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Regulation of Intermodal Transportation


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Regulation of Intermodal Transportation

Democracy is attributable to features such as a free-market economy, among others.

The free-market feature denotes that the state should not interfere with the market;

instead, it should self-regulate itself. While the U.S. is one of the major proponents of

democratic practices, it has numerously flaunted this element and interfered with an array

of industries by enacting regulations. I agree with the author that the government ought to

play an active role in intermodal transport, especially in enabling the adoption of technology

since it aids in the promotion of national goals.

Government regulations aid in streamlining industries toward achieving specific

goals and objectives. By establishing a legal framework in the nuclear sector, the U.S.

government has created an enabling environment for trade to thrive ((“U.S nuclear power

policy”, 2021). This is because the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continues to play

an active role in licensing the players, inspecting the facilities, and establishing standards.

Through this legal framework, the industry has grown exponentially and has become a

major employer. In this view, regulating the Intermodal Transportation system will aid in

adopting the best practices and establish a level playing ground for all the players.

Moreover, regulation will aid in adopting existing technological practices and

innovations. Failing to create a regulatory framework promotes anarchy in the sector. It

promotes the use of orthodox techniques that go against existing national goals such as

energy conservation, improvement of air quality, and international competitiveness (“49

U.S. code S 5501”). However, government interference through the enactment of a legal

framework will establish research and evidence-based body that will aid in creating policies

that promote the industry's growth. This scope of view ensures improved access to ports,

airports, and other transportation channels. Hence, supporting Intermodal transportation

through the use of innovations and technology.

Overall, I agree that government regulation will promote the intake of the latest

innovative practices and technological solutions in the intermodal transportation system.

Like in the energy sector, regulations will enforce adherence to a framework that promotes

national goals. The regulations will aid in creating a channel for incorporating the best

practices and solutions.



49 U.S. code § 5501 - National intermodal transportation system policy. (1991, December

18). LII / Legal Information Institute.

US nuclear power policy | Nuclear energy policy USA - World Nuclear Association. (2021).

World Nuclear Association - World Nuclear Association.


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