Lesson 2 Rulings of Sacred Law & Types of Water

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Lesson 2 Rulings of Sacred Law & Types of Water Worksheet

Part 1: Rulings of Sacred Law:

1) What is The Obligatory (Fard)?

2) What is the Necessary (Wajib)?

3) What is the Emphasised Sunnah (Sunnah Mu’akkada)?

4) What is the Non-Emphasised Sunnah (Ghayr Mu’akkada)?

5) What is the Recommended (Mustahab)?

6) What is the Permissible (Mubah)

7) What is the Somewhat Disliked (Makruh Tanzihan)

8) What is the ProhibiQvely Disliked (Makruh Tahriman)?

9) What is the Prohibited (Harām)?

10) What is the Difference between Sunnah Mu’akkadah and Ghayr Sunnah Mu’akkadah?

11) What is the difference between Fard and Wajib?

12) What is the difference between Makruh Tanzihan and Makruh Tahriman?

13) Write down all 9 Legal rulings given in Islamic Jurisprudence

14) Fill in the following Table


Sacred Law Ruling Ac@ng Upon it: Not Ac@ng Upon it: Example:
Part 2: Types of Water

1) What are the types of Water valid for PurificaQon?

2) A Water can be Purifying If it saQsfies two condiQons – what are they?

3) What happens if water is overcome? What two things overcome water?

4) What are the natural characterisQcs of Water?

5) When Water is mixed with a Solid Substance, what is it assessed by to derive its
qualificaQon to remain purifying? At what point with a solid substance does the
Water not become purifying? Give two examples to display the difference.
6) When water is mixed with a liquid substance, what is it assessed by to derive its
qualificaQon to remain purifying? At what point with a liquid substance does the
water no longer become purifying? Give two examples to display the difference.
What is the golden rule regarding this situaQon?

7) Fill in the Diagram:

Something pure mixed with

the Water:

Solid Substance Liquid Substance

Water is s@ll purifying IF: Water is s@ll purifying IF:

8) What two types of water does the above ruling apply to?

9) What are the three filth/impuriQes?

10) Define a Small Body of Water, Large Body of Water and Flowing Water

11) How much filth is necessary to enter a Small Body of Water to render the water
impermissible for PurificaQon?

12) How much filth is necessary to enter a Large Body of Water to render the water
impermissible for PurificaQon?
13) How much filth is necessary to enter Flowing Water to render the water
impermissible for PurificaQon?

14) Fill in the Diagram:

Filth Mixed With Water

Small Body of Water

Flowing Water
Large Body of Water

Purifying Status: Purifying Status: Purifying Status:

15) Can Water that has been used be used for PurificaQon? Why/Why Not?

16) What counts as used water?

17) Compare and Contrast between CondiQoned Water, and UncondiQoned Water

Part 3: Applica@on

1) Why can’t you Purify yourself with Tea? Since it comprises majorly with Water,
retaining the qualiQes of water [That it is not viscous, when a solid has mixed with it]
2) Ahmed comes across a Murky pond that looks green, smells stagnant and tastes
stale, he idenQfies the algae mixed with the water as a solid substance, what should
he do to work out if he can purify himself with it?

3) Muhammad was on the way home, and realised he needed to pray – he stumbled
upon a pond which was near a farm. The pond has many apples in it, which made the
Pond smell off, and look Green, Can he purify himself with it?

4) Yusuf had prepared Water to be used for Wudu, but aker looking at it, realised some
milk had been added into it; this was due to the colour changing. Can he purify
himself with it?

5) Ya’qoub went to purify himself, however, his brother menQoned he Qpped a limle bit
of white vinegar by accident into his vessel – how will Ya’qoub work out if the water
is permissible for him to purify himself with it?
6) Hamzah was performing his wudu in a small body of water – upon reaching his nose,
he blew too hard, and a drop of blood fell into it. Is the small body of water sQll
permissible for purificaQon? Why?

7) Uthman reached a river whilst travelling and needed to perform Wudu, upon
smelling it, it was off. Can purificaQon be performed at this river?

8) Upon washing his hands, Yayha did not want to waste any water – so he contained it
in a bucket. Later on, he performed Wudu from that very same bucket. Was it
permissible for him to do so?


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