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This study understands the challenges encounterd by students/childrens

brought by their parents parental motivation in key to achievements.
Specifically, the study analyed the struggles encountered by the students/
children to have a achievement for their better future. their life after they
experience those struggles, and the ways that students/childrens used to
overcome those challenges. Phenomelogy qualitative research was employed
in understanding the challenges that students/childrens face by the impact
of parental motivation to gain an achievement. the DATA gathered from the
interview is purely understands based on the experiences of both parents
and students/childrens facing various difficult challenges related to
relationship between motivation and academic achievement. the interview
was performed independently by the researchers to collect qualitative, open-
ended data that were solely dependent on the respondents’ answers.
Students are struggling to have a better academic performance and have
achievements academically due to the pressure that their parents are giving
them. While, parents are having a hard time to produce high-achieving
students because of their children's lost of interest in studying. According to
the result of the study, students want their efforts to recognized and they
want their parents to not pressure them on their studies. This study is based
on an idea in psychology proposed by American psychologist Abraham
Maslow who theorized the human decision-making is undergirded by a
hierarchy of the psychological needs. In his initial paper and a subsequent
1954 book titled Motivation and Personality, Maslow proposed that five core
needs form the basis for human behavioural motivation. American
psychologist Abraham Maslow's theory could be linked on how the parents
guide their sons/daughters to their life especially on their academic lives.
When a parent failed to give the Maslow's first four needs; which are:
Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belongingness and Esteem needs
the student will likely lose their motivation to achieve on school. Some
parents do to make their son/daughters to be motivated are simply giving
them some motivational words and this is connected to Maslow's fourth
hierarchy of needs which is the esteem needs. Having knowledge about how
parents deal with their children will provide a further understanding on the
impact of parental motivation to the academic achievement of students. it is
recommended that parents should provide their children's basic needs, and
avoid pressuring them on their studies as it would produce a negative effect
on their children. In addition, they should make ways to boost their
children's confidence and recognize their efforts as doing so will make their
children highly motivated in their studies, thus resulting in having a better
academic performance and stronger relationship between them and their
children. Future researchers are adviced to include parents and not just
students in conducting interviews in order to see their point of views.

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