500 Words Essay About Myselft (Health)

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My Name is Keisha Cassandra Chavez my name Keisha was from my grandma at first she thought of the

name Keziah from the bible but when I was born my mom forgot about the spelling so she ends up
naming me Keisha the Cassandra was from the boat that my mom had ride before and she likes the
name Cassandra that’s why my name end up with Keisha Cassandra ,My favorite color is Purple and
Blue, I’m a Introvert my MBTI test says that I’m a ISFP, I love to watch KPOP and movies ,read some
book and listening to some music, I have always love to spend my time either alone or with my family
especially with my cousins I love to have some sleep over with them, I honestly loves to be alone I don’t
know why but I just love to spend my time alone doing my things.

My favorite memory when I was a kid was that when we were still staying at Guimaras my cousins used
to go to there every summer and we always goes to Alubihod resort and my lolo would tells us to sleep
first in the afternoon so we could go swim and we would always play with some soil and help our lolo
with the leaves to swept them so we could put it in the fire so it won’t clatter anywhere and we would
also watch horror movies like Friday the 13th before we sleep.

I’m still unsure if what strand I will going to take when I go to senior high school either STEM or HUMMS
since I’m still unsure if what I course would I take in collage either Law, Medical or Tourism, my self
confidence aren’t great and I’m still working with it to be better, I would say I have a anger issues with
things if it won’t function well and with the people whose toxic at some point that’s why I’m also
working with it, sometimes I would have some panic attack wich aren’t great and I don’t know what to
do but I’m always trying to calm myself because sometimes I don’t know how to tell my parent’s about it
and I’m also working with it, I’m always afraid that other people would judge me and my appearance
and I’m always trying my best to be me, I also loved to spend my time with my friends and classmates,
I’m a little lazy to do my home works that’s why sometimes I would do it last minutes wich aren’t great
that’s why I would motivate myself to do it, and I’m also trying to study well so that I could make my
parent’s proud and I I’m lucky to have them because they are always motivating me and keeps telling
me I did great with every small things I would accomplish,-.

when I study I would listen to some music or while watching KPOP to motivate myself, I also love to
meet some new people to make new friends and all, that’s all about myself. :))

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