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Tetralogy of Fallot

Clinical and Hemodynamic Spectrum of Combined Pulmonary

Stenosis and Ventricular Septal Defect

The considerable body of clinical and physiologic data in patients with the tetralogy of Fallot
that has been accumulated over the past 15 years now indicates that the original concept of the
lesion as a single, fairly narrowly limited entity is no longer valid. The tetralogy can now be demon-
strated to occupy a broad spectrum in the field of congenital cardiac anomalies, representing
widely varying forms. While the entity has been termed a tetralogy, only 2 features, namely the
pulmonary stenosis and the ventricular septal defect, are essential in the determination of the
clinical and physiologic pattern that patients with this defect portray.

THI', tetralogy of ballot is a commonly oc- of Fallot is more complex than that of the
curring malformation that is perhaps the other common congenital cardiac lesions owing
most familiar of all cyanotic congenital cardio- to the combinations of the anatomic defects
vascular anomalies, and has occupied a salient constituting this anomaly. The complexity can
position in the field of congenital heart disease. be simplified by identifying the dominant
It w-as one of the first congenital cardiac anatomic features of the anomaly. It is obvious
lesions to be described in the pathologic litera- that right ventricular hypertrophy, one of the
ture with reports appearing in the seventeenth classic components of the tetralogy, is a purely
and eighteenth centuries." 2 It was also one of secondary phenomenon and can consequently
the first to receive clinical definition, mainly as be eliminated as a significant element.
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a result of Fallot's descriptions in the latter The role played by dextroposition of the
part of the nineteenth century,3 and it was the aortic root is more difficult to assess. It is the
first of the cyanotic congenital cardiac anom- opinion of the authors that this element of the
alies to prove amenable to surgical correction. tetralogy is not a dominant factor in determin-
The success of the Blalock-Taussig procedure ing the hemodynamic pattern. The concept,
was a major factor in initiating the present era that an aortic root overriding the right, ven-
of widespread interest in diagnosis and therapy tricle is often more of an apparent nature than
of congenital heart disease.4 an actual anatomic malposition, has received
The recent period of extensive investigation increasing support in recent years.
of congenital heart disease has resulted in the The infundibular stenosis and the ventricular
accumulation of a considerable body of clinical septal defect thus remain as the essential ele-
and physiologic data in patients with the ments determining the clinical and physiologic
tetralogy. This evidence indicates that the patterns in patients with the tetralogy of
original concept of the lesion as a single, fairly Fallot.
narrowly limited entity, is no longer valid. The The present report consists of an effort to
tetralogy of Fallot can now be shown to occupy define the widely varying forms of the tetralogy
a broad spectrum in the field of congenital on the basis of variation in the severity of
cardiac anomalies presenting in widely vary- these 2 elements. The categories formed by
ing forms. combinations of the 2 defects in varying grades
This vide range occupied by the tetralogy of severity are described and patients studied
at this center are presented as examples.
From the Cardiovascular Laboratory, University
of Colorado School of Medicine, I)enver, Colo. CLASSIFICATION
This studyi was supported bya United States Pub-
lie Health Service grant H-1208. A classification of the tetralogy of lallot is
t D)eceased, M\ay 26, 1956. proposed based on the possible combinations
736 circulation, Volume XlVI, Nvoember 1957

tology, evidence of collateral circulation to the

lungs, and frequently fatal termination in in-
fancy or early childhood. Taussig has sug-
gested the term "extreme tetralogy" to identify
this lesion ;5, 6 "pseudotruncus arteriosus" is
also used to designate this severe form, par-
ticularly when pulmonary atresia is present.
Excellent descriptions of this well-known
variant of the classic tetralogy are present in
1 1
the literature.5' 6 Additional cases are there-
FIG. 1. A spectrum of the tetralogy of Fallot. The
fore not presented. The hemodynamic aspects
direction and the volume of shunting of blood through of the extreme tetralogy are similar to those of
the ventricular septal defect are demonstrated sche- the classic tetralogy but reveal more marked
matically with the associated right ventricular and peripheral arterial unsaturation. The arterial
pulmonary artery pressures. oxygen saturation levels are low at rest and are
further reduced to astonishingly low levels on
of infundibular stenosis of varying severity activity. Clinically the course of patients with
and a ventricular defect of varying size. A the extreme tetralogy is marked by frequent
spectrum composed of these combinations is episodes of paroxysmal hypoxia, which may be
presented showing clinical and physiologic con- fatal, and severe limitation of exercise toler-
tinuity within the group, yet permitting defini- ance. Occasionally patients may develop ex-
tion of recognizable subdivisions (fig. 1). tensive collateral circulation and live into
The first 3 groups of this spectrum repre- adulthood. However, the usual course termii-
sent 3 well-known forms of the tetralogy of nates in infancy or childhood. Auscultation
Fallot, in which the 2 component lesions are reveals a systolic murmur along the left sternal
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of about equal but varying severity. The re- border, which is considerably less intense than
maining 2 subdivisions constitute forms of that accompanying the classic tetralogy, and
the tetralogy in which one lesion is very severe on occasion no murmur is audible. The second
and the other relatively mild, resulting in the heart sound at the base arises entirely from
hemodynamic pattern of the dominant defect the closure of the aortic valve and at times, due
(fig. 1). to the relative position of the aorta, this second
Such a classification is of value in determin- sound may be accentuated over the pulinonary
ing the optimal therapeutic course in patients area. A diagnostic auscultatory feature is a
with the tetralogy. Each of the subdivisions continuous cardiac murmur arising from the
represents a separate category as regards the collateral circulation to the lungs.5' 7 This
urgency, the value, and the technic of surgical murmur, produced by blood flow through
therapy. bronchial and mediastinal arteries, is usually
well heard over the back.
Type I: Extreme Tetralogy The electrocardiogram invariably demoni-
The anatomic elements underlying this form strates a pattern of right ventricular hyper-
of the anomaly consist of extreme pulmonary trophy. The roentgenologic aspects of this
stenosis or complete atresia of the pulmonary lesion have been well described.6' 8 The over-all
artery associated with a large ventricular heart size tends to be increased in contrast to
septal defect. The resulting hemodynamic the normal heart size usually present in the
characteristics include a large right-to-left classic tetralogy. The collateral vessels pro-
shunt, a severely reduced or nonexistent pul- duce a characteristic nodular hilar pattern and
monary blood flow from the right ventricle, may indent the barium-filled esophagus.
and equalization of pressures in the left and The severe tetralogy may closely resemble
right ventricles. Clinically the typical features tricuspid atresia in its clinical and radiologic
are (cyanosis from birth, marked symptoma- aspects. The electrocardiogram is of conisidera-

ble importance in this differentiation as evi- examination reveals cyanosis and the features
dence of left ventricular dominance is usually accompanying cyanosis, such as clubbing,
present in the latter. A single ventricle with hypertrophied gums, a "geographic" tongue,
transposed great vessels and pulmonary and injection of the conjunctivae. Auscultation
stenosis produces a physiologic derangement reveals a systolic murmur at the left sternal
similar to the severe tetralogy and may be border that may vary considerably in location
difficult to differentiate. A true truncus arteri- and intensity from one patient to the next. A
osus may also enter into the differential diag- grade IV, harsh systolic murmur in the left
nosis should the pulmonary blood flow be third intercostal space might be considered the
greatly reduced. most common finding. The second heart sound
A significant feature of the extreme tetralogy in the pulmonary area probably arises from
that segregates this lesion from the classic the aortic valve closure and may be normal or
tetralogy is the unsatisfactory response to sur- increased in intensity and is pure in quality.
gical measures. The hypoplasia of the main and Clinically patients with the classic form of
at times of the right and left pulmonary ar- tetralogy show cyanosis beginning early in
teries renders the establishment of a systemic childhood, a fairly severe limitation of exercise
anastomosis a very difficult or impossible tolerance, and if untreated usually do not sur-
technical procedure. Moreover, exploration of vive beyond childhood or adolescence.
the hilar areas in search of a suitable vessel for The electrocardiogram demonstrates right
anastomosis frequently results in destruction ventricular hypertrophy.
of the naturally occurring collateral vessels on Radiologic examination reveals a decreased
which the life of these patients is dependent. vascularity of the lung fields, small and quiet
Direct procedures relieving the pulmonary right and left pulmonary arteries, and an ab-
stenosis are of little benefit, since the pul- sent or inconspicuous main pulmonary artery.
monary artery itself is decreased in size or The over-all heart size is characteristically
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atretic. Taussig and Bauersfield5 reported a 26 within normal limits. However, the configura-
per cent mortality in 27 patients considered to tion of the heart reveals the classic "coeur en
represent an extreme tetralogy. Operation was sabot" silhouette and indicates hypertrophy
uniformly fatal in all 4 patients with pulmonary of the right ventricle. An additional characteris-
atresia described by Allanby and associates.7 tic radiologic feature is the occurrence of a right
aortic arch. This abnormality occurs in approxi-
Type II: Classic Tetralogy mately one fourth of patients with the tetralogy
The anatomic constituents of the classic of Fallot. The angiocardiographic studies of
tetralogy may be defined as severe pulmonary Kjellberg and associates12 have demonstrated
stenosis and a large ventricular defect. The clearly the dynamic radiographic features of
hemodynamic changes resulting from the com- the tetralogy. This classic form of the tetralogy
bination are a large right-to-left shunt and a has been well described over a period of many
small left-to-right shunt may also be present. 9-1 years. Case reports are therefore not included
The pulmonary blood flow is decreased with a at this time.
lowered pulmonary artery pressure. Operative therapy can be said to be indi-
The physiologic abnormalities occurring in cated in all patients with the classic tetralogy
the classic tetralogy are well described in the of Fallot. However, at the present time the
reports by various authors.9' 11, 12 The pattern decision as to the type of surgical therapy and
described conforms with the features outlined the time at which such therapy should be insti-
above. tuted is difficult. Five years ago the manage-
The clinical characteristics of patients with ment of these patients was relatively simple.
this typical tetralogy have been lucidly pre- An arterial anastomosis was the only form of
sented by Taussig. Early cyanosis, squatting, therapy and was established either by the
and episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea consti- Blalock-Taussig method or by the Potts'
tute an almost diagnostic triad. The physical technic. Marked symptomatic relief and un-

questionable prolongation of life have been recent literature describing an increased pul-
achieved in many patients by this palliative monary blood flow in the presence of pulmonary
procedure. However, development of the tech- stenosis and have been termed atypical tetral-
nic of pulmonary valvulotomy or infundib- ogy of Fallot. A further source of illustrative
ulectomy has now reached the stage where cases from the literature is found in the descrip-
the mortality rate and the degree of sympto- tion of patients with the classical form of the
matic improvement is equal to or may exceed tetralogy who have had surgical relief of the
that of the shunt procedures. Since the relief pulmonary stenosis. Obliteration of a right-to-
of pulmonary stenosis is a curative rather than left shunt and the appearance of a mild left-
a purely palliative approach, it has been recom- to-right shunt have been documented in such
mended by some authors as the method of patients.13"-"
choice."3 At times, however, when the relief of Data from 7 patients are presented in tables
the infundibular stenosis has been complete, 1 and 2 as additional examples of this form of
or nearly so, an abrupt change in the hemo- the atypical tetralogy. Patients 3 through 8
dynamics may occur. Thus a significant left- represent naturally occurring forms of the
to-right shunt has been noted with the develop- anomaly, while patient 1 illustrates the de-
ment of rapidly increasing heart size and velopment of a type III pattern following di-
congestive failure.14 The most recent phase of rect infundibular resection in a patient with
surgical therapy in the tetralogy consists of the classical form of the tetralogy.
the complete correction of both the pulmonary Patients in this group present a uniform pat-
stenosis and the ventricular defect. This ideal, tern of mild symptomatology and absence of
totally corrective form of therapy is still ac- cyanosis. The physical examination reveals a
companied by a rather high operative mortal- loud systolic murmur with a palpable thrill
ity. A conservative course at the present time along the left sternal border in all patients. The
might be to defer surgery whenever possible, area of maximum intensity of this murmur
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pending further improvement in the truly varied from the second to the fourth left inter-
corrective technics and to carry out a shunting costal space at the sternal border. A short mid-
procedure only on those patients whose clinical diastolic murmur was audible at the apex in 2
course permits no delay. patients. The second heart sound in the pul-
monary area was variable in intensity and de-
Type III: Mlild Tetralogy gree of reduplication. The electrocardiogram
The third suggested subdivision of the revealed a similarly inconsistent pattern, as it
spectrum of the tetralogy of Fallot is composed varied from an essentially normal tracing in 1
of acyanotic patients with minimal symptoms. patient, to right ventricular hypertrophy in 1
The anatomic elements defining this type con- patient, and combined right and left ventricular
sist of pulmonary stenosis of a mild or moderate hypertrophy in at least 1 patient (fig. 2, table
degree accompanying a ventricular septal de- 1). Fluoroscopic features of patients in this
fect of small or moderate size. This combination group also varied widely. The vascularity of
of anatomic features frequently results in an the lung fields varied from normal to slightly
evenly balanced pattern with one defect gov- increased. The size and the amplitude of pulsa-
erning the hemodynamic effects of the other. tion of the main and of the right and left pul-
Shunting of blood through the ventricular de- monary arteries also varied. The heart size was
fect due to its size is limited to relatively small enlarged in all but 2 patients (table 1).
volumes in either a right-to-left or left-to-right At cardiac catheterization the pressures ill
direction. The right ventricular pressure may the right side of the heart varied considerably
be equal to or less than the left ventricular in this group of patients; in 3 patients the right
pressure and the pulmonary arterial pressure ventricular pressure was equal to the left ven-
may be normal (patients 3, 4, 7, 8) or slightly tricular pressure and in the other 3 patients the
elevated (table 2, patients 5, 6). Examples of right ventricular pressure was definitely lower
this lesion are found in the rapidly expanding than in the left ventricle (table 2).

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FIG. 2. Electrocardiogram in a patient with a mild form of the tetralogy of Fallot, patient 5. This
tracing has been interpreted as demonstrating combined right and left ventricular hypertrophv.

Surgical initervenitioni at this time in patients This form of the tetralogy is less common and
belonging to this group is seriously questioned, less well documented in the literature than the
as removal of the pulmonary stenosis may elimi- previous types. The 4 children described by
nate the governing influence on the left-to-right Rowe and associates'6 are considered as repre-
shunt and thereby acutely create a great in- sentative examples of this variant of the
crease in the volume of the pulmonary blood tetralogy. Two of the patients described by
flow that may result in dilatation and failure of Broadbent and associates,17 with pulmnonary
the heart. blood flows of 12 and 12.9 L., might also be
It is probably wise to postpone surgery for included in this category.
patients belonging to this category as long as TwI-o patients, 9 and 10, presented at this
possible and to wait until such time that the time, are considered to fall in this category, one
operative risk of combined closure of the ven- of whom will be described in detail (tables
tricular septal defect and inifundibulectomny is 1 and 2).
more acceptable. Patient 10 was a well developed, acyanotic,
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active, 4-year-old boy who was initially thought

Type IV: Dominant lVentricidar Septal Defect to have a large ventricular septal defect with
This variant is defined by the presence of pulmonary hypertension. Later it was noted
mild infundibular stenosis with a large veii- that the boy had a right aortic arch, and then
tricular septal defect. Physiologically it is char- the diagnosis was changed to a tetralogy of
acterized by a large left-to-right shunt at the Fallot with a left-to-right shunt. The roent-
ventricular level with an increased pulmonary genogram of the heart is presented in figure 3.
blood flow. The pressure in the right ventricle Catheterizationi revealed a considerable left-to-
is usually equal to the left ventricular pressure, right shunt with an iincrement in oxygen
but may be lower. The infundibular stenosis, content of 2.6 volumes per cent in the right
although mild, varies in degree as does the ventricle; the pressure in the right venitric(le was
volume of the pulmonary blood flow, conse- 89/7 mm. Hg, while the pressure in the pulmo-
quently the pressure gradient across the valve nary artery was 35 ,/21 mm. Hg. The pressure
is of varying magnitude. The pressure in. the tracing (fig. 4) obtained on withdrawal of the
pulmonary artery may be normal, but will catheter from the pulmonary artery to the
usually be elevated. As the shunting of blood is right, ventricle suggested the presenc( e of an
from left to right, the peripheral arterial oxygen infundibular chamber.
saturation is normal. At operation a mild infundibular stenosis was
The salient clinical features of this atypical noted with a small infundibular chamlher. The
form of the tetralogy are the absence of ostium infundibulum was estimated at, the
cyanosis, symptoms of slight to moderately time of surgery to be 10 mm. in diameter. This
decreased exercise tolerance with increase in was removed at surgery and a venitricular
heart size and increased vascularity of the lung septal defect was also closed. The operation
fields, and right and left ventricular hyper- was without event, however the patient, sud-
trophy. denly died 6 hours postoperatively. At post-
following removal of the obstruction in the right
ventricular outflow tract. Physiologic studies
obtained before and after operation in 1 of these
patients clearly document a large left-to-right
shunt at the ventricular level postoperatively.
An additional patient, no. 2, in whom in-
fundibular resection was performed, was a well
developed 26-year-old woman who was mark-
edly cyanotic and moderately restricted in her
activities. She was operated upon, and under
hypothermia and circulatory occlusion the
infundibular stenosis was resected adequately.
Postoperatively her color greatly improved;
however, she developed exertional dyspnea,
orthopnea, and dependent edema. She was
digitalized and placed on full therapy for con-
FIG. 3. Roentgenogram of patient 10, with a domi- gestive failure, which responded and cleared
nant ventricular septal defect and a right aortic arch. over a period of 3 months. At the present time,
although her heart has increased in size, she no
longer requires medication. There is no evidence
of cyanosis and her exercise tolerance has
markedly increased over her preoperative
Thus these patients demonstrate the in-
ability of the left ventricle to compensate for
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the acute load that develops with the creation

FIG. 4. Pressure record of patient 10, with a domi- of a large left-to-right shunt. Similar post-
nant ventricular septal defect, obtained on with- operative excessive left-to-right shunts were
drawal of the catheter from the pulmonary artery mentioned by Sell and associates.'8 Thus de-
into the right ventricle. The intermediate pressure
zone is suggestive of the presence of an infundibular
pencling upon the extent of the removal of the
chamber. infundibular stenosis in patients operated upon
by the direct infundibular approach the patient
mortem examination the ventricular septal may be transformed into a mild tetralogy or
defect was found to be completely closed and the type of tetralogy under discussion at this
to measure 18 mm. in diameter. The infundibu- time.
lar chamber was 16 mm. in depth. The pulmo- The problem of relative pulmonary stenosis
nary valve was not stenotic, but was abnormal, must arise at this time. Experience with atrial
as there were only 2 cusps present, 1 large septal defects associated with large pulmonary
cusp that occupied about two thirds of the flows has revealed that considerable systolic
valvular ring, and 1 smaller cusp that occupied pressure gradient may be present between the
the remainder of the ring. The aortic arch was right ventricle and pulmonary artery in the
on the right side (figs. 5 and 6). absence of anatomic pulmonary stenosis. It is
The classical form of tetralogy may be trans- reasonable to assume that this phenomenon
formed into the type of tetralogy under discus- may also occur in patients with a ventricular
sion at this time when the infundibular stenosis septal defect and an increased pulmonary blood
is largely removed without closure of the ven- flow. However, studies of isolated ventricular
tricular septal defect. Two such patients defects have not shown functional pressure
demonstrating this transformation have been gradients comparable to those occurring in
previously reported.'4 They developed a sudden atrial septal defects.'9 The possibility of func-
and excessive increase in pulmonary blood flow tional stenosis might arise in patient 10, in

FIG. 5 Left. Pathologic specimen of heart of patient 10. The left ventricle is opened and the (surgi-
cally closed) ventricular septal defect is visible beneath the aortic valve.
FIG. 6 Right. Pathologic specimen of patient 10. The right ventricle is opened. The infundibular
chamber, and the (surgically closed) ventricular septal defect are seen beneath the bricusl)id pulmo-
nary valve.

whom the systolic pressure in the pulmonary with an isolated ventricular septal defect.
artery was 55 mm. Hg and in the right ventricle Thus, if they have shown a large left-to-right
89 mm. Hg. However, the withdrawal pressure shunt, an enlarged heart, and relatively low
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tracing from the pulmonary artery to the right pulmonary vascular resistance, closure of the
ventricle suggested an infundibular chamber, defect might be considered. The removal of the
and such a chamber was found at the time of mild infundibular stenosis is of se(ondary
operation and postmortem examination, as importance and creates a minor additional prob-
previously described. lem if surgery is undertaken. However, inas-
The previously mentioned accessory diag- much as the mortality and morbidity stem-
nostic features of the tetralogy are also helpful ming from closure of the ventricular septal
in the differential diagnosis. A right aortic arch, defect is still quite high, a conservative ap-
which was present in patient 10, and in 1 of proach is recommended for the time being.
Rowe's patients, 16 is significant. Only rarely is a
right aortic arch noted in patients with an Type V: Dominant Pitlmonar!ty Stenosis
isolated ventricular septal defect. This variation consists of a combination of
This group again offers evidence indicating severe right ventricular outflow obstruction
the minor role played by an "overriding" aorta. and a small ventricular septal defect. The
In the autopsied patient of Rowe the over- systolic pressure in the right ventricle may
riding of the aorta was described as "consider- greatly exceed that in the left ventricle. The
able" and "little different from the classic case consequent right-to-left shunt, howes-er, is
of the malformation." In patient 10, the aorta limited in magnitude by the size of the defect.
also appeared to override the defect and yet This is an uncommon form of the tetralogy and
the shunting occurred exclusively in a left-to- little information is available in the literature
right direction; in addition, there was no prob- regarding its characteristics. Clinically these
lem whatsoever in closing this defect at the patients are often considered to have valvular
time of operation. pulmonary stenosis with an intact ventricular
Relative to surgery, patients with this type septum. Patient 11 is an example of this form
of the tetralogy are to be evaluated as patients and will therefore be discussed in detail.
Patient 11 w-as a 20-year-old white girl. A
heart murmur was heard at the time of birth.
She had led a relatively normal life; however,
she had experienced slight to moderate short-
ness of breath and fatigue on prolonged exertion
for as long as she could remember. She had
noted an increase in shortness of breath and
fatigue with episodes of mild ankle edema
during the past year, and at the time of exami-
nation she could walk only a few blocks at a
slow pace, and could not climb a flight of stairs
without having to stop because of dyspnea and
Physical examination revealed an alert, well
developed young lady. No cyanosis or clubbing
was present. Distinct a-w-aves were noted in
the deep neck veins. There was a slight pre- FIG. 7. Roentgenogranm of patient 11, with a donii-
cordial bulge and precordial activity was llant infundibular stenosis and a right aortic arch.
diffuse. The apex beat was just outside the left
midelavicular line, and a right ventricular lift
was felt beneath and just to the left of the
lower sternum. Palpation also revealed a
systolic thrill along the upper left sternal
border that was maximum in the second left
intercostal space. A grade IV, harsh systolic
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murmur was heard along the left sternal

border, also maximum in the second left inter-
costal space, but loud in the third and fourth
interspaces, and louder in the third than in the
first. The second heart sound in the left second
intercostal space was decreased in intensity.
Fluoroscopy revealed the pulmonary vascu-
larity to be at the lower limits of normal. The
main pulmonary artery was not prominent. The FIG. 8. Electrocardiogram of patient 11, with
heart was moderately enlarged with prominence dominant infundibular stenosis. This tracing has been
interpreted as dlemonst rating right ventricular hyper-
of the right ventricle and right atrium. The trophy.
aortic arch was on the right and the aorta also
descended on the right (fig. 7).
The electrocardiogram revealed evidence of li'mits for this altitude, thus indicating that
severe right ventricular hypertrophy and right there was no significant right-to-left shunting
atrial enlargement (fig. 8). of blood, and there was no evidence of a left-to-
The patient had been referred with the diag- right shunt. The catheter was passed froin the
nosis of isolated valvular pulmonary stenosis. right ventricle through a ventricular septal
However, because of the right aortic arch, and defect into the aorta. The right ventricular
the location of the murmur, it was thought that pressure was 220/10 mm. Hg, while the pres-
she had an atypical form of the tetralogy of sure in the aorta was 120/76 mm. 11g. The
ballot. This latter diagnosis was confirmed by pressure in the pulmonary artery was only 12/8
the information obtained at cardiac catheteri- nmm. Hg. The pressure record oni withdrawal of
zation (table 2). The oxygen saturation of the the catheter from the pulmonary artery to the
peripheral arterial blood was within normal right ventricle suggested an infundibular

operatively and the patient died on the third

postoperative day. At postmortem examination
the findings were as expected. There was a
small, short infundibular chamber with a
fibrous ring forming a very niarrow ostium
infundibulum, which had been partially excised
at surgery. The ventricular septal defect was
very small, being but 5 mm. in diameter, and
iil addition the tricuspid valve leaflet was
positioned in such a manner that it tended to
(lose the defect. The right ventricle was
markedly hypertrophied, being 18 mm. in
thickness (figs. 9, 10, and 11).
A similar patient was demonstrated by
Goetzehe and associates"' with a figure show-
ing a "drawback" from aorta to the right
ventricle with a higher systolic pressure in the
right ventricle than in the aorta. A possibly
similar case is a patient of Brock and Camp-
bell'3 in whom an excessively high right ven-
tricular pressure was recorded.
This type lesion thus masquerades as an iso-
lated pulmonary stenosis, either valvular or
infundibular. It is quite probable that many
patients diagnosed as isolated infundibular
Downloaded from by on August 22, 2021

stenosis may actually not have an intact ven-

tricular septum, but have a small, physiologi-
cally insignificant defect in the septum.
The surgical approach to patients with this
lesion should be directed at complete removal
of the infundibular stenosis. The ventricular
septal defect is small and thus one would not be
concerned with the development of a significant
left-to-right shunt, should the pulmonary
stenosis be completely removed.
Fi(.. 9 Top. Pathologic specimen of patient 11. A The tetralogy of Fallot is the most common
wooden probe is passed through the small ventricular cyanotic congenital cardiac defect that is com-
septal defect which is covered by a tricuspid leaflet. patible with the maintenance of life beyond
FIm. 10 MIiddle. Pathologic specimen of patient infancy and early childhood. It was the first
11. The infundibular chamber is opened and the nar- cyanotic congenital lesion amenable to the
row fibrous ostium infundibulum (which has been re- furtherance of life expectancy by operative
moved partially at surgery) is seen. intervention. Interest in this lesion was also the
Fi(;. 11 Bottonm. Pathologic specimen of patient
11. The ventricular septal defect (indicated by arrow)
main stimulus for the development of our
is seeli beneath the aortic valve. present fund of knowledge relative to con-
genital cardiac defects.
chamber. The right atrial pressure was 17/4 However, because of this early experience
mm. Hg, giant a-waves being present. with the classic tetralogy and the so-called
Iinfunidibulectomy was performed without "blue baby operation," we have in general
evenit, but complications developed post- come to consider that the patient with tetralogy

of ballot must be cyanotic and markedly and a predominantly right-to-left shunt. Howv-
incapacitated. Otherwise, the diagnosis of ever, the patient with the tetralogy of [allot
tetralogy of Fallot is not seriously entertained. may be acyanotic, relatively asymptomatic,
The considerable body of clinical and physio- and masquerade as a patient with ali isolated
logic data in patients with the tetralogy that pulmonary stenosis. The pulmonary stenosis is
has been accumulated over the past 15 years marked and the ventricular septal defect small,
now indicates that the original concept of the resulting in a pressure within the right ventricle
lesion as a single, fairly narrowly limited greatly exceeding that within the left ventricle.
entity is no longer valid. The tetralogy of There will be a minimal right-to-left shunt and
Fallot can now be demonstrated to occupy a no left-to-right shunt.
broad spectrum in the field of congenital The other end of the spectrum also reveals an
cardiac anomalies, presenting in widely varying acyanotic patient with almost full activity.
forms. While the entity has been termed a This patient has a large ventricular septal de-
tetralogy, it is becoming apparent that only 2 fect and a very mild infundibular stenosis with
features, namely, the pulmonary stenosis and a resulting large left-to-right shunt and no
the ventricular septal defect, are essential ill right-to-left shunt. The pressure in the right
the determination of the clinical and physio- ventricle may be equal to or less than that
logic patterns of this defect. within the left ventricle. Pulmonary hyper-
Thus, certainly the right veitri(ular hyper- tension may exist and the systolic pressure
trophy, one of the (lassie components of the gradient between the pulmonary artery and
tetralogy, is a purely secondary phenomenon right ventricle may be minimal. This patient is
and can be dismissed as a significant factor ill usually thought to have a large ventricular
the determination of the clinical picture. The septal defect, and the diagnosis of tetralogy of
role of dextroposition of the aortic root is more [Fallot is not considered.
difficult to assess and possibly not so easily dis- Should we continue the use of the terni
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missed. However, clinical and physiologic evi- tetralogy of [allot? Probably for a Letter
dence together with the findings at operation in understanding of the clinical and hemodynamnic
these patients suggests that the dextroposition features of this anomaly, this term should be
of the aorta is of functional origin and not discarded. However, it is certain that it will dis-
anatomic. appear from our terminology only slowly and
This idea was first noted by Eisenimenigei ill with great reluctance.
his discussion of ventricular septal defect in
1898,20 when he pointed out that in the presence SUMMARIO IN INTER{LIN;GUA
of large ventricular septal defects, the anatomic Le tetralogia de lallot es le plus communti
relationship of the aorta to the membranous congenite defecto cardiac cyanotic anco(ra comi-
portion of the septum is such that overriding patibile con le mantenentia del vita in ultra del
may occur, even though the aorta arises in all prime infantia. Illo esseva le prime congenite
entirely normal position from the left ventricle. lesion cyanotic in que il esseva possilile
Thus, in the tetralogy of Fallot, if the ventricu- meliorar le probabilitate del superviventia per
lar septal defect is closed, there usually is no interventiones chirurgic. Le interesse de iste
technical difficulty relative to the position of the lesion esseva etiam le principal stimulo in le
aorta. disveloppamento de nostre currente fundo de
It is the size of the venitricular defect and the cognoscentias relative a congenite defectos
degree of the pulmonary stenosis and the vary- cardiac.
ing combinations of severity of these 2 defects Tamen, a causa de iste experientias initial in
that are responsible for the clinical and physio- casos del classic tetralogia de Fallot e a causa
logic findings. The classical tetralogy has a del si-appellate operation pro "babies blau,"
moderately sized ventricular septal defect and nos tende a opinar in general que le patiente
a moderate to severe pulmonary stenosis, (Oil tetralogia de Fallot debe esser cyanotic e
resulting in relatively equal pressures in the 2 marcatemente incapacitate. In casos que non
ventricles, a decreased pulmonary blood flow, corresponde a iste conception, le diagnose de

tetralogia de Fallot noni es seriemente prendite ventriculo-septal de magnitude moderate e un

ill consideration. stenosis pulmonar de grado moderate o sever
In le curso del passate 12 annos Un massa con- conl le resultato de relativemente equal pres-
siderabile de datos clinic e physiologic in re siones in le 2 ventriculos, un reducite fluxo de
patientes con tetralogia de l'allot ha essite ac- sanguine pulmonar, e un derivation predomi-
cumulate, e le resultato es que nos debe coI1- nantemente dextero-sinistre. Tamen, patientes
cluder que le conception original de iste lesion con tetralogia de Fallot pote esser acyanotic e
(comlo un sol e satis strictemente circumscripte relativemente asymptomatic, e lor comporta-
enftitate ha perdite su validitate. Il es nunc mento pote similar le comportamento de
possibile demonstrar que le tetralogia de 1Fallot patientes con isolate stenosis pulmonar. In tal
occupa un large spectro in le campo del con- casos le stenosis pulmonar es marcate e le de-
geniite anomalias cardiac e que illo se presenta fecto ventriculo-septal parve, conl le resultato
sub le guisa de multiple variationes. Ben que le que le pression intra le ventriculo dextere excede
entitate ha essite designate como tetralogia, grandemente le pression inltra le veiitriculo si-
il deveni de plus in plus apparente que solmente nistre. Le derivation dextero-sinistre es minimal,
2 tractos-i.e. stenosis pulmonar e defecto e nulle derivation sinistro-dextere es presente.
venitriculo-septal-es essential in le determina- Etiam le altere extremo del spectro monstra
tioIn del configuration clinic e physiologic de iste Unl patiente acyanotic coIn (uasi non-restringite
defecto. activitate. Iste patiente ha un grande defecto
Assi, hypertrophia dextero-ventricular- un ventriculo-septal e un levissime stenosis infun-
del componentes classic del tetralogia-es certo dibular coll le resultato de un pronunciate
un phenomeno purmente secundari e pote esser derivation sinistro-dextere e nulle derivation
rejicite como factor significative in le determi- dextero-sinistre. Le pression in le ventriculo
nationi del tableau clinic. Le rolo de dextro- dextere pote esser equal o inferior al pression
position del radice aortic es plus difficile a in le ventriculo sinistre. Hypertension pul-
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evalutar e possibilemente non pote esser rejicite monar pote exister, e le gradiente de pression
con le mesme grado de assecurantia. Tamen, systolic inter le arteria pulmonar e le ventriculo
observationes clinic e physiologic insimul con dextere pote esser minimal. In casos de iste
constatationes al operation de iste patientes typo, onl conclude usualmente que le patiente ha
pare indicar que le dextroposition del aorta es un grande defecto ventriculo-septal, e le diag-
de origine functional e non anatomic. nose de tetralogia de Fallot non es prendite in
Iste notion esseva primo signalate per Eisen-
menger in su discussion del defecto ventriculo- consideration.
septal in 1898,20 quando ille observava que in Il es probabile que abandonar le termino
le presentia de grande defectos ventriculo- tetralogia de Fallot promoverea le appreciation
septal le relation anatomic inter le aorta e le del characteristicas clinic e hemodynamic de
portion membranose del septo es de natura a iste anomalia, sed il es a expectar que su dis-
render possibile le occurrentia de un caval- parition ab nostre terminologia va esser lente
camento, ben que le sito del origine del aorta e ardue.
ab le ventriculo sinistre es totalmente normal. REFERENCES
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Medical Eponyms
Fick Principle. Professor Adolf Fick (1829-1901) of AWhrzburg discussed "The Measurement
of the Amount of Blood in the Ventricles" (Ueber die Messung des Blutquantums in den Herz-
ventrikeln) on July 9, 1870 before the Physicomedical Society of Wiirzburg. An abstract of his
discussion appears in the Verhandlungen der Physikal.-medicin. Gesellschaft in Wiurzburg. 2 (neue
Folge): Sitzungsberichte fur 1870, pp. xvi-xvii, W0tirzburg, 1872.
"The amount of oxygen taken from the air by an animal during a given time is measured as
well as the amount of carbon dioxide given off. During the experimental period, a sample of arterial
and one of venous blood is also taken. The oxygen content and carbon dioxide content is measured
in both. The difference between the two oxygen measurements reveals how much oxygen each
cubic centimeter of blood has taken up in its passage through the lungs, and thus we know the total
amount of oxygen taken up during a definite period of time. Consequently the number of cubic
centimeters of blood which passed through the lungs during this time may be reckoned, or if w e
divide by the number of heart beats during this period of time, we may determine how many
cubic centimeters of blood were put out with each cardiac svstole."

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