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1) What breaks ones Wudu?

2) Explain the Understanding on why the Fuqaha describe Drunkenness,

Unconsciousness, and Insanity to break ones wudu – How does it return to the
concept of Filth?

3) Fill in the Diagram describing the NullificaIon of ExiIng of Filth [How it Breaks ones

ExiIng of Filth
4) Anything that comes out of the Private Parts whilst in a state of Wudu breaks it. True
or False?

5) If one is bleeding in a specific locaIon, and it wells up, intensifies – and one places
something upon it, dabs it [e.g. With a Tissue] – has one sIll retained Wudu? If Yes,

6) Consider the following statement, then fix it:

Anything that is present on the Body that is Filthy will Nullify the Wudu

7) Fill in the following Diagram:

When is Blood Filthy? Hence,
Breaking Wudu
8) Is it only when Blood flows, that Wudu is Broken? What about other types of Filth?
List some other types of Filth that, when Flowing, would break Wudu.

9) When one is bleeding in the mouth, what is the ruling to determine that blood has
flowed to the extent that wudu has broken?

10) At what point does vomit break your Wudu?

11) What is the understanding of several occurrences of vomits from the same cause,
and from different causes with relaIon to nullifying wudu?
12) When does Sleep break your wudu, and when does it not?

13) When does drowsiness break your wudu, and when does it not?

14) Illustrate a diagram to present your understand.

15) When the rear is firmly posiIoned on the ground, what is the ruling on leaning
against something? What is the soundest view?

16) Does Wudu break when one sleeps in their Prayer? At what point would Wudu be
nullified by sleeping in their prayer?
17) Does Touching ones Penis/Anus or Women’s Genitalia nullify ones Wudu?

18) Does touching a women nullify ones Wudu?

19) What is the understanding in the Hanafi School with relaIon to Laughing in the
Prayer nullifying ones Wudu?

20) What are the condiIons necessary for Laughter to break your Wudu? At what point
does Laughter only invalidate the Salaah but not Wudu?
21) Complete the following Diagram:
InImate Contact

What is required to be done now due to nullificaIon

22) What does Direct Contact Without a Barrier refer to specifically as a situaIon?

23) Does touching blood/pus Nullify ones wudu?

24) What are the condiIons one must be in, such that Wudu becomes Legally
Responsible on them to fulfil?
25) What condiIons render Wudu to be valid?

26) What is the Legal Ruling of Wudu

27) What are the 3 types of Wudu?

28) When is Wudu Obligatory [Fard] upon a person?

29) When is Wudu Necessary [Wājib] upon a person?

30) When is Wudu Recommended [Mandub]?

Part 2: Applica7on

1. Yahya was wriIng in his book, and someone appeared behind him, such that he
turned friskily and cut his finger on the paper – blood welled up and moved from its
posiIon, flowing. Is Yahya’s Wudu Nullified? Why?

a) Had Yayha quickly obtained a cloth or paper towel, or even placed a band-aid and
placed it onto the cut before it had the opportunity to intensify and flow, would his
wudu have been nullified sIll?

b) Suggest 2 other pieces of filth that, had they flowed, would nullify Yahya’s wudu

2. Abdullah was flossing his teeth and spat into the sink, it was yellowish, what does
this represent?

a) What if it was light pink or red?

3. Hamzah had a headache all day, at one point at 8:00PM at night, he vomited a
porIon that was not equivalent to a mouthful, is his wudu nullified?

a) Half an hour later, he vomited again, sIll less than a mouthful, from the same
headache – the addiIon of the two vomiIng occurrences however, equated to a
mouthful – is his Wudu Nullified?

4. Uthman was eaIng Lunch, he ate too much, and the mix of food made him sick – He
threw up, equaIng to less than a mouthful, 3 Imes within an hour. Is his wudu
nullified? At night he developed a bad headache, and before bed, vomiIng 4 Imes,
not equaIng to a mouthful. Is his wudu nullified?

a) The addiIon of the vomits at Lunch and before Bed however, equated to a mouthful,
is his Wudu Nullified? Why?
5. Adam was on a flight to Makkah, and was exhausted – he, however, would not be
able to do Wudu again if it is broken. Suggest how Adam could sleep without having
his Wudu broken, explaining the theory behind it.

a) What is the ruling on leaning upon something with relaIon to nullificaIon of Wudu?

6. Umar was waiIng to pray Fajr in Jam’at – there was sIll an hour lek to wait, so he sat
down waiIng, silng in the posiIon of Tahashud, and was slightly sleepy. Is his Wudu

a) What is the ruling regarding being Drowsy? Explain how this could be applied to
Umar’s case

7. Umar was praying a long Tahajjud, and during prostraIon he had fallen asleep – is his
Wudu Nullified? At what point, during prayer, while asleep, would his Wudu be
8. Ammar was a mature adult, praying at the masjid – all of a sudden, he heard a
ringtone that detracted him from his Salaah, causing him to burst out in Laughter.
Explain the possible rulings that would occur in this situaIon, and what would be

9. Ubaidah is a Muslim, Sane, in a state of Ritual Impurity, has access to sufficient water
and the ability to Pray Salaah – Is He Legally Obligated to Perform Wudu?

10. Yousef hears a verse of the Qur’an being recited that entails a prostraIon – he,
however, is not in a state of Wudu. Is he able to Prostrate?

a) He decides to find out which Surah this verse is and goes towards the Qur’an,
intending to touch it – is he able to?
b) He decides to obtain a piece of paper to grab the Qur’an with it, is this permissible?

c) He receives an invitaIon to the Local Musallah Fundraiser Dinner, in a state of Ritual

Impurity, he sees a verse of the Qur’an on the Card, is he allowed to hold the card?

11. Yunus is ready to perform Tawaf around the Ka’bah, what is the Legal Ruling of Wudu
for Yunus?

a) He also wishes to go study books of Hadith and Tafsir, is he able to before doing

b) What other recommendaIons do you have for Yunus performing Wudu, of which
would provide benefit for him?

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