 Retrospective 43 total Age: 55 TSBP by gangrene, TMA Primary with Reviewed from 1 to 63% Mean non-healed TSBP
Groote Schurr case-control DM: 27 DM Duration: UK ischaemia in the plantar flap 11 months for DM DM: 19 mmHg
hospital, South (62.8%) NS toes and distal Mean healed TSBP DM:
Africa Male: 16 forefoot 60 mmHg
Shaikh et al.24 Retrospective 74 total Age: 68 TSBP by Foot ulcers 13 Hallux Primary closure 1–77 months 61% All had TSBP >45 mmHg
Addenbrooks cohort DM: 74 DM Duration: UK or Grade 3 25 Lesser toe (mean 31 months)
hospital, UK (100%) NS palpable Wagner’s 13 first Met Healed: intact wound
Male: 48 pulse classification 5 second to skin edges after suture
(64.9%) TP > 45 mmHg fourth met removal
Seven 5th met Re-ulcerated:
11 TMA breakdown of
epithelialised skin or
Stone et al.22 Retrospective 74 total Mean age: 64 TSBP in Forefoot TMA Primary flaps Healing within 90 days 43% Mean TSBP < 50 mmHg:
Hospitals in cohort DM: 74 DM Duration: at least infection, where possible. with or without 50% heal
Florida, USA (100%) NS 50% by gangrene revisions. Mean TSBP > 50 mmHg:
Male: 64 (%) UK 91% heal
Vitti et al.27 Retrospective 136 total Mean age: TSBP by Severe infection, Toe 55 open No time period given. 57.3% for DM Mean non-healed TSBP
Hospital in cohort DM: 110 64.8 PPG gangrene TMA 81 closed all DM: 46.5 mmHg
Arkansas, USA (81%) Duration: NS Mean healed TSBP all
Male: 136 DM: 80.6 mmHg
(100%) TSBP no
DM < 38 mmHg: 0% heal
Wong et al.25 Prospective 150 total Age: 56 TBI by Wet gangrene of 150 Ray Not stated Good outcome: healed 70.7% Mean non-healed TBI:
National cohort DM: 150 DM Duration: UK the toe. and does not develop 0.5
University (100%) NS Osteomyelitis of any complications Mean healed TBI: 0.8
Hospital, Male: 100 the proximal or within 1 year.
Singapore 66.7(%) distal phalanx. Poor outcome:
Soft tissue proximal level
infection of the reamputation and/
whole toe. or additional ray
amputation on the
same foot, and/or
suffered mortality
within 1 year after

DM: diabetes mellitus; M: male; TMA: transmetatarsal; NS: not stated; TP: toe pressure; TBI or TBI: toe-brachial pressure index or toe-brachial index; PPG: photoplethysmography; NA: not available; PPV: positive predictive pressure;
UK: unknown method; #: values calculated from figures provided in the article.

Table 3.  Quality appraisal of included studies.

Barnes Bone and Caruana Holstein28 Larsson Mwipatayi Shaikh Stone Vitti Wong
et al.20 Pomajzl26 et al.21 et al.23 et al.29 et al.24 et al.22 et al.27 et al.25
Are the aims of the investigation clearly defined? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Is the population clearly stated? No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Are the outcomes measured clearly stated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Was the vascular assessment method adequately Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No
Was the vascular assessment method appropriate? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Was the wound healing assessment method Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes
adequately described?
Was the wound healing assessment method Yes UK Yes UK UK UK UK Yes Yes Yes
Were the inclusions and exclusions criteria UK UK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes UK
appropriate for the aims of the study?
Was the assessor; at follow-up, aware of baseline UK UK UK UK UK UK Yes Yes UK Yes
results that may predict risk of healing?
Would rates and reasons given for drop out affect No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
the results of the study?
Could all likely effects have appeared in the time UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK
Could the effect be transitory? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Could a dose response be demonstrated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

UK: unknown.
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 00(0)
Linton et al. 7

⩾30 mmHg; however, the TSBP thresholds reported by surgical cohorts and surgical methods, non-standard vascu-
these studies varied considerably. Holstein et al.28 reported lar testing methods and varied post-operative care and fol-
an 81% healing rate post amputation where mean TSBP low-up periods are likely to have resulted in the range of
was ⩾30 mmHg, which is similar to Caruana et al.21 who healing values reported by the studies.
reported a mean TSBP of 31 mmHg in their healed partici- Participant-specific factors including co-morbidities
pant group. Larsson et al.23 reported a mean TSBP of such as end-stage renal failure,22,24,25 smoking history,22,25,27,29
40 mmHg in their healed group, similar to Shaikh et al.24 sepsis,25,26 poor nutrition and metabolic status26 and pres-
who only included participants with a TSBP >45 mmHg ence of infection25,29,41 are all known to affect healing out-
and reported initial healing of all participants. Five remain- comes independently of vascular status.42,43 Complete
ing studies reported a wide range of TSBP thresholds surgical debridement of osteomyelitic bone is often diffi-
for successful healing outcomes including mean TSBPs cult to achieve and residual bone infection following can
of >50,20,22 ⩾60,29 80.6,27 and 83.6 mmHg.26 further slow the progression of healing.41
Post-operative care including non-weight-bearing peri-
ods, offloading and footwear also affect wound healing,
Toe-brachial index and healing post-minor and if these are not standardized, then toe pressure thresh-
amputation olds required for healing may be misleading.44 Four
There was no consensus across the three studies that papers 22,23,24,29 report post-operative non-weight-bearing
reported on the association between TBPI values and post- periods of between 3 weeks and 6 months, while offload-
amputation wound healing. Two of the studies, Caruana ing footwear or total contact casting was used by only one
et al.21 and Larsson et al.,23 reported mean TBPI >0.2 was paper.23 Varied post-operative follow-up timeframes may
associated with healing. However, Wong et al.25 reported also have affected the healing outcomes reported by the
that a higher mean TBPI value of 0.5 was associated with included studies. While some studies reported post-ampu-
poor healing outcomes in their cohort and that positive tation healing outcomes after relatively short periods, such
healing outcomes occurred when mean TBPI value is 0.8. as 6 weeks21 to 12 weeks,22 other studies followed partici-
pants for up to 10 months,26 12 months25,29 or 31 months,24
and three other studies did not state their post-operative
Meta-analysis results for the effect of TSBP follow-up period.23,27,28 Healing not occurring in the short
<30 mmHg on relative risk (RR) of healing term may have been captured by the studies that followed
post-minor foot amputation participants for longer time frames. In addition, the defini-
Four studies provided data that identified the number of tion of healing varied between the studies which made
participants (n = 104) with non-healed/healed outcomes comparisons of outcomes difficult. A standardised defini-
post-minor amputation and corresponding TSBP values tion of healing outcomes is needed for future research to
and therefore could be included in the meta-analysis.20,23,26,28 allow for accurate comparison of results between studies
Statistical analysis to assess the risk of publication bias in wound healing.
was not used as fewer than 10 studies were included in the Differing amputation levels are likely to further explain
meta-analysis, in which case test power has been reported the variable healing outcomes reported, as both can have a
to be too low to distinguish chance from actual asymme- significant impact on wound healing.45 Amputation levels
try.40 The meta-analysis showed that TSBP values in studies included in this review, while all classified as
<30 mmHg are associated with 2.09 times the RR of non- minor, varied from toe amputations20,21,26–28 through to
healing [RR = 2.09, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.37 to ray,20,23,25 midfoot and TMAs.20,21,23,24,26–29 While the initial
3.20, p = 0.001] with substantial heterogeneity present amputation level is chosen to preserve as much of the foot
(I2 = 52%, p = 0.10), compared to TSBP values ⩾30 mmHg as possible while still allowing healing,46 more distal
(Figure 2). amputations have been associated with slower healing,33,47
higher complication rates48 and increased rates of revision
amputations,49 compared to more proximal amputations.
The different closure methods reported by the studies
The aim of this review was to determine whether TSBPs included in this review may also have influenced the post-
and TBPIs could be used to predict the likelihood of heal- surgical healing outcomes. Some studies used primary
ing following minor foot amputation in people with diabe- closure which approximates and aligns the skin prior to
tes. This value is supported by the results of the meta-analysis closure with sutures or staples under sterile conditions at
which found that TSBPs <30 mmHg are associated with the time of surgery.50 Other studies use secondary clo-
2.09 times the RR of non-healing compared to TSBPs sure which involves leaving the tissue open after surgery
⩾30 mmHg. Only one study investigated the relationship and has the potential for a slower healing process.5 Five
between TBPI and post-minor amputation healing and of the included studies reported on the use of primary
identified a TBPI of 0.5 as being associated with poor heal- closure following amputation,20,22,24,26,29 three studies
ing outcomes.25 A number of factors including disparate described procedures which were a mixture of primary
8 Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 00(0)

Figure 2.  Forest plot of the association between post minor foot amputation healing outcomes and TSBP< 30 mm Hg.

and secondary skin closure23,27,28 and two papers did not The relationship between healing outcomes post minor
state the closure methods used in their study.21,25 The level amputation and pre-amputation TSBP and TBPI values
of amputation was not linked to the type of closure in the could be more conclusively established by more consistent
majority of studies, making it difficult to interpret the reporting in future investigations. This would include the
association between level of amputation, skin closure use of standardised methods of vascular assessment,
method and the likelihood of predicting healing via TSBP detailed reporting of post-surgical complications and any
or TBPI. revascularisation techniques and full descriptions of the
Method of measurement of TSBP, where reported, was surgical cohorts including co-morbidities and lifestyle-
also variable across the included studies and included related factors known to affect healing. In addition, a com-
strain gauge, Doppler and PPG and may have contributed mon definition of wound healing, including consistent
to the inconsistent mean TSBP associated with healing evaluation and follow-up time frames, is needed. Further
across the included studies. Reported mean TSBPs of 51, research, specific to the different types and levels of minor
31, 83.6 and 80.6 mmHg20,21,26,27 were associated with amputations, may also identify differences in TSBP and
healed outcomes. Strandness and Sumner51 compared the TBPI values associated with healing.
strain gauge and the PPG and found a small but consistent The results of this study need to be interpreted in the
difference with the PPG measuring an average of 9.4% context of a number of specific limitations. Although this
higher; therefore, the different techniques are likely to review was designed to be comprehensive with a robust
introduce variability. Similarly, the reliability of TSBPs search on relevant databases, it is possible that not all stud-
and TBPIs obtained by PPG can be affected in participants ies were identified. The heterogeneity present in the vascu-
with low systolic pressures,38 which is particularly rele- lar measurement methods, the amputation methods and
vant for the cohorts examined in this review. A TSBP follow-up periods, and the study participants reduce the
measurement error of greater than ±25 mmHg has been strength of the current findings. The limited number of
reported by one trial investigating the intra and inter-tester studies identified (n = 9) did not allow us to determine heal-
reliability of TSBP and TBPI measurement in people with ing perfusion pressures for different levels of minor
diabetes.38 This may partially explain the wide range of amputations.
mean TSBP values reported by these trials.
The strength of the conclusions that can be drawn from
the current available data is limited by population cohorts
and testing methods and level of detail in reporting of TBPI or TSBP thresholds for prediction of healing post-
included studies, for example, timing of vascular assess- minor amputations in the foot in people with diabetes var-
ments and revascularisation procedures, varying levels of ied considerably between the studies. However, all of the
minor amputation and lack of standardisation of healing nine studies investigating TSBPs reported improved heal-
outcomes. Nevertheless, all of the nine studies investigat- ing outcomes where mean TSBPs ⩾30 mmHg, with a
ing TSBP found that healing occurred at mean TSBP values range of 30–83.6 mmHg. Meta-analysis results showed a
⩾30 mmHg in a range between 30 and 83.6 mmHg. A mini- RR of non-healing post amputation of 2.09 (95% CI: 1.37–
mum TSBP value of 30 mmHg is supported by the wound 3.20, p = 0.001) with TSBPs <30 mmHg compared to
ischaemia and foot infection (WIfI)-threatened limb clas- TSBPs ⩾30 mmHg. As only one study was identified that
sification system, which classifies TSBPs <30 mmHg as investigated the capacity for TBPI to predict post-amputa-
severe ischaemia,52 a condition that would be expected to tion healing, no firm conclusions could be drawn.
impair wound healing. This level is also highlighted by the Identification of definite TSBP or TBPI thresholds associ-
International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot, who ated with positive healing outcomes post minor foot ampu-
recommend urgent vascular imaging and revascularisation tation was complicated by heterogeneity present in the
in people with diabetes and a foot ulcer where the toe pres- surgical cohorts and surgical techniques, vascular meas-
sure is <30 mmHg.53 urement methods and follow-up time periods.
Linton et al. 9

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