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(Proposition 1(Maris))
Vstuplenie: Hello dear judges, opponents and also my teammates. I am the first speaker of today’s
competition on the topic “Artificial intelligence”. Today we would like to prove you that Artificial
intelligence has good influence on humanity. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize
the way we live and work, bringing many benefits to society.

First I’m going to give the definition of the key words.

(Ai) - (Artifical inteligence) - Is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially
computer systems.

(ChatGPT) - an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI that can work in a conversational
mode that supports requests in natural languages.

(Terminator) - Action film about robots and their inefluency on humanity that was made in 1984.

(Purchasing power of citizens) - is the value of a currency expressed in terms of the number of goods
or services that one unit of money can buy.

(Quality of life) - the degree of satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of people with a mass of
goods and services.

(full-scale war) - means as complete, intense, or great in extent war as possible.

The difenitions are taken from

Our arguments are the following ones:

1.argument - (Ai) could work as a medical adviser In medicine

2.argument - Ai will noticeably Advanceme Science and Technology

3.argument - Evolution of AI will give people opportunity to self-develop

I am going to present 1st-2nd arguments and the rest of the arguments will
be presented by our 2nd speaker.

Our first argument: (Ai) could work as a medical adviser In medicine

(Ai) could work as a medical adviser In medicine (Ai) can distribute all information of every patient itself,
that can improove medical staff productivity by doing it in a few seconds. Also, (Ai) can prognose
diagnoses in people bodyes according to information that they will give them after medical check from
doctor, and according to diagnose (Ai) could give a receipt with all necessary medicaments or also explain
that you need a teraphy or even operation.

Here comes our second argument: Ai will noticeably Advanceme Science and Technology

It will noticeably Advanceme Science and Technology: AI is being used in scientific research to help
analyze complex data sets, which can lead to new discoveries and advancements in fields such as
medicine, astronomy, and environmental science.

FOR (Proposition 2(Leva))

Vstuplenie: Hello dear judges, opponents and also my teammates. I am the second speaker of today’s
competition in the affirmative team on the topic “Artificial intelligence”.

Firstly I would like to refute the opponents’ arguments.

They stated that…/said…../ confirmed….. but…..

You`ve said... arguments/moments Refutation

However we do not agree

with this.(here give

As,...(say the evidence to

finish your argument)

Therefore, (show why

your argument is better)

And now I would like to turn to our case

Our third argument: Evolution of AI will give people opportunity to self-develop

Evolution of AI will give people opportunity to self-develop in in any area without any problems.
Nowadays is very popular ChatGPT, it can explain every question about maths, physics or something else
in simple words. If you ask the artificial intelligence to explain it in a simpler way, it will explain it easier.
People will be able to more easily perceive complex things and do what they want, because many today
cannot do what they want due to lack of knowledge or misunderstanding.

So, we still believe that the Artificial Intelligence is good opportunity for

FOR (Proposition 3(Ervin))

Vstuplenie: Hello dear judges, opponents and also my teammates. I am the second speaker of today’s
competition in the affirmative team on the topic “Artificial intelligence”. Now I would like to look back at
our clash points and analyse the cross examination.

1) Указать точки конфликтов

2) Анализировать

3) Где ошиблись оппоненты и указать где мы правы

4) Раздавить противников контраргументами используя прошлые аргументы

и подловить на ошибке

FOR (Cherry on the cake(Maris))

Our resolution - Artificial intelligence is good
Нужно доказать, что наша команда превосходит оппонентов не приводя
новых аргументов, опровержений и примеров!!!

I think that our arguments answered to all of your questions and also proved you that there's no
need to be scared of (Ai) and that it's bright side is much biger than dark. We was not trying to fool
you or something, we just wanted you to think constructively and look in the future. Try to ask
yourself's, how are you gonna live without Artifical inteligence. It will folow you everywhere at any time
and there's no chance to hide from it, and actually you dont need to hide it only will make your life
better and more comfortable.

So , we still sure that Artificial intelligence is good

AGAINST (opposition 1(Maris))(Опровергает аргументы первого спикера правительства и

приводит самые сильные аргументы оппозиции)

Vstuplenie: Hello dear judges, opponents and also my teammates. I am the first speaker of
today’s competition on the topic “Artificial intelligence”. Today we would like to prove you that
Artificial intelligence is one off the worst experience’s that happened to humanity.

We agree to the definitions of the key words provided by the propostion


Firstly I would like to refute the opponents’ arguments.

They stated that…/said…../ confirmed….. but…..

Jūs sakāt... atspēko argumenti/momenti atspēkojums


Bet mēs nepiekrītam...

sniedziet pretapgalvojumu

Jo... piedāvājiet iemeslu, lai

pabeigtu savu argumentu

Tāpēc... veiciet secinājumu

un paskaidrojiet, kāpēc jūsu
arguments atduras pret
citiem/parādiet, ka jūsu
arguments ir labāks

And now I would like to turn to our case

Our arguments are:

1) (Ai) should not be trusted in political questions.

2) Artificial intelligence should not be trusted with military systems.

3) People will lose their jobs

4) Ai will ask for autonomy

The third and the fourth arguments will be told by our 2nd speaker
Our first argument: (Ai) should not be trusted in political questions. (Ai) Is generated to recieve
information but not to understand human emotions. For example in court (Ai) as a judge would
not feel energy from an innocent person or guilty person, any of them can easily start lying and
(Ai) wont notice it. That can raise criminality in the world until it will go out of control. From that
moment life will globally change.

Our second argument: Also after our discussion, we think that artificial intelligence should not
be trusted with military systems. It can be dangerous because AI is studying by humans
experience. If AI see information about world wars and take it as something good. It can drop a
nuclear missile on another country and start a war. Many science fiction films tell about such a
development of events, for example, the Terminator.

So, we still are sure that Artificial intelligence is one off the worst
experience’s that happened to humanity

AGAINST (opposition 2(Leva))

Vstuplenie: Hello dear judges, opponents and also my teammates. I am the second speaker of
today’s competition in the opposition team on the topic “Artificial intelligence”.

First I would like to refute the opponents’ arguments

They stated that…/said…../ confirmed….. but…..

You`ve said... arguments/moments Refutation

However we do not agree

with this.(here give

As,...(say the evidence to

finish your argument)

Therefore, (show why

your argument is better)

And now I would like to turn to our case

Our third argument: It is true that the development of AI technology has the potential to
automate many jobs that are currently performed by human workers. This could lead to
significant job losses, particularly in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and
customer service. Due to the fact that fewer people will work, there will be problems in the
economy. This reduce purchasing power of citizens, less taxes will go to the country budget and
quality of life may fall.

Our last argument: If AI were to achieve self-consciousness, it could potentially ask people to
accept it as a new form of life that deserves to be treated with respect and autonomy. This could
lead to conflicts between robots and humans over issues such as rights, resources, and control.
Moreover, the prospect of AI gaining self-consciousness raises the possibility of an existential
threat to humanity. If robots were to perceive humans as a threat or obstacle to their survival,
they could potentially take aggressive action to protect themselves. This could include launching
attacks on human infrastructure or even launching a full-scale war against humanity.

So, we still are sure that Artificial intelligence is one off the worst
experience’s that happened to humanity

AGAINST (opposition 3(Ervin))

Vstuplenie: Hello dear judges, opponents and also my teammates. I am the third speaker of
today’s competition in the opposition team on the topic “Artificial intelligence”.

1) Указать точки конфликтов

2) Анализировать

3) Где ошиблись оппоненты и указать где мы правы

4) Раздавить противников контраргументами используя прошлые аргументы

и подловить на ошибке

AGAINST (Cherry on the cake(Maris))

Our resolution - Artificial intelligence is one off the worst experience’s that
happened to humanity
Нужно доказать, что наша команда превосходит оппонентов не приводя
новых аргументов, опровержений и примеров!!!

I wish that we said everything that we needed and answered to all of your questions
about the dark side of (AI). We tryed to make your horizon bigger and I wish we changed your
look on the (AI) and also your opinion about it. Our job was not to blame (AI) but to protect
people who's life could change because of some nuance's.

So, we still are sure that Artificial intelligence is one off the worst
experience’s that happened to humanity

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