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Study Interest Questionnaire (SIQ)

In the following, you will find a number of statements related to your major. Please
indicate in
each case to what extent these statements are true for you.
Answers can range from 1 (not at all true) to 4 (completely true).
1. Feeling-related valences
1) Working with the subject matter and problems of my major is not really among my
2) I don't like to talk much about the subject matter related to my studies.*
3) After a long weekend or vacation I look forward to getting back to my studies.
4) Being involved with my major puts me in a good mood.
5) I prefer to talk about my hobbies rather than about my major.*
6) When I am in a library or bookstore, I like to browse through magazines or books
having to
do with topics related to my major.
7) Many areas within my major don't mean anything to me.*
2. Value-related valences
8) It was of great personal importance to me to be able to study this particular subject.
9) To be absolutely honest, I feel sometimes rather indifferent towards my major.*
10) The subject matter of my major has in fact very little to do with my self-realization.*
11) Compared to other things that are of great importance to me (e.g., hobbies, social
life), my
studies are of markedly less significance to me.*
12) Working with particular subject matter is more important to me than leisure and
13) Even before I started studying, my current major was important to me.
14) I'm certain that studying my major has a positive influence on my personality
A. Study Interest Questionnaire (SIQ)
In the following, you will find a number of statements related to your major. Please
indicate in
each case to what extent these statements are true for you.
Answers can range from 1 (not at all true) to 4 (completely true).
1. Feeling-related valences
1) Working with the subject matter and problems of my major is not really among my
2) I don't like to talk much about the subject matter related to my studies.*
3) After a long weekend or vacation I look forward to getting back to my studies.
4) Being involved with my major puts me in a good mood.
5) I prefer to talk about my hobbies rather than about my major.*
6) When I am in a library or bookstore, I like to browse through magazines or books
having to
do with topics related to my major.
7) Many areas within my major don't mean anything to me.*
2. Value-related valences
8) It was of great personal importance to me to be able to study this particular subject.
9) To be absolutely honest, I feel sometimes rather indifferent towards my major.*
10) The subject matter of my major has in fact very little to do with my self-realization.*
11) Compared to other things that are of great importance to me (e.g., hobbies, social
life), my
studies are of markedly less significance to me.*
12) Working with particular subject matter is more important to me than leisure and
13) Even before I started studying, my current major was important to me.
14) I'm certain that studying my major has a positive influence on my personality
A. Study Interest Questionnaire (SIQ)
In the following, you will find a number of statements related to your major. Please
indicate in each case to what extent these statements are true for you.
Answers can range from 1 (not at all true) to 4 (completely true).
Feeling-related valences
1) Working with the subject matter and problems of my major is not really among my
favorite activities.*
2) I don't like to talk much about the subject matter related to my studies.*
3) After a long weekend or vacation I look forward to getting back to my studies.
4) Being involved with my major puts me in a good mood.
5) I prefer to talk about my hobbies rather than about my major.*
6) When I am in a library or bookstore, I like to browse through magazines or books
having to do with topics related to my major.
7) Many areas within my major don't mean anything to me.*

Value-related valences
8) It was of great personal importance to me to be able to study this particular subject.
9) To be absolutely honest, I feel sometimes rather indifferent towards my major.*
10) The subject matter of my major has in fact very little to do with my self-realization.*
11) Compared to other things that are of great importance to me (e.g., hobbies, social
life), my studies are of markedly less significance to me.*
12) Working with particular subject matter is more important to me than leisure and
13) Even before I started studying, my current major was important to me.
14) I'm certain that studying my major has a positive influence on my personality

Intrinsic orientation
15) If I had enough time, I would work more intensively with certain aspects of my
studies, even if they had nothing to do with any course requirements.
16) I am confident that I have chosen the major that corresponds to my personal
17) Even before coming to college I voluntarily spent time thinking about the subject
matter of my major (e.g., read books, went to lectures, had conversation with others).
18) I chose my major primarily because of the interesting subject matter involved

I am very interested in learning.
I think what we are learning in school is interesting.
I like what I am learning in school. Liking for I enjoy learning new things in class.
I think learning is boring.
I like my school.
I am proud to be at this school.
Most mornings, I look forward to going to school.
I am happy to be at this school.
I try hard to do well in school.
In class, I work as hard as I can.
When I’m in class, I participate in class activities.
I pay attention in class.
When I’m in class, I just act like I’m working.
In school, I do just enough to get by.
When I’m in class, my mind wanders.
If I have trouble understanding a problem, I go over it again until I understand it.
When I run into a difficult homework problem, I keep working at it until I think I’ve solved
I am an active participant of school activities such as sport day and school picnic.
I volunteer to help with school activities such as sport day and parent day.
I take an active role in extracurricular activities in my school.

When I study, I try to understand the material better by relating it to things I already
When I study, I figure out how the information might be useful in the real world.
When learning new information, I try to put the ideas in my own words.
When I study, I try to connect what I am learning with my own experiences.
I make up my own examples to help me understand the important concepts I learn from
When learning things for school, I try to see how they fit together with other things I
already know.
When learning things for school, I often try to associate them with what I learnt in other
classes about the same or similar things.
I try to see the similarities and differences between things I am learning for school and
things I know already.
I try to understand how the things I learn in school fit together with each other.
I try to match what I already know with things I am trying to learn for school.
I try to think through topics and decide what I’m supposed to learn from them, rather
than studying topics by just reading them over.
When studying, I try to combine different pieces of information from course material in
new ways.

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