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A Roll B Roll+ extra notes Music + Time

Pride protest 00:00- 01:40

Sacrifice- Elton John
Images and videos of stonewall 01:40- 03:00
‘Stonewall was one of the Images and videos of stonewall 03:00- 4:30
biggest protests of all time for
the community, it helped
change the views of the public
as well as well as their
freedom. The first legal law
was made in 1533 which
meant being part of the
community was punishable by
death although women
weren’t involved in this law as
the government as they
thought if they included
woman it would bring curiosity
to their minds.’
‘In 1973 being gay wasn’t 04:30- 05:00
marked as an illness anymore
which changed many people’s
views and made the mental
health of the community a lot
better. In 2014 gay marriage
was made legal which was a
big step forward although
some venues and churches still
don’t allow this.’
‘I wanted some first-hand
views from the community so I
decided to go and speak to
some people about this and
hears what they had to say.’
Everyone saying their names 05:00-05:30
Everyone’s clips of laughing (quick cut) 05:30-05:40
Everyone’s opinions Jay 05:40- 15:00
(repeated four times)
Braxton’s speech 15:00-15:20
Images and thank you to 15:20-16:00
Pride protest+credits 16:00-16:30

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