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Lesson 3 – Performing Wudu

1) What are the obligatory components of Wudu?

2) What are the three condi:ons that validate Wudu?

3) What is the legal defini:on of Washing?

4) What are the Facial Limits that must be washed, when washing the Face?

5) What is the difference between Washing and Wiping?

6) What does Washing the Arms Include?

7) What are the limits regarding the wiping of the head? The Area that is referred to?

8) How much water is necessary to be touched by the skin in the obligatory parts to
render Wudu Valid?
9) Why can’t one do Wudu with Nail Polish, Glue or Paint on their skin?

10) What are the Emphasised Sunnah’s of Wudu?

11) What are the E:queWes [ADAB] of Wudu?
12) What is Disliked during Wudu?
13) You Enter into the Bathroom/Place of Performing Ablu:on -> Detail exactly how you
would perform the Wudu correctly, including the Adab, Sunnan and Obligatory
14) Yahya just completed a task, and realised he had to pray Asr – he only had 5 Minutes
lef and did not have Wudu. What is the best way he could perform his Wudu in :me
to perform his Salaat?

15) Abdullah completed his Wudu; however it was no:ced that no water had touched
just below the hairline – is his wudu Valid?

16) What is Exaggera:ng the Rinsing of the Mouth and Nostril? Is it an emphasised
Sunnah? When does one refrain from doing so (Or not advised for one to do so)

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