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 Based on your research and your understanding of the topic, why do you

think Google would try to increase the diversity of its workforce? Give reasons
to support your explanation.

Diversity is the idea of accepting all people despite the differences each person
comes with. It is the understanding that everyone is different, and these
differences must be respected and valued. In the context of google workspace,
diversity should be defined as the different types of characteristics/skills in a
group of people in each workspace. Therefore, to answer the reason why google
would try to increase the diversity of its workforce, I would want to look at
importance of having a diverse workforce. A diverse work environment serves
as an asset because it acknowledges the respects and values each person and
what they bring to the team. These differences strengthen the team, and it could
be considered the key tool for a very successful and blooming workplace and
promotes the culture of fairness. Hiring people from diverse background shows
that the company wants to assure it employees and client base that it considers
everyone regardless of their gender, color, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual
orientation, religious beliefs, etc.

From the research, it showed that Google has come up with a lot of schemes
and incentives. I think these have been incorporated to promote wellbeing and
encourage the feeling of fairness and equal rights and opportunities for all it

Being that Google is a company serving the world at large, it is important as each
of their employees be able to relate to each situation/client as there will always
be customers wanting information and if there is someone available that can help

One benefit of Google having a diverse workforce is that there will be more
people with differing perspectives and solutions to problems, allowing for a
greater chance of a workable solution to a workplace issue/situation. An
example is a client feeling fulfilled when they have someone they can relate to
when a service is being provided.

 Why do you think Google would make a conscious corporate effort to

counteract unconscious bias within its workplace? Do you think the
company's efforts will be successful? Offer specific reasons for your opinion.

In my opinion, Google will succeed because has put into place measures to
detect biases and have develop strategies to addressed it as and when it comes
up. More than that, Google has created a system when that has improved a
culture of aware and is ready to support anyone sensing any form of biases.
Google has also adopted and is branding itself as a company with a positive
reputation. Every employee wants to be in a safe and accepted and environment
is tolerant of all background of people.

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