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Beneficiary wise claim details

1. Beneficiary ID:

2. Beneficiary Name:

3. Hospital Name:

4. Hospital Region/City: null , null

5. Referral ID:

6. Date of Referral:

7. Date and time of admission/consultation/investigation:

8. Date and time of discharge: NA

9. Case ID:
Claim details as available in the Transaction Management System(TMS) module:

(Rs. in actuals)

Sr.No. Referral/Emergency Package Code Package name/ OPD/IPD Amount of the Amount claimed by
/Planned Treatment/ package hospital
Investigation details


It is certified that the claim is genuine.No such payment has ever been claimed and the same claim will not be submitted in future.

Competent Authority of the Hospital

Dr. Harshita G. Patel MEDCO

This document is generated and verified by an Aadhaar authenticated user

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